Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Voting is open
Haven't been keeping up with the thread or read the update yet, and busy with dinner atm, so this might have all been commented on by now, but have some diffcheckers for the D.P. page and the char sheet:

Dram. personae 7/13 - Diffchecker

Dram. personae 7/13 - [QUOTE="BoneyM, post: 10014134, member: 21872"] [U]Ruler and Council of Karak Eight Peaks[/U] King

Char Sheet 7/13 - Diffchecker

Char Sheet 7/13 - [QUOTE="BoneyM, post: 10000102, member: 21872"] Character Sheet [Spoiler="WHFB Statline"] Warning:
I'm at a loss as to what Mathilde has in mind for how she might contribute, outside of "prevent beast men/orc/mercenary attack", so if it's not too rude would you mind expanding on what Mathilde has in mind for this? Personally I'm not that interested in going for this, but I am curious @BoneyM.

Scouting the area, including underground parts that she can move through with impunity. Getting in touch with the locals and making sure everyone knows to be on the look-out for people with Wastelander accents and a lot of gold. Setting up cooperation between Stirland/Averland and the Project.

Anti-air shadow knives bullet hell.

Grey version of:
[ ] [TOWER] Anti-Air (COLOUR)
Honestly, I'm kinda torn between Waystones and AV, with a little bit of Karak Dum for the adventure. Sure I mostly just want to focus on research right now, and following up on the fact that Panoramia apparently knows enough about Waystones to draw magic from them would be awesome, but there's at least two super epic items up there, and whatever else we can find. Also, reclaiming it could be important?
Also, that Panoramia scene was everything I ever dreamed of, and so much better than the Johann one. She really just seems to click with Mathilde in a way he doesn't. I also have a distinct respect for her religious views, which are very similar to my own.
I loved that.

Making the invitation is easier said than done. With Johann you just sort of invited yourself along to something he was already going to, but this isn't so simple and Panoramia is, well, trickier than Johann. Johann and Max have grown accustomed to a certain level of inscrutability on your part, but Panoramia has developed something of an ability to see through at least some of your usual facades through the years. You consider and reject a number of different approaches over a few weeks, and just as you were closing in on a perfect plan, Wolf gets fed up and goes and asks her on your behalf.

She accepted, and called Wolf a good boy. He was insufferably smug for days.

... Is Mathilde a Useless Bisexual?

As your training demands, you arrive early to get a feel for the place and secure an advantageous position, which turns out to be a table in one corner where you could put your back to the wall, and with a window close enough to dive through in case of attack or awkward silences.

The answer is yes.

You cloak yourself in Take No Heed and catch up on your reading while waiting for Panoramia to arrive.

"The Most Noble Art of the Sky," comes an unexpected voice some time later, jarring you out of the book. "Thinking of changing Orders?"

"To the Celestials?" you reply with a grimace, letting the part of your concentration that was keeping your spell sustained dissipate.

I appreciated this note, that Pan pierced our spell pretty casually.

"Grey Wizards do have a reputation, and so do you. And you don't exactly go out of your way to dispel it."

You smile. "It's fun. And most people are taken in by it. Why aren't you?"

"Wolf," she says simply.

You sigh. "He told you?"

"No, this was long before he was talking. Familiars are tricky, but he's a dog, and dogs are what their masters make them. You could have made him sneaky and sly, or you could have made him vicious and intimidating. But you didn't. Even after he was fully grown, he stayed a happy, playful puppy."

Hah, yeah, that's fair. Wolf is a good pupper. Pan no longer buys our shit, and it's great.

"Maybe I use him to throw people off," you say, but it's clear she's not buying it. "Okay, fine. It's true, and it doesn't take much more than basic Wind theory to spot it. Ulgu doesn't make for terrifying ethereal assassins unless you really put your mind to it. It makes mystics and showmen."

She snaps her fingers. "So that's the other half." She pauses thoughtfully, giving you a long, considering look as the server takes advantage of the quiet to step in with tall mugs of freshly-drawn small beer. Well, small beer by Dwarf standards. Some taverns in the Empire sold ale with less of a kick than this. "Mystical Ulgu. Boundaries, right? Between light and dark, between day and night. Ambiguities and edge cases. That's the side of you that builds hell towers and experiments on mushrooms."

"I suppose you could see it that way," you say, not entirely convinced. "What about you? The farms would be your Elemental side, right?"

