[X] [Julia] Hire her, buy her a home in town near your residence. Somewhere where people coming and going at odd times won't draw a fuss.
-[X] Her job would be to manage your informant networks in general, particularly sorting through the reports and picking out what's significant versus chaff. It'd also involve independently expanding the networks as funds and opportunities allow after she has settled in.
-[X] The only ones who are supposed to know her position should be Van Hal, yourself and anyone you specifically cleared for this. For anyone below her, she's to present herself as a messenger or other relay.
-[X] For your initial meeting, probe her religious beliefs and opinion on working with criminals, assassins, magic and proscribed cults to determine how fit she is to assign to your tasks
-[X] For her personal security, she's to rely mainly on obscurity for now.
[X] [Greatswords] Greatswords will stay in the castle, except when we're going somewhere publicly, or interrogating potentially hostile persons.
[X] [Public Report] Plan Points for public consumption.
-[X] The castle infiltrators were sleeper agents.
--[X] They have not been conducting any significant sabotage.
--[X] Their loyalty was secured by a necromantic spell that would kill them if they even thought of betraying their master, or if their master did not meet them for more than a few days.
--[X] Said master had fled the area the very night an infiltrator got caught.
--[X] The monsters in the castle walls were previous victims of the spell. Refer to Van Hal's paper on details if anyone is interested.
--[X] They were lying about having any religious beliefs, but got away with it because nobody could probe them further on Morrite or Shallyan practices.
-[X] All other castle servants have been examined, their backstories hold up and all future servants would be rigorously examined to prevent more of this.
[X] [Private Report] Plan For Van Hals Eyes Only.
-[X] Tell him about everything you learned in the interview. Especially how they produce infiltrators.
-[X] Give him all information you have gathered on your fellow council members.
--[X] Anton's Wizard Aunt and the late night sweets through the maid.
--[X] Wilhelmina's lack of belief in Sigmar.
--[X] Kasmir's loyalties, though you're pretty sure he knows already
--[X] Gustav's detailed report from your investigation via the informant in his soldiers.
-[X] You have acquired some subordinates.
--[X] Introduce him to your prospective Number 2 in Julia after the meeting. In case any unfortunate 'accidents' happens to you(like say, the pseudo-demonic snake), he can pick up some of your networks through her so he wouldn't need to start from scratch.
--[X] The veterans have been assigned to gather gossip in the cities and the army to get a barometer of events
-[X] You have a lead on permanently sealing the snake away. Give him as much information on the process as you have, if he's interested. Noting the cost in mirrors and possibly request some assistance with construction(not necessarily his personal assistance, but a recommendation to a skilled and trusted artisan could be valuable) since the damned snake can pop out of mirrors if you're building it yourself.
-[X] Confess your religious belief in Ranald to him. Mention how the god of Luck had been looking out for and helping you along with your work so far(particularly avoiding being killed by the Shyish-kebabs, and finding leads at crucial moments), and the belief that Ranald as Protector has a vested interest in Stirland's people not being eaten by vampires and turned into abominations by necromancers. The revolutionary thing happens only in places where their lords are actively abusing the people, which Van Hal of course, is doing the opposite of!
[X] [Orders] Plan Obvious Items
-[X] There's definitely evil afoot in Drakenhof. Perhaps there's a way to survive investigating this.
--[X] That said, the castle itself is off limits. You're certain you aren't up to the task. But you can try to send feelers into their periphery villages if Van Hal feels the risks is worth it.
-[X] The disappearance of your predecessor is very concerning, especially since he's actively trying to sabotage the hunt for him. He must be found, and you've got a lead: Julbach.
--[X] He's likely involved in the matter of the servant infiltrators and the Stirland League, considering you find it extremely unlikely that all these servants, with a necromancer within a short walk from the castle, were placed without his knowledge. Rolling him up is the next step now that your castle is secured. If you can catch him alive, an interrogation could be extremely fruitful.
-[X] The Stirlandian League is a cancer eating at Stirland's economy, and it must be destroyed.
--[X] This would likely be difficult while the previous spymaster is still at large to run counterintelligence, but it can be done.
-[X] This religion business has gone far enough. It's not really your place, but maybe you should step in and deal with it yourself... somehow.
--[X] There's alternative ways to verifying faith and beliefs than having a priest interrogate them. You could task your city and rural informants to focus on their local practices to identify if theres anything untowards happening religiously, though barring a few exceptions, there are few actual priests involved to verify matters in detail.
--[X] Offer this option covertly if it wasn't already. No sense having Kasmir know about the offer.
For the private report. Anyone who objects can just cut the last line and make a new plan! The entire Ranald thing is there only.