Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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For the record, I'm categorically opposed to joke/acronym/pun/self-naming for the library. Go nuts on the branch, but the library is supposed to stand in history.
Okay, I get the aversion to puns and acronyms, but historically speaking naming things after yourself is a good way to make them last.

Not saying that we should make definitely make this the Great Library of Mathildria (in fact I'll probably vote for Karaz Kron), but this ain't the argument to use against it.
No. There'll always be ambiguity, that's just how language works. By which I mean that is the way that language engages in a profession, by which I mean it makes declarations, by which I mean it closes an innings of cricket. See what I mean?
I mean less directly confusing to Dwarves with a sliver of context. As in, is, say "Karaz-Kron" or "Kron Karaz" or something else a bit less confusing to them due to not literally being a common naming convention for a different kind of place. Not as in requesting a way to phrase it that is somehow magically unambiguous in a language that was invented by a company and only has a limited canon vocabulary.

The first paragraph was just me joking around and jostling all those that claim that Khazalid is somehow a more precise language than any other we know under all circumstances and use cases.

Anyway, do Dwarves have any way to distinguish between singular book and singular library? Or otherwise is there a plural form of Kron? Kroni maybe? Is that a thing? Is there any difference between "Karaz Kron" and "Kron Karaz" or is the latter just grammatically incorrect?
Okay, I get the aversion to puns and acronyms, but historically speaking naming things after yourself is a good way to make them last.

Not saying that we should make definitely make this the Great Library of Mathildria (in fact I'll probably vote for Karaz Kron), but this ain't the argument to use against it.
Is it?
Personally, i suspect that, if we were to take a count of human made things by age, those named after a person, let alone the one building them, would be a statistically insignificant blip on the chart.
So now that we have a strong name candidate I thought I would make my case that that half AP and yes I know I was just panicking about College AP last vote but this is different you guys. honest. :V

Really think about it, what is the good of generic AP, it is generalist, you can use it for whatever strikes your fancy. By contrast specialized AP marks a collaboration of some kind, using the aid of a person or institution to get more powerful abilities in exchange for making it specialized. So take the ducklings, we get to use the abilities of other sorts of wizards in exchange for having to take an action with those wizards. So this is a net positive so long as we have a good crop of choices to use it on and it is a negative if we are reduced to make-work. So far I cannot think of a single turn when we thought 'I wish we had not taken on these baby wizards'

So now consider the resources of the library, the skills of the dwarfs and men working there. Can you guys think of a turn when we would not want to use them for something, chasing down some book about the mystery of the day, looking up some obscure lore etc...?
Would Karaz-A-Kron make it more specific?


I mean less directly confusing to Dwarves with a sliver of context. As in, is, say "Karaz-Kron" or "Kron Karaz" or something else a bit less confusing to them due to not literally being a common naming convention for a different kind of place. Not as in requesting a way to phrase it that is somehow magically unambiguous in a language that was invented by a company and only has a limited canon vocabulary.

Anyway, do Dwarves have any way to distinguish between singular book and singular library? Or otherwise is there a plural form of Kron? Kroni maybe? Is that a thing? Is there any difference between "Karaz Kron" and "Kron Karaz" or is the latter just grammatically incorrect?

Kroni would be a bookwriter. Kron Karaz would be more likely to be interpreted as a book. Khazalid only has plurals for pronouns. Karaz Kron is the closest translation to what you're going for, no matter what questions you ask the answer is going to stay the same.
EDIT: Also, which bonehead insisted that any species could join, without excluding stuff like Ratmen, Beastmen, Deamons and Dark Elves? And the Undead. As it stands, it seems possible that as long as they can spin a good web of lies, like say, the Lahmians, you might get Vampires in the Library, by the strict reading of the rules. As long as they are willing to swear the oaths.