"Everyone makes that mistake at first. Most of the plant stuff is Mystical. Though come to think of it..." She frowns, tapping her fingers against her mug. "I guess I have been focused pretty hard on the crops and the soil. Though that could qualify as both, as supplying food would fit under Elemental. Or maybe I'll exercise my Elemental side more after we turn the Caldera into pastures and bring in more livestock."

I confess I don't really get the Elemental/Mystical stuff.

"You know what I'm doing?" She leans back in her chair with a smug smile. "Nothing. And the month after that? Nothing. And the month after that, I think I'm going to get around to catching up on my nothing." She grins, then turns serious. "But yes, it is intense for three seasons a year. But this valley means I can do something nobody else in the Order has been able to even try: to create arable land from a complete blank slate. No variables, no surprises, no fires, no floods, no droughts. Just dead soil and water and the Halflings and me, creating something from nothing. If I succeed, it's because of me. If I fail, it's because of me. Not because some broken Waystone farted on the far side of the horizon

Pan loves Ghyran and is fascinated by the opportunities she has to tinker with it in Eight Peaks. Grabbing onto something that will succeed or fail entirely as a result of her efforts.

Oh! And speaking of, that's another thing to take on once I'm done with the soil. Never even heard of a circular Waystone cluster anything like this big before, there's a paper or two in that."

You are a Wizard of the Grey Order, and Wizards of the Grey Order don't spit their drinks across the table. You finish your draw on the beer calmly and place the mug carefully back down. "You know much about Waystones?"

She looks at you oddly. "Jade Order, remember? I've been pulling Ghyran out of them ever since they woke up last year."

"Right. Of course." You make a mental note to look into this further later, and mentally underline it several times.

The fuck. Ooookaaaay. So at least Jades can casually sense the Waystone network, so that is a secret that isn't very secret to the right people. I almost wish Mathilde was like "hey, maybe don't mention that around other people for a little bit". And later admit that she didn't even know about them until the Eonir did that thing of assuming she knows exactly what she's doing.

What about you? Is the Grey College really a hive of secret Ranald cultists?"

"Wouldn't be much of a Ranald cultist if I told, would I?" you say, holding up a pair of crossed fingers.

She examines you carefully, then turns wide-eyed in surprise. "Wait, really? You actually worship Ranald?"

"We have an understanding. Where do you think I got Wolf?"

I would've thought that was more widely known, she didn't hide it super hard when she was running the Gambling Hall.

As the year comes to a close, two deliveries arrive in close succession: the unnerving menhir finally arrives from Altdorf, and you arrive a massive spike of bone, purported to be a trophy from a slain storm dragon that has been gathering dust on the wall of a noble Tilean family for generations. You believe the claim as soon as you take it out onto your balcony and the ambient Azyr of the high winds change course to flow through the horn.

Oh sweet we got the bones already! Hope it won't be a problem that it is attuned to a different wind.

As for projects, I really don't know. I am disinclined to direct much attention outside of the Karak. Mathilde is probably the best choice to continue treating with the dragon. And the Waystone Mega Project has a lot of potential, but is called a Mega Project for a reason.
I confess I don't really get the Elemental/Mystical stuff.

It's pretty esoteric and you don't miss much if you mentally replace it with 'Wizards saying Wizard things'.

I almost wish Mathilde was like "hey, maybe don't mention that around other people for a little bit".

She wouldn't have said it to anyone that wasn't a Wizard. 'Don't let anyone fuck with the Waystones' is a big deal to the Colleges.

@BoneyM is the Karak Dum action to help prepare them or go on the expedition?

Prepare. Joining it will be a later choice.
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Haven't been keeping up with the thread or read the update yet, and busy with dinner atm, so this might have all been commented on by now, but have some diffcheckers for the D.P. page and the char sheet:

Dram. personae 7/13 - Diffchecker

Dram. personae 7/13 - [QUOTE="BoneyM, post: 10014134, member: 21872"] [U]Ruler and Council of Karak Eight Peaks[/U] King

Char Sheet 7/13 - Diffchecker

Char Sheet 7/13 - [QUOTE="BoneyM, post: 10000102, member: 21872"] Character Sheet [Spoiler="WHFB Statline"] Warning:
Huh, looks like Hubert used his boon to be made envoy to Ulrikadrin.
Not now but later on we should mix Aethyric Vitae, Waystone and Nagarythe vacation for synergy since we could bump into elves that could be interested in what knowledge we make headway on the two projects.

