Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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You could have not said this, just saying.
This argument is absolutely not welcome here, and one person has already been ejected from the thread for insisting on making it.
Sorry? I was trying explain why I picked what I did, just personal preference thing, no offense or anything intended.

Could someone explain to the dumb me why what I said seems to offend people please?
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Intelligence boosting equipment if that's possible to make it easier to conceptualise spells

Sort of. It won't work for our purposes, of improving our own intelligence and making it easier for us to cast spells, but this is pretty similar and it would be useful for society as a whole.

Master Rune of Kingship - Gotrek Starbreaker was the first great Dwarf Lord to have his crown adorned with this rune. Such a crown is a priceless artefact and the loss of one is dearly mourned as it absorbs the wisdom of its former master and passes this on to the next crown bearer.

One of these for the Emperor .... and maybe one of these for each Elector Count would do wonders for improving the quality of leadership of the Empire.

On the other hand, this might have something to do with how stubborn the Dawi are in their refusal to change and grow as a society, so who knows.
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[ ] [ROMANCE] Magister Johann
[ ] [ROMANCE] Journeywoman Panoramia
I am of course going to vote for my glorious golden himbo and the deadlyist gardener.
[ ] [ROMANCE] The Ice Dragon of Karag Zilfin
Just try and stop me!
[ ] Elder Hluodwica, High Priestess of Esmerelda and civilian leader of the Eight Peaks Halflings.
[ ] Karak Hirn, to satisfy your curiosity about Prince Ulthar.
I agree with @picklepikkl it would be good to cross of the last expedition notables from our list.
[ ] Empress Heidi, to pay her a social visit and see how Mandred is growing
Check up on our godson.
On a separate note, I find it rather amusing that Thorek has essentially made a magic generator reliant on the state change of a high-energy liquid.
I do want to see the scenes, because if any of these characters aren't interested in Mathilde I'd like to know that early. The Ice Dragon in particular would be nice to know if we actually have a shot with, for the sake of the voters who fought so dearly for it.

Then by all means vote for them, but please don't argue for voting blocs. I can all too easily see a future where every vote falls into a deadlock between options nobody actually wants, they were just seen as the most strategically defensible by blocs.
@BoneyM If i may suggest something, could there be an option to interact with one of the romance options without Mathilde locking it in a potential romantic light? I was planning in voting to catch up with Anton this social turn but i will not if it might advance a potential relationship with him that I am against. I would not be surprised if I wasn't the only voter in such a conundrum.
He snorts a laugh. "How could I forget. Very well, consider me mollified, for now. But find the time in the coming year to go through anti-Chaos training. That's an order. I'd be surprised if you hadn't already drawn the attention of at least the Changer." He turns his attention back to the book. "This is astounding work, Magister. And it's about to make the War Below a lot more interesting. Most will never learn of this, and even fewer will know that it was done by you, but those that matter will."
I wouldn't be suprised if Tzeench doesn't need to try and corrupt Mathilde, she's changing enough things on her own he's probably getting a minor but noticeable passive boost from her existence.

[] [ROMANCE] Journeywoman Panoramia
[] [ROMANCE] The Ice Dragon of Karag Zilfin
[] Eike Hochschild, to get to know your future business partner.
[] Empress Heidi, to pay her a social visit and see how Mandred is growing.

Edit: Moratorium
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So, considering that the thing we ordered is not (imo) worth the risk of using unless we are facing an actual dragon, I am very much in favour of saying to Belegar that for broader AA, we intend to make a Uglu battery tower, and then a Shadow knives tower.

Also, this is boring but practical, but one thing that would be worth negotiating is for 1/2 or 1/3 of our AV output we get so many favour per turn that can be spent for awesome things that were suggested in thread for the colleges to help prevent mishap, and on that note, a large number of Dwarven Grounding Rods. I think that they will be more pleased with making things that help mitigate the inherent risks of being a wizard.
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I'm gonna go ahead and recommend that we not use Ranald's Coin on the anti-Chaos training action we eventually take.

If there's any action where divine interference with probability would be noticed and looked at with incredible suspicion, it would be the Grey Order's anti-Chaos classes.
it's a somewhat safe bet that these classes double as a check if it's already far too late.

