Like, imagine you're playing Iron Wolf Quest:

These are not rational actors—they are chaos worshippers. They attack every intruder on their turf—it's not just survival to these people, it's religion. We cannot assume that the bloodthirsty daemon worshippers find us too intimidating to fight. Hell, they'll probably see us as a worthy challenge in the eyes of their unholy gods.
Especially since we have a dragon. I know Norscans believe that the only way to enter Chaos Heaven is to die in battle against a worthy foe, and I wouldn't be surprised if the Kurgan have a similar belief.
If we send only the knights scouting, the best we're probably going to get is "The kurgan are mobilising, we've skirmished with their outriders, but the main body will be here in an hour." The worst is we
lose the knights and then get ambushed. I don't remember how many knights we have—100? 200? What I do know is that they can not stand up to an entire kurgan tribe on the warpath by themselves.
But if we scout with Mathilde... well, I don't know what we'll find. But the chances that we'll find an opportunity to disrupt them
before they mobilise are in our favour here. Maybe we'll kill a few scouts and keep them blind. Maybe we'll assassinate a few bosses and trigger a power struggle. Maybe we'll grab a warbanner and lob it in the direction of a rival tribe.
Maybe we'll interrupt a ritual to separate Gork from Mork and use the excess energy to empower our own God 
Maybe we can't stop them, and we have to prepare for a pitched battle anyway. The only thing we lose by scouting is an opportunity to talk to Ruprecht, and quite frankly I think talking to the journeymen—the people we're actually responsible for—is of higher importance. We know almost nothing about the 40 year old journeywoman who "discovered" her talent for magic during a beastman raid. I smell a hedgewitch who bluffed her way out of the pyre and into the collage (and if so, good for her). Or maybe I'm just being excessively paranoid. Hmm, tried to come up with an "excellent insulator" joke here, but nope, I'm drawing a blank.
Also, we don't know what forces these guys have beyond a "dragon ogre" (and IC we don't know if it's awake or asleep, only that it exists, and that it's referred to as an "Old One" by a neighbouring tribe), and Gotrek has been complaining about the wheels on the Steamwagons for ages now. They are not invulnerable. They are not tanks. If something hits the wagons hard enough, we're in trouble. So lets go
be trouble for the Iron Wolves instead. (Also, why are they called Iron Wolves? That's a bit of an ominous name. Do they have lots of chaos armour and/or chaos beasts? Is it because they are closest to the Chaos Dwarfs and buy a lot of metal weapons? Are they just silver haired?)
Ugh, sorry, this wasn't supposed to be so long and ranty. The whole thing kind of got away from me somewhere between "BLOOD" and "SKULLS" and took on a life of it's own (a bit like a typical friday night

). Sorry!