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Well we retook K8P, killed half a million greenies, slew a vampire and a whole school of necromancers, are planning to go into the chaos wastes to rescue some dwarves...
I'd say we have a pretty decent shot at it, just need some more publicity maybe?
We need to die first.
Do we?
Is sainthood posthumous only in Warhammer?
Hochlander's doing that, and for free too. Actually speaking of, what, narratively, would've happened if we never hired the Hochlander? We seemed entirely able to handle the EIC's intelligence apparatus before bringing him in.
Hochlander isn't free. We actually pay 1 CF every turn to keep him.

But yeah, he's been opening up new options for us, probably applies his own abilities on background rolls, and has been in general a small force multiplier. Hopefully he turns into a bigger force multiplier with time and experience.
Max is still Magic 4, which hasn't increased, so I'm not sure about being able to learn any spell? He's evidently not been focusing on his magical development, between his blacksmithing and work for us.

Anyone recall if we hit Magic 5 before we were being encouraged to take the Magister exam?
Max knows a Fiendishly Complex spell (Enchant Item), despite his listed Magic stat being 4. My guess is that either his Magic stat has grown offscreen and we haven't spent enough time with him casting spells to know, or he has traits that boost his effective Magic trait in specific circumstances.
It's the Wizard branch of the Cult, they were canonized by Wizards and chances are nobody who isn't a Wizard has even heard of them.
So what we need is a highly pious believer in Ranald who has done great acts in his name, owns a large merchant network, and isn't shy about publicity. If possible, being highly regarded by an elder race, say the elves, to add some legitimacy would be a bonus.

Hmmm, that doesn't sound possible. Where could Mathilde possibly find someone like that? It's just too self-contradictory.
Saint Grey fought in the Great War Against Chaos, and introduced the worship of Ranald to the nascent Grey Order. Saint Grey planted the idea in Grom the Paunch's mind that he'd find better fights outside the Empire. And Saint Grey rode nonstop across the Empire to bring warnings to Journeymen of Dieter IV's outlawing of the Colleges.
What makes the Saints Grey different from any other highly successful magister? Also, what are they considered saints of exactly? I'm curious if we can invoke them for aid in our divine magic studies.
1 CF? But it's 2 CF for a Perpetual in a normal place and 4 CF for KEP.
[ ] Bring in a Perpetual Apprentice to start grooming as a handler for intelligence matters of the EIC. (1 favour/turn)
My guess is that it cost less favour than standard because we didn't invite a PA to do scutwork for us, we were asking for help wielding a powerful merchant consortium as an intelligence tool on behalf of the Empire. That seems like the sort of thing where the Grey College's arm needs a little less twisting than usual.
I'm finding no actual mentions of saints, at all, for Warhammer fantasy, and an actual claim that saints do not exist in fantasy because they are too catholic and 40k.
But there are saints in the quest, so either they are quest canon only, or i am failing at google.
Second Ed RPG, the supplement book on cults and gods.

Can't remember the page
I'm finding no actual mentions of saints, at all, for Warhammer fantasy, and an actual claim that saints do not exist in fantasy because they are too catholic and 40k.
But there are saints in the quest, so either they are quest canon only, or i am failing at google.

Warhammer Fantasy: Divided Loyalties - an Advisor's Quest Fantasy - Users' Choice!

As a Journeywoman, Grey Wizard Mathilde Weber is dropped into the deep end of intrigue and double-dealing after a surprise assignment to the necromancer-afflicted province of Stirland. Follow her trials, travails, feats and discoveries as she makes her way in the world and does her best to...
Every sample Venerated Soul in the book says the VS in question died, and in all but one case says how exactly they died. (The remaining case says how he was rumoured to die.)
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I'm finding no actual mentions of saints, at all, for Warhammer fantasy, and an actual claim that saints do not exist in fantasy because they are too catholic and 40k.
But there are saints in the quest, so either they are quest canon only, or i am failing at google.
There are saints in Warhammer Fantasy, it's just that they're called Venerated Souls. And yes, they're only declared posthumously. You can find them in the Tome of Salvation, a WFRP 2nd Edition supplemental book focusing on the Gods and their respective Cults and sects in the Old World.
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There is arcticle on Venerated Souls.

There are extremely few instances in which a living person is so named and usually this happens while they lie on their deathbed. In addition, the Grand Conclave must be unanimous in their decision to name a new Venerated Soul. Considering the numerous political and religious implications of naming someone without full support, members of the Grand Conclave are very careful in their voting.[1b]

So it is not technically impossible just very unlikely to become one before death.
Second Ed RPG, the supplement book on cults and gods.

Can't remember the page
Warhammer wiki fails to mention saints, but does speak of venerated souls, but from what i am reading it seems they do not require dying (though most do die before recognition, out of old age if nothing else).

Warhammer Fantasy: Divided Loyalties - an Advisor's Quest Fantasy - Users' Choice!

As a Journeywoman, Grey Wizard Mathilde Weber is dropped into the deep end of intrigue and double-dealing after a surprise assignment to the necromancer-afflicted province of Stirland. Follow her trials, travails, feats and discoveries as she makes her way in the world and does her best to...
Every sample Venerated Soul in the book says the VS in question died, and in all but one case says how exactly they died. (The remaining case says how he was rumoured to die.)
There are saints in Warhammer Fantasy, it's just that they're called Venerated Souls. And yes, they're only declared posthumously. You can find them in the Tome of Salvation, a WFRP 2nd Edition supplemental book focusing on the Gods and their respective Cults and sects in the Old World.
I do not have access to the book in question, but wiki disagrees on the posthumous only.

And even then, that is recognition, which is not necessarily the same as being one.
Is a venerated soul a venerated soul because they get an official stamp of approval, or are they venerated souls before that and only recogniced afterwards?
Do we?
Is sainthood posthumous only in Warhammer?

The idea behind a Venerated Soul is they become a delegate of the God in question and available to answer prayers on their behalf, which would require no longer be wandering around the place.

What makes the Saints Grey different from any other highly successful magister?

Worshipping Ranald and acting in a way that he approves of.

Also, what are they considered saints of exactly?


I'm curious if we can invoke them for aid in our divine magic studies.

Mathilde's relationship with Ranald is atypically close, she doesn't need an interceder.

I'm finding no actual mentions of saints, at all, for Warhammer fantasy, and an actual claim that saints do not exist in fantasy because they are too catholic and 40k.
But there are saints in the quest, so either they are quest canon only, or i am failing at google.

The canonical term is 'Venerated Soul', but that's too much of a mouthful for my tsates.
Also, Mathy the VS is only really likely if we are back in the empire and abusing the protecter coin.

We are to much of a fringe character in k8p
Also, Mathy the VS is only really likely if we are back in the empire and abusing the protecter coin.

We are to much of a fringe character in k8p
That kinda depends on wether venerated soul is one because of recognition or not.
I doubt Mathilde is going to become a publicly recogniced saint (let's just use saint, it's shorter), but a new Saint Grey, could happen, especially if she dies in the right circumstances and her devoutness becomes known.
Ranald definitely approves of her, so that's good, and she is so succesful that the Grey Pattriach decided to daemon check her just in case, and Gold Pattriarch decided to bribe her for her loot.
I'd be very happy to get more involved in Ranaldite stuff in the future - if things are still in flux in Marienburg when we're back from the expedition, poking at that could be one angle to help out. And I'd be 100% willing to burn a Great Deed or three to help get Ranald recognized in the future, should it come down to an Elector Count vote.
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