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[X][ACTION] Fight him into submission before you do anything else.
[X][RESOLUTION] Consult the sorcerers for their opinions on magic solutions (next update has a vote on the various options the sorcerers present).
-[X][RESOLUTION] Try to secure his cooperation with your decision on what to do with him.
Not to change the subject, but...

Is anyone else surprised at how much longer year 5 has been than the rest of the quest? I mean, we spent about 1 IRL year to get from the beginning of the quest to year 5, and it has been about six IRL months since then and we're still not out of said year.

Not, I hasten to add, that I'm complaining. This quest is so well written that I didn't even notice this until I looked at the dates on the threadmarks a second ago. And then it was all "We've been in year five for HOW long?"

The same actually recently occurred to me as well, thus why I really picked up the pace towards the end of the year. It was starting to drag a little.
Talk about a busy time to be a Scion. Year 1 was the sealing, Year 2 the GO and Garenhuld council, Year 3 was Maya being discovered, Year 4 are scouts attacking and ki being revealed, Year 5 are the fallout from that, the discovery of saiyan rebels and a dragon attacking with the Genki dama being rediscovered and both ki concentration and overdrive being used in battle against it, Year 6 will be an alien invasion and hopefully Year 7 will be freeing Jaffur...

Holy crap, Jaffur will have spent 6 frigging years trapped!
So what are our training priorities looking like for next year? Tein style, multiform, spirit bomb and sensing?

Edit: Oh, and Jaffurs one weird trick.
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Well, we would have 16 actions to spend. 2 would have to go to school so 14. 1 to train the misfits, 1 more to train Maya in particular if we wish to, 1 to train our sight, 1 to visit Jaffur, at least 2 for a stewardship action... that leaves 8. 1 for Tien style, 7. Say we wanted to take both stewardship options and study magic to help Jaffur, that leaves 4. We could probably use those to shore up genki dama, ki concentration, command training and aim for PM. That would leave us with no actions.

Of course, it is very likely we would have extra options to help prepare for the invasion or investigate the prison break so it is a bit early to consider this.

Edit: We could just not take one of the stewrdship actions to free up 2. We were warned last year we were only expected to tke 1 after all.

Edit: I forgot we have to train Mind Delve. So yeah, take only 1 stewardship, add train mind delve and leave 1 to relax.

Edit: We might want to use the train Maya action to give her a brief introduction to Saiyan culture.
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We dropped the saiyan facing stewardship action this year didn't we? If we had to pick that or human-facing I'd rather the former.
We dropped the saiyan facing stewardship action this year didn't we? If we had to pick that or human-facing I'd rather the former.
So we ignore the humans after we asked them for their energy?

But yeah, since we are preparing for war and freeing Jaffur the year aftee, it is time to enter the political scene in full. We took advantage of the momentum from GO at the council, we should do the same with the fame from spirit bomb.

Admitedly, I hope we get some info from the human side reaction before the year is over.
I think we drop even more training than that. We're going to follow up on the huge windfall of political capital we just got, and frankly almost everything fighting-related can wait a bit.
An action on PM for the extra action (we've so far lost 3 actions letting this get replaced etc. we HAVE to do this), an action on Jaffur's trick and an action on Ki Sense for All Is One because it's Spirit Bomb related - if this wasn't a thing I'd say we take Spirit Bomb instead because from now on any serious threat is our job to beat, and that's how we'll be doing it.

EDIT: We also might want to spend an action writing down as much advice about the spirit bomb we can give without jeapordising the ability to make the final step for yourself. Right now we're a single point of failure with it, and if we get KO'd or killed it's game over. It would also be an immensely popular move (if that even has any effect at this point) and it's not a politically dangerous technique - if a rebel has enough support to pull it off, the SSJs in charge have become complete monsters. Given how the text will involve talking about interconnectedness (and is likely to be taken as a holy book by the Cult) we can probably slip in a few things about our views on violence etc. too.
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Yeah as much as we'd like to take it as easy as possible next year, that's gonna be difficult. After the Spirit Bomb we're gonna need to take the both the Saiyan and Human facing stewardship actions, we will need to explain ourselves to both sides here. Berra is probably going to be running interference for us as much as he can, and people are going to be distracted preping for the invasion, so there will be some relief.

Also I see Kakara as leveraging the idea she talked about when gathering energy, the "Together we are strong" sentiment, to try and push for peace with Aramaians and Tastreyan, and lay the groundwork for a possible peaceful solution with Tamar's people. We know from the scouts that they are refugee's not a proper invading army, and there are large swaths of land that no one uses. Its a long shot, but better to try and fail I think. HIFL but, I have NO idea what Karen's school situation is going to be now, I've never gone to school with Saint Princess God-killer She Who is Going to Lead our Armies against the Invaders, so I've got no frame of reference but aside from the MIsfits who already know us the rest of the school has got to be some level of weirded out.

That on top of visiting Jaffur and shoring up our Style training, also I'm not sure we should train up Spirit Bomb more at the moment, its very good at what it does, but I can't see it being super useful against Tamar. Also it would definitely blow our cover as Saiyan's or at least decedents of Earth if we have to use it, I can't imagine the Spirit Bomb and Goku are separable in the context of the Legend's about it.

