Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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The Fay Enchantress is probably the most skilled human mage alive. There's a lot to learn there.

On the other hand, Kislev is willing to Ante Up, and they really need this more than anyone else.
Vlag is a huge boon for the Kislev option - without it Kislev might struggle to get runesmiths involved, but IMO the runesmiths of Vlag are going to go "Chance to help The Mathilde without getting too far from home? Deal!"
This is an excellent point.

Yeah, OK, I think I'm coming around to Kislev. The downside is "Mathilde will be expected to overachieve." But, like...
  • The League of Stirland
  • The Drakenhofs
  • Karak Eight Peaks expedition
  • Waaagh Birdmuncha and the reconquest of the other peaks
  • Queekish
  • Karak Vlag
...let's be honest, we were gonna throw 4000% effort into this project anyway. It's what we do.

And we still get spooky multiwind magic ladies. Multiple flavors, even! Can someone tell me about the Hags? The only thing I know is that they can heal Chaos corruption with bear piss.
Almost dinner, so just some quick notes:

Money and muscle power will be available anywhere.
Neither Carcassonne nor Kislev have much to offer beyond their local magic users, which we can get anyway.
Kislev clearly has contentious internal politics going on.

This feels far more important that it probably should.

I'm leaning towards Laurelorn personally, but have to note that as a tiny, ever shrinking nation state, they're highly unlikely to have a lot of spare muscle to toss around. This is in addition to general elf manpower issues.
...knowledge doesn't go away, gold and other types of backing is rather finite.
Their argument is "Oh, we don't know if what's in our library is useful to the task at hand, but we'll only let you look if we're hosting the project here." It's not that they refuse to lend out books, taking them out of the library, or even restricted section. It's "Host the project here or we will let you assume you're working impaired when a pair of glasses are readily available."

Keep in mind this is not their library of exotic cookbooks, this is seriously ancient and seriously dangerous magic. 'We are not giving you unrestricted access unless you work for us' seems every bit as reasonable as the runesmith secret keeping which no one seems to be calling out. We still get some of the information elsewhere but filtered through whichever elf mages leaves the forest.
I'm not sure I see how it's "extremely juicy". It's simply agreeing to take part in the project. Oh, and not giving us shit for our god.
Yeah, I really like the Fay Enchantress as a character and I'm tempted by Carcassone, but compared to Laurelorn and Kislev's offers it's a lot less exciting.

How badly do we want damsels as opposed to ice witches? They seem interchangeable to me: multiwind magic ladies who are doing extreme shit with the aid of their god.
Do Ice Witches use multiple winds or just the really weird Lore of Ice? Genuine question. (Damsels are implied to have wood elf ties.)

I mean, I want them pretty well... :V

Less memey, the Fay Enchantress is sort of a bigger deal than anything that the Kislevites have as far as I can tell.
I mean, I say this as a huge fan of her who's definitely leaning towards Carcassone because of it but:
"Morgiana is too, our upstairs neighbour. She's a busy woman, but she says she's willing to give you a nudge or two in the right direction, and to have one of her helpers join your number."
sounds good, but not like Morgiana is going to convey that much assistance herself.

We already have used K8P, and while it's useful I think that accessing any of the shinies will give us more help on the Waystone project. I'm definitely leaning most towards Laurelorn, then Kislev or Carcassone, then K8P.
Keep in mind, if we see major success based in Kislev, expect a commiserate push from Choas in response. Kislev is close enough for Chaos to stir some shit up.
Keep in mind this is not their library of exotic cookbooks, this is seriously ancient and seriously dangerous magic. 'We are not giving you unrestricted access unless you work for us' seems every bit as reasonable as the runesmith secret keeping which no one seems to be calling out. We still get some of the information elsewhere but filtered through whichever elf mages leaves the forest.
Thing is that we are working for them. They wanted us to fix their waystones and came to us.
I mean, I say this as a huge fan of her who's definitely leaning towards Carcassone because of it but:
Full cards on the table: I am a huge Bretonnia fanboy who would probably at least preference vote Carcassonne as a second pick to finally get away from the Dwarfs even if the only info we had got was a letter from the Duke saying "You get nothing but the pleasure of our company."
Vlag is a huge boon for the Kislev option - without it Kislev might struggle to get runesmiths involved, but IMO the runesmiths of Vlag are going to go "Chance to help The Mathilde without getting too far from home? Deal!"
Vlag doesn't really have Runesmiths right now, though. They have what they call Runepokers, which I'm pretty sure are people with Runesmith potential but no Runesmith training who learned by way of being stuck in the warp. They may well be able to help us in their own way but conventional Rune knowledge isn't something they'll be bringing to the table.

On the other hand, whatever knowledge they do have they'll likely give without any reservation besides their own, and if the Cult of Thungni doesn't like it then they should have rescued Karak Vlag themselves. So it may well be worth more that we'd think.
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How badly do we want damsels as opposed to ice witches? They seem interchangeable to me: multiwind magic ladies who are doing extreme shit with the aid of their god.
I don't think Ice witches can do multiple winds. They have their own special lore which nobody else gets, but unlike damsels who can cast spells from multiple winds. Their style is really more like divine magic scaled up to battle magic levels, as far as I'm aware.
For Bretonnia; "Bretonnia does not need monuments to banish evils." They're helping as a favour, and one that won't take us very far.

That line was immediately followed by them just so happening to bring up an evil they're having trouble banishing. It's like how they pretended not to see Mathilde until they knew the correct form of address, or how the Duchess was there as a 'translator' but was clearly talking for herself and didn't translate a single sentence. They work around the grand narrative they're trying to weave.

Also, fun fact: in at least one source book, it's mentioned that Betonnian noblewomen consider exposing their heir very scandalous—more so than exposing the rest of their bodies. Mathilde has very long hair in dwarven braids, which is probably the Bretonnian equivalent of turning up to a business meeting in a bikini.

Damsels get a free pass from any societal expectations, and a lot of them take advantage of it. So they'd be used to magic-users showing up in whatever outfit they please.
Then why haven't we heard of it before? If Laurelorn sent an emissary to any of the colleges then they'd have a research team out there within half a year to confirm it.
I don't think Laurelorn even considered Collages a possibilty, proabably thinking that they were too ignorant to be helpfull up untill they saw our Waag and Peace lecture transcripts which impressed them that we know what we are talking about.
Also, this is dependent on Laurelorn has ever tried a diplomatic resolution, which isn't a certainity.
You are talking about literally most diplomatic elf faction on the planet.
This might just be my inner Dwarf speaking, But compared to Belegar's frank assessment of things, the lack of negatives brought up by Cadaeth... I don't like it.

The winner of this vote will not only determine the setting of the next arc of the quest, it will also determine my new forum avatar.
I've done some wiki walking and tracked down who the big names were
Caledor Dragontamer, creator of The Vortex (for completeness).
The lady Astarielle was Everqueen to the High Elves of Ulthuan and the first wife of Aenarion the Defender,
Maruviel was the daughter of Aenarion's first son Morelion
Princess Yvraine of Avelorn was the daughter of Aenarion by Everqueen Astarielle.

We won't give you access to the books if you're not working on site.
But really, i can't blame them for not wanting to move books that old and that precious out of their stronghold/library. They might as well be holy relics.

Every option has it's ups and downs. The "downs" of not taking Laurelorn are the easiest to quantify. No B O O K.

All the options have upsides and downsides.

So... which elves will Boris be leaning on for support, if we go with Kislev?
Ulthuan. Erengrad has an Elf quarter bigger than Altdorf, but smaller than Marienburg's.
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