Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Voting is open
No, this is well worth the Favor to keep it as our personal project. Not like we don't have plenty of it to use.
Is it, tho?

We already know that making it a Karak project should still leave plenty for our personal use. Some things will necessitate a lot of resources, like making more of it, and it's probable that a lot of uses will end up as Karak-scale things.

To say nothing of the AP.
[ ] Plan Sight WE
-[ ] JOHANN: Attempt to take advantage of his temporarily blindness to improve his Windsight. (NEW)
-[ ] MAX: Receive dictation: Queekish-Khazalid Dictionary, including spoken Low Queekish
-[ ] DUCK: Spend time with Hubert in an attempt to find him a purpose.
-[ ] Integrate the Gong Farmers and the Niter Factory into the EIC, and expand production. (NEW)
-[ ] P1: Dictate papers: Queekish-Khazalid Dictionary, including spoken Low Queekish
-[ ] P2: Try to see through Pall of Darkness with your improved magical senses.
-[ ] P3: Attempt to interest one of the currently present Runesmiths in the interaction between Runes and Vitae.
-[ ] P4: Investigate how the We communicates with... itself?
-[ ] SERENITY PAPER: Queekish-Reikspiel Dictionary, including spoken Low Queekish (1/2)
-[ ] PENTHOUSE: Have a tower built atop Karag Nar: -100gc for 1 room, bonus to room's purpose.
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After the social turn, people were expressing strong interest in studying the We, so I figured... we wanted to study the We. Has people's enthusiasm already waned?
I'm still up for it. Seems like that plot thread has been left hanging long enough.

I prefer the Duckling action on Hubert, though. After that last meetup he seems kind of directionless, and we've never spent much time with him.
The trifecta of Divine magic, extant-Wind manipulation, and AV has been gnawing at us for so damn long. I don't want to keep putting it off because something else came along when we're in sight of the reward for at least one and probably more.
"As most of you would be aware," King Belegar says as the seven of you climb the spiralling central staircase of Karag Lhune, "the Okral have not integrated well, despite our best efforts at extending hospitality." The undercurrent of hostility in his voice is well-concealed, but definitely there if you're looking for it.
Oh Belegar...I suspect part of this is that they can sense the chilly reception and become prickly in reaction
"I've had them build barrackses near each of their main job sites just to cut down on clashes with locals," Prince Kazrik says gloomily. "They expected to take over their respective guilds here for the duration of their stay, and those guilds don't appreciate it."

"Some of their lineages rival those of the eldest Clans of Karaz-a-Karak, they'll not be disrespected by outsiders," King Belegar says firmly.
Ah shit, Thorgrim being helpful backfired. He must have enlisted mainly Masters and Grandmasters, and of course they expect to be in charge over younger dwarves.
"Tell me of the Masons first."

"Clan Stoneback, returned originals, and Clan Ikrokri, formerly of Karak Izor," Dreng says. "The Stonebacks worked throughout the Grey and Black Mountains, and have strong ties to the Younger Holds. So it's an old irritation that the Okral are making worse. I've moved the Durokral off the defences and onto the other tasks. It is our blood that will be spilled on those defences, so it should be our picks and hammers that shape it."

"What are the Durokral doing now, then?"

"Restoring Karags Rhyn and Mhonar.
Okay, this is a fairly reasonable conflict and pride point.
And the Durokral are assigned on a honorable and useful work.
King Belegar doesn't look happy, but after a moment of relative silence broken by the footsteps as you climb upwards, he lets it pass. "And the mapping?"

"We're focusing on the upper levels for now, how the original passages have changed and been added to. If need be the deeper sections could be cut off, but we need to know the upper levels to defend them. We should have begun pushing deeper before mid-year."
So thats a no on scouting, the Karak is focused on plugging all the internal holes and completely uninterested in Drazh for the near future.
"Very well. Prince Gotri, the Endrinokral?"

