So. Yeah, Am SERIOUSLY feeling the Pam vibes.
[ ] PROJECT: Karag Dum
Though at the opposite end of the continent, no Dwarf is disinterested in a reclamation attempt, and that goes double for those living in a reclaimed Hold. Perhaps Belegar would be willing to assign you to aid the preparations of Expedition.
Wow. Didn't think we'd have an option for this.
[ ] PROJECT: Aethyric Vitae
You're reasonably confident that there's a great deal of potential yet to be unlocked in the Vitae.
This is related imo, in that Anvils of DOOM can now be recharged quickly and therefor can be used offesivly without as much concer but... I don think that is what this action is referring to. Hmm. am ambilvlant.
[ ] PROJECT: Cartographer
Your maps have made significant differences to several battles, and could prove just as useful in its ongoing defence. You could map the entirety of Karak Eight Peaks and enchant a map room so that it would forever display your findings, and could be updated as needed.
Honestly, if we do this, I want to learn MMAPP first/try to do so on that turn. If we are not trying to learn MMAPP, I am utterly opposed.
[ ] PROJECT: Dragon
You've supplied one weapon for the possibility of a hostile dragon, perhaps now you should see to securing the possibility of a peaceful one.
No idea how we might go about it, but worth trying, especially considering how uh, not great the thing we ordered on behalf of Belegar was in terms of 'risky' .
[ ] PROJECT: Black Waters
Though you're unlikely to be able to contribute to the construction yourself, you might be able to indirectly aid the ongoing construction of the canals and locks between the Black Waters and the Aver.
I'm at a loss as to what Mathilde has in mind for how she might contribute, outside of "prevent beast men/orc/mercenary attack", so if it's not too rude would you mind expanding on what Mathilde has in mind for this? Personally I'm not that interested in going for this, but I am curious
So yeah, for me, it's the
Hold, the
Dragon or the
I look forward to reading arguments for and against all the options.