Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Voting is open
I'm actually a little bitter about the Ice Dragon because I remember that the last thing it said to us was basically, "die well".
I wonder how much support we could dredge up for a Thorgrim romance...

Tagline: He wanted to die, until a quirky manling convinced him... to live.

We could be the bridge between Karaz-a-Karak and Vala-Azril-Ungol (if ya know what I mean) (bow-chika-wow-etcetera) (surely there's a couple other Belegar romance fans out there right)
Also, I'm open to suggestions for semi-date ideas for the upcoming votes for our four winning candidates:

Elector Countess Roswita van Hal
Conversation over the cooling innards of an undead worked really well for the previous Van Hal romance
Baron Anton Kiesinger II
"So we're going on this romantic dinner to deter my suitors, right?"
Chief Bombardier Oswald Oswaldson
Bringing the wizard in for show-and-tell at the Nuln school?
For Baron Anton Kiesinger II we could look at our fief?
I'm a fan of having Anton over at our vaguely castle-shaped construction. It'd give us an excuse to stop by and actually live there for a few days, and given how excited he was about our knighthood I can't say that he wouldn't be interested in seeing what we've done with the place.
Hmm, for the sake of variety...

• Wolf and Corporal Snuggles have gotten into hijinks together, which Mathilde and Oswald have to disentangle.

• Roswita's making an academic presentation about something, and invited Mathilde to be in the audience.

• The Ice Dragon seems to be doing something magical in its lair, and Mathilde gets sent to investigate.
I'm a fan of having Anton over at our vaguely castle-shaped construction. It'd give us an excuse to stop by and actually live there for a few days, and given how excited he was about our knighthood I can't say that he wouldn't be interested in seeing what we've done with the place.
... I thought we already had a blind love-interest. (Get it? Because he'd be seeing absolutely nothing. :V)
For Baron Anton Kiesinger II we could look at our fief?
Or have him show off the factory.
Anton: Two-Gifts Day, were Mathy and Antion just be silly together and keep giving each other strange and odd Gifts: and Anton can hold his own against a wizard because of his network of friends who can get him stuff from the oddest places.

edit: @BoneyM forgot to tag you
Conversation over the cooling innards of an undead worked really well for the previous Van Hal romance

Bringing the wizard in for show-and-tell at the Nuln school?


For the dragon.

Entreating with it to share some of its immense wisdom?

A bit too subservient a foot to set things off on.
Hmm, for the sake of variety...

• Wolf and Corporal Snuggles have gotten into hijinks together, which Mathilde and Oswald have to disentangle.

• Roswita's making an academic presentation about something, and invited Mathilde to be in the audience.

• The Ice Dragon seems to be doing something magical in its lair, and Mathilde gets sent to investigate.
Why Skip Anton? He is the only one I am supporting.
Also, I'm open to suggestions for semi-date ideas for the upcoming votes for our four winning candidates:

The Ice Dragon of Karag Zilfin
Elector Countess Roswita van Hal
Baron Anton Kiesinger II
Chief Bombardier Oswald Oswaldson
Some ideas -

Ice Dragon:
In the interest of fostering a mutually beneficial relationship between K8P and such an esteemed elder, perhaps an exchange of tales is in order, of worthy opponents slain or trials overcome.
Can dragons get drunk? Perhaps it could be interested in this wagonload of ale...

Roswita's been busy at war, but that's only half of what a good leader should know. Give her a tour of the EIC!
Roswita's been working too hard. She needs a break, and what better place than to relax than the library?

Anton was the one who first managed to hire Asarnil. Maybe he has some tips on how to sway the dragonlord?
Anton! Help! How to food?

Artillery is the king of battle. Fire some rounds and shake the earth.
Snuggles has an adventure.
Would discussing with the dragon about history (and the mentality of the Dawi) or the nature of magic (Mathilde acknowledging her understanding is that of a fledgling ) work?
It's really not a date idea, but I assume that, at some point, Mathilde stopped not wearing Abel's hat around Roswita.

And I am mighty curious how she feels about the fact that we kept it.

(Also, one of Oswald's actions better describe him as teaching us his "second form of magic".)
The Ice Dragon of Karag Zilfin
Give the Dragon a chance to wax poetic about bits of its hoard.
Read the Dwarves' history of interactions with the Dragon, figure out what it eats, and bring it a wagonful of that. Have a nice dinner with it.
Bring it up to speed on current events.
Basically just ask the Ice Dragon what it's like sleeping for decades at a time.
You know it occurs to me that it might be just a little bit weird that we're going after the daughter of our previous love interest, in hopes of gaining a new potential love interest.

not that i care but still.

Likelihood of scandalous rumours is gonna be pretty high...
You know it occurs to me that it might be just a little bit weird that we're going after the daughter of our previous love interest, in hopes of gaining a new potential love interest.

not that i care but still.

Likelihood of scandalous rumours is gonna be pretty high...
Nobody really knows we were interested in Abelheim, and Roswita is actually closer to our own age, if I recall correctly.
You know it occurs to me that it might be just a little bit weird that we're going after the daughter of our previous love interest, in hopes of gaining a new potential love interest.

not that i care but still.

Likelihood of scandalous rumours is gonna be pretty high...
I feel like the scandal of "we used to work for her dad" will be eclipsed by the scandal of "we are a wizard and she is an elector-count" and "we are both ladies."

