Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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You are a woman of many hats," he begins, then eyes your more literal hat and seems to lose his train of thought for a moment.
It is a very impressive hat:
"I am asking you to give up a lot of opportunities, and I do not do so lightly. So in exchange for giving up so many papers and books and all the reputation and goodwill that would come with those, I say to you: name your price. The Gold Order has wealth and influence and secrets beyond measure. Tell me what we must surrender to you, so that you will release your grasp on the secrets of the Skaven."
If we were to decline, we would have to basically dedicate all of our time to researching these, or look like a total ass. We aren't going to do that, so I'm pretty sure we should accept.

Having said that: this is effectively a Great Deed/Transcendent Boon vote, and we still can't decide what we want to do with those. I'm in favour of making it something tangible instead of future favours. Complete Gold Order assistance with studying the K8P Waystones might be a winner.

And, of course, that we be kept in the loop regarding whatever they figure out.
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I mean there's a bit more to it than is immediately obvious. Consider that Witch Hunters have killed plenty of wizards, then consider that Mathilde is a Grey. To a lot of wizards, wearing that hat is a declaration to always remember that the Greys in general and Mathilde in particular are prepared to hunt down and kill a wizard that
Or, alternatively, to kill a Witch Hunter in self-defense and then wear his hat as a trophy? :p
As a general idea of what we're dealing with, I estimate a "completed" Skryre Manual investigation at around ~50 College Favor for Mathilde in total, although of course we'd have to put in the time and effort to "extract" that favor.

So as a sale of "raw materials", I'd say the value of what we're looking at should be around ~30 College Favor. If we ask for something worth less than that, we're undercharging, if we ask for much more than that, we're overcharging - at least, that's my estimate.

This doesn't include the Favor that Johann and Max would receive for their contributions, but it's fairly clear that the Gold College can recompense them separately.
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What do we think the likelihood/possibility is that the Gold Order is sitting on a trove of knowledge about Waystones? Or to put it another way, if Mathilde floats a request for all the assistance/knowledge they can muster on figuring out Waystones, would they be able to deliver something significant?
The biggest things would be access to wonderful artefacts they have, keep in the loop from what they learn, and anything to help with the Karak Dum deal.

Those three are key.
I'm leaning
[] Sevirroscope
I like this.

Thank you. I fully dont expect it to win, not am I sure it would be good use of our money, but it is nice to know the possibility exists.

I think setting up a dedicated research lab for magic stuff would help quite a bit with the waystone network. Whatever secrets they know specifically we can probably pry out of them with regular favor.
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This is definitely the time to ask for secrets rather than material wealth. One is fleeting, but the other lets us get bogged down in an entirely new patch of research options. :V

Hey, @BoneyM, I think I recall you mentioning that the golds didn't want to talk about how they granted their Hounds minds (the same with the Ambers and their crows). Would such a thing be on the table of 'Generic Gold Secrets We're Not Allowed To Ask About Because Of Inter-College Rivalries'?
If we go for the "continual favour and gold stipend for books", I think I'd like an additional up-front amount to go with with that also

Is there a spell that lets someone reshape metal at a thought? Maybe get someone to give us an enchanted item to do that, and thereby be able to quickly make uh... metal stamps/printing press thing. (A non witzie, if it involves having chamon in one's brainmeats to use).

What do we think the likelihood/possibility is that the Gold Order is sitting on a trove of knowledge about Waystones?

Unlikely. Jades probably, Ambers maybe, Lights possibly, Golds no.

Or to put it another way, if Mathilde floats a request for all the assistance/knowledge they can muster on figuring out Waystones, would they be able to deliver something significant?

They'd definitely be willing to supply experts for the project, if that's her price.

Hey, @BoneyM, I think I recall you mentioning that the golds didn't want to talk about how they granted their Hounds minds (the same with the Ambers and their crows). Would such a thing be on the table of 'Generic Gold Secrets We're Not Allowed To Ask About Because Of Inter-College Rivalries'?

