First of all, I have not read through the last 17 pages of comments, nor am I planning to. But I did read every comment I was tagged in, every comment by BoneyM and some random comments surrounding those.
That said, Fight Dragon With Dragon is not (and was never supposed to be) a joke plan. Someone in thread said that no single attack spell or artillery can just "deal with" an Emperor Dragon. Someone else suggested that the boosted version of Transformation of Kadon results in a Dragon of at least physically comparable skill to an Emperor Dragon. There was a tiny bit of back and forth discussion, I said I'd vote for it and when no one else came up with an actual plan right away, I decided to do it myself while waiting on someone IRL. Because I genuinely liked it more than the top two plans.
Is it perfect? No. Is it better than trying to shoot lightning from a single tower when we met our target as it slaughtered its way through underground armies? Opinions vary. Is it adequate enough when keeping in mind how the request by King Belegar was worded? I dare anyone argue that it isn't.
...that's a biiiiiig oof. I don't think I can support this plan anymore, as awesome as it is. Exposing our volunteers to the risks of being completely trapped seems extremely bad.
Why would you use the item that transforms someone into an awesome mobile flier in front of your enemies? The item is supposed to be used ideally from behind the gates of Karag Lhune.
So hey
@Rafin I'm getting the impression from other people that the point of transforming someone into a dragon is so that they can delay the dragon enough that it can be killed with artillery or something, because we'd expect the transformed person to lose a straight fight.
So I'd suggest adding something to the plan about consulting with the Karak's military authorities about how we should best position existing dragon-killing weapons like artillery or rune weapons in order to ensure there's the fastest possible response time for the other things meant to help kill the dragon, so the transformed person doesn't have to hold them off for as long.
and add running a survey to ensure we have people who are willing to be transformed before we go and order the thing. It'd be frustrating to buy it, then have no one to use it.
Transform two persons? More? It kind of depends on what cooldown the altar ends up with, which in turn probably depends on the in turn rolls.
Anyway, this is supposed to be a throwaway project to fill out the 6 months. If King Belegar is both intrigued by it and can't be bothered to delegate the volunteer finding or strategic implication analyzing to someone else (like the Military advisor whose job this should be) then I'm happy to vote for Mathilde to continue refining the "how to best use this" part.
@Rafin you are the first person on the tally, so I'm
guessing you came up with the vote, what do you think of adding this to it:
"- With the intention/suggestion of ordering a dragon sized talisman that gives a ward save so that the person becoming a dragon has a chance to survive Speed of Light"
Belegar: "Hey Mathilde, if you can find some leftover time could you maybe quickly throw something together that we could use to defeat this Emperor Dragon? You know, just in case."
Mathilde: "I couldn't think of something that is straight up better than a Dragon, so took your budget and bought us a thingie that can make loyal people into Dragons. Dragons should stand some chance against Dragons, no?"
Belegar: "You gave me access to loyal Dragons, but didn't come up with a full and detailed equipment and deployment plan for them? Laaaaame!"
It's possible, but Mathilde doesn't know how she could personally tip the odds.
Ask Algard to do it for her? Maybe that's worth some personal favor. I didn't think of it after you said that investing CF would make no difference. As for when would we meet Algard, afaik we are hand-delivering a pretty interesting book to him since we are visiting the College anyway to learn some staff.