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Skywalk can allow you to walk on air, which should be harder then walking on water, and Rite of Way is basically just a thousand Skywalk's combined together.

No, the answer is "definitely not", because Rite of Way uses the Ulgu present in the transition from solid to different solid/liquid/gap to decide where to put the mini Skywalks. So for something like a relatively small gap/puddle it can bridge that gap, but the surface of a larger water body doesn't have that kind of transition present so the spell won't have an anchor.
Bretonnia also has Virtues, which its Knights can take, which function like magical effects. (And apparently Total War added Troths that Damsels can take, which are probably similar things.)

They have a variety of stuff, and it sounds like what's happening here is that they are working with a divine lore of mists, chivalry, and fey or otherwordly power. I don't think this is evidence of Ulgu battle magic; I think this is evidence of a Lore of the Lady. Or of some kind of divine or otherwordly and fey powers on the part of Damsels.

There's overlap and similarities. Just like people make comparisons between the Lore of Ulgu and Ranald's magic. Or how Michel is looking into the Ice Crone magics for inspiration or ideas. (Or perhaps the Lore of Light and ice dragons being, well, ice?)

... Actually, how do we know that this is Ulgu-related rather than Ghyran-related? I think the Jade Wind is associated with mists, with rivers, too after all, right? So it could be some weird Ghyran stuff rather than Ulgu stuff. Or a weird mix of Ghyran and Ulgu both.
It can let you cross thin ice though.

Sure - thin ice still has a transition between solid and liquid. Similarly, I'd expect it to work well with mud (in a transitional stage between solid and liquid) and loose sand (in a transitional stage between solid and empty). What it can't do is let you ford a river or cross a cliff.
A combo of RoW and Winter's Frost may be enough to create a thin layer of ice and allow for the crossing of rivers provided it isn't hot enough to instantly melt and the river isn't flowing fast enough immediately sweep the ice away.
I imagine the mist thing is Ghyran, assuming one wants to apply the Wind theory of magic to Damsels. Which I am of half-a-mind about.
I can see a "boosted" Rite of Way variant that has modules for guiding people around or over bigger obstacles like stakes, pitfalls, or low walls. More complexity, for identifying more ground conditions and devising larger workarounds (for example, ramps to get over upcoming stakes or walls), and more power, for simply powering larger skywalks (for example, entire ramps or platforms to provide transit over pitfalls or moats), and "more power and more complexity" is pretty much exactly what characterizes the boosted forms of battle magic. Probably something that could be tacked on later.
With that version it would be nice to have an option to actually set skywalk below every footm needed or not - which would prevent people from leaving foor tracks and make cavalry charge close-to-silent.
Sure - thin ice still has a transition between solid and liquid. Similarly, I'd expect it to work well with mud (in a transitional stage between solid and liquid) and loose sand (in a transitional stage between solid and empty). What it can't do is let you ford a river or cross a cliff.
To be honest, I don't really understand why. Part of preparation was to see all combination of terrain and hardwire them into the spell. If there is a 'gap' underfoot, put skywalk there. If there is solid, do not. If there is liquid surrounded by solid, skywalk instance on liquid. Criteria "liquid surrounded by liquid" is just another criteria on that list. It would generate skywalk instance just above surface of liquid.

Details to how exactly does it work were below level of abstraction - but if was said that preparation covered every combination. So I would say, that yes, ROW should allow You to cross the river. Plus, crossing the rivers were in original specification for a spell.

As long as we keep it reasonable and not try to recreate wild hunt over surface of sea, it would work fine. Rivers or not, swamps or not. Just let's not poke into this too much,

Anyway - one of elements I'm rather curious about is how ROW will work in hands other than Mathilde. We know, that it would be weaker - but how much so? Without:
- Staff of Mistery that boosts effects of mists spells
- Ulgu specialization focused on fog/mist
- Without bonus of being creator of the spell
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With that version it would be nice to have an option to actually set skywalk below every footm needed or not - which would prevent people from leaving foor tracks and make cavalry charge close-to-silent.

You don't actually want a silent cavalry charge. The noise is actually quite scary, and cav is always better off if the peeps they are charging spook.
Hello I may have a problem with this. When I research Kazador and warhammer fantasy only 1 thing shows up. This A king of karak Azul who is very big and who can drink better than any dwarf. But it also says that he only has a single son that was shaved and nailed to his throne so I don't understand how he has numerous progeny. If you are talking about somedwarf else I would appreciate a clarification.
And regarding dwarf women their society practices reverse harems also known as Polyandry so if it is one dwarf woman with multiple children it might not all have the same father.
Either you didn't pay attention to this Quest or forgot a big chunk of it - the dead in canon Prince Kazrik is Belegar's Diplomacy advisor, and Kazador is a close ally of K8P who helped out substantially during the retaking of the Karak, and who in this quest has a LOT of children.

