Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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Back when we fired the Eye of Gazul there was this secretive roll.

[??? vs ???: 23 vs 20]

Any chance we might learn what it meant and what higher numbers on both or either side would have resulted in?
[X] (LIBRARY NAME) The Library of Karak-Eight-Peaks / Kron-Azril-Ungol / The Archive of the Silvery Depths
[X] (LIBRARY NAME) World's Memory / Karaz Kron

[X] (BRANCH NAME) World's Edge Branch of Intersectional Research
[x] (BRANCH NAME) World's Edge Institute of Research & Development
[X] (BRANCH NAME) World's Edge Branch for Esoteric Research

[X] (LIBRARY) Head Librarian
Wow, I though this vote would be a lot more clean cut.

Instead, three votes very close votes, with two of them being a hair's breadth apart.
[X] (LIBRARY) Head Librarian
[X] (BRANCH NAME) World's Edge Branch for Esoteric Research
[X] (LIBRARY NAME) World's Memory / Karaz Kron
I've been convinced of the Head Librarian vote. Still waffling about the library name vote: I feel like World's Memory/Karaz Kron is a lot punchier, but the phrase "World's Memory" doesn't as clearly scream "library" to me.

[x] (LIBRARY) Head Librarian
[x] (BRANCH NAME) World's Edge Branch of Intersectional Research
So, Head Librarian is basically going to get us a book-based version of our EIC reports. Pass. Our other plotlines are more interesting, and "words written by BoneyM" is a zero-sum game.
So, Head Librarian is basically going to get us a book-based version of our EIC reports. Pass. Our other plotlines are more interesting, and "words written by BoneyM" is a zero-sum game.
I don´t think so, there are quite a few exotic books in the setting that can give us much more than a mere +1 to skill (just take a look at what we gout out of the Liber Mortis)... The Head Librarian position gives us, among many other things, gives us the chance to actively look for some of those books with the backing of one of the richest Dwarf Kings in the World, and the Polyglot trait makes it much easier to get a netter use of these books.
So, Head Librarian is basically going to get us a book-based version of our EIC reports. Pass. Our other plotlines are more interesting, and "words written by BoneyM" is a zero-sum game.

I think there's been a lot of frustration with the EIC because it seems like we had to spend so many actions/words written by BoneyM setting things up. "Let's instill these values. Let's set up the spy network. Let's consolidate this or that. Let's hire a guy to run it."

I sort of understand from a narrative perspective, but it's really drowned out "using EIC to do stuff". I wish that we could have had a lot less set-up actions as the peas and carrots and been allowed or encouraged or whatever to eat more EIC cake by just having it do cool shit.
I think there's been a lot of frustration with the EIC because it seems like we had to spend so many actions/words written by BoneyM setting things up. "Let's instill these values. Let's set up the spy network. Let's consolidate this or that. Let's hire a guy to run it."

I sort of understand from a narrative perspective, but it's really drowned out "using EIC to do stuff". I wish that we could have had a lot less set-up actions as the peas and carrots and been allowed or encouraged or whatever to eat more EIC cake by just having it do cool shit.

I'm really not a fan of the pattern I've noticed where the thread collectively votes to do sensible option X and then it gets framed as a failure in storytelling that the thread didn't 'get to' do fun option Y. You don't have to like the choices that voting produces, but I'd rather not have it framed as a failure on my part for not having 'encouraged or whatever' the course of action you would have preferred.
For the record, i am happy with EIC and hope to see more of it.
Especially with potential library synergy.
I mean, library is all about collecting information into one place, and even publicly available information can be quite useful in large enough quantities for someone interested in finding out not publicly available information.
IMO the issue with the EIC is that we had so few actions relating to is that actually tied in to other plots, but that is not on the GM, it is just conceptually disconnected in a way I do not think a library would be. I just don't see us dumping near as many 'self-improve' actions there simply because with the EIC a lot of that stuff was for lack of other things to do with it. Tellingly when we could use it for main story work, like the investigation into the Monitor attack everyone jumped on that.
Just my grain of salt but a major advantage of being Head Librarian is the doors it will open with other Libraries and Scholarly associations.

Just like there are certain problems that dwarves will only confide to people with the title of Loremaster. Say we need knowledge from someone, I expect us to be better recieved as the Head Librarian of what will be one of the biggest libraries in the world.

For exemple, I'm sure the Veranians will be more amenable to our demands and I don't expect the Waystone Project to be mainstream enough to have the same impact. It's just a very useful title to have.
So, i had an idea, but i am not certain about how viable, politically, it would be.
Newspapers are not a thing in the setting (as far as i know), and i have no desire to force one into being.
But borrowing a bit from the newspaper idea, might we not hire people stationed in all big cities to write reports on what is happening in the area (and maybe also search for books), and then send those to be collated in the K8P library (whatever the name ends up being) into some sort of not quite newspaper archives by time and location?
I suspect this could be fairly useful for our EIC network to keep track of things not in their immediate area.

Main problem i foresee would be local rulers not being fans of the idea, even if they were to only report on publicly available information.
So, i had an idea, but i am not certain about how viable, politically, it would be.
Newspapers are not a thing in the setting (as far as i know), and i have no desire to force one into being.
But borrowing a bit from the newspaper idea, might we not hire people stationed in all big cities to write reports on what is happening in the area (and maybe also search for books), and then send those to be collated in the K8P library (whatever the name ends up being) into some sort of not quite newspaper archives by time and location?
I suspect this could be fairly useful for our EIC network to keep track of things not in their immediate area.

Main problem i foresee would be local rulers not being fans of the idea, even if they were to only report on publicly available information.

Newsappers both are and are not things, one the one hand you have political agitators who walk around with cheap pamphlets and on the other you have books being worth their weight in silver. Where the setting lands on the scale of canon contradictions is up to the GM, but from what I have seen so far it is more on the latter side.
So, i had an idea, but i am not certain about how viable, politically, it would be.
Newspapers are not a thing in the setting (as far as i know), and i have no desire to force one into being.
But borrowing a bit from the newspaper idea, might we not hire people stationed in all big cities to write reports on what is happening in the area (and maybe also search for books), and then send those to be collated in the K8P library (whatever the name ends up being) into some sort of not quite newspaper archives by time and location?
I suspect this could be fairly useful for our EIC network to keep track of things not in their immediate area.

Main problem i foresee would be local rulers not being fans of the idea, even if they were to only report on publicly available information.

This sort of thing has a very long history as literal 'news letters' - well-connected and literate notables would condense local events down into a letter they would send off to interested but distant parties. This evolved into more formal newsletters, usually from trading companies, where news from their far-flung contacts was sold as a weekly or monthly volumes with which one could keep abreast of happenings across a wide area. The next step into what we would recognize as newspapers hasn't happened yet, and would likely require movable type to be economical.

Newsappers both are and are not things, one the one hand you have political agitators who walk around with cheap pamphlets and on the other you have books being worth their weight in silver. Where the setting lands on the scale of canon contradictions is up to the GM, but from what I have seen so far it is more on the latter side.

Not so much a contradiction as you might think. Hand-written newsletters distributed to the public known as 'avvisi' were rabble-rousing as early as the 1500s, long before advancements in printing presses dragged the price of books down from 'hand-copied by a monk somewhere' prices.
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