Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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So, basically, I point out that the entire basis for your vote is nonsensical and impossible, and you fail to give any counterargument or reason why you disagree. You just think that it's a good idea to go on a pointless suicide mission with no chance of success on multiple levels, just to test Ranald and see if he can or is willing to pull the kind of deus ex machina that no other human god has ever shown the ability to do. Why?
Oh? I thought it was pretty clear. Anyway, i voted from no to yes, so that a reader like me, will find out how Math would react in such a dilemma. And if race would matter to her if the slaves are not human but skaven or greenskin. Also how is that a suicide mission if Math just visits and sees? Will she go berserk seeing greenskin slaves? Or will only she be triggered if they're human? Did i vote to rescue said slaves? If you also read my posts you'll see that i replied that its a bad idea and will not help the expedition at all, the reason we are here in the first place. I don't really understand why you are arguing at me about it. When i see posts talking about skaven alliances and razing this place like a one-woman army.
Guys! We fucked! They don't know Cleansing Glow! That mean we can't sanitize meat.
At best, they can use Ill-bane, to help with diseases and poisons. But even so, that would only halved disease diration, not cure it.
And our Candle can handle only one person at time, that mean it pretty useless on the strategic level we're operating.

They are Hysh mages and the candle recharges off Hysh, even if they don't know the spell they can still recharge it easily enough.
Guys! We fucked! They don't know Cleansing Glow! That mean we can't sanitize meat.
At best, they can use Ill-bane, to help with diseases and poisons. But even so, that would only halved disease duration, not cure it.
And our Candle can handle only one person at time, that mean it pretty useless on the strategic level we're operating.
That's why it's meant for the animals. Food that the animals are eating is food that they are not taking from people.
Oh? I thought it was pretty clear. Anyway, i voted from no to yes, so that a reader like me, will find out how Math would react in such a dilemma. And if race would matter to her if the slaves are not human but skaven or greenskin. Also how is that a suicide mission if Math just visits and sees? Will she go berserk seeing greenskin slaves? Or will only she be triggered if they're human? Did i vote to rescue said slaves? If you also read my posts you'll see that i replied that its a bad idea and will not help the expedition at all, the reason we are here in the first place. I don't really understand why you are arguing at me about it. When i see posts talking about skaven alliances and razing this place like a one-woman army.

No need to torture Mathilde to find this out. She pretty blatantly values the lives of enemies of man and dwarf less than those who are friendly to them:

Sure, maybe it would be all greenskins or Chaos Marauders enslaved and sold by their rivals, but it's very possible that they'd be innocents taken in raids on the Old World's coastlines and sailed to Uzkulak to be sold. What do you do then? Beggar the Expedition and then burden it with a swarm of hungry noncombatants? Do something drastic and bold that gets you killed for nothing? Try to match your skills at thievery and deception against the greed and paranoia of the worshippers of Hashut, who have spent millennia at Uzkulak honing and practicing their skills and procedures to prevent that exact occurrence?

She is not worried about seeing Kurgan, greenskin or Skaven slaves.
Guys! We fucked! They don't know Cleansing Glow! That mean we can't sanitize meat.
At best, they can use Ill-bane, to help with diseases and poisons. But even so, that would only halved disease duration, not cure it.
And our Candle can handle only one person at time, that mean it pretty useless on the strategic level we're operating.
I believe the list of their spells is not exhaustive.
I mean, we have four Light Magisters; three Journeymen and one Mage. And they were going on a long trip into a place with dodgy food.
One of them will have Cleansing Glow; it's a Magic 2 spell.
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Has anyone considered that 'raise an army to destroy Uzkulak' could be something to use the Transcendent Boon and Great Deeds on, and how likely would it be to succeed? How much could Mathilde actually raise, also taking into account her various favour and Aetheric Vitae? That sounds like something which could be a net good on the Old World.

You know, after the expedition. Years after. Maybe even after the Waystones project, imagine if we could get some Eonir in that too. Lady Magister Grey would probably love it.

Then we can visit the Hall.
They are Hysh mages and the candle recharges off Hysh, even if they don't know the spell they can still recharge it easily enough.
And Candle, as I said, work on one person. 200 mounts. 200 uses of the Candle, even with a half of hour recharge time...

That's why it's meant for the animals.
And don't forget that if mounts get sick en masse, our traveling speed will drop to zero.

I mean, we have four Light Magisters; three Journeymen and one Mage. And they were going on a long trip into a place with dodgy food.
And what if everione of them did think "bah, someone else surely will know it"? And don't firget - three of them are Journeymenlings, do you remember Mathy when she been one?
And don't forget that if mounts get sick en masse, our traveling speed will drop to zero.
Most animals have a much better digestive track than humans. Plus they usually can tell when eating something would make them sick. So if they don't want to eat it, then we don't feed it to them. Animals getting sick is the least of my worries.
The Expedition won't just shove the meat down the gullet of every man and beast the moment it arrives, they'll test it on one or two first and see if it turns out okay. If it does, great. If not, that's a problem they'd be familiar with and able to manage even if they didn't have Ambers and a Candle to provide magical healing.
Has anyone considered that 'raise an army to destroy Uzkulak' could be something to use the Transcendent Boon and Great Deeds on, and how likely would it be to succeed? How much could Mathilde actually raise, also taking into account her various favour and Aetheric Vitae? That sounds like something which could be a net good on the Old World.

