Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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"Mirrorcatch box" sounds like Sunless Sea/Fallen London if it's a reference and not just a reinvention of a fairly reasonable thing to come up with.

Yes, it's a reference, but it seems like a fairly simple thing for a mad genius to come up with in a vacuum.

Is that device able to catch sunlight?

If yes, that can be valuable. Especially here.

Is it sunlight itself that kills a vampire, or exposure to the sun?

Would this be the case with our spells too, or was the erosion so bad because it was Dhar magic specifically?

Possibly. Is the magic eroding because it's not set in place like a true enchantment, or is it eroding because of the caustic magic it's made from? You're not sure; it'll take experimentation to find out.
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Yes, it's a reference, but it seems like a fairly simple thing for a mad genius to come up with in a vacuum.

Is it sunlight itself that kills a vampire, or exposure to the sun?

Possibly. Is the magic eroding because it's not set in place like a true enchantment, or is it eroding because of the caustic magic it's made from? You're not sure; it'll take experimentation to find out.
Well, the Bestiary says "A Vampire in direct sunlight halves all Characteristics (rounded down) and suffers 1 Wound (regardless of Toughness Bonus or Armour Points) per minute of exposure."

So sunlight, then? However, it kills them pretty slowly (in Warhammer). Maybe 20 minutes for the weakest of Vampires. The box might not store anywhere near enough. Quicker to chop off a head...
I honestly want to confront Kasmir face to face about his idiotic way of pushing his agenda.

Generally not a good idea to talk to a priest about theology, especially not a buff man with a sledge hammer.

+1 for getting Van familiar with popcorn god, witch hunters are all about no red tape and sneaky sneaky.
[X] [Julia] Hire her, buy her a home in town near your residence. Somewhere where people coming and going at odd times won't draw a fuss.
-[X] Her job would be to manage your informant networks in general, particularly sorting through the reports and picking out what's significant versus chaff. It'd also involve independently expanding the networks as funds and opportunities allow after she has settled in.
-[X] The only ones who are supposed to know her position should be Van Hal, yourself and anyone you specifically cleared for this. For anyone below her, she's to present herself as a messenger or other relay.
-[X] For your initial meeting, probe her religious beliefs and opinion on working with criminals, assassins, magic and proscribed cults to determine how fit she is to assign to your tasks
-[X] For her personal security, she's to rely mainly on obscurity for now.

[X] [Greatswords] Greatswords will stay in the castle, except when we're going somewhere publicly, or interrogating potentially hostile persons.

[X] [Public Report] Plan Points for public consumption.
-[X] The castle infiltrators were sleeper agents.
--[X] They have not been conducting any significant sabotage.
--[X] Their loyalty was secured by a necromantic spell that would kill them if they even thought of betraying their master, or if their master did not meet them for more than a few days.
--[X] Said master had fled the area the very night an infiltrator got caught.
--[X] The monsters in the castle walls were previous victims of the spell. Refer to Van Hal's paper on details if anyone is interested.
--[X] They were lying about having any religious beliefs, but got away with it because nobody could probe them further on Morrite or Shallyan practices.
-[X] All other castle servants have been examined, their backstories hold up and all future servants would be rigorously examined to prevent more of this.

[X] [Private Report] Plan For Van Hals Eyes Only.
-[X] Tell him about everything you learned in the interview. Especially how they produce infiltrators.
-[X] Give him all information you have gathered on your fellow council members.
--[X] Anton's Wizard Aunt and the late night sweets through the maid.
--[X] Wilhelmina's lack of belief in Sigmar.
--[X] Kasmir's loyalties, though you're pretty sure he knows already
--[X] Gustav's detailed report from your investigation via the informant in his soldiers.
-[X] You have acquired some subordinates.
--[X] Introduce him to your prospective Number 2 in Julia after the meeting. In case any unfortunate 'accidents' happens to you(like say, the pseudo-demonic snake), he can pick up some of your networks through her so he wouldn't need to start from scratch.
--[X] The veterans have been assigned to gather gossip in the cities and the army to get a barometer of events
-[X] You have a lead on permanently sealing the snake away. Give him as much information on the process as you have, if he's interested. Noting the cost in mirrors and possibly request some assistance with construction(not necessarily his personal assistance, but a recommendation to a skilled and trusted artisan could be valuable) since the damned snake can pop out of mirrors if you're building it yourself.
-[X] Confess your religious belief in Ranald to him. Mention how the god of Luck had been looking out for and helping you along with your work so far(particularly avoiding being killed by the Shyish-kebabs, and finding leads at crucial moments), and the belief that Ranald as Protector has a vested interest in Stirland's people not being eaten by vampires and turned into abominations by necromancers. The revolutionary thing happens only in places where their lords are actively abusing the people, which Van Hal of course, is doing the opposite of!

