Since people are suggesting synergistic options for the "lessons/damages" combo:
First, refining the suggestion I made earlier:
There is a pair of diametrically opposite lesson/damage outcomes to learn.
Lesson: We
can trust ourselves.
-We were one of the more competent individuals present, and it was through our confidence and decisive actions that Abelhelm's vision was fulfilled despite his own demise.
-Abelhelm was right to put his trust in us. Calls back to one of our last private sessions with Abelhelm.
-He told us we're the second most powerful individual in Stirland and we should have confidence in ourselves, and in the end we proved him right.
Damage: We can trust ourselves
and nobody else.
-The wrong, traumatic lesson to learn from the same events.
-Become paranoid and micromanaging. Assume that delegated tasks will fail and be driven to do everything ourselves.
As for the synergistic combo to fit what seems is going to be our choice to remain Spymaster of Stirland:
We can trust ourselves (My own) + A weighty burden. (@veekie's)
-We can trust ourselves, but the weight Abelhelm trusted to us is nonetheless grave and staggering, and rightly gives us pause.
-We must do our utmost to rise to the tasks ahead of us, even if it means squeezing ourselves empty at the end.