Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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For a Reikspiel name of the Library, what do people think about Library of the World's Edge, or the World's Edge Library? It has the "World Library" connotations that a lot of people were interested in, it's descriptive (insofar as we're physically located in the World's Edge Mountains), it's got a bit of theme to it (insofar as pushing the boundaries of knowledge can be construed as being at the edge of the world), and it means that if Mathilde takes a leadership position in the library she can still be an Edgelord.
That said, I'd like to partially echo Angelform and ask if there's a word for "world" or "universal" in Khazalid, just to see how it rolls off the tongue.
Boney answered that already:
What's a Khazalid word that has a similar implication to "World" - something like "of/for all peoples"? Any thoughts, @BoneyM ?
Khazalid doesn't really have a word that fits well. The closest would be phrases for 'Dwarves and everyone else' and 'mountains and everywhere that isn't mountains'.
For a Reikspiel name of the Library, what do people think about Library of the World's Edge, or the World's Edge Library? It has the "World Library" connotations that a lot of people were interested in, it's descriptive (insofar as we're physically located in the World's Edge Mountains), it's got a bit of theme to it (insofar as pushing the boundaries of knowledge can be construed as being at the edge of the world), and it means that if Mathilde takes a leadership position in the library she can still be an Edgelord.

Boney answered that already:
Records of the World's edge? (If being poetic)
When I hear "World's Edge Library", it doesn't carry the same connotations that "World's Library" does. To me, "World's Library" speaks of a monumentally great library, that exists to serve the entire world.

World's Edge Library, though, sounds to me like a specification of its location. It sounds cool as hell, certainly, and I'd expect a library with that name to be pretty sweet, but I don't think it communicates the mission statement of the Library nearly as well as World's Library does.

I like both World Library and Karaz Kron a lot, and am very interested in whether we can do both. If we have to pick between the two, though, I'd pick World Library.

...World no longer looks like a word to me.
I would vote for World's Edge (in pretty much all combinations). It has a nice ring to it. One small question I would have about the whole thing is what counts as all the languages of the civilized realms, since there seems to be some desire to write it in all of them. Like obviously we would include even distant tongues like Cathayan if we can find the right words, but what about High Nehekaran? Are the Tomb Kings civilized by our count?
We asked for a library to preserve and spread knowledge from everywhere, right? So we could call it « the World's memory ». To show that the goal is to prevent knowledge from disappearing.
I'd prefer to not have a punny name for either of these. Seems kinda tacky.

It's one thing to name a spell or book or something like that, it's another to name an institution that people are going to work in.

Same goes for naming them after Mathilde, though to a lesser extent.
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It is kind of funny that 'golden, jeweled statue In the front is 'less tacky' then just putting Mathy's name on it to some people.

The statue would probably be from stone or metal - maybe with some enchantments for the shadow.

That said a really expensive inscription with the name, date of founding, name and all the titles of the founder wouldn't go amiss. The lowkey flex of having 'Mathilde (insert titles here) founded this library' in gromil seems really satisfying.

Either that or have an enchantment like the one covering Vlag except it broadcasts Mathilde welcoming people in.
I am quite partial to quiet, dignified name like Library of Karak Eight Peaks.

No silly jokes or weird acronyms, no extravagant name drops, just a clean discriptor.
I'd be all for it, but Warhammer is a setting littered with overly-fancy titles. "Library of Karak Eight Peaks" is suspiciously generic. We don't want to attract infiltrators looking for any secrets in the library and all.
@BoneyM... It might be inappropriate to ask a question on this level, but you had the We be pleased with the idea of information being recorded so it lasts outside of their echo memory system.

Are you ok with the idea of cute spooder friends being part of the library, or would you feel that might damage verisimilitude or the like?

