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Could we write even better version of these papers, give them to Belegar, and ask him to send them to the Grey college in the event of our death? Would that take a million actions?

Honestly, dropping a half-dozen suspiciously necromantic papers after dying a hero's death would be an amazing move.
It'd basically be flexing "I broke the Articles all my life and got away with it" right over the Grey College's pride. The more I think about this, the more I want to do it.
It's something you could do, but I think it'd be a tough sell to get people to invest AP in something that cannot pay off until after Game Over.

What if we sorted it so it was dropped in the event of our 'death'? Confessing to such breakage of the Articles 'postmortem' would add a certain authenticity to things. You know, should we decide to do such a thing. And this way it could also be a nice epilogue note, should we actually die.

[X] Magister Patriarch Algard
What if we sorted it so it was dropped in the event of our 'death'? Confessing to such breakage of the Articles 'postmortem' would add a certain authenticity to things. You know, should we decide to do such a thing. And this way it could also be a nice epilogue note, should we actually die.

[X] Magister Patriarch Algard

That's possible, if you could convince the thread to go along with it.
What if we sorted it so it was dropped in the event of our 'death'? Confessing to such breakage of the Articles 'postmortem' would add a certain authenticity to things. You know, should we decide to do such a thing. And this way it could also be a nice epilogue note, should we actually die.
I fully approve of handing in papers after our death, provided we still do so personally.
To Whom it May Concern
To Whom it May Concern:

(That means you, Algard. Or maybe Dragomas, or maybe Heidi. Worst case, you've solved the puzzles in my tower, passed all of my secret and not-so-secret tests of character, didn't get blown up by any of the various deities that I asked to watch my stuff, and found and unlocked my safe, in which case congratulations and here are the legendary forbidden techniques and mystical skills you're going to need to kill the things that are hammering on the door behind you and then save the Empire and/or the Karaz Ankor. I recommend skipping to the end.)

If you're reading this, I have almost certainly died and stayed dead. Which is incredibly annoying, let me tell you. Not at all how it happens in my books.

Please find the following documents enclosed:

Laying The Dead to Rest
Laying The Undead to Rest
Undead Strategy and Tactics
Skaven Strategy and Tactics
The Life of Frederick Van Hal
A Complete History of the Sylvanian War Against the Skaven 1111-1117
Case Study: Long-term Voluntary Dhar Exposure in a Prepared Disciple of Morr
A Compendium of Powerful Undead Not Recently Observed in the Empire
Insights Into the Mind of Vlad Von Carstein
The Collected Quotations of Frederick Van Hal
A List of People I Suspect To Be Secretly Necromancers
A List of People I Suspect To Know How To Be Necromancers But Aren't
A List of People I Suspect Know That I Know How To Be A Necromancer Without Being One

It should be obvious that I knew that you, and others, had suspicions; whatever I did to explain away my insights, my early successes against the Skaven were simply too neat and too tidy, and there should have been no way for me to acquire the knowledge of undead strategy and tactics that I leaned on in my infrequent campaigns against them. Let this document lay your fears to rest: I knew everything you suspected me of and more, and used all of it for the good of the Empire.

Now that you know that it exists and that I had it, you will know where to find the you-know-what and the keys to its cage. For all its legend, it is no more than the diary of a genius, and it contains far more than what it is best known for. I have attempted to tease apart the different threads of its wisdom so that they may be shared untainted. You may or may not deem my results a success; it is up to you which of them, if any, to publish, and how. I trust you.

In short, I regret that I must bring you the best kind of bad news: It could have been so, so much worse.

Mathilde Weber​
Algard re-read the letter four times before turning his eyes to the thick stack of papers underneath it. He leafed through them quickly, confirming that none had gone missing, and then leafed through them again verifying the presence and absence of the various codes and ciphers that would guarantee their provenance. He shuffled them into a neat pile, pushed the pile to one side, and slowly leaned forward to rest his head in his hands.
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[X] Magister Patriarch Algard

Just to see his face.

I'm also curious if there are any other inner secrets of the Grey College we could be taught.
[X] Magister Patriarch Algard

This feels like it's the most likely to work towards Lord Magister which in turn will help with a lot of our projects. Lord Magister Weber would have a lot more latitude delving into the depths of Wind interactions.
[X] Magister Patriarch Algard
[X] Supreme Patriarch Dragomas

Algard is obviously going to be a great social scene. I really like Dragomas as well, and I wanna drop it on him to hit him up for the altar.

Joking aside though, Mathilde's getting a reputation by this point, huh?

"The one you talk to when you really want our enemies to have just no fun at all", huh? Between the "How to fuck Greenskin Magic" seminar, to the "How to counter one of the most dangerous anti-infantry weapons ever made that even an apprentice can do", to "How to just generally fuck the Skaven over because seriously they need to stop being cheaters"
Don't forget "How to counter vampire magic"
On the matter of the Altar being uglier than we think... is it bad that I legitimately think he's most likely just talking about aesthetics? Like, I get that there are all sorts of ways this could go wrong, but recall that we're talking about a battle altar, the most common of which is the Luminarks of Hysh if I recall correctly, made by the one College who probably couldn't give less shits about how something looks as long as it's functional. I would not be surprised in the slightest by an Amber wizard--who is likely both aware of his colleges reputations and honestly probably works to enforce it--feeling it necessary to tell someone that the thing will look like shit.
Fuck I hope that is true. One the one hand, that feels overly optimistic, but on the other hand it's totally the sort of joke I could see Boney playing on us.
I think that Mathilde should follow the chain of command here and give it to Algard.

Also, the thought of showing up at his office and this time literally rather than figuratively dropping something else that's gamechanging on his desk tickles my fancy.

Particularly given how much he helped with our tower super-weapon, following proper procedure and allowing him influence over the book's distribution is an appropriate way for Karak Eight Peaks to show its appreciation.
Algard Quest was very confused when the Mathilde favor they got from the Tower suddenly poofed away, and are now sitting in anticipation what insanity she got up to now.
I am real tempted to continue the chain of Algard conversations like

M: I come bearing the best of good news!
A: Malekith is dead or a full-blown Skaven civil war? :V
M: No! It's NECROMANCERS! ☠ But I took care of it!

Next Time
A: Haha brought me more It's Taken Care Of news?
M: NOPE!!! Skaven Civil War baybeeeee!

Next Next Time
A: *Eyeing Mathilde and expecting her to say she's killed Malekith somehow.*
M: Q U E E K I S H 🐀
No, if we're going with the pattern, then this time it's "taking care of very bad news", and next time Malekith is on the chopping block.
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