"We did the best we could," he says. "When it comes time to tell the rest of the Karaz Ankor what has become of us, please tell them that as well. May the Ancestors forgive us."
In conclusion, we should knock Bortrek out, turn around and leave. We signed up to maybe have to kill a Bloodthirster (Which was a big ask but possible with what we brought) but Morghul is an entirely different ballgame.
I would not say chaos dwarfs but they look to have made a deal with chaos to stay alive.
3) Dwarves really like Grudges- From your very limited knowledge, Morghur was last seen being pursued by High Elves in Bretonnia shortly before the Great War Against Chaos.
He was willing to buy food from the Chaos Dwarves.Driven: Borek was sent by Karag Dum to seek reinforcements almost two centuries ago, and will stop at nothing to finally succeed.
But you definitely weren't expecting resignation. "Borek-"
"We did the best we could," he says. "When it comes time to tell the rest of the Karaz Ankor what has become of us, please tell them that as well. May the Ancestors forgive us."
This must be some kind of trick.
Morghur is not the type to make any kind of alliance, he is half force of nature and half puppet of the Dark Gods, there is not much space for considerations and plans in that mix.
This sounds like he's talking about Karag Dum rather than the expedition."We did the best we could," he says. "When it comes time to tell the rest of the Karaz Ankor what has become of us, please tell them that as well. May the Ancestors forgive us."
And here's them talking about how Karag Dum was walking the edge."Karag fucking Dum," one of the Engineers finally says.
"I never listened to all the mutterings," Snorri says. "More fool I."
@BoneyM Is this one of those times when using Windsage to look closer is dangerous? Because for all that Mat has said Dum is a massive Herdstone, I've heard not one wisp that confirms it. Are there massive amounts of Dhar decending from the Winds to swirl all around it, or did Mat just have a thought pop into her head that "It's a Heardstone and that the Shadowgrave" like with "Stone is an excellent insulator against magic"?
What, exactly, is "the changeling", and why is it relevant (asking as a person who is not immersed in whf lore, since it hasnt been in the updates i dont think?)
Or, third idea,Or, better idea.
We can just turn around, try and drop a Melkoths because since we've gotten past the initial roll, its now just fiendishly complicated, and thus trivial, and then we fucking bailllll.