- Location
- Actually pretty lost
It is a very impressive hat:You are a woman of many hats," he begins, then eyes your more literal hat and seems to lose his train of thought for a moment.
If we were to decline, we would have to basically dedicate all of our time to researching these, or look like a total ass. We aren't going to do that, so I'm pretty sure we should accept."I am asking you to give up a lot of opportunities, and I do not do so lightly. So in exchange for giving up so many papers and books and all the reputation and goodwill that would come with those, I say to you: name your price. The Gold Order has wealth and influence and secrets beyond measure. Tell me what we must surrender to you, so that you will release your grasp on the secrets of the Skaven."
Having said that: this is effectively a Great Deed/Transcendent Boon vote, and we still can't decide what we want to do with those. I'm in favour of making it something tangible instead of future favours. Complete Gold Order assistance with studying the K8P Waystones might be a winner.
And, of course, that we be kept in the loop regarding whatever they figure out.
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