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That's assigning far too much importance to one show in the face of what's honestly a rather universal concept. People, as a rule, just like the idea of having power.
Oh I'm aware. I didn't say that Goku was responsible, merely that I blame him! Everytime someone starts going on about becoming a god I can't help but hear that cheesy Japanese VA going "Super Saiyajin GOD!".
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Not that I want to go anywhere near a Dwarven apprenticeship before we have at least doubled our natural lifespan.
I don't share the impulse. Starting at the very bottom of a new career, one that is orthagonal to our current skills and career achievements, and further spending decades on it- colour me completely uninterested.
(Aside from the point that we're not, you know, descended from Thungni.)

Compare, say, any additional teachings we could glean from the Elves- their magical tradition is a superset of ours, we'd be building on decades of hard-won foundational skill. Quite unlike Runesmithing.
Even if we as a human are incapable of ever performing their feats of High Magic, they still know individual Winds in the way we do, and indeed seem to have wind-specialist traditions. Again, unlike Runesmithing.
I blame Goku for the god shenanigans honestly. Now every shonen protagonist or setting with a power curve needs to have a path to godhood! Because if that idiot Goku can punch the universe in the face enough to become a god then everybody can!

Ridiculous. It's clearly Sigmar. Have a human catch one hammer, do some silly Empire building tasks and now everybody thinks apotheosis is easy. Not that it'd even be worth it. It's all bless my village this or smite those beastmen that. And that's before you get into all those pesky prayers. "Save my Elector Count?" Psh.
Really, until we start doing Storm of Magic type things we shouldn't even discuss stuff like this. We'd need a Pact Army (A warband of supernatural allies that'll show up to throw down when reality starts coming apart at the seams, presumably using the aforementioned loose reality to do so even if you didn't know this was going to happen; The Empire can stand being cautious allies with individual Tomb Kings, according to the battle book) and Cataclysm Magic to even get up to the level of the average Patriarch, and while Thyrus Gormann can call Manaan 'a watery, damp squib of a little God' and mean it that doesn't mean he could stand to be the center point of a religion in turn; being a god is a matter of spiritual nature, rather than power.

(Magister Patriarchs may not be gods, but I'd bet on them versus anything but a personal manifestation of one.

Of course, 'the personal manifestation of a god' is something that needs describing in order to underline the scale being discussed.

Norscans are said to worship Manaan under the name Mermidus, a cruel and terrifying bloated corpse large enough to stand on the sea floor and reach up to the surface, that resides underneath the Sea of Claws and drags ships to their doom. They perform regular human sacrifice to take the edge off of his hunger.

The average depth of the sea is about 12000-ish feet, so we'll say two miles. That's utterly insane, but has the benefit that we don't need to apply the 'of course, he's a god, so he's stronger than he looks' modifier; a revenant two miles tall, of roughly human proportions, is plenty of power for a god's full strength.

Thyrus Gormann is good, but not that good.)
Let's focus on our own magic specialisation instead of everyone else's. Ulgu wizardry has enough to it that you can spend an entire quest on it. No real need to branch out into qhaysh or runesmithing or anything.
I for one have no desire to leave Karak Eight Peaks for anything less than the Grey Matriarchy. After the Karag Dum expedition we can start studying the Waystone/Karak thing, as one of many options.
Let's focus on our own magic specialisation instead of everyone else's. Ulgu wizardry has enough to it that you can spend an entire quest on it. No real need to branch out into qhaysh or runesmithing or anything.

Qhaysh and runesmithing are stronker than ulgu though.

Because humans can't actually be good at anything in these fantasy settings.
I'm not at all familiar with WHF Rules. How far along the Table Top progression curve is Mathilde right now? With BM and Magic 9, I assume she's WHF's equivalent of a D&D Wizard 15 or so? I don't mean power, but in terms of progression only, as the two Rulesets have different Power Scaling.

edit: apparently iPad doesn't like the name Matty and autocorrectEd to Marty o_O
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You know, I had completely forgotten about the Lhune Depths? I guess I almost figured Johann would snatch up that location for his own tower, initially, and then didn't think too much of it after. I know Kragg snagged the secondary peak that we also had an option on... Is anyone looking at rebuilding the silver tower? Because with Gretel in the citadel and Mathilde on Nar, the silver tower on Karagil, the second citadel tower, and the potential inverted tower in the depths are the three prime wizard real estate spots left, right?

