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Yeah. Breaking the blockade, let's recall, involves this:

Destroying their navy and a good chunk of their infrastructure, then placing them under dwarf guns until the canals exist. This is, let's be clear, complete naval subjugation. It's an existential threat to Marienburg just as much as the outright attempt to annex them would be.

For this reason, I favor [ ] They can make up for the loss in trade. No, it's not fair to the Karaz Ankor, but it lets us avoid a potentially very serious war and serves to bind the Empire more tightly to the Karaz Ankor, both of which are things we like.
Except, this is only if things go all the way to the end. They're not going to immediately go for violence, as I've said multiple times.
You are straight out wrong, individual elves do go around and fuck up Dwarves because of resentment over war of Vengeance, so widespread animosity does exist. Even if Ulthuan as a polity wouldn't want to enter a new war with the dwarves that says nothing about the elves that are actually in Marienburg or the elven nobles that actually invested in Marienburg to fulfill their colonial wet dreams.

(And I didn't say anything about elven slayers lol; I pointed out that if a dwarf fucks up enough to cause the next War of Vengeance the Dawi culture has a way to disown them to deescalate, if some noble Caledorian asshole decides to jump the gun does the High King possess the authority to meddle directly within the one of the provinces? How the Phoenix King's court works is obfuscated to us)

The elves in Marienburg are mostly traders and civilians. They are not going to be fighting ironclans in defense of a blockade.

Look what it comes down to it is are we so afraid of Ulthuan even looking in our direction, so utterly craven that we will make Karaz Ankor pay for the blokade? Are we going to risk a weakened Empire or a weakened Karaz Ankor suffering death and destruction from their many many other enemies because we dare not disturb one hair on the high elves head?
You are straight out wrong, individual elves do go around and fuck up Dwarves because of resentment over war of Vengeance, so widespread animosity does exist. Even if Ulthuan as a polity wouldn't want to enter a new war with the dwarves that says nothing about the elves that are actually in Marienburg or the elven nobles that actually invested in Marienburg to fulfill their colonial wet dreams.

(And I didn't say anything about elven slayers lol; I pointed out that if a dwarf fucks up enough to cause the next War of Vengeance the Dawi culture has a way to disown them to deescalate, if some noble Caledorian asshole decides to jump the gun does the High King possess the authority to meddle directly within the one of the provinces? How the Phoenix King's court works is obfuscated to us)
The key word there is individual elves. There are too many people involved in the decision-making process for this.

Essentially same thing if they suddenly give part of the river to the Elgi.
It's not. Breaking the blockade would be breaking whatever infrastructure they could use to block the river, and probably sinking some ships - assuming they didn't back down. Imposing another blockade would prevent any ships from going to Marienburg, which would actually do just as much damage to the Empire, because the ships have to pass through Marienburg to get where we need them to go.
Looool. Clearly doesn't know a lot about what's been going on at Karak Eight Peaks. We're arguably a leading expert.
"A" I think that we might actually be the foremost living expert in on Skaven that isn't a Skaven. At least I can't think of anyone else that even has a good claim of being a peer on the topic. Of course that is mostly because most people know nothing about them.
No, it's not fair to the Karaz Ankor, but it lets us avoid a potentially very serious war and serves to bind the Empire more tightly to the Karaz Ankor, both of which are things we like.
It will absolutely not bind the Empire and the Karaz Ankor together. The Karaz Ankor is getting told by the Empire to put up with Marienburg bulling not only the Empire but the dwarves too, and to pay the Empire for the privilege of doing so.
We should play it safe and not try to break the blocade. Marienburg seems to itch for a reason to make a war out of this because it's to their advantage. I'm not keen on giving them any excuse, even if our actions are reasonable. Let's just have the Empire and the Dwarves eat the economical cost in the short term. In the medium and long term, it isn't sustainable for Marienburg. They are already losing and this is their chance to change that. Let's not play their game.
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[ ] They can make up for the loss in trade
This would weaken the Karaz Ankor and the Empire until the canals are complete.
To clarify: this would involve the Karaz Ankor paying the Empire for what they lose in trade income, as well as arranging alternate routes for crucial goods.

