Right, OK, shit's on fire at work at the same time as this is out, but I can at least discharge my library duties. Here's a list of a bunch of stuff I think we want over the next two turns:
- Dark Lands: Extensive + Esoteric Imperial (200gc)
- Current: Imperial / Extensive Dwarven
- Marauder Tribes: Extensive Imperial+Extensive Dwarven (200gc)
- Chaos Dwarves: Extensive Imperial+Extensive and Antiquarian Dwarven (250gc, 2DF)
- Current: Imperial / Skaven (Only Esoteric)
- Karaz Ankor: Antiquarian Dwarven (100gc, 2DF)
- Current: Extensive and Esoteric Imperial / Extensive Bretonnian / Extensive Dwarven
- Chaos Sorcery: Extensive Imperial+Extensive Dwarven (200gc)
And here's some reach topics that I think are worth picking up on top of that:
- Enchanting: Esoteric Imperial (50gc, 2CF)
- Current: Antiquarian Imperial
- Karaz Ankor: Esoteric Dwarven (50gc, 2DF)
- Thanks @Glau for the suggestion that this would be useful for knowing about weird shit that's up with Karag Dum specifically
I think it is very likely that we scout the Steppes next turn. We might also scout the Dark Lands. So with that in mind, here is a proposed plan for
this turn:
[ ] [LIBRARY] Dark Lands: Extensive + Esoteric Imperial (200gc), Marauder Tribes: Extensive Imperial + Extensive Dwarven (200gc), Karaz Ankor: Esoteric Dwarven (150gc, 4DF), Enchanting: Esoteric Imperial (50gc, 2CF)
This has an out-of-pocket cost of 300gc, 2DF, and 2CF. Next turn we can pick up the Chaos Dwarves and Chaos Sorcery books, as well as anything else we think of for a last-minute cram session. We won't be able to reference our library on the expedition for mechanical bonuses to our rolls, but doing our reading will help us with background knowledge and understanding of stuff that we might run across.
As ever, feel free to ping me with questions about the library plan or requests for alternate plans.