Unrealted: @thead High Level or Involved, I feel we have to have a dragon sized access point and reading room.
For a Reikspiel name of the Library, what do people think about Library of the World's Edge, or the World's Edge Library? It has the "World Library" connotations that a lot of people were interested in, it's descriptive (insofar as we're physically located in the World's Edge Mountains), it's got a bit of theme to it (insofar as pushing the boundaries of knowledge can be construed as being at the edge of the world), and it means that if Mathilde takes a leadership position in the library she can still be an Edgelord.
I disagree, the 'Edge' part removes the "For all the world" elements and replaces them with "This location called 'World's Edge". To me it completely changes the relevant context and as such meaning of 'world' in the name.

Apart from that, I agree about the double meanings we can get from 'Edge'
I don't remember who proposed it, but I'm partial to "World's memory" as a library name. Very poetic and doesn't contain "library" in it, which is a plus in my book.
Just call it the Library of Ruina and make it a crossover, what could go wrong from taunting the warp like that?
For a Reikspiel name of the Library, what do people think about Library of the World's Edge, or the World's Edge Library? It has the "World Library" connotations that a lot of people were interested in, it's descriptive (insofar as we're physically located in the World's Edge Mountains), it's got a bit of theme to it (insofar as pushing the boundaries of knowledge can be construed as being at the edge of the world), and it means that if Mathilde takes a leadership position in the library she can still be an Edgelord.
The name 'World Library' is a statement of grand intent.
The name 'World's Edge Library' is a statement of geographical happenstance. And not even a particularly accurate one given the number of other libraries and collections of lore/books in the specified area.

I do like 'World's Memory'. Has a certain understated grandeur about it.

Still want a Rosetta Stone.
Also kinda wish Mathilde knew enough to have this mounted on a plaque or something.
Yeah, OK, "World's Memory" is really growing on me the more I consider it. Thanks for proposing it, @K von Carstein! So I think I'll probably be voting for [ ] (LIBRARY NAME) World's Memory / Karaz Kron.

I'm still unsure about branch names. None of the ones people have proposed have really grabbed me. Canonical ones are:
The most prominent example is probably the Hochland College of Sorcery, but other examples are the Wizards and Alchemists Guild of the Gold College in Middenheim, the not-actually-ancient-by-any-measure Ancient Library of the Light College in Tubingen, and the Esoterica Wing of the Royal Academy of Talabecland partnered with the Jade and Amber Colleges.
Which are all kind of dryly descriptive. Probably we can do better. Maybe some sort of pun on how Nar means Dawn?
Boney answered that already:
So Everlasting World Library would be something along the line of "Karaz-Kron a Karak Nakarak"? I don't know if "a" can be used as "of" or if there's a better word. But Everlasting Library of the Mountains and the Rest of the World has at least some appeal to me. As does Pile'o'books for Mountains and non-Mountains.

Honestly, one thing that complicates this is that the word for book/record/history/chronicle is the same as the word for library/archive/knowledge. It's as if you had the same word for big rock (kar) and mountain (karak).

@BoneyM What would words like "kronag", "kronak" and "kronaz" mean?
I guess kronak actually means the concept of book, and thus puts an emphasis on it's interpretation as capital K Knowledge.
Kronaz would probably mean either "no really, just this one very important book" or "unshakably booky", the latter of which might have value for our naming dilemma.
As for Kronag, I don't actually know. I know that Karag means both barren mountain/volcano and something along the lines of lesser or dependent or partial Karak. But I don't know why or what the -ag ending generally denotes.

Edit: Is the Khazalid word for memory also kron?

At some point one asks oneself what the sentence "Remember to put this book into the history section of the library's archive" would look like Khazalid. "Kronen [root for putting]it kron bin kron [section] a kron a kron" maybe?

Second edit: Damn. I can't even find a canon word for putting/placing. Poor BoneyM.
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I mean, naming something after Mathilde sounds vainglorious and tacky... I mean, look at the Nobel pri...


I mean, look at algorithms, their inventor was humble and... erm.... latinized his name first, before naming them after himself...

ok, ok, see, if someone creates a grant new invention meant to serve all of humanity and make life better for the disadvanced, they should avoid vainglory, just like Thomas Braille making a language for the blind and humbly not naming it Thomas. ... ummm...