Someone has in fact! The answer is "yeah we could probably succeed, but it would be ruinous for the Karaz Ankor and the Empire, and also there would not be the power projection to keep them from simply rebuilding after all spare resources had been expended."
And what if everione of them did think "bah, someone else surely will know it"? And don't firget - three of them are Journeymenlings, do you remember Mathy when she been one?
Then we use the Candle on each animal, one at a time.

Do remember that obligate carnivores often eat carrion.Meat that has been dead for several days or weeks of a multiplicity of causes, and with no preservation at all. You'll find polar bears feeding on rotting whale carcasses and lions stealing several day old leopard kills. They are often as much scavengers as they are hunters, and cannot afford to pass up the carcass of, say, a rhinoxen in lean times like winter.

And thats just RL. These are magical demigryphs and wolves. Their constitutions are much hardier than those of man or dwarf by necessity.
Thats why the meat is for them, not us.
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I find myself more and more wondering if the Nut is just a scam.

After all, while a real Athel Loren acorn would be a massive customs problem, some Druchii just coming in and faking it to sell to dumb human wizards who don't know how to fit that much Gryhan in an acorn (or at least make it look like he did) would just be an ordinary, if niche and high effort, scam here.
Sigh I really hope we can save a few slave on the way back, in the end let's face it, there's no way we have the time and power to end slavery in the main stronghold of the Chaos Dwarf due to long hostile terrain unless we have a flying battleship.
The seeds are regularily used in fixing the most fucked up regions of Athel Loren. The areas where Morghur "Probably direct link to Warp" Shadowgave plied his unholy craft. So it likely could actually fix the Caldera. My reason for not wanting to plant it would be more along the lines of possible connection to world roots.
So we give it to the Jade College to study in exchange for Favor. Either way, that's still a good reason to buy it (plus, it keeps it out the hands of those who might use it for nefarious purposes).

I find myself more and more wondering if the Nut is just a scam.

After all, while a real Athel Loren acorn would be a massive customs problem, some Druchii just coming in and faking it to sell to dumb human wizards who don't know how to fit that much Gryhan in an acorn (or at least make it look like he did) would just be an ordinary, if niche and high effort, scam here.
It's not a scam. It's got a shitload Ghyran in it, and it's stable, but it isn't a powerstone. Which means that it's definitely something of value. Also, the druuchi is selling the arm, IIRC, not the seed.
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I find myself more and more wondering if the Nut is just a scam.

After all, while a real Athel Loren acorn would be a massive customs problem, some Druchii just coming in and faking it to sell to dumb human wizards who don't know how to fit that much Gryhan in an acorn (or at least make it look like he did) would just be an ordinary, if niche and high effort, scam here.
Niche scams seem like a bad idea when it is extremely expensive to spend an extended period of time where you're trying to run the scam. You don't know whether anyone who would fit the niche will even show up during the time you can afford to run the scam.
I find myself more and more wondering if the Nut is just a scam.

After all, while a real Athel Loren acorn would be a massive customs problem, some Druchii just coming in and faking it to sell to dumb human wizards who don't know how to fit that much Gryhan in an acorn (or at least make it look like he did) would just be an ordinary, if niche and high effort, scam here.
A Druchii fraudster who is capable of fooling the Windsight of a Lady Magister at close range? Deserves that money. They earned it :V

Generally, the sort of person with the skill to pull off that sort of scam has much better things to do with their time.
And easier ways to earn that money than attempting this sort of niche scam. Especially since they have no way of knowing that they'd run into a human magister anyway, and might have had to end up selling it to the Chaos Dwarves at knockdown prices.
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Sigh I really hope we can save a few slave on the way back, in the end let's face it, there's no way we have the time and power to end slavery in the main stronghold of the Chaos Dwarf due to long hostile terrain unless we have a flying battleship.
I'm pretty sure a bunch of Hellcannons would put an end to that flying battleship really fucking quickly.

Not to mention all the other spells the Chaos Dwarf Sorcerers would throw at us if we tried it.
Sigh I really hope we can save a few slave on the way back, in the end let's face it, there's no way we have the time and power to end slavery in the main stronghold of the Chaos Dwarf due to long hostile terrain unless we have a flying battleship.
We will have to borrow one from Malekith, and fail to return it after.

Though Uzkulak is hardly their main stronghold. That is Zharr Naggrund far to the South-East.
I'm more in the line of thinking we are about to go into the backyard (frontyard? does this word exist?) of hell. Better grab whatever could be of use. IC and OOC. That we OOC deduce that it really could be of use is only the cherry on top. No need to risk our state of mind (the very thing we need to cast magic and to withstand chaos) before that. Whatever comes after we return comes then, I wouldnt even discuss this now as it is dependent on so many other variables as the authorlord (is this name viable? I dont even remember where I grabbed it from) has already said.
The papers are just for research but they are cheap and inoffensive enough.

[x] HALL: No
[x] MEAT: Yes
[x] ARM: Yes
[x] NUT: Yes
[x] PAPERS: Yes
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