Yea except Rebellion completely blew this the fuck out of the water.
I'll have to verify that in more detail myself. I'm not so sure the modifications and witch-powerups they scripted in directly contradict "cyberization"/symbiosis, so without refreshing my memory I have to continue with my interpretation. One way or the other, I think we are both trying to answer "where is the humanity of a de-witched girl." If you are right, de-witching is already theoretically complete, we just need to execute it longer.
Understand the technique in front of us. Rionna is seemingly taking big risks. Not that this is true.
She has confidence that we are all within her one-shot capability if we turn hostile.
Her experience and her magic let her directly inspect our intent on some level. She can afford to be bad at social, because she has an unreasonable way to make up for her weakness.
Perhaps some of you would liken her to "Armsmaster?"
Therefore, big declarations up front. She will read our intent.
Our large concern was just answered, we have her in privacy. Give her something, then go down to our next smallest concerns, Kyuubey and witchbomb.
Kaizuki has a reply for Rionna that causes less problems.
Get to a good stopping point, and let her get some sleep.
[X] Explain your belief that you are a product of a wish. Omit any suspicion of
whose wish in particular -- multiple timelines, Madokami, and Madoka's potential should all remain tightly suppressed.
-[X] Give evidence: no history, sudden appearance, strange knowledge. Omit any mention of
personal knowledge (Mami, Homura, etc) but note both general knowledge & specifics of Puella Magi system.
-[X] Hijiri exists
-[X] please describe our soul in detail?
[X] we have a reason to want her here
-[X] what is her reason to seek us?
-[X] can we work together?
[X] Kyuubey talk
-[X] ask about regular souls / our soul
-[X] re Hijiri - are we like wish created, or witch human?
[X] witchbomb status / protect innocents
-[X] why we infosec, and what we expect.
[X] discuss powers, read her witch name, clear seed talk
[X] return to Mami
[X] telepathy Niko
[X] Ask how late she wants to talk tonight
[X] Our local history
[X] her history
[X] We have people to gather, that want to meet her.
[X] write out a few bilingual notes for her to use with the hotel staff
-[X] and a written address for her to meet us at
-[X] and imply that she could use the hotel's business card to communicate her return destination in a taxi.