This guy :
King Kazador Thunderhorn

> He has decades of experience in combat and warfare, and so efficiently purged the mountains near Karak Azul that the greenskins learned to climb mountains. And then he made his Throng learn too so they could follow them. Don't underestimate him.
< Hmm. Kazok, Kazgal and Kazgrom like tall women. I wonder if she likes bearded lads? Sure, they say that manlings and Dwarves can't have children, but have any of them actually tried?
Dramatis Personae updated a few minutes ago.
Journeyman Cyrston von Danling of the Order of Life
Spells: Leaf Fall, Spring Bloom, Summer Heat, Winter Frost, River's Whisper, Ferment
Explorer: Cyrston thirsts to see the wonders of the world.
Seasonal Attunement: Cyrston's magic waxes and wanes with the seasons.
Sir Ruprecht Wulfhart the Younger, Knight of the Winter Wolves, commands the Kriestov.
Ambitious: Ruprecht is eager to prove that he owes his position to more than nepotism.
Micromanager: Ruprecht has shown a predilection for closely managing those under him.
Savvy: Ruprecht has a decent grasp of the geopolitics of the Old World.
I believe the bolded lines are new, but I don't have an old version of the page handy to check.
With that version it would be nice to have an option to actually set skywalk below every footm needed or not - which would prevent people from leaving foor tracks and make cavalry charge close-to-silent.

You'd be increasing the power required by a huge amount, and it would need to be completely reworked to find an Ulgu-appropriate way to seek out where feet are about to be planted rather than the possible obstacles.

To be honest, I don't really understand why. Part of preparation was to see all combination of terrain and hardwire them into the spell. If there is a 'gap' underfoot, put skywalk there. If there is solid, do not. If there is liquid surrounded by solid, skywalk instance on liquid. Criteria "liquid surrounded by liquid" is just another criteria on that list. It would generate skywalk instance just above surface of liquid.

The spell doesn't have a vast list of possible obstacles programmed into it, it just seeks out transitions from one thing to another and plonks a Skywalk on it, which covers most reasonably-sized natural obstacles. But not rivers. Water surrounded by water is no different to it than stone surrounded by stone would be.
To be honest, I don't really understand why. Part of preparation was to see all combination of terrain and hardwire them into the spell. If there is a 'gap' underfoot, put skywalk there. If there is solid, do not. If there is liquid surrounded by solid, skywalk instance on liquid. Criteria "liquid surrounded by liquid" is just another criteria on that list. It would generate skywalk instance just above surface of liquid.
The Ulgu targeting works by detecting differences, it isn't able to distinguish between liquid surrounded by solid and solid surrounded by liquid but it is able to detect that it is something surrounded by something else and that it should cast Skywalk there but to it liquid surrounded by liquid looks the same as solid surrounded by solid and it can either not cast Skywalk in those circumstances which means RoW can't cross rivers and bodies of water or always cast Skywalk in those circumstances which would make it horrendously inefficient.
Rite of way above water seems much harder to maintain than above land. I mean, water flows thus changing every instant... even oceans and lakes have waves.

Having such a chaotic variable seems like calling for a miscast.
oh yeah, guys another thing that needs to be high up on the "To-do" list, once the expedition over.

Gaining control of our Arcane marks.

We are dwarf and a grandmaster, our control of our craft needs to be much less shoddy!

We must impress Grandpa Kragg!
Anyway - one of elements I'm rather curious about is how ROW will work in hands other than Mathilde. We know, that it would be weaker - but how much so? Without:
- Staff of Mistery that boosts effects of mists spells
- Ulgu specialization focused on fog/mist
- Without bonus of being creator of the spell
They would roll to learn and cast it. And then natural 100s to some exceptional mastery that makes Mathilde look bad in comparison.
The fire will end when there is nothing left to burn. So we just burn the city to set up a 99% effective fire break.
Edit: Didn't notice the same joke being made a couple posts up. Oh well.
They would roll to learn and cast it. And then natural 100s to some exceptional mastery that makes Mathilde look bad in comparison.
That shoulders of giants quote takes on a different meaning when you are one of the giants.
Micromanager: Ruprecht has shown a predilection for closely managing those under him
This is worrying but not automatically a bad thing, the problem with micromanagement isn't that it's inherently bad it's that most people are bad micromanagers and do more harm than good, although good micromanagers are admittedly very rare.
This is worrying but not automatically a bad thing, the problem with micromanagement isn't that it's inherently bad it's that most people are bad micromanagers and do more harm than good, although good micromanagers are admittedly very rare.
Savvy, meanwhile, is out and out good, as it means we probably don't need to be concerned about him biting off more than he can chew due to his ambitions. It looks like even though he wants success and advancement, he's aware of humanity's general place on the food chain.
oh yeah, guys another thing that needs to be high up on the "To-do" list, once the expedition over.

Gaining control of our Arcane marks.

We are dwarf and a grandmaster, our control of our craft needs to be much less shoddy!

We must impress Grandpa Kragg!

It might also give us insight about our soul, which seems important with the whole dwarf thing.
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