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Sore wa himitsu desu.

a Dwarf grumbling about how much better they could do something with more time or better resources is always a happier Dwarf than a Dwarf grumbling about the decline of the Karaz Ankor.
Mathilde has indeed learned a lot about managing Dwarves, although this is a pretty basic lesson.
"What do you think we'll find at Karag Dum?"

"I don't. Never been, never met anyone who has apart from Borek, so not enough data. Though it does bother me that Borek is becoming more nervous, rather than less, as we get closer. I wonder if he would prefer them to have been destroyed than to have found an unconventional way of surviving."
"Not enough information, I have enough work keeping these steam-wagons running." Grumblegrumblegrumble...
Much more important gain on the char sheet than the gold is our new trophy: :V
Banner of Seventh-and-Final-Combe, Clan Moulder's forward base against Zharr-Naggrund.
Minor thing though... @BoneyM was there supposed to be mention of us grabbing this in the update? (assuming i didn't just fail at reading and missed it :p)
Also a typo:
13-13-13 gets you in, because the way to change the code had been lost with Qrech's predecessor when [he] was entombed alive in this very safe.
[ ] Use Rite of Way to ease the ascent
[ ] Investigate the 'Windfall' with the Light Wizards
[ ] Preceptor Joerg von Zavstra
[ ] Sir Ruprecht Wulfhart the Younger
Much more important gain on the char sheet than the gold is our new trophy: :V

Minor thing though... @BoneyM was there supposed to be mention of us grabbing this in the update? (assuming i didn't just fail at reading and missed it :p)
Also a typo:

Most of the trophies aren't grabbed on-screen, they're just a sort of ad hoc list of mementoes to commemorate the places Mathilde's been and the things she's done.
Not viable at the moment. Algard has been working on it for a long time and he only got paperwork dimensions in his office to show for it*. On the other idea it is a very attractive idea. Infact so much so it is already done in 40k. We call it Webway.

IF we want to start working on it might be viable in a few centruies to millenia.

*Which failed when exposed to hysh soo.

he also has his screaming towers.

Although those seem to be using something other than the shadow realm, judging by them being able to be wherever he wants them to be.
Oh. This. This is a delight. As soon as i finished this paragraph, I reread it. Just because of the disconnect between "we know how Mathilde got this food, and it is perfectly sensible" and the perspective of other characters: "Wait. What? How?... What!?

Normally, the audience knowing something characters don't know is a cause of tension, but here it is inverted into a delightful... smug.

Is that it? Is the opposite of tension not a neutral relaxation, but an active smug?
Matches up with Mathildes D&D alignment of Chaotic Smug.
Hm, strange that Gotrek has become so mentally dissociated with the Karaz Ankor.

I mean, disconnecting from his birth clan is one thing, but becoming relatively indifferent to dwarfs' collective situation seems a step further.

Why is he even on the Expedition?
I love that it doesn't even register as a challenge anymore for Matilda to just wonder around inside an enemy stronghold while it is in the middle of being sacked just casually exploring and looting as she goes.

Just a peaceful, afternoon sightseeing stroll.
Interesting that Mathilde understood the technobabble, at least enough to make a non-vague comment.

Hero tier learning is no joke, even if it is not our area of focus, it does mean that we are at least usually knowledgeable enough to always follow the discussion. Learning is a base, after all, so it applies to all non learning knowledge (For comparison, I imagine Gotri has worse learning that us, but a hefty engineering bonus making his effective engineering score greater than ours. I am not overblowing Mathilde here, reminder than her bases, excepting Diplomacy and Stewardship, are greater than the bases of anyone on Belegar's council, including Belegar, in their areas of specialty. )
I wonder how a Dragon Ogre's version of immortality works. I've seen a few too many books where they're killed, suggesting it's just "no dying of old age"

But that's not new. The Dragons have it, the Slann, vampires (and the latter are properly immortal).

Perhaps we'll have an opportunity to see Boney's take on if it this one gets killed.
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I wonder if Qrech would be distressed or smug to know that the Seventh-and-Final-Combe fell in his absence? On the one hand, his patriotism to Moulder, on the other hand he can realistically claim that it only happened since he wasn't there to lead the outpost because of the bad-wrong decisions of his superiors, clearly proving that they were fools to send him to K8P.
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In addition to Windsage, Mathilde's Windherder trait might find some use in investigating the Light Falls, as this is the place where they go from separated rivers in the sky into the general mix of magic (but without being dhar) on the ground.
I'm personally leaning to talking towards the various humans on this expedition we haven't really talked to them all that much.
"Not really," he says with a shrug. "Don't get me wrong, it was the right thing to do and I'm glad we did it, but the Karaz Ankor and I have parted ways. My Ankor is my family now, and they're no better or worse off than before with a Dwarfhold on the other side of Kislev back in existence."
That explains neatly why he went Slayer with his family dead.

