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I don't think that's justified by the text.

Belegar never says it's likely to find runesmiths willing to come out and work far from the eyes of their guild. He says that being under Dwarven authority would make it easier to recruit runesmiths because the Cult of Thungni would breathe easier. I think the plain reading of this is "if the project isn't under dwarf authority, the Cult of Thungni might decide it's not worth the risk and none of their members get involved." The Runelord/Runesmith distinction you draw doesn't appear at all.

I mean for one thing who is going to argue with Kragg or Thorek if they decide to get involved due to personal connections? The Runelonds are not some kind of centralized institution, they are deeply idiosyncratic especially at the highest levels.
On the Runesmith issue, we had the chance to learn Cult of Thungni lore previously. I wonder if doing so now would make it easier to come up with reasons why they should contribute. Mathilde does use her Learning to substitute for her Diplomacy when she has the ability to prepare, and this seems like a time this might apply.
I don't think that's justified by the text.

Belegar never says it's likely to find runesmiths willing to come out and work far from the eyes of their guild. He says that being under Dwarven authority would make it easier to recruit runesmiths because the Cult of Thungni would breathe easier. I think the plain reading of this is "if the project isn't under dwarf authority, the Cult of Thungni might decide it's not worth the risk and none of their members get involved." The Runelord/Runesmith distinction you draw doesn't appear at all.

Belegar says it would be easier under Dwarven authority, not that it might only be possible under Dwarven authority. You'll be able to get someone, it just might be the Runesmith equivalent of Gotri if you really flub your handling of the Cult.
Okay, there's a lot to unpack here, but I'm just going to throw away the whole box: No, the Eonir are not the Unseelie Court. That's the Asrai.

Can you show a single canonical example of the Eonir in Warhammer laying down a geas on someone? And "just because we learn stuff doesn't mean we'll leave the forest" is pure fearmongering.

I think he is confusing the Eonir with the Astrai who to be fair kind of are that bad in some cases.
Considering that there's a small change as of late called "The Colleges of Magic"? Yes. I think that if they go out and have word with folk then this might actually stick.
It hasn't even been two-centuries, and it was far from certain that the Colleges would survive, or that if they did their word would be useful, until recently -- this IS their attempt to reach out to the Colleges of Magic, in a way where they will actually listen.
I don't think that's justified by the text.

Belegar never says it's likely to find runesmiths willing to come out and work far from the eyes of their guild. He says that being under Dwarven authority would make it easier to recruit runesmiths because the Cult of Thungni would breathe easier. I think the plain reading of this is "if the project isn't under dwarf authority, the Cult of Thungni might decide it's not worth the risk and none of their members get involved." The Runelord/Runesmith distinction you draw doesn't appear at all.

This is the quote I was refering to:

"Of course, the reason they'd be more comfortable is that the Cult of Thungni has a lot of law, precedent, and tradition backing them up when it comes to keeping their secrets. They're not going to get anywhere trying to claim the Waystones themselves as secrets of Runesmithing because they were created in conjunction with the Elves, but they might stick their nose in if they think you're getting too close to what they consider theirs. It might be easier to perform your investigation far from their reach with an open-minded Runesmith than to do it right under their nose - I trust you to keep any secrets you stumble across to yourself, but the Cult of Thungni may not."

Basically, Belegar is suggesting that the Cult of Thungni could be largely kept out of the entire thing if Mathilde would get an "open-minded" (kickflip radical) runesmith to contribute far away from the Cult and their eyes. Because we talk about "the Cult of Thungni" but they aren't a unified body; do it under their nose and the leaders get to make all the decisions; do it in an elven forest and how do the Runelords know what any individual "open-minded" runesmith might or might not be sharing?
Are we really arguing that letting Chaos continue to corrupt Waystones is better than letting elves run them? :confused:

I always thought that people supposedly having an irrational distaste for elves was a meme, but now I'm reconsidering...

I'm not saying any one here engages in it, but literal racism against fictional Elves by real people is totally a thing that happens and I've observed in both forums and real settings, it's why dwarven arrogance is oft white washed in warhammer where as Elven arrogance is taken to be a deadly insult. I'm not going to pontificate on the causes but I'd be surprised if there isn't some influence of that here given the voter base is hundreds strong. *shrug*
Wow, that's some low-key Elf racism going on there lol. It's pretty strange to see such strong distrust for an entire Politity we've had 2 IC interactions with.