"They've declared that they can't work on Gyrocopters without breaching Guild Secrets of the Engineers Guild of Karaz-a-Karak," he says bitterly, "which is a ridiculous insult, considering that they wouldn't be able to build one in the first place without the knowledge of the Engineers Guild of Zhufbar. So I've put them to work on components and," he waves a hand upwards, "this elevator, which even in their arrogance they can't declare Guild Secrets."
Holy shit, Gotri is pissed. He literally put them on apprentice work. And rightly so because fuck, if your engineers can't work on gyrocopters what the hell are they good for?!
Theres going to be grudges all sides by the time this is over. Eurgh.
King Belegar sighs. "Princess Edda?"

"The gears are turning. The Norgrimlings and Ironbacks are hard at work in the the Barrows while the Grungokral have been working on Flamestone Mine, so there's been no clashes, and we've not any smelting clans so the Azulokral don't have any beards to tug."

"Makes for a nice change, though I'd rather the Okral could get along, rather than need to operate alone.
Edda's traits at work. Shes got her headache's managed.
Very well. Gunnars, how goes your work in Rhyn?"

"The Azulokral is providing the expertise and the proper rites, but we'll need to attract a proper smelting Clan or at least a few priests once they leave. Apart from that, I'm happy with the pace of progress."
And the priests are being professiona, which is good.
King Belegar nods in response to that, and after a few moments of silence a grumbling conversation picks up between Dreng, the Princes and the Princess about handling the Okral which consumes the remainder of your climb. The elevator you finally arrive at is certainly impressive, being large and strong enough for six gyrocopters or a full score of cannon in a single trip, but if it weren't for your ability to magically reinforce your muscles, you'd have a lot more objections to climbing all the way up a mountain just to ride an elevator back down again.
I'd love to see an inter-College marathon. Mathilde's devotion to Leg Day would see her in the front.
The other Councillors seem to be used to you not always being called upon in these meetings, and you take that you aren't taken aside for a one-on-one meeting with Belegar as approval to continue.
Queekish go
[ ] JOHANN: Attempt to take advantage of his temporarily blindness to improve his Windsight. (NEW)
This seems like a nice opportunity.
Wizards of Karak Eight Peaks
[ ] DUCK: Work with Panoramia for her to finally get around to investigating the greenskin mushrooms she found.
[ ] DUCK: Panoramia's about ready to test for Magister, but she's putting it off because she doesn't have a lot of free time to prepare. Work with her to help make the most of every spare minute.
[ ] DUCK: Help Johann train his rat-wolf children.
[ ] DUCK: Spend time with Hubert in an attempt to find him a purpose. (NEW)
[ ] DUCK: When Gretel makes her foray into being a mercenary, go with her to supervise and, if necessary, intervene. (NEW)
[ ] DUCK: Each of your three ducklings can fight in melee. Spar with them, and teach them what you can.
[ ] DUCK: Magical target-shooting is rough on normal targets. Set up a specialized target range for your ducklings, and for any other wizards at Eight Peaks.

If nobody brought it up yet, is Adela missing for some reason?
[ ] Integrate the Gong Farmers and the Niter Factory into the EIC, and expand production. (NEW)
I want this, mostly to get the thing off the table so we can go yell at each other about something else.
Current Task: Queekish
[ ] Use King Belegar's pull to bring in some linguistics experts from the Empire's universities, though after proper vetting and swearing them to silence. we? Might as well get it done as good as possible.
[ ] Record all the entries of the Grand Urbaz vaults and select a good-quality example of each minting to save from the smelters.
Hopefully we can fit this in, but we still got 4 turns.
[ ] Attempt to interest one of the currently present Runesmiths in the interaction between Runes and Vitae. (Will start at the top and work your way down)
Also a thread priority I think.

If nobody brought it up yet, is Adela missing for some reason?

No particular reason, there just isn't an immediately obvious vector to assist her. Something can be written in.

Wouldn't "someone from Zhufbar" have seniority? They're the ones that invented the gyrocopter. He's even a prince.

