The worshippers of Chaos have a strange position on Vampires. Followers of the Blood God see them as blasphemers who steal the blood that is rightfully Khorne's. Vampires' immunity to disease makes them distasteful to worshippers of Nurgle. Tzeentch's followers see them as beings of stasis, unchanged by the years or mutation and abhorrent in their God's eyes—however many of them he happens to have at that moment. Although some Vampires live lives of pleasure enough to make a Slaaneshi swoon, they are resistant to all things new and prefer to live in idealised pasts rather than embracing new sensations, arousing the cultists' contempt. Vampires gain no benefit from watching their herd vanish under a sea of Chaos, and the unholy symbols of Dark Gods pain them as much as any such holy symbols. They have sided with humanity, often secretly, in the war against Chaos. Strange as it may seem from the point of view of Humans, who see only monsters on both sides, the forces of Chaos and Vampires are naturally opposed.