Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Voting is open
There's been a lot of close votes in this quest, but this might be the first time three different sets of options have been so neck and neck. Involvement in the library is only separated by six, while both name of the library and name of the research branch are swinging based on one vote.

This isn't even a plan vote, how did this happen.
There's been a lot of close votes in this quest, but this might be the first time three different sets of options have been so neck and neck. Involvement in the library is only separated by six, while both name of the library and name of the research branch are swinging based on one vote.

This isn't even a plan vote, how did this happen.
its pretty low tension on the names. so that helps
I guess I'll take a moment to shill my preferred names, since it's all so close. Kron-Azril-Ungol has a really cool double meaning:
And if we're going for Khazalid double meanings - the titular "Silvery Depths" of Vala-Azril-Ungol were the gromril veins that the Ancestor Gods mined from this spot. The Library of the Silvery Depths would thus be simultaneously the Library that records the greatest deeds ever done, and the Library that is as gromril is, enduring and forever.
And as for WEBIR, I just like the idea of Mathilde giving innocent looks to people accusing her of naming it after herself: "What do you mean? No I didn't. Weber is spelled completely differently." Take it from an inveterate punster: subverting your own punning tendencies and dropping a giant anti-joke when people are expecting you to make a pun is one of the best forms of trolling in existence. The groans are like heroin. I can't get enough.
Not so much a contradiction as you might think. Hand-written newsletters distributed to the public known as 'avvisi' were rabble-rousing as early as the 1500s, long before advancements in printing presses dragged the price of books down from 'hand-copied by a monk somewhere' prices.

If I recall Martin Luther was one such right? Fun times.
Yikes, this is another close vote. Well... let me just slip these in lol.

[X] (LIBRARY NAME) The Library of Karak-Eight-Peaks / Kron-Azril-Ungol / The Archive of the Silvery Depths

[X] (BRANCH NAME) World's Edge Branch of Intersectional Research
I guess I'll take a moment to shill my preferred names, since it's all so close. Kron-Azril-Ungol has a really cool double meaning:

And as for WEBIR, I just like the idea of Mathilde giving innocent looks to people accusing her of naming it after herself: "What do you mean? No I didn't. Weber is spelled completely differently." Take it from an inveterate punster: subverting your own punning tendencies and dropping a giant anti-joke when people are expecting you to make a pun is one of the best forms of trolling in existence. The groans are like heroin. I can't get enough.
And the hit is just so good.

I'm convinced on the Library name.

[X] (LIBRARY NAME) The Library of Karak-Eight-Peaks / Kron-Azril-Ungol / The Archive of the Silvery Depths
[X] (LIBRARY) Head Librarian
[X] (BRANCH NAME) World's Edge Branch for the Multidisciplinary Advancement of Thaumaturgy
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Ok @picklepikkl , but is it better than the groan when they realize it's her name, followed by the longer, deeper groan when they realize this is the second time she's done it?
Ok @picklepikkl , but is it better than the groan when they realize it's her name, followed by the longer, deeper groan when they realize this is the second time she's done it?
Algard: WEBIR? Seriously?
Mathilde: *grinning like the Cheshire Cat*
Algard: After yourself?
Mathilde: It's not! It's spelled completely differently!
Algard: *weary sigh* At least you had a sense of decorum and stopped short of enshrining your name into College institutions.
Mathilde: *grin widens and remains as the rest of her fades away*
Algard: ...shit. What did she get by me?

I rest my case.
[X] (LIBRARY NAME) The Library of Karak-Eight-Peaks / Kron-Azril-Ungol / The Archive of the Silvery Depths

The rest I'm fine with, but worlds memory sounds way too presumptive when you have people whose personal knowledge (Malekith, Slann, Nagash, dragons) will outstrip that of the libraries institutional knowledge for at least a few centuries.
I guess I'll take a moment to shill my preferred names, since it's all so close. Kron-Azril-Ungol has a really cool double meaning:

And as for WEBIR, I just like the idea of Mathilde giving innocent looks to people accusing her of naming it after herself: "What do you mean? No I didn't. Weber is spelled completely differently." Take it from an inveterate punster: subverting your own punning tendencies and dropping a giant anti-joke when people are expecting you to make a pun is one of the best forms of trolling in existence. The groans are like heroin. I can't get enough.
...Well fuck. That's me sold.

[X] (BRANCH NAME) World's Edge Intersectional Research Department

[X] (LIBRARY) Head Librarian
Not entirely sure which of Head Librarian of High Level Policy I prefer so I'll leave that part blank.

