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Horstmann's a light wizard vouched for by the Patriarch of the Light College himself and when he was expressing worry that one of his apprentices may've been corrupted, the Grey Magister Lord he was speaking to detected no deceit. The dude's clean. Literally every other one of the other new wizards is more likely to be a traitor.

Dude he was canonically able to slip his corruption past the entire light college.

I am absolutely willing to believe he can makes us think there is no deceit in his words.

I'm afraid this particular problem is gonna end up a Schrodinger's cat, where we won't know if he's a traitor or not until he actually betrays us.
Kragg: This is because of that lecture I gave her about her power not being under her control, isn't it. She needed someone around who could lecture me.

Wait till Snorri hears about how Kragg has taken no apprentice ever and how he used to spend entire centuries in his workshop just tinkering around instead of being useful to his hold...

He's gonna dunk him in a tub of particularly rancid troll fat, isn't he?
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[x] Asarnil the Dragonlord
[x] Deathfang
[x] Magister Egrimm van Horstmann
[x] Investigate the 'Windfall' with the Light Wizards
As far as the crossover negaverse goes, I want to see Belegar and Kragg's reactions to Mathilde pulling a Golden Age Runelord straight out of her ass. (There is a 110% chance that she would be blamed for this event, and you know it.)
Belegar's question: If you grab hold of the immaterium with your unprotected brainmeats and summon a super runelord, does that count as an insane zhuf superweapon or a properly dawi solution?
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[X] Use Rite of Way to ease the ascent
[X] Investigate the 'Windfall' with the Light Wizards
[X] Ice Crone Ljiljana
[X] Scout the lands of the Iron Wolves
Do you have something in mind for why she had such a reputation that could buy her this leeway? In-story I mean.

Regimand's good reputation rubbing off, and Mathilde leaving a good impression on College staff. 'I remember her, she was a diligent and respectful student' goes a lot further than it probably should in a College.

All Clanless are Expats? I completely missed that. I thought that those two were different categories that just frequently overlap and that most Holds have something akin to a Clanless underclass that isn't trusted with anything "serious", doesn't have a say in anything and doesn't have a Clan's support when they fall on hard times or need someone to vouch for the for anything ever.

Also in the past you've given comments on how Clanless still get an adequate (for a human) education in most Holds and how their lot in general varies from Hold to Hold. Gotrek himself is still an active member of Zhufbar's (or was it Kadrin?) Engineering Guild because he' just that good.

There's 'clanless' in the sense that their Clan has no presence in the Hold, either because they're somewhere else or because they've been wiped out, and there's 'clanless' in the sense that they've been banished from their Clan. The former are those that are still educated and cared for but looked askance at and don't have a support structure, the latter have the doors shut in their face. There's also those who were born to those in the second category, and whether they're considered type-one 'no local infrastructure' clanless or type-two 'can't be trusted, slam the doors' clanless varies from hold to hold. Gotrek is a special case, in that he's technically in the second category but between his banishment being for arguably benign reasons and him being widely respected as an Engineer, it gets overlooked to a degree by the Zhufbar Engineers Guild.

Wait hold on... something just occurred to me!

we are now legally acknowledged as having the soul of a dwarf...

Does... Does that mean we can put grudges in the book?

You could escalate a Grudge to Belegar who can escalate it to Karaz-a-Karak, yes.
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Highly entertaining.

I too often think that Rhunrikki and DL would make a hella cool crossover.

To be fair to Kragg, the sword is actually really good. His Master Rune is a fireless MConduction from Rhunrikki Strollaz, which is damn good, the magic item turnoff is a variant from Thorek's rune but manages to be as effective as a Master Rune without needing to be one, which is damn smart, and Unknown is just plain exotic.

@edit: Mind, Snorri could absolutely whip up a straight up killier weapon. But I struggle to see a more wizardly one.
I would love to see Mr Golden Age Runelord running into Bok and the Eye of Gazul and being utterly stumped. His rune lore might be vastly better, but there are things that just outright cannot be done by runes alone.
Polish, Clean and Gleam: Makes a transparent or reflective item spotlessly clean on touch. Apprentices are not allowed to use this for chore

Can we enchant a gun with this to make it automatically clean itself, maybe after each shot?

