Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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Sorry, but I really want to know if "Gabriella" joined the conspiracy before or after the actual Gabriella died, and this is the best lead we got so far.

...I think that might actually be the only time I've ever seen you break character. And for a good point too! I was gonna vote for that too, it's a shoo in, but I hadn't thought of that.

I'm still willing to give her slack for it because Mathilde totally would have done the same, and I won't pretend I wouldn't have gone along with a plan to infiltrate such a conspiracy.
Sorry, but I really want to know if "Gabriella" joined the conspiracy before or after the actual Gabriella died, and this is the best lead we got so far.

I like how you say that like being on that piece of paper means you were an active part of the conspiracy, and not just someone they were blackmailing for info that literally anyone could figure out.

You know, like us? Cause all we know about her status in the Conspiracy is that she was listed in the exact same piece of paper as us, in fact, she was only one or two liens away.

Also, 100% the only possible thing they would have been asking her to spy on would be the "other" vampires, because she basically interacted with no one outside of her town and her vampire rivals, so, like ... who really cares about how willingly she was reporting on the evil Sylvanian Vampires to other Vampires?
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The idea here is to make a strategically mobile gyro that excels at covert insertions and extractions. I see it as being useful for rangers, trusted witch hunters and grey wizard strike teams, and to be an example of the sort of thing that shows what can be made when the Empire and Karaz Ankor work together. (I'll probably give at least some thought to other 'types' of gyros, but I'm not sure what they'd be useful for)
I've long considered the utility of a MMAP(P) gyro. There's been the map room occasionally under discussion, so this would be the same concept designed to fit into a gyrocarriage. In other words, all the magical systems to project, maintain, and edit a holomap without the need for a wizard to do it all. The idea would be to have a few of these you could send out to armies in the field as mobile command centers so generals can have holomaps.

And with regard to the stealthgyro: The Dämmerlichtreiter takes to the sky! I do kinda want our own personal tricked-out aircraft. Extremely tangentially, I really kinda want some vigilante to show up and start acting in Wurtbad, so we can hand over our old Sunken Palace as a Batcave. Because I know we had that priest of Ranald housesitting and collecting AV for us for a while back when the mirrorbox was still there, but I don't recall if he's still living there or what's become of the place.
... Why?

It was a big deal of course, but that was like five in-game years and two out-of-game years ago.
To me it feels like fitting closure for Mathilde's Journeywoman, especially just as she's taking steps towards becoming Lord Magister.

That being said, I also hope people will vote social foe Julia in the next one. We have to get a handle on how she's doing to assess whether or not she can be left alone or if she's a danger to our intelligence efforts in the EIC.
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I don't want to look at other romance options. I want to go straight to developing a relationship with Johann or Panoramia.
I...honestly have no idea which of the three spells would be best. They're all really fantastic options and we would murder with them.
A gun shaped wand that just shoots shadow knives would be an ammo-less revolver that ignores armor.
I don't want to look at other romance options. I want to go straight to developing a relationship with Johann or Panoramia.
We have relationships with them. We just don't know whether or not we want them to be romantic yet.
A gun shaped wand that just shoots shadow knives would be an ammo-less revolver that ignores armor.
Not quite. For one, pistols do Damage 4 whereas Shadow Knives do Damage 3, so less damage there. Far more important is the Impact quality, which pistols have and Shadow Knives lacks. Impact means instead of rolling 1d10 for damage, you roll 2d10 drop low. That's a substantial increase in damage, especially when you consider the higher chance of rolling a 10 and thus activating Ulric's Fury. A mere pistol wand isn't as strong as a shadow pistol.

We have relationships with them. We just don't know whether or not we want them to be romantic yet.
Yeah, but I want to develop those already-existing relationships more.
...I think that might actually be the only time I've ever seen you break character. And for a good point too! I was gonna vote for that too, it's a shoo in, but I hadn't thought of that.