[X] [Orders] Plan Obvious Items
-[X] There's definitely evil afoot in Drakenhof. Perhaps there's a way to survive investigating this.
--[X] That said, the castle itself is off limits. You're certain you aren't up to the task. But you can try to send feelers into their periphery villages if Van Hal feels the risks is worth it.
-[X] The disappearance of your predecessor is very concerning, especially since he's actively trying to sabotage the hunt for him. He must be found, and you've got a lead: Julbach.
--[X] He's likely involved in the matter of the servant infiltrators and the Stirland League, considering you find it extremely unlikely that all these servants, with a necromancer within a short walk from the castle, were placed without his knowledge. Rolling him up is the next step now that your castle is secured. If you can catch him alive, an interrogation could be extremely fruitful.
-[X] The Stirlandian League is a cancer eating at Stirland's economy, and it must be destroyed.
--[X] This would likely be difficult while the previous spymaster is still at large to run counterintelligence, but it can be done.
-[X] This religion business has gone far enough. It's not really your place, but maybe you should step in and deal with it yourself... somehow.
--[X] There's alternative ways to verifying faith and beliefs than having a priest interrogate them. You could task your city and rural informants to focus on their local practices to identify if theres anything untowards happening religiously, though barring a few exceptions, there are few actual priests involved to verify matters in detail.
--[X] Offer this option covertly if it wasn't already. No sense having Kasmir know about the offer.

For the private report. Anyone who objects can just cut the last line and make a new plan! The entire Ranald thing is there only.
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Definitely want to hire Julia; she's got great stats and should be an fantastic analyst, or even agent in a pinch- though more of the "go here and murder someone" brand than a subtle networker. For now I'm thinking we set her to reading all incoming intelligence reports and identifying trends and gaps in our network that need filling- standard analyst work, basically. I'm not sure whether it would be better to put her in the castle so that people can actually find someone working for Stirland's intelligence corps or to keep her in town and rely on security through obscurity.

The binding spell technique is very cool and I want to learn it, but I want to learn a lot of stuff. If we can steal four actions for personal development this turn after our full focus on work last turn that would be great.
Julia seems great. I say we hire her, make her an analyst. I'd say she should be the 'public face' of Sylvanias intelligence arm, contact her and she can contact us, but her Diplomacy is terrible. Not saying we tell her all the secrets straight away, but we do need a means for e.g. Van Hal or other councillors to contact us.
All in all I'd say this has been a pretty resounding success.

  1. We have a passive system to keep the castle staff auto-vetted (can probably still be circumvented, but would need a lot of time & resources)
  2. Have an Aspball blueprint
  3. Know what Anton's guilty pleasure is. Should be fun to show off later. Send him a basket of them to thank him for getting us some much needed help. Be all 'of course I now what your favourite snacks are, its part of the job. '
  4. Started the Veteran Tabs program
  5. Realise our Steward probably has low piety
Also, it looks like Van Hall's paranoia is starting to cause friction with Schultz, a shame we didn't actually investigate him ourselves, but he seemed solid, and pulled through his project in time. I don't think he was a big time embezzler like the professor, infrastructure is expensive in the first place after all.

For the crisis of faith... Seeing as the regular channels happen to be the problem (chaplain), and the backup rational method and other plan B's have been fruitless, might as well chuck him to Ranald. Let him deal with the mischievous git for a change. Worse comes to worse, we'll end up having a Communist Witch-Hunter. Not bad.

