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Hasn't the GM made it explicit that burning shadows doesn't work with Magical light sources?
No? Was this a thing? We had a big thing where we burned an army of ghouls to death with a magical light source. Now, I'm not talking about similar scales here, the scale might have been a literal miracle, but the basic idea of the precedent remains; so long as it's not a metaphorical light, it counts.
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May I get a link please?
It was when we burned that vampire to death.
As if personally offended, the creature commanding the ghouls strides forward, pushing through the charging masses with ease. By chance or low cunning or just because he was the tallest figure on the battlefield and standing on an elevated point besides, his burning eyes lock onto Van Hal, and his eyes glow with dark hunger, his distended muscles bulging with strength that no mortal could withstand. But in doing so, he overlooked the two figures standing at the side of the Elector Count.

With a chanted prayer that you faintly realize is a continuation of the one that began the battle, the Priest of Sigmar glows, literally glows, with what you cannot help but know is the manifestation of the truest faith in the Champion of Mankind. The gloom of the forest is driven back as a mirror to the sun in the sky bursts forth from the armoured priest, and the courage of every true servant of the Empire is bolstered as- you shake your head, trying to regain your concentration. Something about whatever it is Kasmir was doing (was it magic? was it divine? was there a difference?) seemed to twist your thoughts into grandiose purple prose, and you can't afford to be distracted. Because as the terrible creature advances, undeterred by the beacon of faith that Kasmir has become, you step between the two of them. Since the first pull of a trigger of this battle, you've been drawing the Ulgu that lies thick in the shadows of these woods into you, and shaping it into the most difficult and potent spell of Grey Magic you know. And as your silhouette falls upon the tide of the dead, you let the magic within you burst forth.

And in an instant, holy light and caustic Ulgu woven by the combined will of a priest and a wizard slam against the packed ranks of the creatures and they melt.


The terrible cries of the Singing King are nothing compared to the hundreds of agonized screeches torn from the throats of those between you and the King, and the air is filled with their cries and the smell of boiling flesh and a horrible fog of vapourized skin. In instants the creatures have either literally or figuratively melted away and there's nothing between you and the Strigoi, and the worst cry yet fills the air, as the set of lungs that commanded a battlefield is given over to nothing but the expression of pure agony as the creature's skin boils away to reveal blackening muscle and yellowing bone, until they, too, begin to liquefy...

The legendary resilience of the grave might had been enough to counter even that, had Van Hal not chosen that moment to raise his repeater rifle and unload every single blessed bullet into the hideous creature.

For an instant, your shadow stretches across a portion of the battlefield filled only with the bubbling corpses of the rightfully dead, until Kasmir's beacon of light blinks out and shadow rush back in to fill the void.

[Spearline holds against the charge: 35 vs 84]
[Swords advance: 95+20 (Knights) vs 86]
[Kasmir interrupt 92+??]
[Mathilde interupt 95+18]
[Van Hal fires: 66+24]
[Strigoi rolls to not die: 22+20 (vampiric resilience)]

With a chanted prayer that you faintly realize is a continuation of the one that began the battle, the Priest of Sigmar glows, literally glows, with what you cannot help but know is the manifestation of the truest faith in the Champion of Mankind. The gloom of the forest is driven back as a mirror to the sun in the sky bursts forth from the armoured priest, and the courage of every true servant of the Empire is bolstered as- you shake your head, trying to regain your concentration. Something about whatever it is Kasmir was doing (was it magic? was it divine? was there a difference?) seemed to twist your thoughts into grandiose purple prose, and you can't afford to be distracted. Because as the terrible creature advances, undeterred by the beacon of faith that Kasmir has become, you step between the two of them. Since the first pull of a trigger of this battle, you've been drawing the Ulgu that lies thick in the shadows of these woods into you, and shaping it into the most difficult and potent spell of Grey Magic you know. And as your silhouette falls upon the tide of the dead, you let the magic within you burst forth.

And in an instant, holy light and caustic Ulgu woven by the combined will of a priest and a wizard slam against the packed ranks of the creatures and they melt.

, the Priest of Sigmar glows, literally glows,
Literally glows, specifically.
No? Was this a thing? We had a big thing where we burned an army of ghouls to death with a magical light source. Now, I'm not talking about similar scales here, the scale might have been a literal miracle, but the basic idea of the precedent remains; so long as it's not a metaphorical light, it counts.
Found the quote, I wasn't quite right. It can work with magical lights, but it's risky and can cause issues:
Magical light can work for Burning Shadows, but the as a general rule it's always better to keep spells separate. Magic from two different spells interacts unpredictably. You can use the aforementioned ritual casting (I'll add it to the spellbook threadmark in a bit) to crank up the lumens, but it'd usually be easier and less risky to just build a bonfire. Nobody ever miscast a match.
Thats kinda why i wanted to get a one hand runeaxe or one of the reasons since it should be abit better for assanisation rather than gun wich is loud or the greatsword.

My best thoughts were probably a rune of fire and rune of speed combo for 3 favors on the approx cost since we have 3 favors left(maybe have the grateful runepriest who thanked us for witnessing kragg do this for us for the last of current favors)?

We could even get it now if boney allowed and people were interested and it would be dual wieldable with our gun aswell when were not doing magic and be useful when greatsword isnt ideal to use when we are forced to melee.

Wouldnt hate a runesword after the campaign if we dont get a proper rune weapon with the rewards tough from this . Maybe again convince kragg to do one and want super killy , runefang inspired at around 10-12 favors for a personal runefang since he is probably the person to know alaric master rune? But this depends alot if we dont get a proper side weapon before this and get lots and lots of favors from the campaign .