Maybe someone will build on Karak Alrac, but I doubt much else is on offer.
I for one have no desire to leave Karak Eight Peaks for anything less than the Grey Matriarchy. After the Karag Dum expedition we can start studying the Waystone/Karak thing, as one of many options.
Its a nice place to live.

We're respected, we're far from inquirying eyes, food and drink is plentifull and there's enough work to be done for a few centuries.

Whenever wanderlust strikes, we can go east or west and record the wildlands.

It boils down to, what would be the next big project for Mathilda?

In the short run its the expedition north.

In the long run its either a follow up of the expedition or the ambush on skull river, or the overdue vacation to elvenland.

Now we're lady magister, im sure there are even more apprentices eager to explore the wild mid-east with K8P as their base and publishing house.
Adhoc vote count started by notbirdofprey on Oct 6, 2020 at 2:05 AM, finished with 1206 posts and 234 votes.
I'm not at all familiar with WHF Rules. How far along the Table Top progression curve is Mathilde right now? With BM and Magic 9, I assume she's WHF's equivalent of a D&D Wizard 15 or so? I don't mean power, but in terms of progression only, as the two Rulesets have different Power Scaling.

edit: apparently iPad doesn't like the name Matty and autocorrectEd to Marty o_O

You could like Technically mostly stat out Mathilde in 2e WHF's rpg, but she'd be a hilarious broken mess with more XP put into her than some end game parties in their 3rd advanced career have combined. She's way too competent/statted up, haha.

All of her gear is vastly overpowered for the RPG and any single piece is more powerful than anything any of my characters have ever had. Her runed gear would take an end game Runesmith character years upon years upon years of 10 hour work days doing nothing but runesmithing to make. Her arcane magic gear just isn't really replicable. Plus she has battlemagic which isn't available to 2e rpg characters.

Nevermind her sheer wealth, we get more gold for our book budget every turn than my entire current party has ever seen at once between 5 people. Murder hoboing against chaos cultists doesn't pay well ime. My group's last haul was like 4 gold and our squisheir frontline guy got lice for his trouble to get that money from a filthy hidden stash under a hay mattress.

Mathilde isn't a PC, she's the character in the back half of a campaign module that is statted out for some reason, but has a note in her section that says if the PCs try anything hostile towards her, they die and the campaign is over. :V
I'm not at all familiar with WHF Rules. How far along the Table Top progression curve is Mathilde right now? With BM and Magic 9, I assume she's WHF's equivalent of a D&D Wizard 15 or so? I don't mean power, but in terms of progression only, as the two Rulesets have different Power Scaling.

Mathilde's current level in terms of the RPG is: Ha, ha, NO you can't play this. In terms of table top she is a Lord Magister that plays like a Chaos Lord, what with the armor and the canon sword.
Mathilde isn't a PC, she's the character in the back half of a campaign module that is statted out for some reason, but has a note in her section that says if the PCs try anything hostile towards her, they die and the campaign is over. :V
It's like the Faerun campaign setting in D&D: most major cities have notable NPCs, and they're all like level 30 epic wizards with templates stacked on top, but they ARE all statted out. So if you ever felt like walking up to the Lord of Waterdeep and taking a swing, Faerun statbooks have gotcha covered. Just remember Khelben is a level 27 Archmage so watch your fucking mouth if you don't want the Blackstaff shoved somewhere equally dark and unpleasant.

Of course, since D&D ALSO stats out its gods, and a lot of the gods are like, Rogue 20/Fighter 20 or something stupid like that, most notable NPCs could probably kill the gods and take over if they felt like it. Greater deities always succeed at everything they try, but the way that's modeled is that they effectively roll a 20 in all situations; even given that, a level 40 Rogue-Fighter is still going to get murdered hard by an Epic Wizard.

So... I'm not saying Mork better tuck his chain before coming around here again, but I'm not... not saying that?

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