Especially whenever Algard says to look into it.
Rune of valaya manufacturing for the colleges even if its mainly for grey college in exchange for most of the the vitae doesnt sound like a bad idea ? Is it a master rune territory or can talented regular runesmiths do them by the way in rune of valaya i mean ? @BoneyM

and vitae is probably something similar to the ancient elf-dwarf projects outside waystones i imagine as a example of sorts ? I imagine it was rare and more for the radical faction and a runelord or two usually i imagine and wasnt very accepted in general for runelords ?

Also i loved how u described the diffrences between kragg and thorek. And it also seems to imply the two schools of thought of the runelore atleast according to runelord quest of radicals and consvervatives with kragg being conservative btw.
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@BoneyM If i may suggest something, could there be an option to interact with one of the romance options without Mathilde locking it in a potential romantic light? I was planning in voting to catch up with Anton this social turn but i will not if it might advance a potential relationship with him that I am against. I would not be surprised if I wasn't the only voter in such a conundrum.
It literally says it doesn't lock it in?
Heck, is anything like this possible @BoneyM ?

If there was a more effective way to teach, that's what they would be doing already.

@BoneyM If i may suggest something, could there be an option to interact with one of the romance options without Mathilde locking it in a potential romantic light? I was planning in voting to catch up with Anton this social turn but i will not if it might advance a potential relationship with him that I am against. I would not be surprised if I wasn't the only voter in such a conundrum.

They are explicitly described as not a lock-in.
I'm gonna go ahead and recommend that we not use Ranald's Coin on the anti-Chaos training action we eventually take.

If there's any action where divine interference with probability would be noticed and looked at with incredible suspicion, it would be the Grey Order's anti-Chaos classes.
Or the bonus could be exactly what we need to uncover a Tzeentchian conspiracy trying to mess with us.

Besides, having your own god back you up is one of the safer ways to oppose Chaos in this setting.
[X] [ROMANCE] Journeywoman Panoramia
[X] [ROMANCE] The Ice Dragon of Karag Zilfin
[X] Eike Hochschild, to get to know your future business partner.
[X] Empress Heidi, to pay her a social visit and see how Mandred is growing.
Moratorium. No voting yet.
As someone who has never been very exicted by AV what do people think about just dedicating our current AV production to the Karaz Ankor so that they get about a gallon a year or so with the existing stockpile as a buffer?
I think it's premature to do that before we've investigated what applications it might have to Collegiate wizardry.
Sorry? I was trying explain why I picked what I did, just personal preference thing, no offense or anything intended.

Could someone explain to the dumb me why what I said seems to offend people please?

If you're ever questioning whether someone's orientation is justified, you're really on the wrong track and should stop doing that immediately.

Would getting to know Rudiger von Bechafen The Hochlander be valid action or is he too busy with his work?

Too busy.
You find Kragg in his workshop, as expected, tinkering with an axe while shooting surly looks at Bok looming in one corner. The glare he levels at the vial of Vitae you brought threatens to detonate it as it shrinks away from his gaze, and though he does you the courtesy of hearing you out, he eventually declines, citing that the future of Runecrafting will always lie in the greatness of the past, not in material oddities from the Warp. But he does suggest you take it to someone who isn't doing anything useful with their time so they can see if it might be of some use, and though he doesn't specify, it's more than clear who he means by that.
Missing out on making history here Kragg
Oh well, I suppose you do need to make room for the other Runelords to shine, just don't get too grumbly when we revolutionize Runecraft without you

After weeks of work, the final prototype is shown, and you have to admit to being impressed. The uppermost mechanism allows for a row of sealed containers to be held ready a safe distance from one another, and then delivers them at precise intervals into the containment chamber. After enough time has passed for the Vitae in the containment chamber to have formed a sphere from the semi-spherical repellent field that suspends it, the Rune of Valaya is deactivated and the Vitae drops into the detonation chamber, with a metal lid sliding over the hole a heartbeat before the Vitae reacts to the Rune of Spellbreaking. The energies are siphoned out of the chamber and delivered not just to the charging chamber, but also to the other Runes that control the process, ensuring it could run indefinitely with the only intervention needed being to refill and replace the Vitae containers. And with Thorek's face lined with concern, you watch as for the first time a precious Altar Rune is placed into the charging chamber, one of the ones exhausted during the rebuffing of Waaagh Birdmuncha, and then the mechanism begins its work, with the gentle noises of metal sliding over metal only interrupted by the splash-THOOMF of the Vitae being dropped and detonating. And after a number of containers are emptied, Thorek gingerly opens the charging chamber to stare at the Altar Rune within, which now glows with contained power.

