Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Voting is open
Also, I'm open to suggestions for semi-date ideas for the upcoming votes for our four winning candidates:

The Ice Dragon of Karag Zilfin
Elector Countess Roswita van Hal
Baron Anton Kiesinger II
Chief Bombardier Oswald Oswaldson

For Oswald, Mathilde has ridden in many gyrocopters but we've never seen her enjoy a gyrocopter ride for pleasure. Oswald strikes me as a man who is all about the high ground (as an artillery specialist). Maybe he's even learned to fly one himself! He could take her on an aeriel tour.

For Roswita, it occurs to me that the only place she has felt very safe in a long, long time was when she was on that dwarven river ship, surrounded by water and iron. I picture her as someone who goes out on the water for pleasure and relaxation, whether it be a lake or a river.

For Anton, I think he'd love hearing all the stories of Mathilde's adventures and then asking her the hard questions... was she afraid? Does she ever worry she'll die and what she'll leave behind her if she did? Anton is someone who can ask questions like that.

For the Ice Dragon, I dunno, I think it's a big ole jerk. But you know, someone has to teach it how to speak dwarvish before the diplomats do their job....
Ice Dragon: the flare of the Waystones of Eight Peaks caught its attention, but it was an old and well known phenomenon. The firing of the Eye of Gazul and the extinguishing or half a million lives was not. Curiosity took root and has blossomed.
(Also, I didn't come around to Roswita except until after she revealed herself to be a nerd. Abelhelm has nothing to do with it, she has her own great points. @Glau made a great post about what it would look like from her POV:
You know, that looks familiar, but looking at it again I think I might have just fully converted to putting Roswita before Panoramia. Probably depends on just how well this upcoming event goes, but goddamn the weight of their relationship just feels powerful. Especially since I think that's the first time I've seen someone say Abelheim might have seen us as a daughter, or at least in this context. My heart hurts now.
Roswita date series entitled, 'My connections are your connections': "So I know you're probably into Sigmar or whatever, but have you considered a different god? I know a guy." That guy is the Ar-Ulric.
You know it occurs to me that it might be just a little bit weird that we're going after the daughter of our previous love interest, in hopes of gaining a new potential love interest.

not that i care but still.

Likelihood of scandalous rumours is gonna be pretty high...
Look, the concept of your leader dating a wizard is already as scandalous as society could stand. You just can't horrify the populace any more than you already are. Girl-on-girl, the father-daughter stuff – whatever. Is she a vampire? Maybe that could squeeze a little more shock out, but otherwise, they're wrung dry already.
Eh, he was too old for us.
He was perfect is what he was. Too good for this base earth.
Also, I'm open to suggestions for semi-date ideas for the upcoming votes for our four winning candidates:

The Ice Dragon of Karag Zilfin
Elector Countess Roswita van Hal
Baron Anton Kiesinger II
Chief Bombardier Oswald Oswaldson

For Roswita, maybe there's a big party celebrating some victory in the Sylvania campaign, and Mathilde is invited!

For the Ice Dragon...

Ice Dragon: the flare of the Waystones of Eight Peaks caught its attention, but it was an old and well known phenomenon. The firing of the Eye of Gazul and the extinguishing or half a million lives was not. Curiosity took root and has blossomed.
'The dragon actually comes down and asks about the whole thing where reality was being beaten like a drum on a totally reasonable timescale' could be very interesting.
Only a few years late, that's practically unseemly haste on a dragon timescale
Dragons are apex predators.
Assuming any similarity to other apex predators,this suggests bursts of extreme activity and high performance, then a lot of resting to conserve energy for the next time they see something neat and then go all in on.

Leopards, lions and tigers are basically the fighter jets of the animal world, when they're active they can beat just about anything that shares their biome, but its expensive to operate and needs a lot of downtime for maintenance.
Roswita: "Mathilde, I have been meaning to ask you this for a while: Where exactly did you get that Witch-Hunter's hat? Because it just so happens that I came across a Gray Wizard's hat when I was visiting my father's grave. Care to answer how it got there?"

Edit (Just thought of this): Roswita is wearing Mathilde's old hat when she asks this question. @BoneyM
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We not-date Roswita by going graverobbing

As for our semi-romantic encounter with Anton: "So, when you hypothetically find a person you like, how would you go about courting them? Nono, don't just tell me, you have to show me!"

Either that, or a double date with Asarnil.

Forget 30%, didn't someone crunch the numbers and find that the necromancy fans number around 3%?
Yes. Yes I did. ;_;

And that was at a pre-hiatus time, when not breaking double digits didn't mean as much, but at least it still would've been enough to get into the Danish parlament back then.

At our peak we even recieved votes from 8.3% of the voters! so really we're way better than both the Libertarians and Kristendemokraterne combined!
I'm actually kinda hoping this goes badly now.

Not so badly that we die or anything of course,

But bad enough to pop the hubris bubble before we get so bigheaded that the thread decides to go infiltrate Nagashizarr or piss off the Slann or something.
And that i've never (Seriously) advocated doing incredibly stupid shit once we get there.