I mean, if people named things after themselves, then it would be hard to quantify stuff without using people's names for example, because the units are named after people. But when I refer to energy, I can safely use word salad names like Volt and Watt to quantify it, that are clearly.... err...

you know what? Nevermind.
Stuff Mathilde Named With Style
Mathilde's Mystical MatrixCasting method
Mathilde's Multidimensional Aethyric ProjectionSpell
Maze Alcove Tomb Hall Inglenook Lens Domain EnclosureRooms of Calamity
Staff of MisteryStaff
Rite of WaySpell
Stuff Mathilde Named With Style
Mathilde's Mystical MatrixCasting method
Mathilde's Multidimensional Aethyric ProjectionSpell
Maze Alcove Tomb Hall Inglenook Lens Domain EnclosureRooms of Calamity
Staff of MisteryStaff
Rite of WaySpell

This does not cover Queekish .... which, to be fair, we only didn't name "Queekish and how to squeak it" so it wouldn't be obvious we wrote it.
Even if Papa Algard not remembering the name of the mountain he helped us build a fully armed and operational DeathHellFireTower on was a little upsetting.
That's because the tower was the memorable part to him. If we'd said we're basing it in Tower Mountain he'd have recognized what we were talking about instantly.
Ranald's signature animal is a cat. There's a reason the saying "like herding cats" is a thing.
Indeed. I've been looking at all these posts assuming that since Mathilde and the Middenland Hedgefolk are all Ranaldites getting them to cooperate will be straightforward and thinking that basically reads like:
"Oh, they're cats, we're a cat, herding them will be easy!"
For a Reikspiel name of the Library, what do people think about Library of the World's Edge, or the World's Edge Library?
I mean, speaking for myself, I like Everlasting Archive as a Reikspiel name. It already does everything I want it to as a name.
I'd be completely fine with naming the research institute after Mathilde - that kind of thing is extremely common in academia, and tbf she kind of deserves it. The library, though, deserves to stand on its own (World's Memory has a nice ring to it, for sure).

'The Weber Institute for International Research' certainly sounds like a very well respected organisation, if I do say so myself :V
BelegarQuest repays a debt
You've anticipated (and dreaded) this day for far too long. The largest remaining debt on your shoulders for the crown upon your head. Your soon-to-be ex-Loremaster is also eager. Though her expression is steady, her shadow is all but bouncing on its heels.

"Right," you say as you take a seat at the conference table with a sigh. "You've come up with a way for me to repay you for the retaking of my home?"

"I have," Mathilde says, sliding a paper across the table. Vala-Azril-Ungol varnit urbar kron, karakar kron, dawri afanaddokar kron. Gandar, barar un zintar grozkrun gronit barazit dawri, dawi un nadawi. A great library made for and by all the good people of the world, whatever their species.

Inwardly, you breath a sigh of relief. You mentally shelve the plans for building a dreadnaught, selling one of your eight mountains, and preparing for an expedition into the southlands.

"A library. Straightforward." you say. And thank Grungni for that. "That shouldn't be a problem. The staffing, though... I take it you had humans in mind?"

"Any species," she says firmly, "as long as they don't act against the Civilized Realms and are willing to swear the proper oaths."

Dragon librarian, dragon librarian, dragon librarian-

You shove the panic down.

"That could cause trouble down the line," you says thoughtfully, "but I don't see anyone but the Dwarves and humans and Halflings of the Karak being willing to join it any time soon, so it's trouble for whoever wears the crown after me."

Such problems will likely come to the Belegar who wears the crown in the future. For now, though, you have several decisions to make:

[][Runescribes] Integrate them with the new library...

A/N: I think the players of Belegar!Quest would have expected anything but something as simple as a library from Mathilde. Hopefully I didn't make this Belegar too jumpy. No problem if this is too short to threadmark, btw; I though about making a bunch of vote options to pad things out but they wouldn't have carried the joke.
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