I'm still willing to give her slack for it because Mathilde totally would have done the same, and I won't pretend I wouldn't have gone along with a plan to infiltrate such a conspiracy.
It is not breaking of character for me, sorry. The conspiracy only got unravelled because it put Mathilde under Abel's command, who understandably didn't want his subordinates under vampire control. And I find it a bit suspicious that a pretty rare devout Ranaldite Grey Wizard got placed in the same region as the secretly Ranaldite "vampire" by the organisation the latter was a part of.

I like how you say that like being on that piece of paper means you were an active part of the conspiracy, and not just someone they were blackmailing for info that literally anyone could figure out.

You know, like us? Cause all we know about her status in the Conspiracy is that she was listed in the exact same piece of paper as us, in fact, she was only one or two liens away.

Also, 100% the only possible thing they would have been asking her to spy on would be the "other" vampires, because she basically interacted with no one outside of her town and her vampire rivals, so, like ... who really cares about how willingly she was reporting on the evil Sylvanian Vampires to other Vampires?
Gabriella was on the list as a vampire and not marked as blackmailed. She most likely had at least some influence. I am also not worried about what information she gave, but rather which she got and what strings she could pull.

She and Ranald ended up with the crown as a result of that chain of events, and I want to know how they stacked the deck to do so. So far, we only have a known conwoman's word for it!
Turns are 6 months, and the canal is an estimated 5 years from completion - 10 turns at a minimum. I'm pretty sure Marienburg has more than 3 turns to get up to anti-canal hijinks. The resolution of whether there will be a blockade or not will be within three turns sure, but they could very well give up on the blockade and send mercs to delay/sabotage the canal or something else equally stupid and desperate.
The thing is, actions take time to propagate. Marienburg's threat is mainly just that, a threat. It'd take a season to half a year to actually start feeling the pain rather than inconvenience, and the closer the Canal is to completion, the harder it is to actually stretch the clock by sabotage when more and more of the logistics transitions to the partially completed canal sections under dwarf control and less of it depends on areas where Marienburg has influence in.

Marienburg has a year and a half to put Blockade up on the table again, pivot to a different strategy for disruption, or buckle down and accept they must prepare for the new normal, because past that point they're stuck with carrying out whatever strategy they have elected to pursue. Their threat lowers in potency with time.
Sorry, but I really want to know if "Gabriella" joined the conspiracy before or after the actual Gabriella died, and this is the best lead we got so far.
I'm also very curious how the Lahmians managed to snare Regimand so completely, and how he managed to get out of being snared so completely without being tossed onto a pyre or Pacified.
"Better to do one thing well than be mediocre at everything," you say. "My Master told me that, then got annoyed when I skipped Diplomacy class."
Ultimately a very good lesson that Mathilde took to heart, and made sure to-
Diplomacy: 15+1-1-1=14 - Though your understanding of diplomacy may not be particularly deep, it is becoming unusually broad.
Martial: 16+1+1+1+2+2=23 - You're no longer just a wizard that can wave a sword - you have become a warrior in your own right.
Stewardship: 13+3+2+1=19 - You've developed an intuitive grasp of business, exchange and logistics.
Intrigue: 18+2+2+1+1=24 - You've developed a somewhat frightening understanding of how to disassemble all kinds of psyches.
Piety: 24+1+1=26 - Ranald has your back, and you have His.
Learning: 20+4+2+1=27 - The magical world makes more sense to you than the 'real' one.

Magic: 6+1+1=8 - You're reaching the limits of what is known to be possible with Ulgu and starting to venture into the unknown.
-wait, no, sorry, was that "Better to do one thing well than be mediocre at everything"? or "Better to do everything well and be mediocre at one thing"?

I think we misheard.
The gift horse's mouth goes entirely uninspected.

Alrighty then. Considering that this looks to take up all the actions of 'write two letters', may I suggest that next time Dwarf Favor purchases are on the table we spend some to ask the Zhufbar Grandmaster of the Engineering Guild to pretty please take a look at these steam tanks?

Like what a master chef thinks of McDonalds.

If the honored Elder would care to give constructive criticism on how we might better ourselves we are of course eager to partake of his hallowed wisdom.

