She first knew us as a figure from her father's letters, while she was being traumatized(?) Into her fear of magic. We would have come off as a rival, a surrogate daughter to the father who could never be there for her- someone she could read as getting more and more of the love from the man who was supposed to give it to her. (I assume a lonely, austure childhood with good reasons to be terrified of magic.)
Then her father died, and she met us. Gave us the most polite 'fuck you' she could manage, and threw us out. We took a deep breath, bowed out heads and accepted it, and left. She won. But.
Then she hears of how Abelhem died, with us standing over him alone against the unending tide of undead. She hears how we cried and defended his body, likely from Kasmir, who was there. She gets back the runefang- from us, which might have something to do with her complicated feelings around it; it was supposed to be her father's sword but it ended up being Mathilde's sword before Roswita could touch it- and all the contents of her father's study. She gets a report that is everything she could have hoped for, Julia for continuity, and an offer to write if she wants to. She regrets, I think, because she was wrong to be cruel to us, even of we are a wizard.
Then Mathilde returns, dwarf-friend, to gift her a gromil sword she doesn't properly even deserve. But duty demands it, and she steps up. We save her life, respond to her clumsy attempts at politeness with a deep willingness to look at her problems and help her leash to solve them. Over and over we prove that she misjudged us, and that fear/hate that she was nursing turns slowly to awe and wonder.
Killing the vampire Lord who was going to kill her. Opening Sylvania up to her conquest, even as we finished Abel's conquest when we could not. So when the battle wizards come, she knows how to see them as people and not terrifying vortexes of aethyr.
But from them she begins to see who Mathilde is too, because she had other examples of wizards to compare her too, to tease out what is wizard and what is Mathilde.
So now, in the final stretches of her family's long war to close the book her ancestor opened, she has a friend. Someone she thought she knew, then leaned that she was entirely, wonderfully wrong.
If she is at all physically attracted to us, and we give her some hints we are too, I think she would JUMP at us.