This is essentially Empire going to Kraz Ankor saying "We preffer to stand with Davi rather than Marienburg opportunits. Help us make it so." which with some luck should go over well. Stronger ties and trust between Dawi and Empire is ever a good thing. Long-term benefits are also a very good thing. Plus, no loss of life or risk of new Dwarven-Elven war. War could weaken Empire even more than disruption of trade.

It's not perfect solution by any means, but best out of available options.

On negative side (outside of costs) Marienburg will be spending all the favours and inflience they have to sabotage things - just remember spider-silk edict banning dwarves. On possitive side, there is good chance that Marienburg seeing Empire not giving up despite the loses will just cut the loses and accept new status quo.
At this point I'd say we should simply break Marienburg outright.
Any non no-canal choice we take is going to do this. We're just trying to figure out which will cost the least, in lives and money.
so utterly craven that we will make Karaz Ankor pay for the blokade?
As opposed to making them pay for the blockade, or making them pay for the blockade? Any option that leads to the continuation of the canal is getting them to shell out. But gold is more replaceable than lives, and getting the canal done will trivially reimburse everybody involved while Marienburg withers on the vine.

The best revenge will be living well.
The elves in Marienburg are mostly traders and civilians. They are not going to be fighting ironclans in defense of a blockade.

Look what it comes down to it is are we so afraid of Ulthuan even looking in our direction, so utterly craven that we will make Karaz Ankor pay for the blokade? Are we going to risk a weakened Empire or a weakened Karaz Ankor suffering death and destruction from their many many other enemies because we dare not disturb one hair on the high elves head?
This is a wildly unfair characterization of people's reservations about sending in the ironclads. It's not "utterly craven" to be concerned about a literal grudge match between two of the world's greatest defenders.
"A" I think that we might actually be the foremost living expert in on Skaven that isn't a Skaven. At least I can't think of anyone else that even has a good claim of being a peer on the topic. Of course that is mostly because most people know nothing about them.

We were the first to translate their language, we have a good claim of being "the" fullstop, not that we can brag about it.
I suppose, but... even without it being written down, if anyone ever figured it out in the past, it should be institutional knowledge by now. It's sufficiently important that it should pervade the Empire's approach to the Karaz Ankor; junior ambassadors should absorb it from their superiors in the Empire's diplomatic apparatus simply by existing, the same way that wizards would learn that miscasts are Bad News even if they've never had or seen one themselves.

The current dynasty has only been in power for 54 years, and they didn't really inherit anything of use from Dieter IV.
While the Marienburgers are absolutely bastards who deserve to be humbled, it is simply not worth the risk. While it may not be likely any chance of starting a war between the elves and the dwarves is to high and frankly unnecessary. When the cannal is completed Marienburg will be severly weakened meaning that at confrontation at that point would be much easier and the only reason we need to involve the dwarves at all is because currently most of the provences of the empire are busy or recovering. If we ask the dwarves for help now, it might not be fair to them and we might be weakened temporarily but in the long term we will gain significant benefits, will strengthen our hand for the future and will not potentially start a war that would weaken us far more than any temporary trade disruption.
We should play it sage and not try to break the blocade. Marienburg seems to itch for a reason to make a war out of this because it's to their advantage. I'm not keen on giving them any excuse, even if our actions are reasonable. Let's just have the Empire and the Dwarves eat the economical cost in the short term. In the medium and long term, it isn't sustainable for Marienburg. They are already losing and this is their chance to change that. Let's not play their game.

It's not making the Empire and the dwarfs eat the consequences, it's mostly making the dwarfs eat them and building resentment al the while that the elgi lackeys are making them pay. That will have consequences of its own.
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On the subject of Dwarven Ironclads vs the Elf Navy, in the Dreadfleet game we see two hero ships that are a High Elf Dragon Ship and a Dwarven Ironclad which are considered to roughly be on the same level. So we can safely assume that at least in terms of their top tier ships that the Dwarves and Elven navies are on par in terms of 1 vs 1 engagements.