Also forgot to add, I'm still against Sealing the Dragon into Kakara. Just on the grounds that she doesn't need MORE action sinks. I still think ideally we'd seal it in Maya, give her a nice power-up and a story arc to follow that not just "has a crush on Karen". But I think that unlikely to happen, otherwise I'm still for just making our Dragon tiny and gaining a Team Mascot character for the Misfits while we slowly work to Diplomance him until we ether turn him into an friend or he dramatically betrays us and escapes.
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Yeah as much as we'd like to take it as easy as possible next year, that's gonna be difficult. After the Spirit Bomb we're gonna need to take the both the Saiyan and Human facing stewardship actions, we will need to explain ourselves to both sides here. Berra is probably going to be running interference for us as much as he can, and people are going to be distracted preping for the invasion, so there will be some relief.

Also I see Kakara as leveraging the idea she talked about when gathering energy, the "Together we are strong" sentiment, to try and push for peace with Aramaians and Tastreyan, and lay the groundwork for a possible peaceful solution with Tamar's people. We know from the scouts that they are refugee's not a proper invading army, and there are large swaths of land that no one uses. Its a long shot, but better to try and fail I think. HIFL but, I have NO idea what Karen's school situation is going to be now, I've never gone to school with Saint Princess God-killer She Who is Going to Lead our Armies against the Invaders, so I've got no frame of reference but aside from the MIsfits who already know us the rest of the school has got to be some level of weirded out.

That on top of visiting Jaffur and shoring up our Style training, also I'm not sure we should train up Spirit Bomb more at the moment, its very good at what it does, but I can't see it being super useful against Tamar. Also it would definitely blow our cover as Saiyan's or at least decedents of Earth if we have to use it, I can't imagine the Spirit Bomb and Goku are separable in the context of the Legend's about it.

Also forgot to add, I'm still against Sealing the Dragon into Kakara. Just on the grounds that she doesn't need MORE action sinks. I still think ideally we'd seal it in Maya, give her a nice power-up and a story arc to follow that not just "has a crush on Karen". But I think that unlikely to happen, otherwise I'm still for just making our Dragon tiny and gaining a Team Mascot character for the Misfits while we slowly work to Diplomance him until we ether turn him into an friend or he dramatically betrays us and escapes.
We won't be sealling into Maya, because I suspect most of the people voting to seal it into Kakara would balk at doing something so awful and risky to our friend, and nearly all of the people against it would agree.

But yes, we already have so many action sinks leading to power.
All roads lead to power. But not all roads retain sanity, self-worth, respect, or morality.

And not all types of power are equal.
We won't be sealling into Maya, because I suspect most of the people voting to seal it into Kakara would balk at doing something so awful and risky to our friend, and nearly all of the people against it would agree.

But yes, we already have so many action sinks leading to power.
I know we won't, but I still like to bring it up, hope springs eternal and all that. Besides my Fear that Maya will essentially turn into our Piccolo or Gohan, powerful enough to do things but not powerful enough to ever really seem to matter, I just want her to have something that's not "In Love with Karen" as a character arc. But that leads me to my musing on future power ups for people...hrmm

I'm gonna spoiler this stuff both because it mentions things from DB Super and also because it's very off topic and people can more easily ignore it this way.
For Kakara, while I like the idea of her discovering whatever we would call GT's SSJ4 (Which I don't think exists in this), its more likely that she'd end up following in Vegeta's footsteps and eventually progress to whatever Blue2 is.

Jaffur is more likely to follow Goku's path of combining Kaio-ken with transformations.

Maya is a bit iffy, as a human there are no native transformations for her and while she likes Ki stuff I don't see her obsessively focusing on training Kaio-ken or multiple styles like Jaffur might, so the only power up options I see for her are something like the Mystic boost.

Also while the Misfits are probably gonna stick around as backup for a long time they are more likely to develop secondary support skills then outright combat stuff. Except for maybe Jenny if we can somehow turn her into a Gero style android!
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We should teach the misfits who aren't Maya and Jaron stuff like Ki Healing, Multiform (for scouting), telepathy, etc. Teach them support skills.

Worth noting that virtually all of them are already stronger than Saiyan Seers/Sorcerers tend to be, when they aren't us/Jaffur.
We should teach the misfits who aren't Maya and Jaron stuff like Ki Healing, Multiform (for scouting), telepathy, etc. Teach them support skills.
I'm down for making them a kickass support crew. Also Gemina looks like the makings of a proto-Bulma, so helping her as she develops her tendency for science might be a good idea.

Hrmm you know if we had gone tinker in character creation we'd probably have had a chance to hear about/interact with who ever is making the Rockets and Nukes by now....also 50 Zeni on it being a relative of Gemina's
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Replying to things now I'm not on my phone and can quote without dying inside:

As regards raising average planetary power level...

Of the boost we're getting from Spirit Saiyan, almost all of that is the Exiles. Average Exile power level of 1.5 to 2 million, multiplied by 300,000 Exiles, gives 450 to 600 billion.