That's one side of the argument. The other is that Karaz-a-Karak is larger than Zhufbar, older than Zhufbar, and has a larger and more prestigious Aircorp than Zhufbar, and that Gotri is young and radical.
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No, this is well worth the Favor to keep it as our personal project. Not like we don't have plenty of it to use.
In that case, I would rather investigate it with runes for 2 favor, then use that as a lure to hopefully get a discount on an interested runesmith.
Generally, the same objections to Julia parallel the objections to Gretel - the thread has previously preferred a candidate that they can be assured has no desire for wealth (because of the potential impact on company culture), is definitively political reliable and loyal to the Grey College/Empire first and foremost and is very likely a person of sufficient personal integrity. Recruiting outside is very risky(because their characters and political loyalties are not guaranteed - you could end up with the same choice set as you had for the Stirling Watch, and recruiting a Dwarf means your ability to acquire sensitivity information is constrained because of Dwarven culture notions of secrets) , Julia's loyalties are to her family, and Gretel's Wealth+Thief combinations all are objectionable.

Basically, the same objections to Julia (large sections of the thread OOC won't trust her with a network meant for the Grey College and Mathilde's role as a Grey Magister) apply to most candidates, except for the Grey Perpetual.
Why could we trust Julia with Stirland's Spy network, but not the EIC? The thing the thread has to realize, I think, is that people who are interested in spying and sneaky shit aren't going to be perfect, or they will be very expensive. And paying 1 favor a turn for the rest of the game is VERY expensive. All we need to do to get Julia on board is get her to buy some amount of stock in the company, then she won't want to steal from it, because she would be stealing from herself.
No particular reason, there just isn't an immediately obvious vector to assist her. Something can be written in.

That's one side of the argument. The other is that Karaz-a-Karak is larger than Zhufbar, older than Zhufbar, and has a larger and more prestigious Aircorp than Zhufbar, and that Gotri is young and radical.
[:V] Spend Dwarf Favour to have Gotri teach Adela the secrets of the KaK Guild of Engineers, which he will gleefully do in front of their longest, grumbliest beards.
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I'd like to get to some of these, finally;

EIC [ ] Start hiring handlers who can then start hiring informers and begin to collect non-public information.
[ ] DUCK: Work with Panoramia for her to finally get around to investigating the greenskin mushrooms she found.

[ ] JOHANN: Attempt to take advantage of his temporarily blindness to improve his Windsight. (NEW)
could be fun.
Nicer formatting now that I am at a real computer.

[ ] Plan Snek, Spider, and Squeak
-[ ] MAX: Receive dictation: Queekish-Khazalid Dictionary, including spoken Low Queekish
-[ ] JOHANN: Attempt to take advantage of his temporarily blindness to improve his Windsight.
-[ ] DUCK: Work with Panoramia for her to finally get around to investigating the greenskin mushrooms she found.
-[ ] EIC: Bring in a Perpetual Apprentice to start grooming as a handler for intelligence matters of the EIC. (1 favour/turn)
--[ ] Gambler
-[ ] Travel to the Grey College and attend lessons there.
--[ ] Practical Diplomacy
-[ ] Dictate papers: Queekish-Khazalid Dictionary, including spoken Low Queekish
-[ ] Investigate how the We communicates with... itself?
-[ ] Investigate how the Vitae reacts to Dwarven magic-dampening Runes. (2 Dwarf favours)
-[ ] PENTHOUSE: Have a tower built atop Karag Nar: -100gc for 1 room, bonus to room's purpose.
-[ ] SERENITY: Write a paper: Queekish-Reikspiel Dictionary, including spoken Low Queekish (1/2)
-[ ] COIN: The Gambler

This plan finishes 1.5 out of 2 dictionaries, progresses Aethyric Vitae research, develops our personal skills, and finishes the last bit of We research: 1 Personal action on the job, 2 on research, 1 on self-improvement.

Practical Diplomacy is going to be very useful if our next task is investigating the Waystones, and still moderately useful if it isn't. We're at 2/3 on both the Empire and the Colleges of Magic diplo skills, and we know there are times when we didn't get information because Mathilde's diplo wasn't high enough to read the room. This helps plug a key hole for us.