If we could magically prevent fouling it might let us use a different type of powder. Or just make life easier.

Really, I'm just looking for something to combine with Enchant Item for windherder puposes.

There's no spell for it, but I wonder if Celestial college magic could make a weapon more likely to strike true.
[X] Preceptor Joerg von Zavstra
[X] Sir Ruprecht Wulfhart the Younger
[X] Use Rite of Way to ease the ascent
[x] Investigate the 'Windfall' with the Light Wizards
[X] Use Rite of Way to ease the ascent
[X] Investigate the 'Windfall' with the Light Wizards
[X] Scout the lands of the Iron Wolves
[X] Citharus, Barbitus, and Timpania
[X] Ranging far ahead of the convoy
[X] Scouting near the convoy

Extra scouting during the part of the journey most likely to get raided makes sense.

Also we can't not take Rite of Way and the Windfall. One allows Mathilde to be smug the other is too interesting not to do.
Wait till Snorri hears about how Kragg has taken no apprentice ever and how he used to spend entire centuries in his workshop just tinkering around instead of being useful to his old...

He's gonna dunk him in a tub of particularly rancid troll fat, isn't he?

Snorri's favorite modern Runelord would be Thorek, wouldn't it?

He might be a fraction less skilled, but darn it, he's giving the whole "Save the Karaz Ankor" thing 120%, including having an army of apprentices.

Belegar's question: If you grab hold of the immaterium with your unprotected brainmeats and summon a super runelord, does that count as an insane zhuf superweapon or a properly dawi solution?

This would be where I would dig out the Both Gif from Road to El Dorado.

If I was less lazy.

You could escalate a Grudge to Belegar who can escalate it to Karaz-a-Karak, yes.


We definitely have people, and geographical locations, we hate enough that I want our hatred known publicly and legally recognized.
To be fair to Kragg he is six centuries Snorri''s senior and while he has a far lesser overall knowledge base to work with what he does have he has been obsessively honing for his entire life.

So while Snori will surpass Kragg in overall breadth of skill (and productivity, but that is the norm for everyone compared to Snori), Kragg is probably better when it comes to what runelore Kragg does happen to have.
Goddamit man! How many time do I have to say it! As awesome as that is if we start getting Dwarf Megazord then the Orcs are going to start growing in size to "Show us why they are called the really Zoggin Big!" in a Megazord fight and the Elves are going to start wearing Kamen Rider Suits!

Is that what you want!

Even witchhunters could get into that action.
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[X] Use Rite of Way to ease the ascent
[X] Investigate the 'Windfall' with the Light Wizards
[X] Journeyman Cyrston von Danling

Moving, seeing, checking.
Safety first.
I've read a lot of Age of Sail books, and that adds up to a lot of words about barrels of salted meat.
It just occurred to me, would the snowmelt be used to make the bought meat much more palatable when we reach the snow, so after initial checks, would the Expedition not put aside this new meat for a week or so?

Is Inextinguishable Flame seeing any use yet?


@thread: I'd be in favour of continuing to pay monies to the Grey College, in a 'general support' sort of way.
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It just occurred to me, would the snowmelt be used to make the bought meat much more palatable when we reach the snow, so after initial checks, would the Expedition not put aside this new meat for a week or so?

Depends if there's a good opportunity to harvest it in what could easily be hostile territory.

Is Inextinguishable Flame seeing any use yet?

Still being trialled in the Volans. For details, talk to Alexandra.
Wait, what? When did this happen?
An announcement from the Emergency Meeting of the Ancestor Cult Conclave of the Karaz Ankor, hosted in Karaz-a-Karak.

After certain confidential information was vouchsafed to this body by a source of undoubtable repute, a Grudge is hereby leveled against the being, spirit, force, ancestor, demiurge, and/or anthropomorphic personification commonly known as Ranald, believed to originate somewhere in our about the continent called The Old World, for the crime of theft of a disembodied Dwarven soul, which has subsequently been incarnated in the form of an Umgi.

Reparation or vengeance for said Grudge is to be postponed pending the full and proper evaluation of the consequences of those actions, which may be considered to mitigate, in whole or in part, those actions.

Witnessed and entered into the Book of Grudges by the High King.
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