-[X] For your initial meeting, sound her out on her religious beliefs, particularly relating to Ranald. You cannot feasibly have her work in your base or with your Ranaldite agents if she's not at least open to the idea. If it goes poorly, simply Mindhole her, have Anton reintroduce you, and ensure that she's isolated from the Ranaldite/Thief elements.

How about let's not use mindhole and get Anton worried. The lady doesn't need to be stationed in the sunken palace, maybe buy a house and station the Greatswords there? The various cell leaders still need an address to report to.
Generally not a good idea to talk to a priest about theology, especially not a buff man with a sledge hammer.

+1 for getting Van familiar with popcorn god, witch hunters are all about no red tape and sneaky sneaky.
Seeing how Ranald doesn't really bring much to the table and will be a huge scandal if found out, I'd prefer mending his Sigmarite faith.
Well, the Bestiary says "A Vampire in direct sunlight halves all Characteristics (rounded down) and suffers 1 Wound (regardless of Toughness Bonus or Armour Points) per minute of exposure."

So sunlight, then? However, it kills them pretty slowly (in Warhammer). Maybe 20 minutes for the weakest of Vampires. The box might not store anywhere near enough. Quicker to chop off a head...
I doubt that "sunlight trapped in a box of mirrors and then released" counts as "direct sunlight". Emphasis on direct, here. We could test it, of course, but...

[X] [Julia] Hire her, buy her a good quality inn room in town near your residence, with the intent of moving her to your underground place once you have fully secured her loyalties.
-[X] Her job would be to manage your informant networks in general, particularly sorting through the reports and picking out what's significant versus chaff.
-[X] For your initial meeting, sound her out on her religious beliefs, particularly relating to Ranald. You cannot feasibly have her work in your base or with your Ranaldite agents if she's not at least open to the idea. If it goes poorly, simply Mindhole her, have Anton reintroduce you, and ensure that she's isolated from the Ranaldite/Thief elements.
I really don't like the use of Mindhole here- it's been long enough (some fraction of a six-month turn) that she'll be wondering why she came to Wurtbad at all and what she's been doing for weeks or months, things won't fit together properly in her memories, and she's a sharp woman based upon her stats. She'll put together what we did to her sooner or later and then we get questions of whether she resents having her memories drastically edited, if she's capable of hiding that she resents it, whether she'll act on that resentment... it's a bundle of trouble we don't need to open.

[X] [Greatswords] Greatswords will stay in the castle, except when we're going somewhere publicly, or interrogating potentially hostile persons.
This seems reasonable, although I wonder how many shadowsteeds we can make if we are riding somewhere and need an escort to move as fast as we do. @BoneyM, comments on that?

[X] [Public Report] Plan Points for public consumption.
-[X] The castle infiltrators were sleeper agents.
--[X] They have not been conducting any tracable sabotage.
--[X] Their loyalty was secured by a necromantic spell that would kill them if they even thought of betraying their master, or if their master did not meet them for more than a few days.
--[X] Said master had fled the area the very night an infiltrator got caught.
--[X] The monsters in the castle walls were previous victims of the spell. Refer to Van Hal's paper on details if anyone is interested.
--[X] They were lying about having any religious beliefs, but got away with it.
-[X] All other castle servants have been examined, their backstories hold up and all future servants would be rigorously examined to prevent more of this.
This seems fine. We may wish to bring up the information that we learned about the state of Drakenhof and their habit of specifically training their peasants to become sleeper agents in Stirland- it sounded like they have a training pipeline running there so it's likely that we'll see other infiltrators using roughly the same method, at least as far as being taught the accent and such. It's not impossible that some could be sent to infiltrate the military or other nobles' homes.