Airwolf. What you want to do here is make an entire fleet of Airwolf-equivalent gyrocoptors.

Not an entire fleet, just a one-off for now. Something that, unless I miss my guess, would take a lot of wizard hours to enchant even on top of the rarity of wizards capable of performing Fiendishly Complex enchantments. I don't doubt that both the Grey Order and the Karaz Ankor (well, its rangers) could make good use of these gyros. Excellent! We'll write a paper on the tactical and strategic implications along with the technical details on how we did it, they can pony up the dosh and wizard hours to make the Mk. 2. It encourages the kind of cooperative spirit that we're going for, I think. (Although that's incidental to what I was aiming for initially, which was 'make Black Helicopters a thing')

I've also been thinking stealth chopper, but I was thinking this:

Also, definitely in favor of Mathilde learning to fly it herself if she gets one - because seriously, what kind of action-hero-spy doesn't know how to fly a helicopter?

I'm not sure how willing most runesmiths would be to put something on something as radical as a gyrocopter. I'd welcome their inclusion in the project of course, but I would prefer to be pleasantly surprised by their acceptance rather than disappointed at their refusal of the project.

Mathilde getting gyrocopter training doesn't seem like a terrible idea, but I'm not the person you need to convince to vote for the AP expenditure.

Process of elimination time. First of all: nothing that can hurt us if we're caught in the AoE, which we might be given we use these pistols in close range. Bye bye Icy Grip and Wind of Death. Daemonbane is safe to us, but we've never fought daemons and any anti-person spell would be useful against them anyway. Ruin and Destruction is only really useful against heavily armoured enemies. Just doing damage also inflicts penalties on enemies so Curse is out. Steal Life is straight up better than Breathe Fire - ignores armour and toughness beats out +4 Damage, and it's cheaper too. Boring but practical is still boring, so Drop's out. Other spells kill outright or cripple for longer so Bewilder isn't the best.

Three finalists: Steal Life, Limbwither, and Shadow Knives. Steal Life does the most final damage per shot, Shadow Knives is the most accurate, and Limbwither cripples.

I...honestly have no idea which of the three spells would be best. They're all really fantastic options and we would murder with them.

I should also mention other spells we could add on. Not to enchant the bullets, just the guns themselves. Enchant Item is an obvious choice, but 5 favours for a +5 bonus is maybe a bit much, and useless on a Shadow Knives gun since it wouldn't be aiming with quality pistolwork. Our Telescope spell might be useful for the marksdwarf pistol but maybe not. Could do some kind of shadow magic to make the guns silent and drop the muzzle flash. Might be able to use Move to reduce recoil. Take No Heed lets us smuggle the pistols easier but don't know why we'd want that. Cleansing Glow makes sure the gun is always clean and pretty - this is to show off our magical superiority more than anything, but I guess it could help with reliability or something. Eye of the Beholder or Fool's Gold or both can similarly be used to show off.

Shadow Knives has the advantage of being something we can do in-house, as it were. Also, as a Fiendishly Complex work it seems like something we could practice on to help improve our grasp of enchantment, as at that level I don't think there's much more we could learn in a classroom anyway.

On the topic of gun enchantments, allow me to go back to one of my projects I've been keen on for some time; Ulgu-enhanced sniper rifle. The Hochlander's preferred weapon is the Long Rifle famous to his homeland, but if we added on Illusion (silencer/muzzle flash suppressor) and the sort of 'bypass armor' effect that you'd get from Shadow Knives you're looking at an effective people remover, which may be something that could be useful for a counter-espionage agent with a talent for fieldwork might find handy. It'd be a scary weapon that could cause mayhem if it fell into the wrong hands, but the Hochlander has been approved of by the Grey Order so he's probably one of the better sets of hands we could have.

Only tangentially related, but how do we feel about making something like an Aetheric Armor belt for Wilhellma? I don't think she's in particular danger from any specific group, but between the vampires and the Marienburgers (but I repeat myself) I can think of at least two groups of people who might find it convenient to stir up trouble to have the head of the EIC encounter an accident.