The population of Garenhuld is almost certainly less than that of Earth given how many utterly desolate and unpopulated areas the planet has. As a rough guide, we can estimate about three billion. If every single Garenhulder trained their power level up to 1,000, that would give us something like 3 trillion- less if Garenhuld is noticeably less populous than that, which I suspect.
True, but given just how popular we expect the show to be I would not be surprised if the average PL of a Garenhulder hit triple digits within a decade - which is hundreds of billions. It would be enough to maybe double the Spirit Bomb's output if the average was 200 for example. Remember that anyone vaguely interested in being able to fight (every member of a military for example) will likely far exceed that and drag the average up significantly.

And I'm not sure Spirit Saiyan alone will make us a match for the Enemy. It's a LOT of ki... but ultimately, it is specifically and only ki. Beating the Enemy may well require something more than that.
Yeah, especially since I'm pretty sure we hit roughly Saiyan God levels of power there - extremely impressive, but the enemy beat Gohan when he went SSG.

I'm 90% sure it's going to be raised when we consult with them. I presume if they say the risks are not significant, you would be more okay with it?
I'll eat my hat if they concur that that's the case, but I'd probably vote to suggest sealing it into a Super Saiyan who wasn't us - we're currently the only one who can deal with the dragon if something does go wrong in the future.

What little ground beneath you was left in one piece explodes, digging a crater large enough to be seen from space. The golden globe of light blankets everything, until everybody present stands within it.
Willpower Check: Can Kakara Control Spirit Saiyan? [DC ???]: 143, holy shit, yes she can!
At the center, it's calm. Strange. You remember the legends saying that Goku went berserk when he did this. Maybe he just wasn't ready for it.
So what do you guys think the effect of the crit was? The DC was apparently obscenely high, but there was a possibility of passing without critting so I suspect it's related to how the centre appears calm and easy to handle instead of a roaring torrent we can barely control. Maybe it'll be permanent, and we won't have to roll to control going Spirit Saiyan in the future?
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Fusion dance with Jaffur so he can add magic to the mix?
>Use Fusion Dance, an extremely dangerous technique that hasn't been rediscovered by the Exiles in large part due to the high lethality of testing it, while using Spirit Saiyan form

This is the best idea since sticking an enemy psychic in our head.

EDIT: Wait, you probably mean do the dance first. I'm not sure our fusion will be able to do the Spirit Bomb, but that's a lot more sane at least.
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>Use Fusion Dance, an extremely dangerous technique that hasn't been rediscovered by the Exiles in large part due to the high lethality of testing it, while using Spirit Saiyan form

This is the best idea since sticking an enemy psychic in our head.
Most of the exiles don't have a direct line with people who actually do know how to use it, though.
So what do you guys think the effect of the crit was? The DC was apparently obscenely high, but there was a possibility of passing without critting so I suspect it's related to how the centre appears calm and easy to handle instead of a roaring torrent we can barely control. Maybe it'll be permanent, and we won't have to roll to control going Spirit Saiyan in the future?

I forgot what page it was mentioned but I'm pretty sure the DC was something silly like 96, failing wouldn't have hurt us but we would have went all berserker on the dragon with much in the way of input.

I suspect that the nat hundo might have lowered the DC should this very specific situation happen again, getting better at spirit bomb might help as well.
Replying to things now I'm not on my phone and can quote without dying inside:

True, but given just how popular we expect the show to be I would not be surprised if the average PL of a Garenhulder hit triple digits within a decade - which is hundreds of billions. It would be enough to maybe double the Spirit Bomb's output if the average was 200 for example. Remember that anyone vaguely interested in being able to fight (every member of a military for example) will likely far exceed that and drag the average up significantly.

Yeah, especially since I'm pretty sure we hit roughly Saiyan God levels of power there - extremely impressive, but the enemy beat Gohan when he went SSG.

I'll eat my hat if they concur that that's the case, but I'd probably vote to suggest sealing it into a Super Saiyan who wasn't us - we're currently the only one who can deal with the dragon if something does go wrong in the future.

So what do you guys think the effect of the crit was? The DC was apparently obscenely high, but there was a possibility of passing without critting so I suspect it's related to how the centre appears calm and easy to handle instead of a roaring torrent we can barely control. Maybe it'll be permanent, and we won't have to roll to control going Spirit Saiyan in the future?
The willpower check was so that we wouldn't go berserk. The effect is that we have a vote instead of directly attacking the dragon.
I forgot what page it was mentioned but I'm pretty sure the DC was something silly like 96, failing wouldn't have hurt us but we would have went all berserker on the dragon with much in the way of input.
Yeah, I meant that we didn't need a crit just to make passing possible so there was still room for a crit to do something special.
I suspect that the nat hundo might have lowered the DC should this very specific situation happen again, getting better at spirit bomb might help as well.
That's also possible, though I think a success would have lowered it too just due to experience. I could buy it lowering it by more, but I'm hoping we skip it completely - total calm at the eye of the storm sounds different to just doing a real good job of handling it.

The willpower check was so that we wouldn't go berserk. The effect is that we have a vote instead of directly attacking the dragon.
Yes, my question was what you think the effect of it being a crit 100 instead of a regular pass will be?
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