"Those terrible Elves are definitely going to hide stuff from us!" yes, of course they are. They aren't morons, and they do have the ability to do Intrigue. Literally everyone (Empire included) hides stuff from us. Mathilde has a long laundry list of stuff she's hiding from everyone.

90% of the Empire would try to kill her on sight if it ever got out she'd even read the Liber Mortis.

Mathilde is a paranoid Grey; she's not gonna blindly trust anyone, but she's also good enough to know you can't let your paranoia go too far.

Edit: changed up the first sentence so it didn't sound so generalized and imply more than I meant. Good call @picklepikkl
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Belegar says it would be easier under Dwarven authority, not that it might only be possible under Dwarven authority. You'll be able to get someone, it just might be the Runesmith equivalent of Gotri if you really flub your handling of the Cult.
Got it, thank you. I was reading "easier to recruit other Runesmiths" as "there's a chance we might flub the roll and get nobody," especially in light of Algard's existing skepticism and the tragedy of Edda's roll to get weavers back in the day.

In that case, I withdraw my concern and will edit my previous posts accordingly. Though now my desire for Mathilde to do a pros and cons list before the final vote is even higher, given that I, a fairly invested person, fucked up this badly :p
Wow, there's a lot of lowkey Elf racism going on here lol. It's pretty strange to see such strong distrust for an entire Politity we've had 2 IC interactions with.
Eh, there's one person being vocally concerned and a lot of other people saying it's unjustified. That's not strong distrust in the thread, that's one person's idiosyncratic feelings.
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Or to put it differently: Just because we learn stuff doesn't mean we'll leave the forest, us or the dwarves, or even be allowed to enter it in the first place, without strident secrecy Oaths/Geas being laid down. Because Faries. And hell, the Runesmiths would require a similar Oath to even start speaking about such stuff, even if they decided to share it, so why anyone would think that the Elves won't be taking their own precautions against their secrets slipping out is silly.
Or we could just say « Hell no, YOU asked US and the Dwarfs to come help you, and if you don't want to let us use that knowledge for ourselves we will let you try fixing your Waystones alone! » Of course the Eonir will not let us know about their state secrets and most powerful magic, but that's only normal.

Concerning the replicability of the research to other Waystones, all of those in the Empire were also made by Elves. And for the Dwarfs ones, the findings will still be extremely useful.

We're speaking about WHF Wood Elfes, not WH40k Eldars. The Asrai have never tried to invade Bretonnia in 15 centuries while being much more powerful and xenophobic than the Eonir. There's no way the Eonir will try that. That would make the Empire hate them. It would be more advantageous for them to simply stay cool with the Empire and let it be their buffer state, like Bretonnia is for Athel Loren.
It hasn't even been two-centuries, and it was far from certain that the Colleges would survive, or that if they did their word would be useful, until recently -- this IS their attempt to reach out to the Colleges of Magic, in a way where they will actually listen.

For that matter consider that a mere generation ago the Colleges were outlawed and had to fend off an Imperial siege. In the span of not even a single elf lifetime the Colleges have gone from nonexistent to tolerated to outlawed and back to tolerated. As far as the Eonir are concerned they might get killed by a mob of crazed fanatics tomorrow with no rhyme or reason. They are not exactly plugged into the Empire's rumor network, or at elast they were not before the thing with the Ulricans
It hasn't even been two-centuries, and it was far from certain that the Colleges would survive, or that if they did their word would be useful, until recently -- this IS their attempt to reach out to the Colleges of Magic, in a way where they will actually listen.
Then why haven't we heard of it before? If Laurelorn sent an emissary to any of the colleges then they'd have a research team out there within half a year to confirm it.
Also, this is dependent on Laurelorn has ever tried a diplomatic resolution, which isn't a certainity.
For that matter consider that a mere generation ago the Colleges were outlawed and had to fend off an Imperial siege. In the span of not even a single elf lifetime the Colleges have gone from nonexistent to tolerated to outlawed and back to tolerated. As far as the Eonir are concerned they might get killed by a mob of crazed fanatics tomorrow with no rhyme or reason. They are not exactly plugged into the Empire's rumor network, or at elast they were not before the thing with the Ulricans
Yes, that is indeed what I was referring to in the first half of that post. :p
Then why haven't we heard of it before? If Laurelorn sent an emissary to any of the colleges then they'd have a research team out there within half a year to confirm it.
Also, this is dependent on Laurelorn has ever tried a diplomatic resolution, which isn't a certainity.
...because Mathilde is the emissary that they picked? It's literally why we're talking about this? Sorta the point of this whole deal?
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Then why haven't we heard of it before? If Laurelorn sent an emissary to any of the colleges then they'd have a research team out there within half a year to confirm it.
Umm... we were that Emissary. They sent a message to the colleges via the Ar-Ulric, and asked for us by name.
And we had years to go confirm it. If anything, it's on us.
But Elves man. From contracts to geas, to just "Each Waystone is a unique artifact and what works for Elven ones may not apply to dwarven ones nearly as well." There are all kinds of ways for there to be hidden hooks and traps when dealing with the Fey. Which is what Warhammer Wood ELves and their allies basically are.

