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Also, it'll be ridiculous for dwarven law to not have some way to keep some of the most important oaths for the High King without having his hands tied.
"I order you to stop because of Reasons" could be a valid move in dwarven code of laws, at least when applied to essential-yet-secret matters. This means the assortment of desperate moves he can pull relatively cheaply can be broader than we think.

It is not actually ridiculous for a mix of several reasons.
1) "for reasons" is considered a silly bugger
2) Belegar didn't seem toswear any specific oaths to the high king
3) Any oaths that theoretically exist would be about the Karaz Ankor as a whole. If Thorgrimm doesn't want to make everyone angry, he'll have to either prove that not meddling benefits the Karaz Ankor or get buried under everyone's grumbling.Its not Belegar vst he high king, its Belegar vs the high king with a bunch or neutral kings that could either way depending on what the high king does.

Messing with it in a single highly specific way is different from messing with it in other ways.

We have been asked to mess, I have advocated to mess according to the ways we have been asked to, no more, no less.

What if the Oath of silence is sufficiently inflexible that Thorgrim would have to declare himself another slayer king in order to break it?

That would be metagaming. I pointedly avoided it in my strategizing.If I didn't, I would be strongly arguing against theWaystone program.
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People are talking about toad wizard's like those aren't the most dangerous mages in the entire setting.
2. Talismans in general. The problem is that you're only allowed to have a max of 1 magic item of each category, but Mathilde has two talismans and I understand we can get a magic gun or crossbow without issue, so I'm not sure if that rule is a thing in Divided Loyalties.
2.1. If further talismans are allowed, 8/12 talismans would be good for us. The Seed of Rebirth and the Dragonbane Gem are obsolete; the Luckstone is blasphemous; the Pidgeon Plucker Pendant is close to worthless.
if we are allowed more Talismans, then we want the Talisman of Preservation.

It is hands down the best one in the list. (the only ones better are the +3 ward talismans.)

its a 50/50 chance to no sell any... any... attack that hits regardless of how strong it is.

its something we will need if we have to deal with the likes of Al-gore or stronger in the future.

its the anti-one shot Talisman.
if we are allowed more Talismans, then we want the Talisman of Preservation.

It is hands down the best one in the list. (the only ones better are the +3 ward talismans.)

its a 50/50 chance to no sell any... any... attack that hits regardless of how strong it is.

its something we will need if we have to deal with the likes of Al-gore or stronger in the future.

its the anti-one shot Talisman.
As much as the Talisman of Preservations is an excellent item on the tabletop, I highly doubt it'll work that way in the quest. The mechanics are too different for it to provide a straight 50% chance of any attack failing. Not to mention there are things that mess with ward saves in TT and things like a bunch of elves with spears can just beat it by weight of attacks.

Also, there are no +3 ward items that I know of. There's things that give magic resistance, but magic resistance is not a proper ward, as it applies only to enemy spells.
As much as the Talisman of Preservations is an excellent item on the tabletop, I highly doubt it'll work that way in the quest. The mechanics are too different for it to provide a straight 50% chance of any attack failing. Not to mention there are things that mess with ward saves in TT and things like a bunch of elves with spears can just beat it by weight of attacks.

Also, there are no +3 ward items that I know of. There's things that give magic resistance, but magic resistance is not a proper ward, as it applies only to enemy spells.
We saw Kragg cast a warding on the troops in the first battle of k8p, it works the same way.
That he's not a true ruler to Belegar limits the forceful things he can do, but doesn't change the fact that he's the main node in web of political connections. If he really wants to threathen K8P's political standing and crashing their entire favor economy, he'll be able to do that.
If he's going to spend favor to try and make us stop he could just spend it bribing Belegar to NOT mess with the waystones. It would be cheaper and more effective than trying to unite the other holds against us, plus it wouldn't make him look bad.

Messing with it in a single highly specific way is different from messing with it in other ways.
Thorgrim can't tell the difference because we haven't done it yet, especially if we don't tell him details of what we will be doing.

What if the Oath of silence is sufficiently inflexible that Thorgrim would have to declare himself another slayer king in order to break it?
Then he pays Belegar for the work that K8P is doing supplying KaK with magic without actually explaining why KaK needs the magic.

You know, since Belegar really wants to know what is going on with the waystones all of a sudden, but can't really bring elves in politically (intra dwarf politics, not inter kingdom stuff) he might send Mathilde to the eonir to learn some things as our next mission.
He could also tell Thorgrim that his wizard figured it out on her own, and demand an explanation/compensation.

Receiving proper payment for work done is very important for dwarves so Belegar would have the moral high ground if Thorgim tries to start trouble with the other kings. If Belegar explains what's happening they might get angry at Thorgrim too.

As far as we know IC the network is basically just profitable for KaK, a question of economics or prosperity, not the survival of the dwarven race. Playing hardball is both appropriate and warranted.

As long as we give Thorgrim enough early warning he'll definitely try to talk Belegar out of it before getting violent, and if they're talking then we've won.
We saw Kragg cast a warding on the troops in the first battle of k8p, it works the same way.
Which battle? The first battle of K8P is not very specific. Is it the assault on the East Gates? The battle at Nar, Lhune, Karagil? The very first battle was arguably Und-Uzgar. Do you mean the last battle of the expedition, where the Citadel was captured?
if we are allowed more Talismans, then we want the Talisman of Preservation.

It is hands down the best one in the list. (the only ones better are the +3 ward talismans.)

its a 50/50 chance to no sell any... any... attack that hits regardless of how strong it is.

its something we will need if we have to deal with the likes of Al-gore or stronger in the future.

its the anti-one shot Talisman.
Is Al-gore the beastman equivalent of an environmentalist who almost, sorta became the president of the warherd?
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cant find it, iphones are to much work to do stuff like this.

Its annoying, I know we saw a ward throw in action, I just cant remember where....
Jock/Nerd Goth/Prep Alignment Chart
Since thread madness appears to have set in, here is my contribution: a character mapping chart for a bunch of our favorites on the eternal axes of Jock vs. Nerd and Goth vs. Prep.

As ever, this is not merely my opinion, but 100% accurate and canon, don't @ me I'm right.
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