You can talk and barter with the tomb kings, but the moment someone would advocate for stealing their shit, I'd come down on them like the wrath of god.

I think the problem is, fundementally, that once we buy stuff, we feel we should use it to the full extent of its capabilities. Like with our sword, or assasination/scouting package. It goes along with hoarding.

Hence hubris. As soon as we can, it becomes less about if we should and more when we should.

So getting something like a dreadnaught that *could* take on a tomb king or isolated slann makes it about 10 million times more likely that we will do such things.

I really don't think you can ride that tiger. So I vote and advocate for stuff that is doing things now, not stuff that keeps us escalating.

Bang for your buck. You can get two contingents of superior quality units for about the same price as one inferior contingent unit that performs largely the same niche, but worse. An army needs a variety of roles filled, and there's only so many resources to go towards filling those roles. Even if you can get all three, whether you should get all three is something to be considered.

I'm not sold either way yet, lack of enough information. But it would be helpful in swaying my opinion if you could elaborate on what unique qualities the Brettonian cavalry bring to the table.

Ok, so all narrative desires aside, I want as much elite heavy cavalry as I can get for one specific scenario that I view as overwhelmingly likely:

A breakout from strategic encirclement.

Like, I see things going like this- we sneak the expedition up to the Karak pretty smoothly. Once there we either find survivors or not, find treasure or not, but either way I think it is going to get loud and be sticky. It's going to be hard to pry our dear leader out, harder if there are survivors, and that means more likely than not we waaaaaay overstay or welcome and give our enemies time to concentrate.

So there we will be, forted up inside a besieged Karak, needing to break through the armies around us and run South.

I think arsanil is a solid play, but he's going to be making passes to thin numbers, and cleaning the air.

I want lances. I want Taal's knights to rip apart the monsterous champions, the winter wolves to savage the ranged threats and flankers, and I want Brettonians with full plate and lances to smash a path open for the wagons, who will serve as our ranged platforms.

But only small elite cavalry units, because they do need to be the best endurance we can get in that role. After all, this is going to be a long, running battle as we retreat.

So it's the endgame I'm looking at and trying to prep for with the additional cavalry over assasination actions, or possibly even runepriests.

Also, I'm open to suggestions for semi-date ideas for the upcoming votes for our four winning candidates:

The Ice Dragon of Karag Zilfin
Elector Countess Roswita van Hal
Baron Anton Kiesinger II
Chief Bombardier Oswald Oswaldson

I think going to talk to the Ice dragon looking for information and advice about Deathfang would be fascinating. Make the subject of conversation dragons, to stoke his pride, but other dragons, to stoke envy. They are both old enough to know one another, I bet, let's see if there are any embarassing stories we can goad him into telling us.

Roswita I just want to see laugh more.

Anton... His jade wizard aunt. I think we apologize to him for reading those letters, and see how he deals with us having trespassed a bit. Plus, clear the air of secrets.

Oswaldson I'm sorry I'm not into.

I feel like the scandal of "we used to work for her dad" will be eclipsed by the scandal of "we are a wizard and she is an elector-count" and "we are both ladies."

(Also, I didn't come around to Roswita except until after she revealed herself to be a nerd. Abelhelm has nothing to do with it, she has her own great points. @Glau made a great post about what it would look like from her POV:

God, autocorrect was wicked in that post, I'm glad the meaning came across as well as it did...

And I will stand by everything I intended to write there. Roswita could be both enormously sweet, AND battle-buddies. She's got the simultaneous 'competent badass elector countess' and the 'adorable sweet exasperated nerd' sides, and it is great.

Only catch is the... Wait for it.... Divided Loyalties it would cause for both of us.
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Also, I'm open to suggestions for semi-date ideas for the upcoming votes for our four winning candidates:

The Ice Dragon of Karag Zilfin
Elector Countess Roswita van Hal
Baron Anton Kiesinger II
Chief Bombardier Oswald Oswaldson
For the dragon, could be a "Tell me about yourself" thing, since knowing about the super dragon next door is a reasonable diplomatic thing to do. It'd also be able to segue into two things: romance and research. If we end up voting to make the Ice Dragon Mathilde's partner, having already found out about the dragon is a good lead into that sort of story. If it doesn't go that way, then we have a foot in the door to spend a full AP getting its life story and writing it down, allowing us to write papers with the information or else just sell its memoirs like we did with Asarnil's.

tl;dr: "Getting to know you" makes sense in the present as both date and diplomacy, and can lead into future stuff both platonic and not.

Anton: Two-Gifts Day, were Mathy and Antion just be silly together and keep giving each other strange and odd Gifts: and Anton can hold his own against a wizard because of his network of friends who can get him stuff from the oddest places.
This is adorable.
Roswita: "Mathilde, I have been meaning to ask you this for a while: Where exactly did you get that Witch-Hunter's hat? Because it just so happens that I came across a Gray Wizard's hat when I was visiting my father's grave. Care to answer how it got there?"

