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Well, I suppose books are prone to surviving collapsing buildings if packed together, not exposed to fire in the process.
Yes, but the ruins have been getting rained on for... something like a decade or so? Quite a while, several years at least.

Any books in there, that weren't kept in some kind of very durable strongbox that survived the collapse of the buildings, are gone.

Also, I'm pretty sure dragonfire was involved at some point, because Asarnil?
Also I want to continue the "best kind of good news" thing. :p
It's not like good news is relegated only to Algard!

"Roswita, I have the best kind of good news!"
"Are you here to take these wizards off my hands?"
... *Mathilde casts invisiblity*

"Dragomas, I have the best kind of good news!"
"Do you have another paper on strange and terrible creatures?"
"... More or less."

"Heidi, I have the best kind of good news!"
"Is it time to steal the national treasury?"

"Luitpold, I have the best kind of good news!"
"Have the Elector Counts finally managed to agree on something?"
"... No."
"Did you wrangle out that Nordlander situation?"
"I'm afraid not."
"The Ulric schism?"
"I'm a wizard, not a miracle worker."
"Is it that thing with Castle Drakenfels–"
"Geez you're kind of a downer, aren't you, my Emperor?"
Could we write even better version of these papers, give them to Belegar, and ask him to send them to the Grey college in the event of our death? Would that take a million actions?

Honestly, dropping a half-dozen suspiciously necromantic papers after dying a hero's death would be an amazing move.
It'd basically be flexing "I broke the Articles all my life and got away with it" right over the Grey College's pride. The more I think about this, the more I want to do it.

It's something you could do, but I think it'd be a tough sell to get people to invest AP in something that cannot pay off until after Game Over.
[ ] The Imperial Spymaster

I think the dictionary has to go here. Think of the diplomacy and politics. We did not get this thing by being Mathilde, the Grey Wizard. The original dictionary is a product of Loremaster Mathilde, under orders from Belegar. And we picked, "From an Old Hold" for presentation. So it needs to go through the proper channels, not from Grey Wizard to Grey Wizard, but from Dwarven Loremaster to Empire Spymaster. It's the diplomatic thing to do. As long as we assume said person isn't compromised by the rats.

We need to start developing a better more personal relationship with the Supreme Patriarch, and we know he likes our work cause he read our treatis on volcano bound dragon-ogres. Also his college is making our Dragonizer 3000 and he is THE master of its normal battlefield applications. If the Elves respect any human wizard its gonna be the Supreme Patriarch. That's juice we need for the stones project and elfcation.

Hes our Boss and has a lot of say in putting us up for Lord Magister. I like Algard, but I worry that our path is going to put us beyond his reach diplomatically.
I don't want Mathilde to be that one coworker we all know. The one who bypasses their boss entirely, and in this case possibly their bosses boss, and knows they'll get away with it.

You know what I'm talking about. There's a time to go right to the top, and there's the times you look arrogant.

Although if Regimand turned out to be the spymaster, that would be hilarious.
No, she's that other co-worker. The one whose office is in the basement, who is almost never seen normally, rarely seen at parties, and is talked about in terms of hearsay and rumors than actual first-hand accounts. And every quarter she emerges with some new code or design that trashes the current paradigm...and junks the work of one or another team by rendering their efforts obsolete/irrelevant.

You know, her. It's better than her working for a competitor firm, but only just.

I'm not bitter about my job, why do you ask? :sour:
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Algard is the best one to just mess with. It's always fun to read when Mathilde just barge into his office with some mind-blowing intel while being totally nonchalant.
I am real tempted to continue the chain of Algard conversations like

M: I come bearing the best of good news!
A: Malekith is dead or a full-blown Skaven civil war? :V
M: No! It's NECROMANCERS! ☠ But I took care of it!

Next Time
A: Haha brought me more It's Taken Care Of news?
M: NOPE!!! Skaven Civil War baybeeeee!

Next Next Time
A: *Eyeing Mathilde and expecting her to say she's killed Malekith somehow.*
M: Q U E E K I S H 🐀
I'd almost suggest Empress Heidi to present this to, as a grand heist of the language of the Children of the Horned Rat, on behalf of mankind and Dawi alike, via the power of Ranald the Deceiver. But, I get the feeling the thread won't go along with it, because they would have no confidence Heidi can be trusted to fence the language for us, and I suspect that such an option more or less means further empowerment from Ranald and further empowering Ranald, at the cost of putting Ranald in the crosshairs of the Horned Rat.

But it is thematically appropriate on a metaphysical level, since we did steal Queekish with the power of Mathilde's patron god.
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The Bright Order has enough of a tradition of it that they'd have an Advanced Staff Turning, but for everyone else it'd be under enchanting and trying to blaze their own trail to it.
Got it. Well, I suppose thats incentive to max out our enchanting while we wait for the mats to arrive. Theres what, 2 more levels of conventional enchantment mastery left?
I'd almost suggest the Empress Heidi to present this as a grand heist of the language of the Children of the Horned Rat, on behalf of mankind and Dawi alike, via the power of Ranald the Deceiver. But, I get the feeling the thread won't go along with it, because they would have no confidence Heidi can be trusted to fence the language for us, and I suspect that such an option more or less means further empowerment from Ranald and further empowering Ranald, at the cost of putting Ranald in the crosshairs of the Horned Rat.
The thread allows for approval voting, so you can both throw a vote for Heidi and one for totally-not-Heidi(the Spymaster).
[X] Empress Heidi Haupt-Anderssen

Ah what the heck, might as well do it. Would approval vote later on as the vote develops, unless this idea somehow gains traction.

I just want to say we've heisted from a second god with Ranald's help, and might want to go Carmen Sandiego on more gods.


[X] Emperor Luitpold

I've also been convinced that the best way to present this work, is as a gift from a Dawi King to the Emperor.
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