Voting closed, writing will begin shortly.
A few things
If we get a griffon egg from a bounty or because we manage to find it, how much gold/CF would it cost to get us a trainer/caretaker for the griffon chick? If that is impossible would it be possible to hire an Amber Mage to do it and how much would cost (standard rates or something different)? And to have a reference, what would the standard bounty for a griffon egg be?
It'd be important to do most of the caretaking yourself to form a bond with it, because that would be the easiest way to get it to cooperate with you. You could bring in an Amber Mage for standard rates, or you could bring in a succession of animal trainers who would almost certainly become expensive fast as you would regularly have to pay for missing limbs or death benefits for their family. There is no 'standard bounty', griffins are not ensnared commonly enough for there to be norms.
You said that based on its previous research with the AV, Mathilde considered that AV would be useless in Potion/Alchemy... Does she believe that AV has potential (or at least potential for an interesting reaction) to magical subjects beyond her expertise like Ritual Magic, Wyrdstone Containment, or The Creation of Artificial Familiars?
Wyrdstone Containment, definitely not. Ritual Magic, probably not. Artificial Familiars, maybe.
It would be possible to hire a priest to check the reaction of the AV to divine magic?
There's already a way to test that with the Coin, and it doesn't piss a priest off because they suspect you're trying to reverse-engineer their miracles.
@BoneyM do these topics seem like they'd make for an interesting social turn with Belegar, next turn perhaps?
I'll mull them over between now and then.
I've wanted a divided loyalties visual novel since the romance arc began.
I'm serious on that, by the way. The dragon is the best option, but all of them are at least interesting, and I get melancholic when I consider all that never will be.
I think it could work, in principle. The characters certainly are strong enough to carry it, there's an interesting non-romance plot, and Games Workshop is actually somewhat free in selling their licence these days. You'd need some money for art assets, but on the whole it's about as cheap as a project like that can get. Biggest point would be whether you get the licence for a share of the profit, because I don't think raising an upfront cost is plausible.
I just suspect that Boney prefers to keep the quest as a quest and hobby, which is perfectly fair and understandable. But it doesn't stop me from dreaming.
If GW slid into my DMs I'd be very open to negotiations, but failing that unlikely scenario I'm happy with the current format. There seems to be a line between fanfiction and fan-VN where the latter is significantly more likely to attract DMCA smackdowns.
It might, in fact, be interesting to do a highly magic-studying focused turn in general.
@BoneyM the College Rep in threadmark info has this bit in it:
*Getting a Journeyman/Magister/Lord Magister of a specific College/with a specific spell to come assist with a specific question/project/calamity
*2/5/10 per six months. This is assuming they have no interest in the topic and will receive none of the credit (or blame) for whatever it is you're trying to do.
So, question. Would "learning a Battle Magic spell, and experimenting and trying to invent some spells" could as "a specific project" if we were hiring a Lord Magister to help us? That is, if we had a turn that was heavily on learning MMM or attempting to create some Fog-based spells (which would be either normal magic or Battle Magic), could we get a Lord Magister to assist on that for just 10 Favor?
Yes. For a plan like that you could hire them in the turn vote itself instead of during the usual favour purchase phase, to prevent the whole 'soft lock' thing.
I am arguing that if the prep for the hellxpedition tired her out, she should be already tired while on it, not only after it.
Well... your argument is good enough that it's worth raising the
@BoneyM signal for clarification.
If you use the overwork slots on the turn that you set off, the hellxpedition itself would be the overwork. The aftereffects of all those long nights and early mornings won't hit her until she gets back home.
This is the purpose of overwork: if there's an immobile deadline, you can cram a lot of work before it at the expense of being less able to perform after it. If the penalty was immediate, it would never be used, because it would make you worse at responding to the crisis that you need those extra actions to deal with.
@BoneyM Could we use smash together a combination of shadowknives/blades and our shadow's shadow tendrils to create a more damaging version of "Kraken's Pull" or that one light spell that makes a magic net.
Basically a bunch of shadow tentacles to wrap things up and cut at them all the while.
You've only got so much shadow to stretch out, and it'd be increasingly difficult to empower it as you extend it further. Reaching across a battlefield would be stupendously difficult, and extremely vulnerable to being interfered with.
The lack of an ability to spar with someone to develop Brahulhune style is inconvenient.
@BoneyM would it be possible for us to commission a practice sword from Kragg that only has the Rune of the Unknown? It wouldn't be exactly like Branulhune so it shouldn't fall under repeat works, and if it's for the purpose of letting us perfect our use of it, I think he might at least consider the request?
A Runesmith's time is valuable, a Runelord's priceless. Developing a weapon that will never touch an enemy would be an incredibly tough sell.
@BoneyM, Pls add as option?
This would be done using the generic enchantment action.