On Names:
[ ] (LIBRARY NAME) The Web of Wisdom
[ ] (LIBRARY NAME) The Web of Knowledge
[ ] (LIBRARY NAME) The Web of the Wise
[ ] (LIBRARY NAME) The Web of Memories
[ ] (LIBRARY NAME) The Web of True Worth
[ ] (LIBRARY NAME) The Webbed Labyrinth of Trials
(For to seek to study at such a library, with so many books, will no doubt be a monumental trial, and is learning a never-ending trial to better oneself?)
[ ] (LIBRARY NAME) The Shadowed Web Sanctuary

[ ] (BRANCH NAME) The Eight Colored Web
[ ] (BRANCH NAME) Weber's Cooperative Weavers
[ ] (BRANCH NAME) Eightfold Strands Woven as One
[ ] (BRANCH NAME) The Web of Magic
[ ] (BRANCH NAME) In the Shadow of Dhar
Because mixning winds always risks it, and the Shadow is still a reference to Mat.
[ ] (BRANCH NAME) Through the Needles Eye
[ ] (BRANCH NAME) Weber's Exotic and Special Cases
[ ] (BRANCH NAME) Weber's Cooperative Retreat
[ ] (BRANCH NAME) The Shaded Houses of Karag Nar

Karag Nar is sunrise mountain, so...someone else can do that theme.
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[ ] (LIBRARY) High-level policy
Ignoring AP costs (since apparently it's going to be tweaked), becoming Head Librarian seems a bit too involved for me - I'd prefer concentrating on the Elves, Nord/Middenland and maybe recruiting Bretonnia and Kislev - and being totally hands-off seems like a mistake - we should at least have some oversight and pay attention to the staffing, acquisition and work culture of perhaps our most important legacy so far for the world as a whole. Not even counting us spending a Transcendent Boon on this.

As for name....Karaz Kron seems very generic and unimaginative to me to be honest while naming it after Mathilde isn't too appealing and naming it after Abelhelm is Plus it just makes it sound like a library for dwarves by dwarves.

I'll keep an eye out for any good suggestions, but mine would be naming it after Magnus the Pious. The Great Library of Magnus/The Great Library of Magnus the Pious does sound like it'd be up Mathilde's alley. She does hero-worship the guy.

Alternatively, name the Branch College after Magnus and the Library after K8P. The Great Library of Vala-Azril Ungol. Or the Khazalid translation for "Library of the Silver Depths".
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I'll keep an eye out for any good suggestions, but mine would be naming it after Magnus the Pious. The Great Library of Magnus/The Great Library of Magnus the Pious does sound like it'd be up Mathilde's alley. She does hero-worship the guy. Alternatively, The Great Library of Vala-Azril Ungol. Or the Khazalid translation for "Library of the Silver Depths".

Does she? I seem to recall she hero-worships Teclis, but he word 'Magnus' in the context of the thread is oft followed by the word 'Articles' from what I recall. I could do a search to see how good my memory is if you like, but I really do not think there is much more than detached gratitude there.
Does she? I seem to recall she hero-worships Teclis, but he word 'Magnus' in the context of the thread is oft followed by the word 'Articles' from what I recall. I could do a search to see how good my memory is if you like, but I really do not think there is much more than detached gratitude there.
I mean, she and Abelhelm literally had a conversation where she heartfeltly agreed that Wizards owed a lot to Magnus and they drank a toast together to him so, yeah I'd say she hero-worships Magnus. I suppose the difference in why she thinks of Teclis more often is that Magnus is dead, and Teclis isn't. Plus Teclis provided a lot of the initial lore and teachings she would have been exposed to as a child.
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Controversial opinion: I don't think the Library's name should be in Khazalid. Not primarily.*

This is not a Dwarf library. It is a library for all peaceful peoples of the world. And while Khazalid isn't a secret it is somewhat exclusive. Reikspiel is the lingua franca of the continent.
In that vein I prefer something like 'World Library' over 'Everlasting Archive'.

* We should absolutely include a 'rosetta stone' with the library name and mission statement in a whole bunch of languages.
EDIT: Also, which bonehead insisted that any species could join, without excluding stuff like Ratmen, Beastmen, Deamons and Dark Elves? And the Undead. As it stands, it seems possible that as long as they can spin a good web of lies, like say, the Lahmians, you might get Vampires in the Library, by the strict reading of the rules. As long as they are willing to swear the oaths.
And as long as they can convince the Head Librarian both that they haven't acted against the Civilized Realms in the past and are unlikely to in the future.
"Any species," you say firmly, "as long as they don't act against the Civilized Realms and are willing to swear the proper oaths."
For some races, that will require a good deal more evidence than others. Particularly since the Dwarves have leveled grudges on a species level in the past that are still active, and the library is within the Karaz Ankor.