[X] (LIBRARY NAME) The Library of Karak-Eight-Peaks / Kron-Azril-Ungol / The Archive of the Silvery Depths

[X] (BRANCH NAME) World's Edge Intersectional Research Department
[x] (BRANCH NAME) World's Edge Institute of Research & Development​
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Like, for example, a sudden demand for copied books of all shapes and sizes caused by the establishment of a Great Library, inducing a rapid development in printing technologies? 🧐
If only there was an option presented that allowed us to invest resources in ensuring the accurate and cost effective reproduction of script.

Totally unrelatedly...

[X] (LIBRARY) Head Librarian
Do they have wood cut prints but not movable type yet, then?

Engraved wood or acid-etched metal, yes.

Given the sophistication of various engineering endeavors (steam engines, etc) I'm somewhat surprised nobody's had the idea for movable type yet, although I suppose it's not beyond the realm of understanding that with all the craziness going on in Warhammer the order things were invented could be wildly different, even by centuries.

Johannes Gutenberg didn't have to contend with cultists of Scripsisti, Goddess of Calligraphy and Writing, doing everything they can to push back against the printing press.
Algard: WEBIR? Seriously?
Mathilde: *grinning like the Cheshire Cat*
Algard: After yourself?
Mathilde: It's not! It's spelled completely differently!
Algard: *weary sigh* At least you had a sense of decorum and stopped short of enshrining your name into College institutions.
Mathilde: *grin widens and remains as the rest of her fades away*
Algard: ...shit. What did she get by me?

I rest my case.
...Have they still not noticed? I seem to remember something about Boney making a comment on the likelihood of some random student stumbling across it or something, but... good gods, I really want to see Algard's face if and when it finally dawns on him. It's always amusing when people realize that Mathilde's habit of being loud and proud is mostly just a cover for her being really fucking sneaky.
The rest I'm fine with, but worlds memory sounds way too presumptive when you have people whose personal knowledge (Malekith, Slann, Nagash, dragons) will outstrip that of the libraries institutional knowledge for at least a few centuries.
I'm still waffling about which library vote I like better, but here's why I do like World's Memory to some degree.

I think that World's Memory works better if you think of it less as "all knowledge in the world" and more "the memory that belongs to the world". Dragons and Slann aren't likely to share their knowledge any time soon, but this is a library available to the public.

Also, an intended purpose of this library is that it is a source of knowledge that will last. I don't think it is inaccurate to say this will be the "memory" of the Order factions from now on: and that is the world that most of the people with access to this library live in.

Now, my problem with World's Memory is that the phrase doesn't necessarily scream "I am talking about a library" to me... It's a very apt description, but it doesn't feel like a name to me.
Johannes Gutenberg didn't have to contend with cultists of Scripsisti, Goddess of Calligraphy and Writing, doing everything they can to push back against the printing press.
Warhammer would have an order of crack assassin scribes who murder anybody who comes up with convenient methods of printing, wouldn't it?
1) World's memory is far more poetic than Archive of silvery depths
2) "Archive of silvery depths" clearly lack ambition

As the one who came up with the name, I feel the need to defend it. The commonly used Reikspiel name I intend for the library is "The Library of Karak-Eight-Peaks". This isn't particularly poetic, but I think that it has its own charm in the form of being direct and understated - I'm going for a "Library of Alexandria" effect here, with the Library becoming so renowned that it makes the name "Karak-Eight-Peaks" synonymous with knowledge in and of itself.

The wordplay comes in with the Khazalid - the true name of Karak-Eight-Peaks, to the dwarves, is Vala-Azril-Ungol: "The Queen of the Silvery Depths". The titular "silvery depths" are the gromril veins in K8P that the ancestor gods personally discovered and mined out (which Johann saw).

As such, the most proper translation into Khazalid for "The Library of Karak-Eight-Peaks" is "Kron-Azril-Ungol" - literally, "The Archive of the Silvery Depths". But because of the way Khazalid works, this also has a metaphorical meaning attached to it - the Library that is as the Silvery Depths were - ergo, the Library that is a legendary deed, the library that records legendary deeds, the library that is as gromril is, enduring and forever.

And yes, there is Word of Boney that these meanings actually exist.
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[x] (LIBRARY) Head Librarian
[x] (LIBRARY NAME) The Library of Karak-Eight-Peaks / Kron-Azril-Ungol / The Archive of the Silvery Depths
[x] (BRANCH NAME) World's Edge Branch of Intersectional Research
How about

World's Edge Intersectional Research Department?
I like it! I'd go for the un-pun of WEBIR, but the "Branch of" just seems awkward to me for some reason.

Amended vote:
[X] (LIBRARY) High-level policy
[X] (LIBRARY NAME) The Library of Karak-Eight-Peaks / Kron-Azril-Ungol / The Archive of the Silvery Depths
[X] (BRANCH NAME) World's Edge Intersectional Research Department
Voting is open