Since doing the fortification is expensive and 4 favors and maybe 2 favors for dwarf farming and prospecting, 5 favors for dwarf blackpowder factory and maybe it was 2 for each further niter factories in other cities for good passive income and helping the dwarfs by selling them niter that they dont have to farm from murder bats mainly apparently. Thats 11 favors that i kinda want to have after we return or abit more than that for more money and helping dwarfs aswell.

@BoneyM , The anti chaos thingie or atleast the valaya rune wich makes u kinda immune to chaos is unique to kragg or would other runepriests or runelords be able to do that aswell? I mean literally that aspect of our talisman and mainly the chaos corruption immunity and how much would it be favor scale wise?
Cause if it isnt super rare then the colleges would be pretty interested in it as a thing to do when dealing with iffy artifacts and stuff at the least or even as elite gear for some mages?
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The way I see the belt is, imagine you get your hands on the actual Shroud of Turin. Like, the pope just gave it to you one day. And it turns out it can produce miracles. Laying on hands, or whatever.

Who would you trust to lend it out to?
It was when we burned that vampire to death.

Literally glows, specifically.

I'm reasonably sure tyat the QM went to explain that the trick may or may not work with any given source of magical light, and can behave erratically or produce dhar based on a number of factors we have no fucking idea about, and that was what stopped the enthusiasm about spell combos. We lucked out, true, but we were playing with fire there.

Still, with our new talisman we might be less cautious, to a point. While dhar is no longer suchban issue, the possibility of erratic behaviour is.
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I'm reasonably sure tyat the QM went to explain that the trick may or may not work with any given source of magical light, and can behave erratically or produce dhar based on a number of factors we have no fucking idea about, and that was what stopped the enthusiasm about spell combos. We lucked out, true, but we were playing with fire there.

Still, with our new talisman we might be less cautious, to a point. While dhar is no longer suchban issue, the possibility of erratic behaviour is.
I don't think the talisman protects from miscasts. Or at least, not all of them.
[X] Ulthar's Rangers and Petrescu's marksmen are ranging far to ensure that any greenskin that claps eyes on the Expedition don't live to tell the tale. Assist them.
[X] Keep tabs on his interactions with the dwarves, making sure he's not fishing for information that the dwarves want to keep for themselves.
[X] Purchase the strange Lustrian eggs (200 gc).
[X] Purchase the Helldrake scales (100 gc).
True, but that wouldn't exactly be your normal miscast. The dhar would be produced outside of the caster, not inside, and the talisman explicily protects from external dhar.
I'm really more worried about Weird Shit™. A miscast can do just about anything. Mind, with those spells it probably won't rip open a portal into the warp. But there's still plenty of other nastiness possible. Hell, all it would take is removing the friendly fire restriction, and we'd end up cooking our dudes.

For added FUN, it removes the friendly fire protection, we get hit, the spell is eaten by the rune, and it burns the spell from our mind.
I'm reasonably sure tyat the QM went to explain that the trick may or may not work with any given source of magical light, and can behave erratically or produce dhar based on a number of factors we have no fucking idea about, and that was what stopped the enthusiasm about spell combos. We lucked out, true, but we were playing with fire there.

Still, with our new talisman we might be less cautious, to a point. While dhar is no longer suchban issue, the possibility of erratic behaviour is.
Dwarfwork is about as consistent as it gets. If anything can be a reliable magic torch, it'd be something they built to be a reliable magic torch.
Am I the only one annoyed by the tendency of questers to power-wank and meta-game?
Well, you're going to have be more specific, you know.
"Suddenly, Demons" is still a problem, though.
A problem we can solve with our sword of burningness and shadows! :V
Still, with our new talisman we might be less cautious, to a point. While dhar is no longer suchban issue, the possibility of erratic behaviour is.
The more fundamental issue with Dhar/Necromancy is that it is so much more powerful than what any individual WoM limits a magic user that there is a massive temptation to use it, but even with good intentions the costs for outweigh the benefits.

Because even if individual members of her order are willing to look the other way when Mathilde breaks article 7 for "inventing" new Ulgu spells openly using it will end with either Mathilde dead, or every Imperial* Wizard Lord dead alongside a majority of the Magisters dead.

*The Grey Order will try to keep it in house to avoid the loss of legitimacy from not policing their own, but open violations of article 7 by Imperial Magisters is an existential issue for the Imperial Colleges, or at least they are when the individual in question has the Libre Mortis to skip all the way to "horrific crimes against the dead/living", and presumably effective strategic scale Necromancy.
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[X] Ulthar's Rangers and Petrescu's marksmen are ranging far to ensure that any greenskin that claps eyes on the Expedition don't live to tell the tale. Assist them.
[X] Have Ulthar handpick his best sharpshooters to be equipped with envenomed bolts.
Really don't want to get bogged down in the badlands. An army this large is unlikely to remain undetected no matter what but we can still delay the response a fair bit.

[X] Help Esbern teach Seija to Dispel.
[X] Ask him to teach Johann to Dispel.
[X] Help him find a place with the dwarf artillery crews so that he can supplement their abilities in combat.
I really want all of these done before our first major engagement and that could be any time now.

[X] Purchase the strange Lustrian eggs (200 gc).
Sometimes I can resist the siren call of the mystery box. This is not one of those times.

[X] Purchase the Helldrake scales (100 gc).
Seems good. Unfortunately they're likely to collect dust in our inventory for a long time before we get around to using them.

[X] Do not purchase the title of a Border Princess.
I don't really want to steer this story in the direction of becoming a warlord in that chaotic mess of a place. If we had way more gold I might consider it if only for the ability to sell it off later or for the doors the title might open but as things are it's just too pricey.
Have people voting for the eggs considered... what exactly are we going to do with eggs - and whatever hatches out of them - on the campaign trail for 5 years?

At least with the border princess thing, we can get people to call us 'Princess Dame Mathilde Weber'.
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