That would be a valid price.
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'Experts for Waystone project' is
A. probably undercharging, dramatically, unless it goes on for a decade, and
B. is something Belegar can and will fund, if he sets us the project and we tell him that's the way to do it.
(I mean, I'd rather have the Jade order secrets of Waystones, myself, than Gold, but whichever).
Hmm... @BoneyM, aside from politics, do we know what Feldmann's specialities are?
Yeah, I'm pretty sure the best options are either Seviroscope or Waystones, but to be honest I'm not sure which is better. Do the Golds actually have some sort of special knowledge or ability that would apply well to either of them? I really want Mathilde to be the one doing Seviroscope to be honest, but if we can get it better or garunteed...
I know we're sitting on a reasonably-sized income stream already but we might want to add a small cut of whatever they make off of selling any derived inventions, e.g. gas masks, to our request.
Torn between wrangling waystones and asking for his influence on getting the Colleges to assist the upcoming expedition. Having a few magisters along could make all the difference there. Not just in the success of the project, but also in convincing the dwarves that wizards are reliable, rather than shoddy newfangled Manling nonsense.
Unlikely. Jades probably, Ambers maybe, Lights possibly, Golds no.

They'd definitely be willing to supply experts for the project, if that's her price.
Hmmm, OK. Waystones seem less good of a price.
'Experts for Waystone project' is
A. probably undercharging, dramatically, unless it goes on for a decade, and
B. is something Belegar can and will fund, if he sets us the project and we tell him that's the way to do it.
(I mean, I'd rather have the Jade order secrets of Waystones, myself, than Gold, but whichever).
I agree.

I'm leaning towards Karag Dum assistance, myself. Seviroscope feels more like a personal project.
I think I'd be fine selling off bits of our backlog like the Electric Whip or the Crystal Sword but not absolutely everything.
So, in the interests of establishing a baseline, I feel like one possible thing we could ask for is "a library budget at the same level of Belegar's existing subsidy":

[ ] 300gc + 2CF library budget per turn

It's not sexy, and I think we should ask for more on top of this, but it's something concrete we can ask for.

We can send our subordinates to learn skills and spells while we wait for new artifacts to come in.

I am completely opposed to this. We don't need more gold for our project. We will likely never need more gold, unless we try branching out into fielding entire armies.
Is there a spell that lets someone reshape metal at a thought? Maybe get someone to give us an enchanted item to do that, and thereby be able to quickly make uh... metal stamps/printing press thing. (A non witzie, if it involves having chamon in one's brainmeats to use).

No using historical hindsight to game the tech tree.

Hmm... @BoneyM, aside from politics, do we know what Feldmann's specialities are?

College rumour is he had quite a history as an adventurer before he made his bid for leadership.

Ah, in a 'you can ask, but it's chamon and not ulgu so it's useless for you even if they tell you' way, or in a 'this would actually help you figure out how to get your constructs thinking and reacting to stimulus and stuff' way?

The latter.
"I've been following with interest your work in Karak Eight Peaks," he says, sliding open a drawer and rummaging through it. "It's become something of a matter of pride to my Order that we tied with the Ambers for having the right amount of foresight and ambition to get in on a good thing early. You are to be commended for your diligence, and for your ability to forge ties with the Dwarves - which I can attest is no small feat."
Poor, poor Panoramia. No one remembers the Jade Order. :tongue:

On one hand, the Jade didn't join the Expedition from the very beginning, so Feldmann has a point. On the other hand, much like the Grey Order, the Jade were fortunate to slot in a journeywoman before the Expedition left.
Though, I'll devil advocate that we absolutely could purchase Wizard Assistance for Karaq Dum with some favour expenditure.

...It is not going to be anywhere as significant as what we can get here, though. Not without dumping, like, our entire favour stockpile at once. This is a capital letter Favour being offered here, maybe not quite a Transcendant Boon, but expensive currency nonetheless.
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Would the Sevirscope be a singular artifact, or would it be possible to get multiple of them? Or better, schematics to allow more to be made. I kinda want Sevirscopes to be spread far and wide.
Poor, poor Panoramia. No one remembers the Jade Order. :tongue:

On one hand, the Jade didn't join the Expedition from the very beginning, so Feldmann has a point. On the other hand, much like the Grey Order, the Jade were fortunate to slot in a journeywoman before the Expedition left.

The Jades only had one, the Golds and Ambers had two.


Would the Sevirscope be a singular artifact, or would it be possible to get multiple of them? Or better, schematics to allow more to be made. I kinda want Sevirscopes to be spread far and wide.

Once they figure out how and give you one, you could get more made for College favour.
Seviroscope, to me, feels like it could be a big help to Kragg in analyzing Bok or as a teaching/writing aid; it's not as useful for us, who have well-developed Sight already.
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