Edit (Just thought of this): Roswita is wearing Mathilde's old hat when she asks this question. @BoneyM

Roswita would be capable of putting two and two together and letting the matter remain unspoken. That'd be a really uncomfortable old wound for her to start picking at.
• The Ice Dragon seems to be doing something magical in its lair, and Mathilde gets sent to investigate.
It's literally a piece of artwork, the Ice Dragon was just feeling creative.

Edit: If spellcasting is singing/dancing, then this would be a sculpture, similar to enchantment, but the purpose is just... to make something the Ice Dragon found useful.
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God, autocorrect was wicked in that post, I'm glad the meaning came across as well as it did...

And I will stand by everything I intended to write there. Roswita could be both enormously sweet, AND battle-buddies. She's got the simultaneous 'competent badass elector countess' and the 'adorable sweet exasperated nerd' sides, and it is great.

Only catch is the... Wait for it.... Divided Loyalties it would cause for both of us.
You know, I actually wouldn't mind being Court Wizard for Roswita, if we ended up actually romancing her. Not right now, of course, we're still busy and that's far from set in stone, but after, say, we do the Waystone project and finish up our immediately dwarf-relevant goals, it might be nice to go back and help Roswita with the sorts of problems that holding Sylvania might bring, like the tainted land which I think Waystones were suggested to be a good way of dealing with it. That or be the Spymaster again, since general Empire Politics are likely to start affecting Stirland now that Sylvania has been mostly tamed. Also it would be a nice way of coming full-circle.
You know, I actually wouldn't mind being Court Wizard for Roswita, if we ended up actually romancing her. Not right now, of course, we're still busy and that's far from set in stone, but after, say, we do the Waystone project and finish up our immediately dwarf-relevant goals, it might be nice to go back and help Roswita with the sorts of problems that holding Sylvania might bring, like the tainted land which I think Waystones were suggested to be a good way of dealing with it. That or be the Spymaster again, since general Empire Politics are likely to start affecting Stirland now that Sylvania has been mostly tamed. Also it would be a nice way of coming full-circle.
Our towers aren't exactly portable and I don't think that they want a court wizard living so far away.
Our towers aren't exactly portable and I don't think that they want a court wizard living so far away.
Eh, there's a couple different ways to get there. One of the Mount ideas, or even building a couple Smoke and Mirrors towers as has been suggested a couple times. Or we could just build more towers over there, we'll probably be rich enough by then.
I think the problem is, fundementally, that once we buy stuff, we feel we should use it to the full extent of its capabilities. Like with our sword, or assasination/scouting package. It goes along with hoarding.

Hence hubris. As soon as we can, it becomes less about if we should and more when we should.

So getting something like a dreadnaught that *could* take on a tomb king or isolated slann makes it about 10 million times more likely that we will do such things.

I really don't think you can ride that tiger. So I vote and advocate for stuff that is doing things now, not stuff that keeps us escalating.

Premise fundamentally flawed.
We've gone assassinating and fighting in the thick of melee before we got Branalhune and the Belt, with the most extreme being Drakenhof's initial rush.
We have deliberately performed no more risky spellcasting before and after the Belt.
We've taken no less risks before we got the Seed and Candle.

Its a supposition often brought up by opponents of getting stuff, but the only thing getting gear does is let people do what they already wanted to do, but better.
Eh, there's a couple different ways to get there. One of the Mount ideas, or even building a couple Smoke and Mirrors towers as has been suggested a couple times. Or we could just build more towers over there, we'll probably be rich enough by then.

A smoke and mirrors tower that established a link between Eagle Castle and Karag Nar?

Heck yes. Cake and eating it too! It allows us to maintain our relationships in both places even without gyrocopters, it would be wonderfully sweet to have connected homes with the girlfriend, and it lets us keep our setup in K8P while being able to work in Stirland.

I like it.
Nitpick: I've never seen a good QM that has "Therapy: The Spell" taken from a TTG and not have a host of caveats or limitations or tradeoffs in how useful it is, and for very good reason.

Therapy is work. Long, important, arduous work. The rest of your post I agree with fully, but this spell should not, in any responsibly made piece of fiction, work as written in the spell list posted in this thread.

Edit: Having Clarity just be a sort term thing, with a narrow area of application (compared to the many forms of possible ill health that can afflict the human mind), with consequences for overuse would be reasonable in my mind.

Pinning down where the boundaries of "short term" "narrow" "ill health" and "overuse" lie are left as an exercise for the reader :p
"Therapy" seems to me mostly TNE's interpretation. If you look at Clarity on the spell list again:
> Reduces mental penalties a touched character is suffering
In the book, it's reducing penalties to Intelligence, Fellowship, or Willpower stats for as long as the spell lasts. (One per casting, but you can cast it three times to affect them all.) You could use it to help a drunk character think straight and talk clearly, but not to cure alcoholism, for example.
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Mathilde hangs a banner off her balcony with a really awful pun in eltharin on the topic of hysh lizards and comfortable beds. The Ice Dragon raises a sculpture artfully depicting Mathilde as the world's least subtle shadowmancer. Belegar asks Mathilde not to escalate, but it's too late.
Voting is open