Or work on Aethyric Vitae, Dragon and Karag Dum for now.
I am against trying to get Belegar to put us on AV. I want AV to be our baby. It was entirely us who brought it into the world, us and the horrifying deamonsnek we accidentally summoned. It feels right to have the actions related to it be on our own time.
My opinions on projects:
[ ] PROJECT: Aethyric Vitae
You're reasonably confident that there's a great deal of potential yet to be unlocked in the Vitae.
We have proof of concept with Thorek and it would let us research it on company time, likely with Belegar's enthusiastic support. I support it.
[ ] PROJECT: Dragon
You've supplied one weapon for the possibility of a hostile dragon, perhaps now you should see to securing the possibility of a peaceful one.
We've already gotten a stone that turns people into dragons, I don't see how much more we can actually contribute here. Dwarfs have been killing dragons longer than human memory.
Edit: I apparently can't read. Is Belegar done researching the dragon's history? If so, we might be able to do something, but we're not a diplomat and the dragon really doesn't interest me.
[ ] PROJECT: Cartographer
Your maps have made significant differences to several battles, and could prove just as useful in its ongoing defence. You could map the entirety of Karak Eight Peaks and enchant a map room so that it would forever display your findings, and could be updated as needed.
Useful, though kinda small in scope. I'd support it.
[ ] PROJECT: Waystone
The Eonir have asked to work with you on a research project into the Waystones. Though you doubt you can reverse-engineer a product of the Dwarven Golden Age in partnership with the greatest Wizards of Ulthuan, you might be able to uncover something useful.
The big project, at this stage it would mostly be learning and theory until the KaK dwarfs leave.
[ ] PROJECT: Western Gate
The Eastern Gate and its approach is entirely dominated by the Eye of Gazul, but its angles to affect the Western Gate are more limited. If you consider this insufficient, you can suggest to King Belegar that you lend your efforts to bolstering its defences.
We can fry anything that comes in through it with the Eye and Dwarfs are better at defense than anyone else. I don't really see a point.
[ ] PROJECT: Black Waters
Though you're unlikely to be able to contribute to the construction yourself, you might be able to indirectly aid the ongoing construction of the canals and locks between the Black Waters and the Aver.
Eh, what would we even do?
[ ] PROJECT: Marienburg
Marienburg is threatening a blockade, and the Empire is threatening to break it. You could be of some use in cowing Marienburg or paving the way for a short decisive war.
This is not our job.
[ ] PROJECT: Karag Dum
Though at the opposite end of the continent, no Dwarf is disinterested in a reclamation attempt, and that goes double for those living in a reclaimed Hold. Perhaps Belegar would be willing to assign you to aid the preparations of Expedition.
This would be interesting. I'd support it.
[ ] PROJECT: Nagarythe
Dwarves don't really believe in things like 'vacations', but you're pretty sure they'll happily make an exception for a vacation dedicated to tormenting the Druchii.
This would be interesting. I'd support it, but several people are not keen to go until we beef ourself up some more.
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[ ] PROJECT: Aethyric Vitae
You're reasonably confident that there's a great deal of potential yet to be unlocked in the Vitae.

While this one has potential, if we present it as a council project, then Belegar has a pretty good claim to what we do with it. Would prefer to keep this under our control, and have it as a side project rather than official work.

[ ] PROJECT: Dragon
You've supplied one weapon for the possibility of a hostile dragon, perhaps now you should see to securing the possibility of a peaceful one.

Whatever your opinions on the romance, the dragon is definately interesting, and would be very useful to have a peaceful relationship. Both to take a weight off of everybody's shoulders, and because a friendly dragon could be super useful for just about everything large scale. Strong possibility here.

[ ] PROJECT: Cartographer
Your maps have made significant differences to several battles, and could prove just as useful in its ongoing defence. You could map the entirety of Karak Eight Peaks and enchant a map room so that it would forever display your findings, and could be updated as needed.

If we want to ply our enchanting skills this here is a pretty strong contender, and would be useful in the event that we ever have to fight in Eight Peaks again. Not something that we need right now per-say but better to have it and not need it, then to not have it when you do.

[ ] PROJECT: Waystone
The Eonir have asked to work with you on a research project into the Waystones. Though you doubt you can reverse-engineer a product of the Dwarven Golden Age in partnership with the greatest Wizards of Ulthuan, you might be able to uncover something useful.

