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[x] HALL: No
[x] MEAT: Yes

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[x] ARM: Yes
May change that... I dont find it useful but may the golds do? Also who needs to hoard money?

[x] NUT: Yes
And lose the opportunity of Nut jokes? On a more serious point, I dont believe its from the Oak of ages and if some wutelgi shows up we will be inside a dwarven hold, they wont just invade, perhaps they will just ask us. Or not, but deciding to waste an opportunity on such fears feels cheap.

[x] PAPERS: Yes

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The Wood Elves will both never know about it due to K8P not having any forests nearby, and be unable to do anything about it if they did for the same reason. Their tricks are all tied up in summoning forest spirits etc.
Consider on the other hand that Uzkulak is concerned about handling these sorts of things. Don't dismiss their reach so easily, if the Dawi Zharr are concerned about blowback all the way out on the Zorn Uzkul. If they think such things are too hot to handle out here, then they're certainly so much closer to Athel Loren.

You seem to be perhaps slightly too ready to dismiss the threat.
People are assuming we can come back on the return journey to see/buy/rescue Slaves.....

Is this an an actual thing we can do or just an assumption?

Mathilda can surely live with herself more knowing she at least rescued one rather than none?

Or at least view at as denying assets to the enemy?

How about the oltion of going in the Slave Area as Recon to plan a future Raid/Rescue?

Would that not obviate the risk of psych trauma of inaction?

I personally feel it is Moral Cowardice to not even look in the Slave Area, as to do so is to Ostritch and bury ones head in the sand, like closing your eyes with your fingers in your ears and singing "La la la la la la" to pretend reality is not there.

Is not avoiding the Slave Area totally also to cause Psych Damage as she is idle in the face of evil occurring?

As a Ranaldite with Freedom being a big part of her Faith, we have to do Something surely...?
If we HAD to do something, we'd know. Now you're just trying to change the GM's mind, not the questers.
People are assuming we can come back on the return journey to see/buy/rescue Slaves.....

Is this an an actual thing we can do or just an assumption?

There is no way to predict what state the Expedition and Mathilde will be in when/if they make their return journey, so there's no way to predict whether an impromptu raid against a stronghold built to host the most steal-happy people from around the world by Dwarves dedicated to the God of Greed would be in the cards.

Mathilda can surely live with herself more knowing she at least rescued one rather than none?

Or at least view at as denying assets to the enemy?

How about the oltion of going in the Slave Area as Recon to plan a future Raid/Rescue?

Would that not obviate the risk of psych trauma of inaction?

There are mental states between 'perfectly serene' and 'unwilling to continue living'. Mathilde would likely fall somewhere between those two extremes after looking upon actual living breathing humans doomed to a terrible death and doing nothing to help them.

I personally feel it is Moral Cowardice to not even look in the Slave Area, as to do so is to Ostritch and bury ones head in the sand, like closing your eyes with your fingers in your ears and singing "La la la la la la" to pretend reality is not there.

That's a very loaded argument to make when everyone with internet access is able to browse through the full range of human suffering happening in the world at any given moment.

Is not avoiding the Slave Area totally also to cause Psych Damage as she is idle in the face of evil occurring?

It may cause guilt, but it does mean she doesn't have the sights and sounds of the people she's unable to save etched into her memory.

As a Ranaldite with Freedom being a big part of her Faith, we have to do Something surely...?

Worshipping Ranald is not a suicide pact.
Consider on the other hand that Uzkulak is concerned about handling these sorts of things. Don't dismiss their reach so easily, if the Dawi Zharr are concerned about blowback all the way out on the Zorn Uzkul. If they think such things are too hot to handle out here, then they're certainly so much closer to Athel Loren.

You seem to be perhaps slightly too ready to dismiss the threat.
Technically speaking, we don't know if those items are outright proscribed or if they're things that the Chorfs want first dibs on.
I don't really mind what we spend our pocket money on, but I'm a big fan of a) getting what we actually came here for and b) not pointlessly traumatising the MC because some people can't rein in their morbid curiosity:

[X] HALL: No
[X] MEAT: Yes
[X] ARM: Yes
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I don't feel it's wise to spend all the Expeditions money here just so we can get a bunch of new things we don't what else may happen on the journey that may require money to bypass.
Thinking more about it, the arm is probably the must buy here. The Daemonsmiths haven't realised what it is yet, but I really don't want to find out what horror they can make using it if they eventually do.

This is one that's important to deny to the enemy.

Also, I wonder what Kragg would make of an Old One relic.
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