(Also, I didn't come around to Roswita except until after she revealed herself to be a nerd. Abelhelm has nothing to do with it, she has her own great points. @Glau made a great post about what it would look like from her POV:

She first knew us as a figure from her father's letters, while she was being traumatized(?) Into her fear of magic. We would have come off as a rival, a surrogate daughter to the father who could never be there for her- someone she could read as getting more and more of the love from the man who was supposed to give it to her. (I assume a lonely, austure childhood with good reasons to be terrified of magic.)

Then her father died, and she met us. Gave us the most polite 'fuck you' she could manage, and threw us out. We took a deep breath, bowed out heads and accepted it, and left. She won. But.

Then she hears of how Abelhem died, with us standing over him alone against the unending tide of undead. She hears how we cried and defended his body, likely from Kasmir, who was there. She gets back the runefang- from us, which might have something to do with her complicated feelings around it; it was supposed to be her father's sword but it ended up being Mathilde's sword before Roswita could touch it- and all the contents of her father's study. She gets a report that is everything she could have hoped for, Julia for continuity, and an offer to write if she wants to. She regrets, I think, because she was wrong to be cruel to us, even of we are a wizard.

Then Mathilde returns, dwarf-friend, to gift her a gromil sword she doesn't properly even deserve. But duty demands it, and she steps up. We save her life, respond to her clumsy attempts at politeness with a deep willingness to look at her problems and help her leash to solve them. Over and over we prove that she misjudged us, and that fear/hate that she was nursing turns slowly to awe and wonder.

Killing the vampire Lord who was going to kill her. Opening Sylvania up to her conquest, even as we finished Abel's conquest when we could not. So when the battle wizards come, she knows how to see them as people and not terrifying vortexes of aethyr.

But from them she begins to see who Mathilde is too, because she had other examples of wizards to compare her too, to tease out what is wizard and what is Mathilde.

So now, in the final stretches of her family's long war to close the book her ancestor opened, she has a friend. Someone she thought she knew, then leaned that she was entirely, wonderfully wrong.

If she is at all physically attracted to us, and we give her some hints we are too, I think she would JUMP at us.
So how about those apparitions huh? I was thinking about some spells we could use them for. The tangent isn't my fault! I swear.

Phantasmal Scout: Bind a handmaiden and have it invisibly scout.

Phantasmal Assassin: Bind a handmaiden and have it strike an enemy with Branulhune.

Phantasmal Steed: Find a Rider in Red, kill it and steal its steed for ourself. Then use it with shadowsteed but better since it fights.

Greater Phantasmal Steed: Grab a bunch of Eyes of Nurgle, tie them together with string and make them into a dragon and then ride it.
Phantasmal Scout - I'm fairly sure the problem is with relaying information there. Apparitions have a one track mind and magic kind of blows at transmitting information over even a short distance without a continuous thread of magic...which if you had, would also allow you to directly control the scout anyways.

Phantasmal Assassin - Works fine, since the thing already does assassin-y things, it just needs to recognize the chosen target as its favored target. And arm it with a Shadow Knife Mastery.

Phantasmal Steed - The rider and horse are one entity, so I'm pretty sure you just massage it with Ulgu until they fuse into a single horse with rider smarts.

Greater Phantasmal Steed - Might work better if you just take the Rider in Red and make it wear an Ulgu gundam.
Actually, big brain moment.

Instead of mastery robes or fancy combat robes...

We should create Shadow: Aethyric Armour/ Bright: Flashcook/or small cantrip robes.

E.g Robes of 'not freezing our fucking tits off' in fact, enchant as many as we can for all wizards.

I have ran campaigns of DnD, I can't believe I nearly forgot about environment disadvantages.

VOTERS! we need robes of being warm in ice hell, not stamina!

@BoneyM, Pls add as option?
Brain too big...just use long underwear(which is actually Mathilde's default undergarment last we heard). Robes are very very accomodating of additional clothes layers under it, so long as they aren't magical.
I have not been led to believe that most journeyman consider the fucking chaos wastes a good place to journey too.

Nor that the colleges would encourage such foolishness in their journeyman.

Fuck, How many journeymen did we even have at for the initial expedition to K8P? I know for a fact that johann was an incognito magister. but were Eisbern and Seija journeyman at the time?
The Chaos Wastes are, to our quest knowledge, mostly dangerous due to the random encounter table being ridiculous, rather than reality being inherently corrosive to spellcasters and mutative to humans.
This is why Thorek advised the expedition to minimize time spent in the Chaos Wastes, the more time you spend crossing it the more likely that the random encounter comes up as "Daemon Horde" or "Rain Of Fire" at some point

Stronger Winds of magic actually help a bit with wizards.

Also, I'm open to suggestions for semi-date ideas for the upcoming votes for our four winning candidates:

The Ice Dragon of Karag Zilfin
Elector Countess Roswita van Hal
Baron Anton Kiesinger II
Chief Bombardier Oswald Oswaldson
Ice Dragon - Literature chat. Its an ancient being of great knowledge, I'm curious as to its intellectual habits.
Roswita - Drawing a blank other than killing undead together just like back in the day.
Anton - Pie week!
Oswald - I'm half expecting him to be exploring some of the Karak's external surface in his free time, partly enjoying the scenery, partly getting the terrain all sighted in first hand.
Voting is open