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Well. That's certainly interesting. @BoneyM, could we negotiate to hand over only certain parts of our collection, or is it an all or nothing deal? Also, how does Mathilde think Johann would react to us selling on most/all of this stuff?
Mathilde could make it up to them even without whatever bounty the Golds provide.
Sure. It's just the reputation-boosting effect of the lighting that Adela wanted, and the sentimental value of the gas mask, that I was considering.

Anyway, going to think about this, but in the meantime I just wanted to say:
"You are a woman of many hats," he begins, then eyes your more literal hat and seems to lose his train of thought for a moment.
I fucking love this line.

It feels skeevy to leave Max and Johann out of this. As jesr as I can tell they were planning on building their careers out of it.

Can we get their opinion?
It's a difference between passive and active offenses. The chaos dwarves as they are now are an affront to the regular dwarves, but a passive one; they don't go out of their way to attack them, slander them, or even really make their existence known to the rest of the world. Sending hobgoblin assassins into a major dwarven karak, on the other hand, is a decidedly active and hostile act- doubly so because they'd be targeting a person that the karak's king feels they owe a literally immeasurable favour to.

It's sort of the difference between a guy who hasn't washed or changed their clothes in two months and who's constantly muttering racist words under their breath standing near you in the street, and that same person coming up to you and flicking a cigarette in your face. One's incredibly offensive and unpleasant, but the other makes it worse by adding a direct and blatant provocation on top of that.
Going up against a prepared Chaos Dwarf fortress is possibly the last place in the world I'd want a Dwarf throng, let alone after walking through half the Dark Lands to get there. The preponderance of the artillery would be on the enemy's side, and they'd have their slave forces and other tricks along with that. I'm not as sure as you that the Chaos Dwarfs would resist pissing off their cousins, and I hope we never have to find out.
OK so the reason I rated that as funny is because it reads exactly like @BoneyM showing some kind of twisted mercy on everyone weeping over the lack of spare AP every turn and that sort of thing amuses me endlessly.

No idea what Mathilde should ask for though.
Well. That's certainly interesting. @BoneyM, could we negotiate to hand over only certain parts of our collection, or is it an all or nothing deal?

He wants all of it, not your cast-offs.

Also, how does Mathilde think Johann would react to us selling on most/all of this stuff?

It feels skeevy to leave Max and Johann out of this. As jesr as I can tell they were planning on building their careers out of it.

Can we get their opinion?

The Gold Order would have an astonishing amount of ways to make it up to them.

Sure. It's just the reputation-boosting effect of the lighting that Adela wanted, and the sentimental value of the gas mask, that I was considering.

She could bring Adela on to some other equivalent project that would have the same effect on her reputation. See above for Johann.

@BoneyM: Does this include sending Qrech off?
Is the Skaven hidden in tower included?

"Johann still gets to work on some of them, as he wishes. And Adela gets first dibs on that lightning cannon we took together"

I agree with Feldmann's reasoning here as to why Mathilde should hand over (many of them), so price.... uh....

'If you take these, you also have to take the Brass Orb too. I'm not touching that thing'
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Free up some AP and get paid for it. What's not to love.

Well, a lot is not to love. But seeing how we're about to embark on a dangerous quest where we have the best chance to die in years, I'd say give the stuff to him anyways. Some handheld doomsday weapon of Gold make would fit our colection nicely.
"Johann still gets to work on some of them, as he wishes. And Adela gets first dibs on that lightning cannon we took together"

Even if the Gold Order didn't make it up to Johann and Max - and they would - Mathilde would be able to trivially smooth out any ruffled feathers with duckling actions.

Could we ask for some Gold Magisters, or, better, Battlemages for our incoming military projects?

Or that is a little too much?

This is a valid price.
It'd s almost 2AM for me so take this with a pinch of salt guys, but I don't think we should take this for the simple reason that we don't have that many non-skaven things to research with subordinate actions. We would be giving up a indeterminate but large about of college favor at the very least.
I don't want to sell it off for just gold. For one thing, we don't really need it, another, that pretty clearly runs into the vow of poverty. Sure, we could get away with it, but it feels bad. And also, we don't need money.

I think this is the opportunity to use our great deed for a branch college, and ask the Gold college to outfit it. The exotic research version, for studying stuff like the Waystones and working with other magical traditions. We can probably tell him about the Waystones and the Eonir diplomacy.

That way we can still use the Belegar boon on the library or whatever.
Completely unrealistic and suicidal but I love the mental image of Mathilde handing off a big pile of books for some scribe to copy and the scribe just ... choking when a third of the way through the eleventh romance novel they realize they are actually copying the Libris Mortis
So, in the interests of establishing a baseline, I feel like one possible thing we could ask for is "a library budget at the same level of Belegar's existing subsidy":

[ ] 300gc + 2CF library budget per turn

It's not sexy, and I think we should ask for more on top of this, but it's something concrete we can ask for.
It'd s almost 2AM for me so take this with a pinch of salt guys, but I don't think we should take this for the simple reason that we don't have that many non-skaven things to research with subordinate actions. We would be giving up a indeterminate but large about of college favor at the very least.
We can send our subordinates to learn skills and spells while we wait for new artifacts to come in.
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