EIC action: I decided that the factory is probably a lost cause, especially since the EIC can't actually duplicate it in other locations. So instead, we're getting into the spy network aspect of the EIC. Coin is on that, because we desperately need good results on both reliability and competence.

The choice of Vitae action is so that we have more to go on regarding its rune interactions before we involve Kragg or Thorek. Whether or not we propose it as our next task, we should have more info.

The We study is because people were very excited about them after the social turn and, frankly, I expect that to matter to a lot of our less-active voters. It's the last bit of We research before we can close the book on that, and it will be very nice to finally check something off our backlog.

I do not support plans to try the tongs before we've resolved our outstanding research topics (AV and the We) or so much as glanced at Ranald's Coin.
Why could we trust Julia with Stirland's Spy network, but not the EIC? The thing the thread has to realize, I think, is that people who are interested in spying and sneaky shit aren't going to be perfect, or they will be very expensive. And paying 1 favor a turn for the rest of the game is VERY expensive. All we need to do to get Julia on board is get her to buy some amount of stock in the company, then she won't want to steal from it, because she would be stealing from herself.

At heart, the question was always what the Intelligence Network was for - Stirland? Mathilde as the Grey Order Magister? The Eight Peaks?

I don't personally object to the idea of poaching Julia in a White Room myself (Infact, I actually advocated for Gretel at one point, so Julia is even less objectionable) - but in the context of Stirland and their strategy against the Vampires, I'm very wary of getting Julia out of the Stirland Intelligence services, given the importance of her experience and skill-sets to Stirland.

Also, there were concerns about our giant pile of College Favors two or three updates bacl, and our College favor income is more or less... what, nine, ten times above the upkeep cost of a Perpetual? Plus the upkeep is not indefinite. Per WoG, eventually, you could offload the upkeep to Belegar (if it serves the Eight Peaks interest), or you could offload the upkeep in exchange for shared credit for what the Network produces for the Empire/Grey College, or with sufficiently built up relations with the Perpetual, etc, etc......
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[ ] JOHANN: Allow him to take it easy until his eyes recover enough for a second attempt at Gilding. (NEW)
[ ] JOHANN: Attempt to take advantage of his temporarily blindness to improve his Windsight. (NEW)

I'm definitely leaning towards allowing him to relax. The spells he just used were pretty mentally taxing, and he just boiled his own eyeballs, he is allowed to chill for a bit.

Max should probably work on one of the dictionaries with us, which I think means that we don't have to bother with the papers? We probably need to teach someone the spoken Low Queekish personally.

[ ] DUCK: Spend time with Hubert in an attempt to find him a purpose. (NEW)

I think we've gone on an adventure with only Gretel and Adela so far, so it's time for Hubert.

Current Task: Queekish
[ ] Use King Belegar's pull to bring in some linguistics experts from the Empire's universities, though after proper vetting and swearing them to silence.

I'd suppose this would result in a higher quality roll for our books/papers using the linguistic expertise of people who know what they're doing, we just gotta judge whether it's worth spending Belegar's resources.

Also, this is the only option remaining. Guess there's no option to push harder for Moulder or High Queekish.

Investigate how the Vitae reacts to a power stone.

I guess this is the next step? Honestly though, I'm expecting an explosion, and I just want to either get a runesmith (Kragg please) to look at this stuff. We've done enough work that we can move onto the more advanced steps, like getting that paper train rolling.
If we pay the favor to get Kragg's help wouldn't this probably get basically bundled in? I'd much rather finally reach out and do something with the AV than keep nibbling around the edges.
I don't think so? But you can ask Boney, I guess. Mostly, I want to check its interaction with runes before we shell out for Kragg on the grounds of "hey, ancestor runes forever!" Would be embarrassing if we'd missed something basic.

EDIT: Also, if it makes safe handling for the AV easier or really badly interacts with AV in some way, I'd like to know now.
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If we pay the favor to get Kragg's help wouldn't this probably get basically bundled in? I'd much rather finally reach out and do something with the AV than keep nibbling around the edges.

Only if that's the avenue they want to go down, and it's something you can investigate yourself without bringing in anyone else.