Not something we want to poke at until Thorgrim's people are out of the Karak. This'll have to wait.

[ ] PROJECT: Western Gate
The Eastern Gate and its approach is entirely dominated by the Eye of Gazul, but its angles to affect the Western Gate are more limited. If you consider this insufficient, you can suggest to King Belegar that you lend your efforts to bolstering its defences.

Given that the Western gate is being fortified, the Eye of Gazul will only be useful in a westwards direction if we lose that gate, so getting a doomtower on that end makes our overland position basically unassailable. Still have to worry about the tunnels, but it would still greatly decrease the casualties we take before the superweapon comes into play. Not high priority in my opinion, but a reasonable thing to slot on the list.

[ ] PROJECT: Black Waters
Though you're unlikely to be able to contribute to the construction yourself, you might be able to indirectly aid the ongoing construction of the canals and locks between the Black Waters and the Aver.

Honestly don't think that there's all that much we can do to help here. We could maybe help administrate or clear out gribblies from the area, but the dwarves have plenty of people that can already do that, so our contribution would be minimal. Waste of our time.

[ ] PROJECT: Marienburg
Marienburg is threatening a blockade, and the Empire is threatening to break it. You could be of some use in cowing Marienburg or paving the way for a short decisive war.

We don't really know enough about the political situation here to know what in particular to do here. And hitting the wrong target could easily make a war more likely rather than less. Until we have an idea of a more specific target or objective, this seems like a big risk. Maybe something to consider later if more information surfaces, so we have a better idea of what we are doing. Until then, not worth the risk.

[ ] PROJECT: Karag Dum
Though at the opposite end of the continent, no Dwarf is disinterested in a reclamation attempt, and that goes double for those living in a reclaimed Hold. Perhaps Belegar would be willing to assign you to aid the preparations of Expedition.

Something we are undoubtedly effective at, but IIRC it seems like things are still very much in the planning phases, and our sort of scouting/sabotage combination would work best immediately before the attack, or during it, which means that we're probably a bit too early to be maximally effective here. Probably best to wait a bit until closer to the launch date.

[ ] PROJECT: Nagarythe
Dwarves don't really believe in things like 'vacations', but you're pretty sure they'll happily make an exception for a vacation dedicated to tormenting the Druchii.

Haven't gotten through the prep work I'd like before we do this, so this is on the backburner for me.

Overall I'm thinking this as the vote:
[ ] PROJECT: Dragon
[ ] PROJECT: Cartographer
[ ] PROJECT: Western Gate
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Haven't been keeping up with the thread or read the update yet, and busy with dinner atm, so this might have all been commented on by now, but have some diffcheckers for the D.P. page and the char sheet:

Dram. personae 7/13 - Diffchecker

Dram. personae 7/13 - [QUOTE="BoneyM, post: 10014134, member: 21872"] [U]Ruler and Council of Karak Eight Peaks[/U] King

Char Sheet 7/13 - Diffchecker

Char Sheet 7/13 - [QUOTE="BoneyM, post: 10000102, member: 21872"] Character Sheet [Spoiler="WHFB Statline"] Warning:
Hmm, it seems Hubert doesn't have his Royal Boon anymore, wonder what he spent it on?
[ ] PROJECT: Aethyric Vitae
Because we want credit for that ourselves. So still spend AP, just not make it official.
[ ] PROJECT: Black Waters
Construction just doesn't seem that interesting
[ ] PROJECT: Cartographer
Personally, I've never been that interested. It seems like time could be better spent elsewhere.

Not nows:
[ ] PROJECT: Waystone
[ ] PROJECT: Western Gate
I'd wait till the loaner Dawi are gone before doing these, for different reasons.
[ ] PROJECT: Marienburg
[ ] PROJECT: Karag Dum
These haven't started yet. If/when they kick off, then I'd be wanting to join, but not the preparations. That just seems less efficient.

[ ] PROJECT: Dragon
I'm not sure we are the best suited for this.

[ ] PROJECT: Nagarythe
I really want to do this. Let's make a staff, and get going. This is supposed to be partially for training, so waiting to be excellent before going on this seems counter productive. The other reason I want to do this is that right now, there is nothing incredibly pressing, so it is the best time to do so. We don't know what more stuff is going to be around the corner, so best prepare for it now.

Also, what are our obligations re: the Eonir?
I've written up two library lists. The first is based on our own personal plans, the second based on projects. These prices are before applying our budget.

