Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Voting is open
As someone who has never been very exicted by AV what do people think about just dedicating our current AV production to the Karaz Ankor so that they get about a gallon a year or so with the existing stockpile as a buffer?
It's very hard to justify, seeing as we've put precisely zero effort into looking into possible uses Mathilde or the Empire could have for it - and selling off shinies for filthy lucre is never popular.
Mmm, Great Deeds are all well and good as trophies but useless if they aren't used. We need to use them. Wonder if after we finish our Aethyric Vitae research we could commission a super top tier staff with a Great Deed, save us the actions involved in the other classes we'd need to learn to do it ourselves? I'm not so prideful that I'd take using a work of years to better ourselves like that via superior work out of our hands and less work on our part. If it means we get something way better than what we could make ourselves with more actions spent on other things, that'd be well worth it.
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[X] [ROMANCE] Journeywoman Panoramia
[X] [ROMANCE] Magister Johann
[X] [ROMANCE] Elector Countess Roswita van Hal
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Mmm, Great Deeds are all well and good as trophies but useless if they aren't used. We need to use them. Wonder if after we finish our Aethyric Vitae research we could commission a super top tier staff with a Great Deed, save us the actions involved in the other classes we'd need to learn to do it ourselves? I'm not so prideful that I'd take using a work of years to better ourselves like that via superior work out of our hands and less work on our PRT.
IIRC the Grey college literally doesn't have any staff experts at the moment. It's why everyone is making their own.
How much Favor would it cost to either get someone WITH that training (Amber Perpetual maybe) or to get the Ambers to give that training to someone we send them? Since we don't urgently need to use this thing right the fuck now, I see no reason not to try to mitigate the problems caused by it. Particularly since that would possibly open up having the transformed train and learn draconic combat instead of relying on brute force.

The way to develop that ability is through a gradual escalation through the transformative spells of the Amber College. The only people that would qualify are those that are on track to be able to cast the spell themselves, or are already able to, and they wouldn't be available for permanent residence in K8P as a just-in-case.
I am so glad that we got Thorek involved.

Sure, Kragg's definitely grown on me, but I vastly prefer Thorek's life/politics philosophy compared to Kragg's, and giving adequate fuel for advancing their respective specialties and indirectly egging them on in surpassing each other can only be good for dwarfs in general.

@BoneyM Is a write-in for Max an option? Something like Mathilde checking whether he wants additional combat training/other duties than constantly writing papers?
He snorts a laugh. "How could I forget. Very well, consider me mollified, for now. But find the time in the coming year to go through anti-Chaos training. That's an order. I'd be surprised if you hadn't already drawn the attention of at least the Changer." He turns his attention back to the book. "This is astounding work, Magister. And it's about to make the War Below a lot more interesting. Most will never learn of this, and even fewer will know that it was done by you, but those that matter will."

Mathilde thinks to herself: 'I hope not. Bastard would probably poison whatever divine energy I fleece it for.'
@picklepikkl I've been reading the updates since they resumed, I just never had the time (nor focus) to keep up with more than the updates. And I didn't feel like voting at the time. Or, uh, each time. But I'm heartened by your post. :)
"Seriously? Did you seriously just demon-check me?"
... Ah, thinking about it, in Warhammer it would be "daemon" rather than "demon" wouldn't it?

Also: wow, that bit about "I wouldn't be surprised if the Changer is gunning for you" thing was a splash of cold water.
Sudden flashes of inspiration in your dreams? Whispers on the wind? A conveniently insightful underling that appeared out of nowhere?"
Because that's just... Well. Paranoia-inducing. I mean, Qrech was a very convenient prisoner to find, from a certain perspective.

@BoneyM is Thorek Ironbrow a viable option for the social turn?

Getting to know more about the other big fish Runelord in 8 Peaks. Especially as we are working alongside him for the past half year.

This could be an opportunity to feel him out, see what he's like, how he thinks, how he differs from Kragg, or what his opinions on Karak Eight Peaks and the way the war for it went, and so on.
I've no doubt," he says slowly, "that your manling craft has uses for the substance. But every drop you could spare would be of great value to the descendants of Thungni."

Hell yes, it works! Cool that Kragg was actually pretty likely to pick this up. Whatever, it doesn't really matter very much. Thorek deserves a headpat every once in a while.