[X] [Private Report] Plan For Van Hals Eyes Only.
-[X] Give him all information you have gathered on your fellow council members.
-[X] You have acquired some subordinates.
--[X] Introduce him to your prospective Number 2 in Julia. In case any unfortunate 'accidents' happens to you(like say, the pseudo-demonic snake), he can pick up some of your networks through her so he wouldn't need to start from scratch.
--[X] The veterans have been assigned to gather gossip in the cities and the army to get a barometer of events
-[X] You have a lead on permanently sealing the snake away.
-[X] Confess your religious belief in Ranald to him. Mention how the god of Luck had been looking out for and helping you along with your work so far(particularly avoiding being killed by the Shyish-kebabs, and finding leads at crucial moments), and the belief that Ranald as Protector has a vested interest in Stirland's people not being eaten by vampires and turned into abominations by necromancers.
What is "all information you have gathered on your fellow council members"? What do we know about them that we haven't already told him? I can't think of anything.

The lead on the snake should probably be presented as not just a lead- it's something we'd actually like money for (specially constructed mirror boxes are probably expensive) and his authorization to go ahead with in the coming turn. Should we actually try to summon the thing into the box, we want to have enough force present to engage and destroy the manifested demon in case the attempt goes horribly wrong, which Van Hal can also provide.

The Ranald thing I'll think on.
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  • Know what Anton's guilty pleasure is. Should be fun to show off later. Send him a basket of them to thank him for getting us some much needed help. Be all 'of course I now what your favourite snacks are, its part of the job. '
Actually, I'm thinking of something different if he's bribing a maid to bring him 'snacks' late at night.
But since we hadn't investigated further, heck if I know something's behind that.

How about let's not use mindhole and get Anton worried. The lady doesn't need to be stationed in the sunken palace, maybe buy a house and station the Greatswords there? The various cell leaders still need an address to report to.
Mindhole is best used on our first meeting where there's little to forget. We test if she's okay with it, if she's not, we wipe and make sure she's used only on the tasks she's okay with.

If you want you can lay some groundwork for the Ranald recruitment now, but it'll be a potential action next turn.
Hopefully we can spare the Blessing on that :D
This seems reasonable, although I wonder how many shadowsteeds we can make if we are riding somewhere and need an escort to move as fast as we do. @BoneyM, comments on that?

Depends on local conditions. Around dawn or dusk, during fog, or during a storm, you could basically punch out three or four a minute indefinitely. The rest of the time, going for more than a dozen or so would strain the local winds.
Depends on local conditions. Around dawn or dusk, during fog, or during a storm, you could basically punch out three or four a minute indefinitely. The rest of the time, going for more than a dozen or so would strain the local winds.
Around dawn ... you could basically punch out three or four a minute indefinitely
Wow. That's way more than I thought. I almost feel like we should inform Van Hal that we can potentially relocate a hundred or so troops to anywhere in Stirland over the course of a couple days as long as we start riding at dawn every day and they don't mind a bit of wizardry during our private report. That just went from "useful for moving small groups, messengers and agents and VIPs and such" to "significant military asset".
For people who don't have your talent with Shadowsteed, there is a hard limit on how much hard riding they can take before their crotch turns to pulp. It's still pretty damn useful, though.
Wow. That's way more than I thought. I almost feel like we should inform Van Hal that we can potentially relocate a hundred or so troops to anywhere in Stirland over the course of a couple days as long as we start riding at dawn every day and they don't mind a bit of wizardry during our private report. That just went from "useful for moving small groups, messengers and agents and VIPs and such" to "significant military asset".
Umm... I'm not keen on casting a hundred spells. That would seem to basically guarantee a miscast. Miscasts aren't fun.
Unfortunately we're here to do spymaster work, rather than ferry troops around. Good to know for emergency response however
[X] [Orders] Plan Obvious Items
-[X] There's definitely evil afoot in Drakenhof. Perhaps there's a way to survive investigating this.
--[X] That said, the castle itself is off limits. You're certain you aren't up to the task. But you can try to send feelers into their periphery villages if Van Hal feels the risks is worth it
-[X] The disappearance of your predecessor is very concerning, especially since he's actively trying to sabotage the hunt for him. He must be found, and you've got a lead: Julbach.
--[X] He's likely involved in the matter of the servant infiltrators and the Stirland League. Rolling him up is the next step now that your castle is secured.
-[X] The Stirlandian League is a cancer eating at Stirland's economy, and it must be destroyed.
--[X] This would likely be difficult while the previous spymaster is still at large to run counterintelligence, but it can be done.
-[X] This religion business has gone far enough. It's not really your place, but maybe you should step in and deal with it yourself... somehow.
--[X] There's alternative ways to verifying faith and beliefs than having a priest interrogate them. You could task your city and rural informants to focus on their local practices to identify if theres anything untowards happening religiously.
Added a set of suggested orders, coupled to reasonings for and against.
I really don't like the use of Mindhole here- it's been long enough (over a six-month turn) that she'll be wondering why she came to Wurtbad at all and what she's been doing for weeks or months, things won't fit together properly in her memories, and she's a sharp woman based upon her stats. She'll put together what we did to her sooner or later and then we get questions of whether she resents having her memories drastically edited, if she's capable of hiding that she resents it, whether she'll act on that resentment... it's a bundle of trouble we don't need to open.
Hmm, how about I put it up front. Ask her if she's willing to accept memory loss if she refuses the next pitch, if not you'd just not tell her, if yes, then she can write a note to herself first before you talk.
This seems fine. We may wish to bring up the information that we learned about the state of Drakenhof and their habit of specifically training their peasants to become sleeper agents in Stirland- it sounded like they have a training pipeline running there so it's likely that we'll see other infiltrators using roughly the same method, at least as far as being taught the accent and such. It's not impossible that some could be sent to infiltrate the military or other nobles' homes.
I'll add the Drakenhof training pipeline in the private report. That's info we don't want leaking out along our other advisors yet until we trace it.