Also, this is the only option remaining. Guess there's no option to push harder for Moulder or High Queekish.

I'll add in the possibility.

[ ] Despite him considering it treasonous, push Qrech to share the Moulder dialect of Queekish.
[ ] Despite him considering it blasphemous, push Qrech to share High Queekish.
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[] Plan Derpmind V1
-[] MAX: Receive dictation: Queekish-Khazalid Dictionary 1/2.
-[] JOHANN: Attempt to take advantage of his temporarily blindness to improve his Windsight.
-[] DUCK: Work with Panoramia for her to finally get around to investigating the greenskin mushrooms she found.
-[] EIC: Bring in a Perpetual Apprentice to start grooming as a handler for intelligence matters of the EIC. (1 favour/turn)
-[] Dictate papers: Queekish-Khazalid Dictionary 2/2.
-[] Gain enough control of your unruly shadow to still it temporarily.
-[] Study an artefact: Ranald's Coin.
-[] Investigate how the Vitae reacts to Dwarven magic-dampening Runes. (2 Dwarf favours).
-[] PENTHOUSE: Have a tower built atop Karag Nar: -100gc for 1 room, bonus to room's purpose.
-[] SERENITY: Queekish-Reikspiel Dictionary 1/2.
-[] The Gambler: Study Ranald's Coin.

My arguments for the salient differences in my plan is as follows:

For the EIC, bringing in a college-trained spymaster for training up is an action that both improves our EIC actions and potentially later-on gives us the option (whether we take it or not) to save the half-action investment in the EIC. Therefore, the sooner we do so, the better. Selling the niter factory, Grand Urbaz Bank coins to collectors, or hiring informers are all non-time critical options, whereas the sooner we hire our new employee the sooner we can reap the benefits of doing so.

For trying to gain control over our shadow, I ask: When else are we going to have time to do this? Our arcane marks are serious detriments and arcane mysteries that Mathilde herself hasn't investigated. Mathilde is an expert on safe-ish spellcasting, but she has little knowledge of the arcane marks that are permanent constant magical effects that are part of her very soul. And yet even in a turn when we only dedicate on AP to our job actions and there's no pressing enemy armies camped next door, is she going to be so distracted by her academic pursuits that she can't even properly take care of herself?

For studying the coin: With the completion of the expedition, we gained the very potent Windherder trait, something that helps enable groundbreaking magical research. Yet long before this, after the expedition successfully gained its foothold on K8P Mathilde gained a similar trait: Avatar. We've had that trait for Mathilde's entire career as K8P's Loremaster, and yet so far we've done nearly nothing with it. With all her research into the strange nature of magic itself with the Aethyric Vitae, (and later multi-wind casting,) is it not very relevant to attempt to gain some understanding of the entire other side of spellcasting that priests use?

Anyways, aside all that the real reason you should vote for my plan is because it lets us use the Coin's power to study the Coin. :V
The choice of Vitae action is so that we have more to go on regarding its rune interactions before we involve Kragg or Thorek. Whether or not we propose it as our next task, we should have more info.

Your plan has my vote.

Can I say that I am actually hoping to read the narrative of Mathilde collaborating and establishing a close working relationship with a more Junior Runesmith, rather than going for the moon-shot of collaborating with Kragg or Thorek? In fact, it feels to me that the Dwarven thing to do is to first test your idea thoroughly before lobbying a Grandmaster to look and help out with your idea.
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Your plan has my votes.

Can I say that I am actually hoping to read the narrative of Mathilde collaborating and establishing a close working relationship with a more Junior Runesmith, rather than going for the moon-shot of collaborating with Kragg or Thorek? In fact, it feels to me that the Dwarven thing to do is to first test your idea thoroughly before lobbying a Grandmaster to look and help out with your idea.