He opens his mouth to reply, then frowns and shrugs. "Okay, when you put it like that..." You raise an eyebrow, and he sighs. "Look, I'd have been okay with the Bright Order. Or the Golds or the Greys. But I dreamed of the stars at night and I could feel a change in the weather coming three days off, so I ended up stuck with, well..."

"The Celestials," you say, nodding in understanding.

"Stargazers and fortune-tellers."

You nod again, thoughtfully. "Just as the Greys are diplomats, and generally work completely unseen."

"Right," he says, and then frowns.

"And the Brights are unthinking fire dispensers instead of aspiring mechanics, the Amethysts are ascetics, and the Golds are cold and analytical and definitely don't take up punching and puppy rearing as hobbies..."

He sighs. "Okay, point made."

Karak Eight Peaks is a collection of misfit Wizards.

"And I'm going to keep making it," you say, prodding him with your wooden sparring blade. "I'm sure your Apprenticeship was astoundingly tedious, but now you're clear of it you can blaze your own trail. If you want, you can make the choice to never set eyes on Altdorf again, and be able to throw lightning and flit around the sky for the low price of one coin in ten. Or if you really want, I can write a letter and get you a full set of dampeners, and you can go back to Middenland and do whatever it is Middenlander nobles do, or go to Ulrikadrin and join the Winter Wolves, or stick around and join the Undumgi. But if you really set your mind to it, you can be whatever kind of Wizard you want to be and still find success and respect among the Colleges, even if you don't fit the archetype of your classmates."

This was an excellent speech by Mathilde. I'm really happy we picked him.

You're quite pleased with yourself as you enter Algard's office, as filled with anticipation as your arms are brimming with papers. He looks up as you enter, takes in your expression and your cargo, and slides his paperwork off his desk and into a sideways dimension. "Last time you came in here with that expression, we cleared the Skaven out of Ubersreik," he notes.

"Funny you should mention them," you say, and slide your trio of papers across his desk to him.

Lol. Algard knows by now that he should pay attention to a smug Mathilde, and he still underestimates her.

"And a third... Winning the War Below? I suppose you've earned some hubris," he says with a smile, but the smile slips away as he gets deeper into it.

"I do think I've got some insights to share," you say with clearly false modesty.

"This is... very detailed. Just a moment." He opens a drawer, rummages through the clutter inside, and then underhand lobs something to you. "Think fast."

You catch it, and frown as the crystal orb glows with a shocking amount of Hysh, a tendril of pure light extruding to wave lazily through the air. "What in the-" you grimace as the Ulgu inside you rebels at so much Light magic in close proximity, and there's a crashing flutter as one of Algard's paperwork dimensions collapses. "Seriously? Did you seriously just demon-check me?"

Extremely reasonable.

"If any of your underlings drop three different flavours of extremely convenient and extremely unlikely insight on you in a row, I'd be very disappointed if you didn't do the same." The orb subsides, the energy tendril retracting back into its depths. "What are your sources with this one? Sudden flashes of inspiration in your dreams? Whispers on the wind? A conveniently insightful underling that appeared out of nowhere?"

You begin to rebut, but then you frown. He's kind of got a point, considering the order you're delivering these in. Maybe you shouldn't have saved the best for last. "My sources," you say, standing and dropping your freshly-printed tome on his desk with a dramatic thump, "are primary."

Got some great excuses lined up, I'm so relieved that they survived here.

He looks at you, then nods. "Your security?"

"Dwarves consider it sufficient to guard a holy superweapon."

He snorts a laugh. "How could I forget. Very well, consider me mollified, for now. But find the time in the coming year to go through anti-Chaos training. That's an order. I'd be surprised if you hadn't already drawn the attention of at least the Changer."

I mean, I think Kragg's belt already serves that purpose, but I guess this needs to happen anyway. Damnit, I did not want an AP obligation.

He turns his attention back to the book. "This is astounding work, Magister. And it's about to make the War Below a lot more interesting. Most will never learn of this, and even fewer will know that it was done by you, but those that matter will."

As you make your way out of the College, you find yourself unable to stop from smiling. Your papers were so good he thought you were cheating, which is quite a compliment. Though to be fair, for some of it you were, it's just that your source was necromantic rather than daemonic.

[GREAT DEED performed.]

Fuck yes. We've revolutionized The War Below. If I'm not mistaken, this is enough to upgrade our knighthood into the next realm and get a larger fief. Unsure how much I actually want that, I definitely don't want Mathilde to settle down and rule.

