Rhya, Myrmidia, Shallya, Albaulea, Arvala, Artho the Unmoving, Borchband, the Voice,
Clio? (maybe), Dehagli, Dyrath, Esmerelda, Gaffey, Haendryk, Handrich, Josias, Kalita, Loerk, Mercopio, Millavog, O Prospero, Phineas, Quinsberry, Renbaeth the Shrewd, Salyak, Scripsisti, Skalor, Stovarok, Vallich, Wendred.
I don't know why I felt compelled to elaborate on
all these guys, but for reference:
Rhya: The goddess of cultivated nature; the point where Ghur turns to Ghyran.
Myrmidia: The goddess of orderly warfare.
Shallya: The goddess of healing and mercy.
Albaulea: Stirland's farming goddess.
Arvala: Ostermark's goddess of carpentry.
Artho the Unmoving: God of tradition.
Borchband The Voice: God of rhetoric and debate.
Clio? (maybe): Literally just a greek muse; presumably lost, or on vacation.
Dehagli: Averland's goddess of tailors.
Dyrath: Reikland's secret
and minor deity of fertility and motherhood.
Esmerelda: Halfling goddess of hearth and home.
Gaffey: Halfling god of building.
Haendryk: Also known as Handrich, imperial god of mercantilism.
Josias: Halfling god of animal husbandry.
Kalita: Kislevite Handrich. Not sure if a knock-off or a competitor.
Loerk: Nordland god of dance.
Mercopio: Tilean Handrich.
Millavog: Wissenland's god of dancing; them and Loerk should face off some time.
O Prospero: Estalian prosperity god.
Phineas: Halfling god of farming.
Quinsberry: Halfling god of knowledge and tradition.
Renbaeth the Shrewd: Minor god of lawyers.
Salyak: Kislevite Shallya; not an approximation, their own cults both say so. Different traditions, though.
Scripsisti: Goddess of calligraphers and writing. Hates the printing press, apparently, presumably because it'll shatter her lock on the entirety of literature.
Skalor: Ostland's god of bartering.
Stovarok: Nordland's god of storytelling.
Vallich: Nordland's god of smithing.
Wendred: God of duty and service.