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I'm going to change my mind and get the Arm. Simple answer: It's priced as if it's a lump of solid gold. That means that we probably won't lose too much money on it even if we literally just ship it home and melt it down to be minted into new K8P gold coins. So it's not actually expensive: It is, at worst, converting some of our coin into a near-equivalent quantity of bullion.

[x] HALL: No
[x] MEAT: Yes
[x] ARM: Yes
[x] NUT: Yes
[x] PAPERS: Yes
The coin is set to Protector for the turn. It's not an option.
Right I was thinking in terms of returning on a future turn.
The Night Prowler face of the Coin would be an interesting thing to use if we want to engage in some mild larceny here later when we're better prepared.
Night prowler does nothing to prevent the unending wave of assassins afterward, the deceiver however is perfect for doing exactly that letting us get the assasins sent to hunt down say some unkown norscan shaman or something.
Indeed, but it could be very useful for Apparition binding.
Apparition binding is already dubious in itself given we live among dwarves, but you propose to copy notes and adapt techniques of daemonsmiths for our own purposes while we live in and are employed by a dwarfhold?

Please don't be arrogant enough to think we could possibly get away with that without risking our standing and the goodwill we've built for the Colleges within the Karaz Ankor. Remember, there are spells and techiques within the colleges that could summarily break the alliance if the dawi learn of them. They won't just give us a pass for doing weird umgi magic shit if it involves violating their most important taboos.
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I'm sure Johann isn't going to carelessly scry strange artifacts of unknown providence.

Last time he did that, he spent 200 years as a tree, and the time before he converted to another races religion.

He's highly unlikely to make that mistake a third time.


Finally back at Karak Eight Peaks, Johann has the chance to check the origin of the mysterious golden arm Mathilde had discovered on the expedition.

"...Johann, are you okay? You've sort of sat there motionless for the past minute."

"I'm fine. I'll... needs some time to figure out what I saw. Might have to check with some records back at the Gold College. I'll write up a report for you once I'm done.

"Okay, let me know if you need any help."

Several weeks pass.

Mathilde stares at Johann before her desk. At least, she thinks it's Johann. It's his face, but his golden body's proportions and joints seem to have been majorly twisted, his gilded skin taking on the texture of scales and... is that a tail?

"As the Great Plan intended."
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Night prowler does nothing to prevent the unending wave of assassins afterward, the deceiver however is perfect for doing exactly that letting us get the assasins sent to hunt down say some unkown norscan shaman or something.

Look at what it does:

[ ] The Night Prowler
As long as you are outside of private property and within a town or city, nobody will question your presence and nobody will be able to find you if you do not wish them to.​

Combined with a Doppleganger spell and a modicum of preparation it would make it very challenging indeed to work out who we are or where we came from. They could never find us and no one would question why we'd been there in the first place, so it would be very hard to work out that our assumed identity was responsible for the crimes.
Apparition binding is already dubious in itself given we live among dwarves, but you propose to copy notes and adapt techniques of daemonsmiths for our own purposes while we live in and are employed by a dwarfhold?

Please don't be arrogant enough to think we could possibly get away with that without risking our standing and the goodwill we've built for the Colleges within the Karaz Ankor. Remember, there are spells and techiques within the colleges that could summarily break the alliance if the dawi learn of them. They won't just give us a pass for doing weird umgi magic shit if it involves violating their most important taboos.

And how would they ever learn about the origin of our techniques? How would they learn about what we were doing in our private laboratory in the first place?

It would be an unconscionable breach of guild privileges for them to spy on us to try to steal the secrets of our craft.

This is a non-issue, as far as I can tell.
I'm pretty sure that Johann's going to refuse to look at the arm. We heard what happened when he got a glimpse of the Ancestor Gods through a piece of ore, and with the relative availability of Lizardmen Plaques the Gold College probably has them on their cognitohazard list.
[x] HALL: No

[x] MEAT: Yes

[x] ARM: No

[x] NUT: Yes

[x] PAPERS: Yes

The Meat and Papera are autopicks but as for the Acorn... well it is an opportunity. It will add new possibilities to explore and open up new avenues we might otherwise not see. This is an excuse to get involved in things like the Wood Elves, Eonir or Jade College that have been till now only peripheral things.
7746 out of 7763… yeah I think I will just vote now and catch up as time permits.

[X] HALL: No
No good can come from Mathilde confronting such a place at this time.

[X] MEAT: Yes
Apparently we can literally just magic away the problem of spoiled food.

[X] ARM: Yes
[X] NUT: Yes
By far the most persuasive argument I have seen is that it is better for Mathilde to throw her abundant gold at these rather than let whatever other faction get their hands on them. At worst we hand them off to the Proper Authorities and worry a bit less about the Bursar wanting words with us.
I'm pretty sure that Johann's going to refuse to look at the arm. We heard what happened when he got a glimpse of the Ancestor Gods through a piece of ore, and with the relative availability of Lizardmen Plaques the Gold College probably has them on their cognitohazard list.

A plaque is not an arm. Seriously there is a difference between declaring the plaques dangerous and declaring all things lizardman dangerous. For that matter we don't even know this is a lizardman item IC so why would Johan even be wary of it?
Look at what it does:

[ ] The Night Prowler​
As long as you are outside of private property and within a town or city, nobody will question your presence and nobody will be able to find you if you do not wish them to.​

Combined with a Doppleganger spell and a modicum of preparation it would make it very challenging indeed to work out who we are or where we came from. They could never find us and no one would question why we'd been there in the first place, so it would be very hard to work out that our assumed identity was responsible for the crimes.
Huh, I guess I was misremembering it turning off if we do something too attention getting but I guess that was because of it turning off from turning a town into a warzone. That's actually insanely OP as written, all we need to do is push past the doorman and he can't do jack about it or even find us then we can just walk through the market with a bag and shove anything we want into it and no-one can stop us.
[X] HALL: No
[X] MEAT: Yes
[X] ARM: Yes
[X] NUT: Yes
-[X] (Papers) Ask a vendor if they have an Elf explorer/author there as a slave. You might be interested.
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Ranald likes Mathilde more than he likes random slaves. Even at his best he is a selfish bastard.

Firstly, there are many possible interpretations of this, were do you base this on? He may well hate slavery as a concept more than he likes any one person, and even if it is true, liking someone you know more than someone you do not and being unwilling to tell them to sacrifice themselves is not selfihness in any universe, even if it may fall short of perfect ultilitarian good.
Look at what it does:

[ ] The Night Prowler​
As long as you are outside of private property and within a town or city, nobody will question your presence and nobody will be able to find you if you do not wish them to.​

Combined with a Doppleganger spell and a modicum of preparation it would make it very challenging indeed to work out who we are or where we came from. They could never find us and no one would question why we'd been there in the first place, so it would be very hard to work out that our assumed identity was responsible for the crimes.
I'd be down for spending a turn or two screwing Uzkulak in every way possible with divine favor. Shame we can't have two or three sides of the coin active at once though.
Huh, I guess I was misremembering it turning off if we do something too attention getting but I guess that was because of it turning off from turning a town into a warzone. That's actually insanely OP as written, all we need to do is push past the doorman and he can't do jack about it or even find us then we can just walk through the market with a bag and shove anything we want into it and no-one can stop us.
it isn't quite that powerful.
When we used it during College of Necromancy extermination Mathilde became visible once she actually shanked someone and only became unnoticeable once she had stashed the corpse and desummoned the shank she murdered the guy with.

So if she was walking around with a huge sack of burglary she'd possibly still be noticed.

Anything she can put inside her pockets on the other hand...
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