Also to put things into perspective the other ships were the Empire's Flagship crewed by a legendary pirate, a Legendary Pirate's ship who is so favored by the sea god that she is considered his daughter by some, a Powerful Sorcerer's ship that has multiple Djin at his command, a Vampire's Castle that is essentially a pseudo-black ark, a literal Ghost ship, a Chaos Dwarf Mecha Kraken sub, a powerful Tomb King ship and an undead sea monster fused with skaven technology.
While the Marienburgers are absolutely bastards who deserve to be humbled, it is simply not worth the risk. While it may not be likely any chance of starting a war between the elves and the dwarves is to high and frankly unnecessary. When the cannal is completed Marienburg will be severly weakened meaning that at confrontation at that point would be much easier and the only reason we need to involve the dwarves at all is because currently most of the provences of the empire are busy or recovering. If we ask the dwarves for help now, it might not be fair to them and we might be weakened temporarily but in the long term we will gain significant benefits, will strengthen our hand for the future and will not potentially start a war that would weaken us far more than any temporary trade disruption.
We do not rule the dwarves. They will not submit to Marienburg; they will not weaken themselves for the city's sake.
Honestly, Marienburg is probably getting a grudge out of this. In some ways it's better to make that apparent to Marienburg NOW and maybe they'll decide actually the don't want a grudge, and if they do want to get a grudge then the fighting is under circumstances that Ulthuan possibly sees as Marienburg's own fault, and with Imperial Backing, than it is for them to finally settle the grudge down the road at a point where Ulthuan sees it as the dwarves starting it.
This is a wildly unfair characterization of people's reservations about sending in the ironclads. It's not "utterly craven" to be concerned about a literal grudge match between two of the world's greatest defenders.

The thing is there is no ultimatum from Ulthuan, there is no hint of and elf ship. The possibility of elves is enough for people to drop the financial burden squarely on the dwarfs.
Honestly I'm seeing a ton of anti-war sentiment and whilst I understand it, appeasement only leads to marienburg pushing their boundaries more and more. They are hostile actors who have time and time again weakened the empire with their policies.

Not building these canals will just continue the status quo and continue to let them bleed the empire. Personally I suggest having barack var's navy help protect it and if there is a war let marienburg be the agressors.

You see the problem? This is Marienburg and the river that flows through it is the Reik which is the only connection between the ocean and a river-network that spans most of the Empire. Marienburg doesn't need to do any aggressive action to embargo the Empire, simply not allow passage through its city which is well within its right. And if you want to break the embargo you need to more or less force your war through the city...

Also I find it a bit unfair to say that the Mairenburgers are an hostile, unredeemable villain for defending itself against the Empire and striving to keep their independence...
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[ ] They can make up for the loss in trade
This would weaken the Karaz Ankor and the Empire until the canals are complete.
To clarify: this would involve the Karaz Ankor paying the Empire for what they lose in trade income, as well as arranging alternate routes for crucial goods.

This is essentially Empire going to Kraz Ankor saying "We preffer to stand with Davi rather than Marienburg opportunits. Help us make it so." which with some luck should go over well. Stronger ties and trust between Dawi and Empire is ever a good thing. Long-term benefits are also a very good thing. Plus, no loss of life or risk of new Dwarven-Elven war. War could weaken Empire even more than disruption of trade.

It's not perfect solution by any means, but best out of available options.

On negative side (outside of costs) Marienburg will be spending all the favours and inflience they have to sabotage things - just remember spider-silk edict banning dwarves. On possitive side, there is good chance that Marienburg seeing Empire not giving up despite the loses will just cut the loses and accept new status quo.
It should be remembered that Marienburg is not very unified within itself. This embargo is going to be cutting their own throat as much as everyone else. I expect that there will be many factions within them willing to help with smuggling. Also if it is clear that the empire isn't going to cave they will likely stop the embargo long before the 5 years are up.
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On the subject of my previous mention of the Dreadfleet it actually has a pretty good story and to help put those ships into perspective here is a video that tells the story in a very nice fashion.
It's also a little much to suggest that picking that option guaranteed conflict immediately.

I don't think anyone thinks it gauranties conflict, the issue is that if conflict does arrive however unlikely that might be the consequence might be literally world ending. In the face of that expending some gold of which the dwarves have plenty (unlike lives) however unfair the need to do so might be, would seem to be the lesser of 2 evils.
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