Any victors from this category will trigger a subvote for how you'll spend time with them. This isn't a lock-in, this is getting to know them better to see how compatible you might be.
[ ] [ROMANCE] Journeywoman Panoramia
[ ] [ROMANCE] Magister Johann
[ ] [ROMANCE] Elector Countess Roswita van Hal
[ ] [ROMANCE] Baron Anton Kiesinger II
[ ] [ROMANCE] The Ice Dragon of Karag Zilfin
[ ] [ROMANCE] Chief Bombardier Oswald Oswaldson

I'm thinking Panoramia. I'm only really interested in the two winners, tbh.
As someone who has never been very exicted by AV what do people think about just dedicating our current AV production to the Karaz Ankor so that they get about a gallon a year or so with the existing stockpile as a buffer?
Utterly opposed to giving them all of our production. I want to have a supply to direct to other people, ourselves included, in case we can do awesome enchanting stuff with it. Currently leaning to 1/3 to 3/5 of our output being ok to trade away, but that depends on the specifics of the situation BoneyM presents us.

Current leanings
[X] [ROMANCE] The Ice Dragon of Karag Zilfin
[X] Empress Heidi, to pay her a social visit and see how Mandred is growing.
[X] Kasmir, to see how he's keeping himself busy in Sylvania.
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They are explicitly described as not a lock-in.
I interpreted it as Mathilde knowingly checking out if she thinks anything might work out betwen her and the target of the action. I very much do not want that in a interaction betwen her and Anton, so if it isn't possible to have a social action with him without a romantic subvote (and yes I understand it wouldn't be a lock-in, I still wouldn't want it), I will simply wait until there is a consensus to pursue another of the romance options before voting to spend time with him.

You know. You were there. Fighting against the Traitor-Clan until your strength all but ran out. Setback after setback. Finally winning. The dwarves and the orks coming. You were there. When a patrol found your only true superior butchered by the pistols of the Emissary. You wiped away all traces of the treachery and silenced those voices stupid enough to think you didn't know they plotted betrayal. As the only Assassin to survive that hellish place, your would be the star rising from the destruction of the traitor clan. Your the story the one to be told. Master Assassin had a great ring to it.

But you remember. You remember the missing papers in his room. You remember staying back, climbing the cliffs of the mountain to watch how the dwarves would deal with the Waargh. You saw the dragon leave. Not fighting them. And you saw that thing fire. You saw her. The shadow in the dark. The human that was too silent by half.

Your Sorcerer was dead. But someone had killed the Emissary afterwards. Someone capable of hiding from both an Eshin Sorcerer and the Emissary's guards. Someone who'd waited until they were fighting to strike, and taken things from the slaughter, in their rush to get away. Someone you couldn't even smell. You know the too quiet human. Heard in the dark. Seen in the light, as she flew down from her Weapon. Now the only question, is this: who do you tell? The Council?

The Emissary had come to meet with Eshin and died. They would need a scapegoat. So do you blame the Dragon, or the human? Or a sneaky dwarven ranger perhaps. The Council's rage would be mighty indeed for such a loss of face. But if you were to say Mors were dead, a final check was in order. So you send your clanmates ahead, with dire warnings should they linger or entertain any thought of betraying you. And you go back. You climb the cliffs again. And for all the dwarves are wily and old foes, there are too many halls, too much mountain, and too few dwarves.

They might stop an ordinary rat. But not an Eshin Assassin. The bundle of caves serve as an easy entrance, and from there, the mountains are yours.


You kill no one, and leave no trace of your passage. Not with Runelords about. Not with copters to hunt you. Not with the quiet shadow human that can hunt an Eshin Sorcerer making this her home. Many times you are tempted to find a closer look at the Weapon. But you abstain. You know well how defended your quarters were. All of them. Things were still missing before you managed to blow your way out of the mountain. So you do what the man-thing must have done. You scout. You piece things together. You find the rooms where the Mors breeders used to be. Confirm the kill. And slowly, you plot and plan the tale you will tell the council.

Of the foolishness of Skyre and the wrath of a Dragon. Of hundreds of thousands of Orcs and a tower of fire. Of a newly risen dwarven kind, and a quiet shadow in his wake. How many times, you wonder, did other Clans mistake her work, for one of your kin?

As you sneak back out through the caves and cliffs, you look back to the place that broke so many Skaven Clans and ended Mors.
"Well played, man-thing. Perhaps some day I'll be back to hunt you." After all, there's no one stopping you from reaching greater heights anymore. And while the Council needs to know, what kind of dutiful servant would you be if you did not ascribe some of the failings and victories in your favor. After all, who will gainsay you? They're all dead, and you are on your way to the top.

