Added to the Collection of Important Information:
Dwarven Life Stages
Youth / Garazi: What is considered to be the first day of a Dwarf's life is not necessarily when they are born, but when they are given their name during a set of ceremonies at a Temple of Grungni with their male relatives, and at a Temple of Valaya with their female relatives. Over their childhood, they will be taught Dwarven law, tradition, and history, the basics of combat, mining, and metalworking, and the basics of their Clan's speciality. They will also spend a minimum of two years working in the mines of their Hold. For those that do not live within a Karak, they may travel to one to undergo the proper ceremonies, or they may be visited by the proper Priests.
Newbeard / Gnutrommi: At the age of thirty, a Dwarf makes a ceremonial sacrifice to the Ancestors, usually an apprentice-piece of the Guild they wish to join. They are gifted with their first set of tools by their Clan and are afforded the right to wear their Clan's insignia. This is typically the age when a Clan will start debating and negotiating a marriage on behalf of Dwarf women, though they retain veto rights throughout the process.
Journeymen / Strollenokri: Typically between the ages of 40 to 60, an Apprentice deemed ready is released to prove themselves. This is equivalent to the 'Journeying' of human crafters, but in this age it's common for Dwarves to remain in the same Hold. They work without supervision or correction until they consider themselves ready to present their Guild with a Masterpiece, and said Masterpiece is accepted by the Guild. Some Dwarves stall at this stage for life, or decide to start again as Apprentices in a new field.
Fullbeard / Altrommi: At the age of 70, a Dwarf that has also attained the rank of Master in their Guild is considered ready to take on Apprentices of their own. This is the most common age for Dwarven men to get married, though the majority never do.
Longbeard / Langktrommi: At the age of 120, Dwarves are considered to have neared the peak of their ability, and those that have suitable skill begin to be considered for the rank of Grandmaster. Most Dwarves stop taking on new Apprentices at this point to dedicate themselves entirely to their craft without distractions.
Elder / Aldtrommi: At the age 150, Dwarves join the Elder Council of their Clan, a position they retain for the remainder of their life. Depending on the Clan the Council might directly lead them, or might only advise those who do. They also become involved in adjudicating disputes, resolving Grudges, and advising young Dwarves who come to them for wisdom. This is also the age when many Dwarves will die of old age, which is something Dwarves can sense some time in advance, giving them the chance to prepare their tomb, distribute their possessions, and spend their last days with their friends and family.
Greatbeard / Gormtrommi: Few Dwarves reach the age of 200. Those that do are held in high esteem and often become leaders of their Clan or Guild.
Living Ancestor / Karugromthi: Those very rare Dwarves that reach the age of 400 are accorded the status of Living Ancestors. They typically have a driving motivation, either a thirst for knowledge, an ambition to fully master their craft, an unfinished task, or an unresolved Grudge that requires avenging, and will usually dedicate their entire life to this, however long it might take.
Most of the information comes from Stone and Steel, but since it was part of 1st Edition WHFRP (home of Necromancer Dwarves), parts have been tweaked here and there to fit with more modern canon.