Also I'll add it to the orders suggestion in a bit.
What is "all information you have gathered on your fellow council members"? What do we know about them that we haven't already told him? I can't think of anything.
Its to cover all eventualities. If we missed something and forgot to tell him about Gustav or Kasmir. Or even Anton's little misdemeanors, well, have it all out with him.
The lead on the snake should probably be presented as not just a lead- it's something we'd actually like money for (specially constructed mirror boxes are probably expensive) and his authorization to go ahead with in the coming turn. Should we actually try to summon the thing into the box, we want to have enough force present to engage and destroy the manifested demon in case the attempt goes horribly wrong, which Van Hal can also provide.
I'm not sure how involved this is. @BoneyM
Can we get an explanation of the projected costs and risks of sealing the snake?

I don't think the others can do anything to a daemon. Van Hal and Kasmir are the only ones who might be able to damage it at all.

Mirror boxes should fall under our discretionary budget easily though.
I am absurdly tempted to challenge Gustav to a race on horseback from one end of Stirland to the other for reasons I cannot fully explain.
That's how we spend the Getting To Know You action (we will never spend) with him. Should boost our relationship nicely when we lap him.

@veekie our magic weapon spell lasts an hour. We could probably buff a squad of Greatswords usefully. and Van Hal specifically said let him know if he can help at all.
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I'm not sure how involved this is. @BoneyM
Can we get an explanation of the projected costs and risks of sealing the snake?

If the snake does find you and the mirrorcatch box doesn't actually trap it, you can't think of a single scenario where it being in a weird mirror box is any worse than if it emerged anywhere else.

The cost are likely to be pretty expensive, just for that many mirrors. Probably 100g or thereabouts. And it'll take an action to put them all together.

Including Anton's green wizard aunt? Just asking.

This sort of thing is why I insist that you spell out what information you're giving him.
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Including Anton's green wizard aunt? Just asking.
Yes. Van Hal has been shown to be someone who can WAIT on taking action until action is needed. And well, to him, a wizard is a wizard. Not a monster.
If the snake does find you and the mirrorcatch box doesn't actually trap it, you can't think of a single scenario where it being in a weird mirror box is any worse than if it emerged anywhere else.

The cost are likely to be pretty expensive, just for that many mirrors. Probably 100g or thereabouts. And it'll take an action to put them all together.
100g huh. We have enough personal funds(150g) to cover that, and really little else to spend it on other than spell components. I'll add it to the private report, but refrain from outright asking for more money since we DO have enough.
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