Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Don't the Coin faces other than Gambler apply to the whole turn?
Yes, but lies with the Deceiver must be planned beforehand, at least in general.

And time for another iteration this time we translate the Eshin correspondence.
Perhaps there is a gem somewhere inside there for our Patriarch.

[] Plan: Spoken Queekish v3
-[][MAX] See if you can find more Queekish within those books: All Under-Karagril Clan Moulder books not bound in leather or written on vellum or parchment. Awaiting translation.
-[][JOHANN] Study an artefact: Breathing apparatus, stolen from Clan Skryre
-[][DUCK] Johann's investigation into the ratling gun has hit a wall. See if you can help
-[][EIC] Put policies in place that local news should be collected and sent to you (rumour mill).
-[] Seek to build a stronger rapport with Qrech, and provide enough sources of mental stimulation that you can turn your attention elsewhere.
-[] Try to convince him outright to teach you spoken Queekish.
--[] Deceiver: Continue with the Gambit that teaching you Queekish continues to cause discontent in the Grey Order and of course the Grey Order itself already has Queekish...
-[] Travel to the Grey College and attend lessons there: Waystones and Waystone maintenance
-[] Investigate how the Vitae reacts to Dwarven magic-dampening Runes. (2 Dwarf favours)
-[] Wolf is fully grown and a Very Good Boy. Train him. (increases his intelligence, he may learn to speak Praestantia)
-[][PENTHOUSE] Have a gyrocopter landing pad built into your balcony.
-[][SERENITY] Translated Eshin correspondence on the Skaven Civil War (TIMELESS)
-[][COIN] The Deceiver: Skaven Gambit
Or, is it assumed that that stuff is going to get automatically detailed at the end of the turn?

Mathilde's going to go through them as part of the translation actions.

Understood, will you mind if I PM you a suggestion of how the Boon Vote might be structured in order to avoid an undue focus on finer details (which seems to have played a role in making the debate very messy and heated) and a focus on the higher concept behind the Boon instead?

Thanks for the offer, but I've already done a fair bit of thinking on the matter and have a plan in mind.
As I think we can't use the free serenity action for a dictate to Max, I hope there's generally agreement about spending one action dictating written Queekish, and then, as it's Fresh, using the Serenity action to write up Eshin sorcery. We might as well reinforce Mathilde's reputation as the Empire's go-to skaven expert.

As to Johann and the ratling gun, I think we should tell him to learn written Queekish, so he can read the books himself. We.'' be writing the reference material this turn anyway, so he can be the guinea pig for us to try it out on.
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Understood, will you mind if I PM you a suggestion of how the Boon Vote might be structured in order to avoid an undue focus on finer details (which seems to have played a role in making the debate very messy and heated) and a focus on the higher concept behind the Boon instead?

Onto turn plan thoughts

1. Job Actions

[ ] Seek to build a stronger rapport with Qrech, and provide enough sources of mental stimulation that you can turn your attention elsewhere.

I think this is a must, because we probably should avoid any further AP Sinks.

Qrech Gambits:
[ ] Convince Qrech that the Under-Empire has no way of knowing he's even alive, and that he should prioritize the comfort with which he will live the rest of his life.

This should have nice synergies with Rapport. We have facts to convincingly argue this point without resort to making lies via the Deceiver.

[ ] Queekish-Khazalid/Reikspiel Dictionary
- Max to receive Dictation. If I'm not wrong, this should be 1AP with Dictate to Max right?
- I think the main argument here is two fold: Kazalid or Reikspiel first, and whether we should try to fulfill both at once. I actually think we should pull in Linguistic experts from the Empire to ensure the quality of the Reikspiel dictionary because we have a game-changer on our hands.

2. Journeyman Maximilian de Gaynesford, Gold Wizard:
Dictation. Only question is, Khazalid or Reikspiel?

2.5 Magister Johann, Gold Wizard

[ ] JOHANN: Study an artefact: specify which.

Can Johann study the Clan Skyre technical library? If so, I'm all for this action.