"Skyre. Skyre will do. They drew the Dragon. This is all their fault." Blame the Dragon for the Emissary's fate. But you will need to tell the Clan Head about the sneaky man-thing. It would be an embarrassment if one of the Clan was caught on a mission in there. Then again, if they are stupid enough to head in there without consulting their elders and paying for the privileged, they deserve to pay the price of their arrogance.

AN: This feels off, especially without the proper Skaven-speak, even with Eshin being arguably the most human of the clans. But I just can't be bothered to look up the proper speaking patterns right now.

Born from the idea that if Eshin was running away, they would have sent scouts sooner or later. And an ambitious one might have thought to stay back and watch the battle, since the Caves had an entry point for climbers, and Eshin Assassins/Clanrats are definitely trained in stealth and climbing.
... Ah, thinking about it, in Warhammer it would be "daemon" rather than "demon" wouldn't it?


@BoneyM is Thorek Ironbrow a viable option for the social turn?

Getting to know more about the other big fish Runelord in 8 Peaks. Especially as we are working alongside him for the past half year.

This could be an opportunity to feel him out, see what he's like, how he thinks, how he differs from Kragg, or what his opinions on Karak Eight Peaks and the way the war for it went, and so on.

No, he's busy bullying the other Runelords.
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I interpreted it as Mathilde knowingly checking out if she thinks anything might work out betwen her and the target of the action. I very much do not want that in a interaction betwen her and Anton, so if it isn't possible to have a social action with him without a romantic subvote (and yes I understand it wouldn't be a lock-in, I still wouldn't want it), I will simply wait until there is a consensus to pursue another of the romance options before voting to spend time with him.

The ones tagged ROMANCE are spending time with them with romantic intentions. If you don't want to romance that person, don't vote for the ROMANCE option for them.
So getting demon checked is a pretty good sign that we definitely were correct to go to someone familiar even if it wasn't planned.
Dragomas would have been the same with more suspicion and threat of a dragon.
Going to the Emp would likely have us tackled by his bodyguards and jailed until we could get double checked.
And we'd probably have been in a cell for quite a while if we'd dropped this on someone who has never met us before and is in the profession of being paranoid.
Mmm, Great Deeds are all well and good as trophies but useless if they aren't used. We need to use them. Wonder if after we finish our Aethyric Vitae research we could commission a super top tier staff with a Great Deed, save us the actions involved in the other classes we'd need to learn to do it ourselves? I'm not so prideful that I'd take using a work of years to better ourselves like that via superior work out of our hands and less work on our part. If it means we get something way better than what we could make ourselves with more actions spent on other things, that'd be well worth it.

Shove through that lord magister bid, then get that custom wolfship with another!

Alright, use a Great Deed, the Runesmith favor, and our Mythic thing with Belegar to do that whole K8P is a center of arcane cooperation, collaboration and study. It'll benefit us by extension.
So, the romance aspect of this turn is seriously charged and I favor outside contenders, so I don't really have hopes of any of my picks making the Top Four, but I would like to put in a small effortpost for non Romance options:

[ ] Karak Hirn, to satisfy your curiosity about Prince Ulthar.
You have a feeling Kazador would get it once Kazrik passed on a copy to him, as would Prince Ulthar when one reaches Karak Hirn.
This is a really good time to take this option, because we just delivered Rakilid un Thaggorhun, and he's someone explicitly called out in our stream of consciousness as someone who would probably appreciate it. Getting the dwarf's-eye view on our work is something I think is very valuable, and we'd also find out what his deal was back during the expedition.

[ ] Elder Hluodwica, High Priestess of Esmerelda and civilian leader of the Eight Peaks Halflings.
I think this is just a really good option for us to take. We've never talked to her, we don't know what's up with her, she's the only K8P notable we've never interacted with. It would greatly help build K8P's sense of place for us to meet with her and get a little more idea of how the other half(ling) lives.
The ones tagged ROMANCE are spending time with them with romantic intentions. If you don't want to romance that person, don't vote for the ROMANCE option for them.
Problem is, I do want Mathilde to spend time with Anton, because I like seeing her keeping in contact with old friends. I simply don't want for that to be an opening for potential romantic developments.
But hey, if you say it isn't possible then thats it. Kinda sad but you are the GM.
Voting is open