Imperial Esoteric Engineering (150gc), Bretonnian Extensive Engineering (100gc), Dwarven Extensive Engineering (100gc), Imperial Antiquarian Enchantment (100gc, 2CF), Imperial Antiquarian Divine Magic (100gc, 2CF), Bretonnian Extensive Ranald (100gc)
Total: 650gc, 4CF

Engineering - To study skaven technology, write papers on them, and hopefully develop tech based on them. It'll also massively assist the karak's engineering stuff, including Adela's studies.
Enchantment - We plan to do a lot of enchantment.
Divine Magic - To study the Coin.
Ranald - To study the Coin.

Bretonnian Extensive The Empire (100gc), Dwarven Antiquarian The Empire (100gc, 2DF), Dwarven Esoteric Waystones and Henges (50gc, 2DF), Imperial Antiquarian Waystones and Henges (100gc, 2CF), Extensive Dwarven Rune Magic (100gc), Bretonnian Extensive Trade (100gc), Dwarven Esoteric Dragons (50gc, 2DF), Imperial Antiquarian Dragons (100gc, 2CF), Imperial Extensive+Esoteric Architecture (250gc), Bretonnian Extensive Architecture (100gc), Dwarven Antiquarian The Dark Lands (100gc, 2DF), Imperial Extensive+Esoteric The Dark Lands (250gc), Bretonnian Extensive The Dark Lands (100gc), Imperial Extensive+Esoteric The Ten Kingdoms of Ulthuan (250gc), Bretonnian Extensive The Ten Kingdoms of Ulthuan (100gc), Dwarven Antiquarian The Ten Kingdoms of Ulthuan (100gc, 2DF), Imperial Extensive+Esoteric Dark Elves (250gc), Bretonnian Extensive Dark Elves (100gc), Dwarven Extensive+Antiquarian Dark Elves (200gc, 2DF), Imperial Extensive+Esoteric The Chaos Wastes (250gc), Bretonnian Extensive The Chaos Wastes (100gc), Dwarven Extensive+Antiquarian The Chaos Wastes (200gc, 2DF), Imperial Extensive+Esoteric The Old World (200gc), Bretonnian Extensive The Old World (100gc), Dwarven Antiquarian The Old World (100gc, 2DF)
Total: 3550gc, 16DF, 4CF

The Empire - This is relevant if we're doing Marienburg.
Trade - This is relevant if we're doing Marienburg or Black Waters.
Architecture - This is relevant if we're doing Western Gate and possibly relevant for Black Waters, though it'd be valuable to us if we ever got into tower-building ourselves.
Waystones and Henges - This is relevant if we're doing Waystone.
Rune Magic - This is relevant if we're doing Waystone.
Dragons - This is relevant if we're doing Dragon.
The Dark Lands - This is relevant if we're doing Karag Dum.
The Chaos Wastes - This is relevant if we're doing Karag Dum.
The Old World - This is relevant if we're doing Karag Dum.
The Ten Kingdoms of Ulthuan - This is relevant if we're doing Nagarythe.
Dark Elves - This is relevant if we're doing Nagarythe.
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I like this. Can it be taken farther and connected to an updating MMAP?

Not automatically. Runs into the 'needs a thinking brain' problem.

Is the Mystic/Elemental thing a part of Warhammer lore or just this quest?

It's from the RPG, though it's more of a gameplay mechanic there. It seemed like something Wizard nerds would use to split between the literal and metaphorical aspects of the individual Winds.
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Something we are undoubtedly effective at, but IIRC it seems like things are still very much in the planning phases, and our sort of scouting/sabotage combination would work best immediately before the attack, or during it, which means that we're probably a bit too early to be maximally effective here. Probably best to wait a bit until closer to the launch date.
If the problem was that the dwarves did not know they were walking into a disaster full of chaos rather than their more standard enemies then this may be the best time to help them properly prepare. A couple years of prep for invading a chaos hold probably does a lot more than a few months for improving the odds of success.
[ ] PROJECT: Cartographer
Your maps have made significant differences to several battles, and could prove just as useful in its ongoing defence. You could map the entirety of Karak Eight Peaks and enchant a map room so that it would forever display your findings, and could be updated as needed.

i say this it serves as a jumping point for the waystone project as we can survey the entire eight peaks and drag Panoramia into it as well as both an investigation into her own project.
Voting is open