That being said, I also hope people will vote social foe Julia in the next one. We have to get a handle on how she's doing to assess whether or not she can be left alone or if she's a danger to our intelligence efforts in the EIC.

I'm also interested in how Julia's doing, but I don't think she's a particular danger with regards to the EIC.
On the topic of gun enchantments, allow me to go back to one of my projects I've been keen on for some time; Ulgu-enhanced sniper rifle. The Hochlander's preferred weapon is the Long Rifle famous to his homeland, but if we added on Illusion (silencer/muzzle flash suppressor) and the sort of 'bypass armor' effect that you'd get from Shadow Knives you're looking at an effective people remover, which may be something that could be useful for a counter-espionage agent with a talent for fieldwork might find handy. It'd be a scary weapon that could cause mayhem if it fell into the wrong hands, but the Hochlander has been approved of by the Grey Order so he's probably one of the better sets of hands we could have.

Only tangentially related, but how do we feel about making something like an Aetheric Armor belt for Wilhellma? I don't think she's in particular danger from any specific group, but between the vampires and the Marienburgers (but I repeat myself) I can think of at least two groups of people who might find it convenient to stir up trouble to have the head of the EIC encounter an accident.
He's running a spy network. A sniper rifle isn't that useful to him, so it's not really worth our time or favour getting him one.

I'm against making anything for Wilhelmina on the grounds of our limited time, but spending a few favours on her would be cool with me.

On the gyrocarrier idea, waste of time for Mathilde to learn herself. She can pay for someone else to get trained, have that dude fly her places. It's about time we got a servant.
On the gyrocarrier idea, waste of time for Mathilde to learn herself. She can pay for someone else to get trained, have that dude fly her places. It's about time we got a servant.

Besides, you can't dramatically sally into action from a Gyrocarrier if you're the one driving it.

Putting Master rune of disguise on it seems like a pretty good idea too :). That way we can be dropped off closer to the enemy without having our stealth disrupted. And we'd only have to enchant it with silence then.
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Though to his credit he did have the common sense to step back once he realised he was stepping on the toes of deities.

Unlike Mathilde who, let's be honest, would immediately try to rob and/or weaponise the Ancestor Gods given the same circumstances.
Rob? No, she's just a very practical person.

"I now have a tower that can unleash the perfectly selective hellfire of the dwarven god of death. Hey, Panoramia, do you think this would help for weeding?"

1. Would it be possible to enchant a gun with Move so it flies into your hand as you reach for it? The idea is to give a boost to Initiative by getting quick draws off faster.
2. What about Move to reduce recoil?
3. Does our shadow magic let us reduce bang and muzzle flash?
4. One of the runes you mentioned for gun runes was reliability. If reliability is something we ought to care about, would Cleansing Glow to clear out dirt and such increase reliability?
5. How much money/favours to get a gyrocarrier?
6. What about to have someone that isn't us trained as a pilot?
7. What's the deal with the Boots of Bovva? Its fluff doesn't mention magic at all and I don't even know what wind of magic went into upping kick damage of all things.
He's running a spy network. A sniper rifle isn't that useful to him, so it's not really worth our time or favour getting him one.

I'm against making anything for Wilhelmina on the grounds of our limited time, but spending a few favours on her would be cool with me.

On the gyrocarrier idea, waste of time for Mathilde to learn herself. She can pay for someone else to get trained, have that dude fly her places. It's about time we got a servant.

This is Warhammer, and he's an intrigue hero (if a junior one right now). Everyone needs weapons, and heroes need magic weapons. Mathilde's a loremaster but still makes use of Big Honkin' Sword and Fists Full Of Thunder often enough for us to talk about upgrading her already impressive personal arsenal and it not be considered a boondoggle. Furthermore, I was thinking of this as an opportunity to stretch our enchanting muscles (getting us closer to something like Battle Magic Enchantment or Fiendishly Complex Enchantment 2: Aetheiric Boogaloo) and produce something that, while not directly helpful to K8P, is still Of Use both to the Order in general and to our underlings specifically (as the Hochlander's preferred weapon is understandably 'reach out and touch someone').

