Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
[ ] The Imperial Spymaster
Makes the most sense to me. He is going to make the most use out of it.
Frankly the magical and arcane stuff we can get from Algard is the most interesting. Especially now that we can make a staff and are finally set to do something with the Vitae.
Algard or Dragomas seem to be the better options as they're in the chain of command and getting College cred is more important and safer than more general or widespread appreciation.

Maybe this would be the time to start pushing towards Magister Lord?
Algard also taught us a spell when we caught his eye the first time. Who knows what this might net us, something too confidential for the appropriate college favor?
So that Write-In button has been taunting me...

[ ] Roswita, Elector Countess of Stirland

Now, I know what you're thinking: "This is just another attempt for Omegahugger to score some Van Hal action" and, well, yes, but there's more to it than that!

The Empire has clearly been undervaluing Stirland, what with them sending insufficient troops to take Sylvania, habitually choosing inferior Greatswords and generally not giving them them the support and care a growing region needs. This is a prime opportunity to just kinda get the Empire to focus a bit more on a region that actually matters.

Plus, Stirland is currently swarming with mages. Even if word comes out that this was delivered and mage by a Wizard, there are so many Wizards who all love Roswita that no one would be able to piece out which one of them actually did it. It is the perfect cover!
You're quite pleased at how simple that was to commission, but you can't help but go over the final words he said as he walked out: "It'll be uglier than you think it'll be."
Do you think he's talking about the altar(potentially being a structure of bone and flesh), the resulting dragon, the process of transformation, the fight he'd anticipate happening, or the consequences that using the altar could have for the volunteer and surroundings?
Meeting the spymaster is probably Interesting, however-
If we stay 'in the chain' then we get a big chunk of Grey College credit, and Algard gets a chunk of Supreme Patriarch credit, who in turn gets Imperial credit.
That would be a 'good team player' move, as well as keeping Magister Grey in-house
[Mathilde interrupt: Learning, 100+27+5(Tactics: Skaven)+9(Library: Warpstone)-20(multitasking)=121.]
...nice natural 100, good heavens. I don't remember the last time we rolled one of those.
After some discussion you label it simply: Queekish.
I see Mathilde came to the same conclusions I did re: the power of understatement

[X] Magister Patriarch Algard
We've worked with him before, so he feels like the most natural choice here, and the potential headpats he has on offer seem good for us.
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You're quite pleased at how simple that was to commission, but you can't help but go over the final words he said as he walked out: "It'll be uglier than you think it'll be."
Oh boy. Is it a horrifying-to-non-mages aspect of this solution that Mathilde has overlooked, or is there some nasty complication to the magic that she doesn't know about on account of not being an Amber mage?
Mathilde believes there's no safer place for it than where it is, and no better people for getting usable information out of it than her and her colleagues.
Well good thing her being the MC means shes immune to bias.

Otherwise that statement would be ominous!

Do you think he's talking about the altar(potentially being a structure of bone and flesh), the resulting dragon, the process of transformation, the fight he'd anticipate happening, or the consequences that using the altar could have for the volunteer and surroundings?
All of the above. Also the thing we arent thinking of.
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"Dame Magister Loremaster Weber," he greets you with a smile that doesn't detract from his piercing gaze. "What tidings bring you to Altdorf?"

"The best kind of good news," you say.

He considers that for a moment. "I'd say Malekith's death or a full-blown Skaven civil war, but I doubt either would involve a cartload of paperwork."
It isn't...but it could be.
I'm interested in meeting the Imperial Spymaster. If it's Heidi then all the better to meet her in her official guise.