Do we test our shiny new spell first? Or wait for when it is absolutely needed?
If it was absolutely needed, the Expedition wouldn't have come this way. And Mathilde has cast the spell before.
Do we test our shiny new spell first? Or wait for when it is absolutely needed?
Yeah, but that was small scale test conditions. This would be in the field of the Chaos Wastes with the massive convoy along with a miniscule chance of enemy interferrence.
In theory, the same as a crown. In practice, very slightly less to most moneychangers. About 1280 crowns, or 1000 Dwarven gc.
Is it worth adding this amount to the postscript? I wasn't sure how much we got.- The Kislevite ducat is worth about 95% of an Imperial crown.
"...prefer not to get into."?"The blockade is a political matter at this time, which I prefer not to get involved with," she said, answering exactly none of the questions that were asked.
I'm sure Heidi was very grateful.
...13-13-13 gets you in, because the way to change the code had been lost with Qrech's predecessor when he was entombed alive in this very safe.
Maybe there is no way to change the code, and attempting to do so triggers a fatal 'safety' system? A last 'fuck you' to any ambitious subordinates?My headcanon is that this stretches all the way back to whoever Skaven first had it installed and never got the chance to change the default code before being usurped by their subordinate, thus is has remained as it is for untold successions.
As cool as that sounds, remember we have Winds Denied? Weber is going to be lugging around a fat -35 penalty whenever we wander in her general direction. Personally I don't see that as a bad thing because tbh I'm sus she's some flavour of cultist, probably the Just As Planned type (Weber? spinning webs? plotting? hmm), but if you like her you might wanna keep it in mind.
I can kinda see the timeline for this is my head.Gotrek apparently takes this as an unvoiced question. "My wife is Clanless. My Clan wouldn't allow her to join it in marriage, so I left it."
You consider the offer that Gotri said he's willing to extend. "Do you regret it?"
He shakes his head firmly. "I regret that they made it necessary. Never my response."
gotta ask Boney M why do the kislevties name their currency ducats instead of the more russian ruble? I thought that would be more tilean or marienburg's thing.
Guys i have a shocking and upsetting idea. I think Magister Horstmann might be a traitor.
I too often think that Rhunrikki and DL would make a hella cool crossover.
To be fair to Kragg, the sword is actually really good. His Master Rune is a fireless MConduction from Rhunrikki Strollaz, which is damn good, the magic item turnoff is a variant from Thorek's rune but manages to be as effective as a Master Rune without needing to be one, which is damn smart, and Unknown is just plain exotic.