"I've no doubt," he says slowly, "that your manling craft has uses for the substance. But every drop you could spare would be of great value to the descendants of Thungni."
Huzzah, we've officially created a brand new way to recharge super runes, one of the only ways really unless you happen to have a storm of magic ready
Get ready to just start going ham with those Anvils of Doom fellas

"And a third... Winning the War Below? I suppose you've earned some hubris," he says with a smile, but the smile slips away as he gets deeper into it.

"I do think I've got some insights to share," you say with clearly false modesty.

"This is... very detailed. Just a moment." He opens a drawer, rummages through the clutter inside, and then underhand lobs something to you. "Think fast."

You catch it, and frown as the crystal orb glows with a shocking amount of Hysh, a tendril of pure light extruding to wave lazily through the air. "What in the-" you grimace as the Ulgu inside you rebels at so much Light magic in close proximity, and there's a crashing flutter as one of Algard's paperwork dimensions collapses. "Seriously? Did you seriously just demon-check me?"

"If any of your underlings drop three different flavours of extremely convenient and extremely unlikely insight on you in a row, I'd be very disappointed if you didn't do the same." The orb subsides, the energy tendril retracting back into its depths. "What are your sources with this one? Sudden flashes of inspiration in your dreams? Whispers on the wind? A conveniently insightful underling that appeared out of nowhere?"

You begin to rebut, but then you frown. He's kind of got a point, considering the order you're delivering these in. Maybe you shouldn't have saved the best for last. "My sources," you say, standing and dropping your freshly-printed tome on his desk with a dramatic thump, "are primary."
He snorts a laugh. "How could I forget. Very well, consider me mollified, for now. But find the time in the coming year to go through anti-Chaos training. That's an order. I'd be surprised if you hadn't already drawn the attention of at least the Changer." He turns his attention back to the book. "This is astounding work, Magister. And it's about to make the War Below a lot more interesting. Most will never learn of this, and even fewer will know that it was done by you, but those that matter will."

As you make your way out of the College, you find yourself unable to stop from smiling. Your papers were so good he thought you were cheating, which is quite a compliment. Though to be fair, for some of it you were, it's just that your source was necromantic rather than daemonic.
*Nervous Laughter*
Oh wow, Algard thought we were Grey Wizard Van Horstmann for a second there
I wonder how many countermeasures he had in his office primed at our head?
What makes it funny is that he isn't even entirely wrong to think that we are skirting the line, though it had relatively little to do with what we accomplished
"When one of us transforms, we hold what we truly are inside of us, and so when the spell ends we revert. Someone else does not have the training to hold who they are within them, so the transformation sinks deeper into them until nothing remains untouched.
How much Favor would it cost to either get someone WITH that training (Amber Perpetual maybe) or to get the Ambers to give that training to someone we send them? Since we don't urgently need to use this thing right the fuck now, I see no reason not to try to mitigate the problems caused by it. Particularly since that would possibly open up having the transformed train and learn draconic combat instead of relying on brute force.

On the other hand, while I doubt it would do any favors to their turn-into-stone problem and the magic resistance might fizzle the effect, I suspect a dwarf would be quite capable of holding onto their mind through the transformation.

If you're ever questioning whether someone's orientation is justified, you're really on the wrong track and should stop doing that immediately.
I think a more reasonable way to phrase @Enerael original point is "Female protagonists that are straight are rare as fuck on SV and it'd be nice to see more of them". Literally the only time I've seen a straight female main character on SV is Forge/Thread of Destiny.
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