Being a member of the library doesn't exempt you from Dwarven law, so even before you can swear the oaths you'll need to convince the Dwarves that any outstanding Grudges don't apply to you.
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I mean, she and Abelhelm literally had a conversation where she heartfeltly agreed that Wizards owed a lot to Magnus and they drank a toast together to him so, yeah I'd say she hero-worships Magnus. I suppose the difference in why she thinks of Teclis more often is that Magnus is dead, and Teclis isn't. Plus Teclis provided a lot of the initial lore and teachings she would have been exposed to as a child.

I just looked and that is pretty much the only instance where Magnus appears in any sort of emotional context in the whole thread and by the very nature of when it happened it was a decade ago and more. One show of emotion that long ago does not strike me as solid proof or present hero worship. By contrast there is a lot more about Teclis.
Controversial opinion: I don't think the Library's name should be in Khazalid. Not primarily.*

This is not a Dwarf library. It is a library for all peaceful peoples of the world. And while Khazalid isn't a secret it is somewhat exclusive. Reikspiel is the lingua franca of the continent.
In that vein I prefer something like 'World Library' over 'Everlasting Archive'.

* We should absolutely include a 'rosetta stone' with the library name and mission statement in a whole bunch of languages.
Thing is, naming it "Everlasting Archive" is no more inclusive than naming it "Karaz Kron", except in that the group whose language is used is numerically larger.
I just looked and that is pretty much the only instance where Magnus appears in any sort of emotional context in the whole thread and by the very nature of when it happened it was a decade ago and more. One show of emotion that long ago does not strike me as solid proof or present hero worship. By contrast there is a lot more about Teclis.
We can't name it after Teclis. And even if it isn't hero worship, she could still name the Branch or Library after Magnus rather than a generic Khazalid name that can also be confused for "Mountain Library" that'll by WOG get confused with all the other "Kara-s" in the Ankor, given that such already happens with the Magister-Patriarch of the Grey Order who has already been to the Karag in question.

This seems like a weird hill to plant a flag on. Rather than talking about whether Magnus is a good name for a Branch College or a Library, you're more concerned with whether Mathilde's admiring of Magnus is hero-worship or not?
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The name (or its closest translation) should be written every language of goodly people of Mallus. With new translations added over time.
We can't name it after Teclis. And even if it isn't hero worship, she could still name the Branch or Library after Magnus rather than a generic Khazalid name that can also be confused for "Mountain Library" that'll by WOG get confused with all the other "Kara-s" in the Ankor, given that such already happens with the Magister-Patriarch of the Grey Order who has already been to the Karag in question.

This seems like a weird hill to plant a flag on. Rather than talking about whether Magnus is a good name for a Branch College or a Library, you're more concerned with whether Mathilde's admiring of Magnus is hero-worship or not?

I mean yeah, what does Magnus have to do with any of this? The odd hill name actually has something to do with our aspirations for the place (that it be long lasting), but if Mathilde does not feel anything for Magnus why stick his name on this?
I think having two names for the library that mean different things would be fine. After all, it's hosted in a Karak with two distinct names: Karak Eight Peaks and Vala Azril Ungol. So there's no reason it can't have a Khazalid name and a Reikspiel name that aren't translations of one another.
[ ] (LIBRARY) High-level policy
Mathilde will be able to make decisions such as location, selecting a Head Librarian, and setting broad policies, but will not have day-to-day control over the library, so it will not consume any meaningful amount of Mathilde's time.

[ ] (LIBRARY NAME) Everlasting Archive (official), Karaz Kron (local)

[ ] (BRANCH NAME) Eight Color Colaborative Institute
Kroni would be a bookwriter. Kron Karaz would be more likely to be interpreted as a book. Khazalid only has plurals for pronouns. Karaz Kron is the closest translation to what you're going for, no matter what questions you ask the answer is going to stay the same.
ha! Finally, I got the name translation right!
(this is an achievement for me, don't take it away from me)
I'm pretty whatever about the actual name of the places, I'm not really bothered either way.

I'll probably go for Head Librarian. Gotta grind out that BOOK SKILL somehow! Carry it forward until we hit the advanced limit, ala swording, and we have to develop our signature Bibliothecography Style. Mathilde will invent and wield the Dewey Decimal system like a holy blade! :V
I am quite partial to quiet, dignified name like Library of Karak Eight Peaks.

No silly jokes or weird acronyms, no extravagant name drops, just a clean descriptor.
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Karaz Kron for Khazalid and the Rikspiel Translation being 'Mountain Archive' would be pretty good.
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