I'm sitting here musing on who else might show up for the Expedition to Karag Dum, in much the same way the Ducklings showed up to Karak Eight Peaks, without Mathilde doing direct recruitment or even knowing about it beforehand.
Ambitious Journeyman Wizards are the obvious speculation. It will very much be a
journey, it'll be with at least two Magisters so there's someone to ask about weird stuff, it'll be with hundreds of Knights and Dwarfs so it's respectable and also there's armored people for the squishy wizard to stand behind. It's dangerous, true, but there's a wide range in Journeymen between the ones who journey to the next town and the ones who journey to Cathay. Besides, being a wizard is dangerous, and this is the kind of dangerous likely to get you a good reputation.
Another Magister is a possibility. Wanting to keep an eye on all the journeymen, wanting to earn Dwarf Favor, or wanting to see the Chaos Wastes under
relatively safe conditions of hundreds of armed friendlies. You can get a couple of papers out of that, right?

And maybe another paper from observing Deathfang!
Lord/Hero character from another Dwarfhold would be my third guess. Success breeds success, as we've seen, and while this expedition is smaller and more cramped than Belegar's Expedition, I don't think they'd turn down one dwarf with cool gadgets.
Getting into increasingly unlikely territory, Lord/Hero character from somewhere else. Sigmarite Priest wanting to make his name as a Dwarf-friend, perhaps. Marienburger spy/infiltrator with some useful skills being inserted as a deep cover agent. Halfling sniper looking to bag a legend. Kislevite author looking to start a new line of guidebooks to unlikely travel destinations. Elf journeyman wizard who lost a bet, or wants to prove some kind of point out of spite - complicated elf reasons, you wouldn't understand.
dril said:
me and a bunch of stupid assholes are going to start a community in the middle of the desert to either die or prove a very important point
Lastly and least likely, maybe a Skaven infiltrator posing as one of the above.