3. Wizards of the Eight Peaks
[ ] DUCK: Johann's investigation into the ratling gun has hit a wall. See if you can help.

We do have a full library of Clan Skyre manuals and I do appreciate the value of Ratling gun research. We have the materials and Windsight to help him, though not the engineering expertise. And if we are going to have Johann to study the Clan Skyre Warlock Engineer Library, this action will definitely synergize with helping Johann's investigations.

3.5 EIC
[ ] Put policies in place that local news should be collected and sent to you (rumour mill).

I'm all for the rumor mill. Let's get our bearings about what's publically available within the EIC sphere of influence, and how far their rumor mill networks extend, before hiring handlers. Without that rumor mill of publically available information, I feel we are flying blind with our information network.

4. Personal Improvements

[ ] Travel to the Grey College and attend lessons there. Waystones
[ ] Travel to the Grey College and attend lessons there. Practical Diplomacy
[ ] Travel to the Grey College and attend lessons there. Assassination

I'm strongly tempted to suggest that we take two College classes this turn. I'm actually very reluctant to embark on research actions right now, because of the possibility they might turn out to be AP inefficient down the line depending on which Boon we choose.

5. Wolf

[ ] Wolf is fully grown and a Very Good Boy. Train him. (increases his intelligence, he may learn to speak Praestantia)

I'm actually for taking this Wolf Action, over AV research, for two reasons - we have underinvested in Wolf for too long, and this might be one of the keys needed to maximize our chances of getting down spoken Queekish.

6. Serenity

[] Brief observations on Eshin Sorcery

Time-sensitive and a very rare opportunity. No sense in putting it off I think.

7. Penthouse

[ ] Have a gyrocopter landing pad built into your balcony.

I didn't vote for the Gyrocopter hanger in the last vote because I wanted that landing pad.

8. Final thoughts.

Why am I not suggesting any AV research this turn? I feel that given the sheer length of the AV tech tree, it's a fools errand to sink turn after turn of effort into massive research projects like AV, or Theurgy, or Multi-wind, because it's always going to compete with other priorities set aside in previous turns in favor of it. I don't really think there's a way to realistically hold both the Loremaster job and pursuing those mega-personal research projects on a consistent basis, without some way of improving our research actions to AP efficiency. Higher AP efficiency per research action means that we would be able to actually make synergistic multi-action research action plans, as opposed to painfully squeezing AP turn by turn on single stages.

We have currently no options to do so as far as I can see, short of a Transcendental Boon. I invite anyone who thinks we have the means to show how we can solve the AP-Research Action problem otherwise.

I will leave it as that, but I feel I do need to explain why I'm not for any research plans until it's certain there is no way to do the equivalent of Room of Serenities on our Research Actions.
no AV no interest :lol:
I agree. I just don't think of it as sacrifice, I think of it as Mat fulling her duties. She went, in part, as Empire support. She is doing her job as a Grey magister, by helping the dwarves. I think using this favor for the Empire is a good idea, and if you think it won't generate Great Deeds or Grand Deeds or such with the Empire if we get any of those boons done, you are not thinking about everything.

It's essentially trading our Transcendental Dwarven Boon for several Major Empire Boons, while massively helping the Empire, and hopefully improving Dwarven/Empire relations.
Please do not reframe my argument. I never mentioned Deeds or rewards.
Initial thoughts:
[ ] MAX: Write a paper: specify which.
We have plenty of papers to work through.

[ ] JOHANN: Have him teach Adela what he knows of engineering.
[ ] JOHANN: Write a paper: specify which.

Upgrading Adela is appealing, but we do have our backlog to consider.

[ ] DUCK:
No great preference.

[ ] Put policies in place that local news should be collected and sent to you (rumour mill).
[ ] Start hiring handlers who can then start hiring informers and begin to collect non-public information.

Can we finally have the EIC action do the thing we voted to keep it for?

[ ] Add security measures to your Penthouse to prevent forcible entry.
We are good on rooms for the moment. Lets fortify the door.

[ ] Seek to build a stronger rapport with Qrech, and provide enough sources of mental stimulation that you can turn your attention elsewhere.
I would like to keep him without him being an action sink.

[ ] Convince Qrech that the Under-Empire has no way of knowing he's even alive, and that he should prioritize the comfort with which he will live the rest of his life.
Safest free option.