I'm willing to concede the point about Wilhelmina's armor item. I think it would make for a better narrative if it was something we made for her, but I don't want to fight the thread on finding the AP for making the attempt. My second best argument would be about our spell mastery being useful to her, but I'm unsure how helpful that would be for her.

Sounds like what you're saying is that we need to get Wolf trained on how to fly gyrocarriers.

3. Does our shadow magic let us reduce bang and muzzle flash?

I believe the spell for that is Illusion, but I don't have the source to cite that available right now.

What's the thread's interest in learning Ritual Magic?

1. Would it be possible to enchant a gun with Move so it flies into your hand as you reach for it? The idea is to give a boost to Initiative by getting quick draws off faster.
2. What about Move to reduce recoil?
3. Does our shadow magic let us reduce bang and muzzle flash?
4. One of the runes you mentioned for gun runes was reliability. If reliability is something we ought to care about, would Cleansing Glow to clear out dirt and such increase reliability?
5. How much money/favours to get a gyrocarrier?
6. What about to have someone that isn't us trained as a pilot?
7. What's the deal with the Boots of Bovva? Its fluff doesn't mention magic at all and I don't even know what wind of magic went into upping kick damage of all things.

1. Dubiously possible and marginal benefits, i think. The item would have to be triggered with a command word and know to find our hand. That is something that we'd need to think about, and not something that can be trained into a reflex. We already have an impressive quick draw. I think, the best way to improve it is to enchant the gun to never get tangled.
3. Probably
4. Probably... but Hysh. Might not go well with our blessed weapon schtick. But we do have windherder, so it might be a relatively safe thing to try. We just have to get an enchanted firearm from somewhere. (I'm against testing this on our beloved dwarf guns first, in case they start creating Dhar every time we shoot them.)
7. Beasts maybe? Or Chamon (Steel tip equivalent)? But Mathilde did something with Ulgu in her muscles just last update, so it might be Lesser/Universal.
This is Warhammer, and he's an intrigue hero (if a junior one right now). Everyone needs weapons, and heroes need magic weapons. Mathilde's a loremaster but still makes use of Big Honkin' Sword and Fists Full Of Thunder often enough for us to talk about upgrading her already impressive personal arsenal and it not be considered a boondoggle. Furthermore, I was thinking of this as an opportunity to stretch our enchanting muscles (getting us closer to something like Battle Magic Enchantment or Fiendishly Complex Enchantment 2: Aetheiric Boogaloo) and produce something that, while not directly helpful to K8P, is still Of Use both to the Order in general and to our underlings specifically (as the Hochlander's preferred weapon is understandably 'reach out and touch someone').
The best way to up our enchantment is to take classes, which we plan to do.

What's the thread's interest in learning Ritual Magic?
None. There is no ritual we know of that we want to do.

4. Probably... but Hysh. Might not go well with our blessed weapon schtick. But we do have windherder, so it might be a relatively safe thing to try. We just have to get an enchanted firearm from somewhere. (I'm against testing this on our beloved dwarf guns first, in case they start creating Dhar every time we shoot them.)
If it turns out we can't even wield non-ulgu weapons with Windherder then it's just one more reason for me to hate the trait.
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"For the foreseeable future this translation work is your top priority." The Loremaster said.

Ukari sighed into his beard and offered a prayer to Valya to protect his library. Then he got to work on a war he never expected to fight.
By the time he's done, this universe version of Ada Lovelace have made a crude but working model of steampunk era google- translator
The best way to up our enchantment is to take classes, which we plan to do.

For now, sure. But we're starting to come up on the extent of our enchanting classes' availability. The Greys don't have the institutional knowledge of enchantment that the Bright and Gold Orders have, so we're starting to become the upper echelon of enchanters, which in turn means that if we want to progress we're going to have to start getting creative and experiment. Fortunately we have something like Wind-Herder so we're not as limited as we might be, but it's still not 'this magic staff gives you +15% casting time reduction on fireballs' like the Bright Order has.
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