[ ] PROJECT: Aethyric Vitae
You're reasonably confident that there's a great deal of potential yet to be unlocked in the Vitae.
While this one has potential, if we present it as a council project, then Belegar has a pretty good claim to what we do with it. Would prefer to keep this under our control, and have it as a side project rather than official work.
[ ] PROJECT: Dragon
You've supplied one weapon for the possibility of a hostile dragon, perhaps now you should see to securing the possibility of a peaceful one.
Whatever your opinions on the romance, the dragon is definately interesting, and would be very useful to have a peaceful relationship. Both to take a weight off of everybody's shoulders, and because a friendly dragon could be super useful for just about everything large scale. Strong possibility here.
[ ] PROJECT: Cartographer
Your maps have made significant differences to several battles, and could prove just as useful in its ongoing defence. You could map the entirety of Karak Eight Peaks and enchant a map room so that it would forever display your findings, and could be updated as needed.
If we want to ply our enchanting skills this here is a pretty strong contender, and would be useful in the event that we ever have to fight in Eight Peaks again. Not something that we need right now per-say but better to have it and not need it, then to not have it when you do.
[ ] PROJECT: Waystone
The Eonir have asked to work with you on a research project into the Waystones. Though you doubt you can reverse-engineer a product of the Dwarven Golden Age in partnership with the greatest Wizards of Ulthuan, you might be able to uncover something useful.
Not something we want to poke at until Thorgrim's people are out of the Karak. This'll have to wait.
[ ] PROJECT: Western Gate
The Eastern Gate and its approach is entirely dominated by the Eye of Gazul, but its angles to affect the Western Gate are more limited. If you consider this insufficient, you can suggest to King Belegar that you lend your efforts to bolstering its defences.
Given that the Western gate is being fortified, the Eye of Gazul will only be useful in a westwards direction if we lose that gate, so getting a doomtower on that end makes our overland position basically unassailable. Still have to worry about the tunnels, but it would still greatly decrease the casualties we take before the superweapon comes into play. Not high priority in my opinion, but a reasonable thing to slot on the list.
[ ] PROJECT: Black Waters
Though you're unlikely to be able to contribute to the construction yourself, you might be able to indirectly aid the ongoing construction of the canals and locks between the Black Waters and the Aver.
Honestly don't think that there's all that much we can do to help here. We could maybe help administrate or clear out gribblies from the area, but the dwarves have plenty of people that can already do that, so our contribution would be minimal. Waste of our time.
[ ] PROJECT: Marienburg
Marienburg is threatening a blockade, and the Empire is threatening to break it. You could be of some use in cowing Marienburg or paving the way for a short decisive war.
We don't really know enough about the political situation here to know what in particular to do here. And hitting the wrong target could easily make a war more likely rather than less. Until we have an idea of a more specific target or objective, this seems like a big risk. Maybe something to consider later if more information surfaces, so we have a better idea of what we are doing. Until then, not worth the risk.
[ ] PROJECT: Karag Dum
Though at the opposite end of the continent, no Dwarf is disinterested in a reclamation attempt, and that goes double for those living in a reclaimed Hold. Perhaps Belegar would be willing to assign you to aid the preparations of Expedition.
Something we are undoubtedly effective at, but IIRC it seems like things are still very much in the planning phases, and our sort of scouting/sabotage combination would work best immediately before the attack, or during it, which means that we're probably a bit too early to be maximally effective here. Probably best to wait a bit until closer to the launch date.
[ ] PROJECT: Nagarythe
Dwarves don't really believe in things like 'vacations', but you're pretty sure they'll happily make an exception for a vacation dedicated to tormenting the Druchii.
Haven't gotten through the prep work I'd like before we do this, so this is on the backburner for me.
Overall I'm thinking this as the vote:
[ ] PROJECT: Dragon
[ ] PROJECT: Cartographer
[ ] PROJECT: Western Gate