[ ] Write a paper: select which.
Queekish-Khazalid Dictionary
Queekish-Reikspiel Dictionary

Get these done.

[ ] Wolf is fully grown and a Very Good Boy. Train him. (increases his intelligence, he may learn to speak Praestantia)
Lots of utility. Critical for queekish, merely great if ignoring queekish.

[ ] Attempt to interest one of the currently present Runesmiths in the interaction between Runes and Vitae. (Will start at the top and work your way down)
[ ] Call in favours to get a specific Runesmith to examine the interaction between Runes and Vitae with you.

Time we got this started.

[ ] Attempt to deepen your skill with Enchantment (will be more difficult than studying it at the Grey College)
[ ] Travel to the Grey College and attend lessons there. (1 College Favour per class; 100gc can be paid instead for non-magical classes)
- power stones, enchanting, staff making

Needed for future AV research.
We should at most do one dictionary this turn and maybe none. I'm still convinced that learning spoken queekish is a good idea and Belegar thinks the project is important enough that we should just continue with it. Consider it this way, Belegar is likely to think we did a fantastic job even if we take 2-3 years on this given that it's never been achieved in over a thousand years.
[] Plan: Spoken Queekish and AV preliminary research done.
-[][MAX] See if you can find more Queekish within those books: All Under-Karagril Clan Moulder books not bound in leather or written on vellum or parchment. Awaiting translation.
-[][JOHANN] Study an artefact: Breathing apparatus, stolen from Clan Skryre
-[][DUCK] Johann's investigation into the ratling gun has hit a wall. See if you can help
-[][EIC] Put policies in place that local news should be collected and sent to you (rumour mill).
-[] Seek to build a stronger rapport with Qrech, and provide enough sources of mental stimulation that you can turn your attention elsewhere.
-[] Try to convince him outright to teach you spoken Queekish.
--[] Deceiver: Continue with the Gambit that teaching you Queekish continues to cause discontent in the Grey Order and of course the Grey Order itself already has Queekish...
-[] Travel to the Grey College and attend lessons there: Waystones and Waystone maintenance
-[] Investigate the exact circumstances required to induce a transformation.
-[] Wolf is fully grown and a Very Good Boy. Train him. (increases his intelligence, he may learn to speak Praestantia)
-[][PENTHOUSE] Have a gyrocopter landing pad built into your balcony.
-[][SERENITY] Translated Eshin correspondence on the Skaven Civil War (TIMELESS)
-[][COIN] The Deceiver: Skaven Gambit

basically the same as [B]LightLan[/B]'s plan but finishing of the preliminary research options instead of jumping the gun to runes.

if we want to get dwarfs involved we should do things in the proper order.
Fair. I prefered your plan version that used our writing action on the time sensitive paper rather then the timeless ones though.
Eh, we did not get to see much of that Skaven Sorcerer.

Only one single spell.

On the other hand I do not know of any Grey Order Wizard ever getting their hands on Eshin correspondence.
And there's no telling if it's time-sensitive or not unless we take a look at it.
I wonder if Mathilde gets bonuses from Windherder towards the Eshin Sorcery paper. I can see the insight into Dhar from the Liber Mortis helping, with appropriate obfuscation.
Yea I'm going to be voting against AV and any research project for the forseable future unless we get a serious investment in this projects it's a waste of time otherwise tbh. Not even if you're putting Ulgu tongs on the table. It's just not worth it to dip in once every 5 turns.

Eh, we did not get to see much of that Skaven Sorcerer.

It's not the spell that's important, it's the casting methodolgy, using Ulgu as a container.
No research efficiency, zero AV interest, zero Theurgy interest , zero Multi Wind interest, zero Bok interest. It isn't just AV, it's every other large scale research project moonshots, period. I consider them a giant AP sink, just because of the sheer length of the tech tree.
I fundamentally disagree, long tech trees have the best stuff at the end, that's why they are long.
I don't know about how the rest of the Wait faction feels, but I gotta tell ya, I definitely feel like I got egg on my face. Guess we're gonna choose what we want a lot sooner than I thought.