He didn't care about anything else.
Shortly after dawn, the Expedition trundling along the Skull Road comes across you sitting atop a stack of barrels in the middle of the empty wasteland as you skim through the books. You project an air of aloof smugness as you ignore the many bewildered questions directed your way, which redouble after someone finds the markings on one of the barrels confirming that they came from a Marienburg trade ship.
"The blockade is a political matter at this time, which I prefer not to get involved with," she said, answering exactly none of the questions that were asked.
Hero tier learning is no joke, even if it is not our area of focus, it does mean that we are at least usually knowledgeable enough to always follow the discussion. Learning is a base, after all, so it applies to all non learning knowledge (For comparison, I imagine Gotri has worse learning that us, but a hefty engineering bonus making his effective engineering score greater than ours. I am not overblowing Mathilde here, reminder than her bases, excepting Diplomacy and Stewardship, are greater than the bases of anyone on Belegar's council, including Belegar, in their areas of specialty. )
Instead of engineering specific bonuses to learning Id say its engineering traits and skills that we dont have. Still our learning gives us enough knowledge of basic principles that we can at least somewhat follow what a specialist does. That does not mean we could do it ourselves, just that we can follow along and comprehend (and spot really glaring or basic errors). Sort of like a natural scientists and/or engineers that got deep enough into their degrees talking to each other. None of them has applicable expertise, but all of them got good enough grounding and enough comprehension of basic principles to follow along and somewhat comprehend the others work.
You project an air of aloof smugness as you ignore the many bewildered questions directed your way, which redouble after someone finds the markings on one of the barrels confirming that they came from a Marienburg trade ship.
Do Max, Johann or Hubert have any choice comments in private about this, given that they know about her shenanigans by now and that we probably won't get to see those in social actions next turn?
I should have pushed back more against the sort of Grandmasters that haven't seen the sun since they were Apprentices
What kind of Dwarves make up the 50 man Engineer corps under Gotrek that actually came along?
"Not really," he says with a shrug. "Don't get me wrong, it was the right thing to do and I'm glad we did it, but the Karaz Ankor and I have parted ways. My Ankor is my family now, and they're no better or worse off than before with a Dwarfhold on the other side of Kislev back in existence."
That's heavy.

Doesn't he still live in the Karaz Ankor and participate at least in part in their society? Or ar clanless treated close to untouchables, not allowed to participate in religious gatherings and festivals?

"My wife is Clanless. My Clan wouldn't allow her to join it in marriage, so I left it."
Maybe I misremember and it actually was player speculation, but didn't you say that Clans are usually more than happy to have Clanless women marrying in and that Gotrek's wife was the one that didn't want to do that?

Anyway, I'm getting more and more curious to learn the reasons for why Snorri and Gotrek joined the expedition in the first place. Neither have an obvious motive and Snorri hasn't given an opinion on old Karak Dum either.
chamber, you find yourself looking upon a fresh battlefield being picked over by Hobgoblins and watched over by what must be a Bull Centaur, the giant creatures 'blessed' by Hashut with the torso of a Dwarf and the body of a bull.
I don't know if we should feel lucky or sad. On the one hand no danger from the Skaven. On the other hand no seeing the old home of Qrech.

How many rolls did you do on this section other than the two loot rolls?
[ ] Use Rite of Way to ease the ascent
- Will only be necessary during the roughest patches
Given the disclaimer, shouldn't this be compatible with all of the social options?
I know that it should be put to a vote because it means that Mathilde will risk miscasts and potentially be busy during an ambush, but it feels bad to have a strict efficiency and risk option compete with all the flavorful and information granting options.
"The counterfeit Slayers from Karak Vlag does highlight some ugly possibilities.
@BoneyM Not to offer petty grammatical nitpicking on another great update, but actually exactly that. Unless I'm mistaken, since "Slayers" is plural it should be "do" rather than "does" in that sentence. If you don't like how "do" feels in the sentence, then it would be relatively easy to just tweak the wording to be "The existence of the counterfeit Slayers" (or something akin to that) - since "existence" is singular then "does" would become appropriate.
Do Max, Johann or Hubert have any choice comments in private about this, given that they know about her shenanigans by now and that we probably won't get to see those in social actions next turn?
Johann knows how to check a map and the relative speed of Shadow Steeds and curses himself for not being able to visit Uzkulak himself. :p
Keeps quiet about it, because he is not about to mess with Mathy's style.
Do Max, Johann or Hubert have any choice comments in private about this, given that they know about her shenanigans by now and that we probably won't get to see those in social actions next turn?

They know better by now. It would just encourage her to new heights of smugness.

What kind of Dwarves make up the 50 man Engineer corps under Gotrek that actually came along?

Young and ambitious and thirsty to prove themselves, typically.

Doesn't he still live in the Karaz Ankor and participate at least in part in their society? Or ar clanless treated close to untouchables, not allowed to participate in religious gatherings and festivals?

Clanless don't live in Dwarfholds, outside of Slayers and Priests of Gazul. He'd likely live somewhere in Ostermark.

Maybe I misremember and it actually was player speculation, but didn't you say that Clans are usually more than happy to have Clanless women marrying in and that Gotrek's wife was the one that didn't want to do that?


How many rolls did you do on this section other than the two loot rolls?

Seven, I think.

Given the disclaimer, shouldn't this be compatible with all of the social options?
I know that it should be put to a vote because it means that Mathilde will risk miscasts and potentially be busy during an ambush, but it feels bad to have a strict efficiency and risk option compete with all the flavorful and information granting options.

The disclaimer is why the Rite of Way option doesn't consume the entire week.
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