Or to put it differently: Just because we learn stuff doesn't mean we'll leave the forest, us or the dwarves, or even be allowed to enter it in the first place, without strident secrecy Oaths/Geas being laid down. Because Faries. And hell, the Runesmiths would require a similar Oath to even start speaking about such stuff, even if they decided to share it, so why anyone would think that the Elves won't be taking their own precautions against their secrets slipping out is silly.

For dwarves, it would be as simple as making them take an Oath. No assassins required. What does it matter if their knowldge grows if they/we can almost never use it?

As for pop levels, oh yes, Elves have low pop levels. That's why they need the massive rivers of magic. You know who has the numbers? The trees do. We power up a couple of Waystones and suddenly they can give a live rendition of the March of the Ents.

you know what I said about painting WF elves with the same brush as their 40k counterparts? the above. mixed with purposely mixing up athel loren elves with the Enoir.

look, as someone who came into the setting the otherway around to most people. (RPG- Black Libarary- 40k TT) the elfs, preiterly the high elves, are not like the elder and are actually pretty fucking noble in whatever book or story they turn up in. 9 time out of 10 they try to do the right thing: that can be dicks about it, and can get stuff on what they think over others, but they almost always choice to do what they think is right even at personal expense.

its just that they really fuck up that 1/10 times and are bad at interacting with others.
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Two entirely positive interactions, as far as I'm concerned, and we still get this.

Not a thought for the peasants caught in the middle, both those that got disappeared by the Eonir and those that would have perished under Middenland blades to seal the alliance if the Winter Wolves hadn't spirited them away to the other end of the continent. You wonder if this is characteristic of her kind, or if it's just her. "Very well," you say. "Why did you want to meet me?"

I think you may want to reconsider if that was 'entirely positive.' Yes, there was justification, and yes, this was addressed in the latest update, but no, I don't think it was entirely positive.
Belegar says it would be easier under Dwarven authority, not that it might only be possible under Dwarven authority. You'll be able to get someone, it just might be the Runesmith equivalent of Gotri if you really flub your handling of the Cult.
I mean, I do want Kragg and or Thorek for the project but 'Runesmith equivalent of Gotri' sounds rather appealing.
Hopefully we can have both.
Or to put it differently: Just because we learn stuff doesn't mean we'll leave the forest, us or the dwarves, or even be allowed to enter it in the first place, without strident secrecy Oaths/Geas being laid down. Because Faries. And hell, the Runesmiths would require a similar Oath to even start speaking about such stuff, even if they decided to share it, so why anyone would think that the Elves won't be taking their own precautions against their secrets slipping out is silly.
Let's examine this. What if the elves, who are explicitly seeing this project as one of their only alternatives to slowly losing ground and dying, decide to force oaths of secrecy?

If they do it at the start, then nobody comes and helps them with their project at all. This is pointless from their perspective, as they've just burned a bridge for nothing.

If they do it at the end, then they've got no real ability to enforce that without violence, and the group worried about extinction doesn't want to piss off every major magical tradition (and their backers) that was previously friendly to them.

The Eonir are not stupid evil.
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