[ ] Attempt to interest a prominent and knowledgeable Runesmiths in the interaction between Runes and Vitae. (will start at the top and work your way down)
[ ] Attempt to interest a young Runesmith with ambition and flexibility in the interaction between Runes and Vitae. (will give a selection of candidates)
A plan that involves bringing linguists in for the dictionary, spider action, and vitae research, also a duck action of helping Hubert

[X] Plan Better Dictionary
-[X] MAX: Receive dictation: Queekish-Khazalid Dictionary, including spoken Low Queekish
-[X] JOHANN: Attempt to take advantage of his temporarily blindness to improve his Windsight.
-[X] DUCK: Spend time with Hubert in an attempt to find him a purpose.
-[X] EIC: Bring in a Perpetual Apprentice to start grooming as a handler for intelligence matters of the EIC. (1 favour/turn)
--[X] Gambler
-[X] Use King Belegar's pull to bring in some linguistics experts from the Empire's universities, though after proper vetting and swearing them to silence.
-[X] Dictate papers: Queekish-Khazalid Dictionary, including spoken Low Queekish
-[X] Investigate how the We communicates with... itself?
-[X] Investigate how the Vitae reacts to Dwarven magic-dampening Runes. (2 Dwarf favours)
-[X] PENTHOUSE: Have a tower built atop Karag Nar: -100gc for 1 room, bonus to room's purpose.
-[X] SERENITY: Write a paper: Queekish-Reikspiel Dictionary, including spoken Low Queekish (1/2)
-[X] COIN: The Gambler
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In fact, it feels to me that the Dwarven thing to do is to first test your idea thoroughly before lobbying a Grandmaster to look and help out with your idea.
This is exactly my thinking. I love our relationship with Kragg, and I do not want him to feel we haven't done due diligence. This is an easy, quick thing we can check on our own. If it goes well, next turn we involve him, either ourself or by making it our project (depending on what voters decide; I'm neutral).
[] Plan Proper Documentation
-[] MAX: Receive dictation: Queekish-Khazalid Dictionary, including spoken Low Queekish
-[] JOHANN: Attempt to take advantage of his temporarily blindness to improve his Windsight. (NEW)
-[] DUCK: Spend time with Hubert in an attempt to find him a purpose. (NEW)
-[] EIC: Bring in a Perpetual Apprentice to start grooming as a handler for intelligence matters of the EIC. (1 favour/turn)
-[] P1: Use King Belegar's pull to bring in some linguistics experts from the Empire's universities, though after proper vetting and swearing them to silence.
-[] P2: Dictate papers: Queekish-Khazalid Dictionary, including spoken Low Queekish
-[] P3: Attempt to interest one of the currently present Runesmiths in the interaction between Runes and Vitae. (Will start at the top and work your way down)
-[] P4: Record all the entries of the Grand Urbaz vaults and select a good-quality example of each minting to save from the smelters.
-[] Serenity: Write a paper: Brief observations on Eshin Sorcery (FADING)
-[] The Gambler: Attempt to take advantage of his temporarily blindness to improve his Windsight.
-[] PENTHOUSE: Have additional rooms excavated underneath your Penthouse: -125gc for 5 rooms.

After debating with myself for a bit, I decided the Perpetual was a higher priority. Knowing how these things go the Favor cost would probably taper off because we can get Favor from intelligence matters and having a PA there on our dime means that we get the Favor for any intelligence that comes out.

And intelligence would come out more frequently if we had a Perpetual managing it instead of just basically putting out a line without any bait and hoping the fish bites it anyway.

I also want the Eshin Sorcery paper done while its still at 0. Its a pretty big deal

For Gambler...I think it might be helpful to crit on Johann's windsight development and also avoid things like aggravating his injury trying. While I considered putting it on the PA, it was ultimately deemed unneeded, the College had vetted them already and we're getting a fresh PA, mainly a blank slate.

I got the Linguistics experts because while we have a functional language, Mathilde had never really done any language teaching and she's learned languages mainly by genius osmosis, her teaching method may have something to improve.

And finally, while the coin saving can wait, I'd prefer to get it out of the way on a 'slack' turn than wait till the last minute. Sure, I could put in an extra paper writing, but the Reikspiel dictionary works better if we could Dictate it anyway, and thats easy to fit in next turn.

E: Any opinions on which of the runesmith options are better?
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Voting is open