What kind of filing/classification system would a swarm of giant spiders use?
Can probably fit the Eonir mages under the same heading of 'under long term assessment'."By which the Magister Patriarch means that collaboration with them may be of use as a pretence for ascertaining their suitability to join one of the Orders of Magic, as required by Article 13," Kurtis says. "Otherwise collaboration with the Hedgewise would make you a party to a breach of Article 3."
Ha. He thought it would take years or decades to retake all Eight Peaks. We did it in a day."Any species," you say firmly, "as long as they don't act against the Civilized Realms and are willing to swear the proper oaths."
"That could cause trouble down the line," he says thoughtfully, "but I don't see anyone but the Dwarves and humans and Halflings of the Karak being willing to join it any time soon, so it's trouble for whoever wears the crown after me.
Wasn't it Karaz that meant enduring?
With Karaz-Ankor being Eternal realm?
Karaz-Kron feels like it should work.
-ak means abstract, -az means tangible, but an abstract concept can be 'upgraded' to -az to represent a pure embodiment of that concept.
Breaking Article Seven is merely illegal and thus only relevant if we are caught, the fact that dwarfs likely can't cast arcane magic and do not even have mage sight is more of a physical impossibility.
So "Karaz-Kron" would mean something like "the ultimate enduring embodiment of knowledge"?
I'm sold.It would mean something like 'Everlasting Archive', though it could also be translated as 'a book about mountains'.
Branch/Belegar's/Brotherhood Research Academy of Novel Collegiate Harmony it is then!For the record, I'm categorically opposed to joke/acronym/pun/self-naming for the library. Go nuts on the branch, but the library is supposed to stand in history.
"I have," you say, sliding the paper across the table. You spent far too much time revising the wording of the request to not give it to him in writing.
We just finished the actions necessary to begin inserting agents into places. We would have taken our first last turn except that the Okral attack happened and derailed that. I want to take our first this coming turn; at this point, there's nothing standing in our way of doing spy shit with the EIC like we originally wanted to except for not being used to it.
The closest word I'm aware of would be Ankor, meaning 'realm'.Hmm. Everlasting Archive isn't bad at all, but I like the "World Library" idea @Xepheria brought up too. What's a Khazalid word that has a similar implication to "World" - something like "of/for all peoples"? Any thoughts, @BoneyM ?
(And my apologies if you're annoyed at being pinged to provide various translations, I'm willing to cease.)
Good old Khazalid. Truly the most precise and clear language on the continent. Nothing is ever up to interpretation or has double meanings like in those pesky Elgi languages.Not outright offensive, but it is potentially confusing. 'Karak' does mean 'enduring', but modern convention is that 'Karak' as a place means a Dwarfhold.
Hmm...Then how would we say "a mountain of books"?It would mean something like 'Everlasting Archive', though it could also be translated as 'a book about mountains'.
Perhaps a nice plaque with a few words on it like 'Look upon my works ye mighty and despair'?Or we could just put our name on it.
come on people, we have been far to complacent with making sure Mathy*tm is respected!
Maybe Kron Karaz?
Perhaps a nice plaque with a few words on it like 'Look upon my works* ye mighty and despair'?
(And my apologies if you're annoyed at being pinged to provide various translations, I'm willing to cease.)
Good old Khazalid. Truly the most precise and clear language on the continent. Nothing is ever up to interpretation or has double meanings like in those pesky Elgi languages.
More seriously, is there a less confusing Khazalid way of saying "Enduring Library"? Maybe with different endings?
** If you are not allowed to see my works, you are not mighty.