Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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"We did the best we could," he says. "When it comes time to tell the rest of the Karaz Ankor what has become of us, please tell them that as well. May the Ancestors forgive us."


Okay, immediate thoughts, Borek knew exactly what had been in the process of happening, and that they'd been trying extremely hard to resist that, but it has clearly failed.

As for what that is, possibly that the Dwarves are now somehow in cooperation with Morghur? They made a deal with the devil, they have fallen, and Borek wants everyone to know that they really fucking tried.
No, seriously, Cor-Dum isn't sane enough to act like this normally. And Borek isn't getting corrupted. What the fuck.
So we crest a hill and it leads to a slope of sand that leads down to a forest that surrounds a single mountain pointing up from the bottom of this big crater and from the forest Morghur steps out did I get that right?

Then Borek just sighs hops on down and trudges past Morghur and wanders into the forest?

Yup I have no idea what's going on.

Edit: also a clarification on Cor-Dum would be appreciated.
In conclusion, we should knock Bortrek out, turn around and leave. We signed up to maybe have to kill a Bloodthirster (Which was a big ask but possible with what we brought) but Morghul is an entirely different ballgame.

I don't think its actually Morghul. I dunno WHAT it is, but its almost certainly not Morghul.
So question for the thread.

When did Mathilde connect to Ranald while he was snorting copious amounts wapstonedust? Because that's the only logical explanation I have for this.
Okay, IIRC, these are some of the facts we have

1) The Runelords in this area were weird and unconventional
- From your very limited knowledge, Morghur was last seen being pursued by High Elves in Bretonnia shortly before the Great War Against Chaos.
3) Dwarves really like Grudges

So, would this work as a theory. On seeing their incoming destruction by chaos, the Runelords of this area used the overwhelming power of the magic here, to try and trap Morghur the demi-god near their hold. This allows them to fulfill their desired grudge. Morghur does not attack Borek because the runic magic holds him captive, and Borek is not suprised by Morghur because he knows about the grudge. He just didn't tell anyone because "we decided to summon a beastman god for a grudge" is slayerworthy, and embarrassing his runelords is not a burden he can bear.

Instead, his determination to get here is then based not on rescuing his hold, but on fulfilling their final grudge by destroying the captive Morghur.
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So here's what I'll be voting for. Short and sweet.
[ ] THEORY: Karag Dun has either allied with or bound the Shdowgave somehow, they are lost
[ ] ACTION: Leave, we have what we came for

We should be ready to make shadow horses for all our wizards
Driven: Borek was sent by Karag Dum to seek reinforcements almost two centuries ago, and will stop at nothing to finally succeed.
He was willing to buy food from the Chaos Dwarves.
It seems the ones at Dum were even more desperate.

Though given the Waystone magic is still uncorrupted they have not fallen completely. Yet.
Took a page from the Chaos Dwarves playbook in desperation.

But you definitely weren't expecting resignation. "Borek-"

"We did the best we could," he says. "When it comes time to tell the rest of the Karaz Ankor what has become of us, please tell them that as well. May the Ancestors forgive us."

Borek considered this event possible, but he hoped for better.
Like this was discussed as a possibility when he left for reinforcements. Probably in the same way we discuss using the LM or 2nd Secret. A Last Resort.
This must be some kind of trick.

Morghur is not the type to make any kind of alliance, he is half force of nature and half puppet of the Dark Gods, there is not much space for considerations and plans in that mix.
@BoneyM Is this one of those times when using Windsage to look closer is dangerous? Because for all that Mat has said Dum is a massive Herdstone, I've heard not one wisp that confirms it. Are there massive amounts of Dhar decending from the Winds to swirl all around it, or did Mat just have a thought pop into her head that "It's a Heardstone and that the Shadowgrave" like with "Stone is an excellent insulator against magic"?
"We did the best we could," he says. "When it comes time to tell the rest of the Karaz Ankor what has become of us, please tell them that as well. May the Ancestors forgive us."
This sounds like he's talking about Karag Dum rather than the expedition.
"Karag fucking Dum," one of the Engineers finally says.

"I never listened to all the mutterings," Snorri says. "More fool I."
And here's them talking about how Karag Dum was walking the edge.

Yeah, I think I'll add another voice to that we've got Chaos Dwarves 2.0
He's bound, somehow. A deal with the dwarves? He isn't sane enough to not charge us when we are right in front of him. So something is stopping him from doing so. Or something somehow broke everything and restored sanity to the broken demigod.

Either way we are missing something massive. What I expect is that this was a known last-ditch effort to survive. They probably aren't chaos dwarves as we know them, but something new. In exchange they remain a fulcrim against chaos - I expect this place is where countless daemons get drawn before they can leave the wastes.
@BoneyM Is this one of those times when using Windsage to look closer is dangerous? Because for all that Mat has said Dum is a massive Herdstone, I've heard not one wisp that confirms it. Are there massive amounts of Dhar decending from the Winds to swirl all around it, or did Mat just have a thought pop into her head that "It's a Heardstone and that the Shadowgrave" like with "Stone is an excellent insulator against magic"?

If the mountain was literally a Herdstone, then the energies flowing to Karak Vlag would have been stopped or corrupted. That was me (and/or Mathilde) being poetic.
The conclusion here is really simple here.

Either Dum has allied with Chaos, or has bound Morghur.

Either way, they have touched the bad magic and are lost to us.
Or, better idea.

We can just turn around, try and drop a Melkoths because since we've gotten past the initial roll, its now just fiendishly complicated, and thus trivial, and then we fucking bailllll.
Or, third idea,
we scout invisibly to determine whether there are any dwarf survivors capable of making a breakout,
If so, then we hire every tribe we can reach to make a run at the guy,
Then once he engages somone else we coordinate a simultaneous attack from the outside and breakout attempt from within to try to spring the dwarves.

This may, at some point, involve attacking into Beastmen alongside the tribes we collect, but if Morghur shows up we should teleport away immediately.
I... I want to go in. I want to know what the fuck is going on here. Too much doesn't add up here for that to actually be Morghul, or at least still an evil one. Is it possible for him to be purified? Like, at all?
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