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@picklepikkl Edited to reflect changes. I also added in the bit about the Repeater because I didn't even consider that beforehand. Not a bad idea at all.
It was @TotallyNotEvil's and @Horium's, not mine, but yeah, I like it.@picklepikkl Edited to reflect changes. I also added in the bit about the Repeater because I didn't even consider that beforehand. Not a bad idea at all.
Boney specifically said that the difference between the various "not now" votes is "when he brings it up again":Personally I think a vote to wait amounts to a vote to never use it.
They give me an idea when to bring the matter up for a vote again.
I believe it is to hire a grandmaster to have a look at the design and performance of the gun and see if they can think of any improvements to it. Sort of like when we hired a dwarf to design the Niter Factory. As for what sort of improvements who knows. Maybe they will find a way to make it more reliable and lower maintenance. Or perhaps they will find a way to increase its accuracy or firepower even more. Or they may just say that it is a realy good gun and they cannot add anything without giving out guild secrets, which by itself would be good advertising I suppose.What does "have a go at it" mean? What's the grandmaster gonna do?
@BoneyM I know that you won't give us any onesided conclusions since voting for stuff based on our own judgement is how this whole game works, but can we anyway get some input on how the We feel about their various options, even if they are all varying forms of neutral?
Deciding on their fate without knowing how they see the situation feels weird and vaguely condescending to me.
To give an example of what I mean, during battle plans we always had various characters suggest various things with Mathilde either having the last word or just happening to be the tie breaker. But here all thoughts about the benefits of each option seem to cone solely from Mathilde's expert deduction and be mostly from the viewpoint of what's good for her king and country or what's practical in general. It reminds me a bit of well meaning colonialists, which definitely fits the time period and is beneficial for Mathilde's various mission statements, but is still something I would find cool to have Mathilde's personality steer away from.
I'm not sure why you were tagging me -- I've mostly been commenting on the Library vote and haven't really posted much about the We issue -- but you make a good point that a role where the We don't really contribute in a material way may not help with their integration. I will drop my vote for Scavenge the Gauntlet and just vote for hunting in the mountains.But! The dwarves have looked at the We as primarily a military ally.
If you do this, the We stop contributing to the Karak's defense, and turn into someone that has an endless debt to the dwarves. They go from independent, mostly, to totally dependent crafters and traders. This is great for exploting them and turning them into non-combatants, but less so for the We's ability to protect themselves and keep their hunting skills sharp, as well as keep in the dwarves good graces.
Remember, on a fundamental level, the dwarves don't need wealth. They don't need silk. They need bodies. They need fighters. The dwarves are already fabulously wealthy.
The Gauntlet would turn the We from an independent colony and part of the Karak that helps protect it, to civilians that make web and pay in silk for their protections, while humans and dwarves bleed. That's the problem, especially with a giant spider nest. They will grow. They will breed. They need to be a part of the defenses, not only to keep shedding joined blood to keep buying real connection and prestige with the dwarves, but to keep their own numbers in check.
The mountains will serve as scouts and take some attrition just from hunting dangerous stuff. The badlands would do the same, with less hunting, less silk, but more spilling of joined blood to protect the Karak.
I think the best option is those two, and letting the We trade silk for extra food they need to keeping hunting the badlands or patrolling the mountains and protecting the Karak. The We are perfect from that point of view. Like, if you tell them to hunt the mountains, you might get dwarven ranger spider-cavalry. Or at least the beginings of one. Or We saving rangers lives, both in the mountains or in the Badlands.
And that kind of bond will always be more stable and more valued, this joint shedding of blood to aid one another against mutual enemies, then any amount of gold and silk.
And it will keep the We in contact with the outside world, able to learn for themselves what goes on outside, instead of making them a permanent vassal state to the dwarves as civilian web-weavers.
I don't mind, and I don't think anyone does, if later, when they can think in multiple ways, we diversify. But the main way they contribute should include the basis of the alliance: The joint shedding of blood.
So that all the men and dwarves that are coming and are born in the coming years, see it as well. Remember, it's only once they started hunting skaven that the dwarves started seeing them as something more than monsters, and that's only the dwarves that live here. At some point, Belegar will need to sell the idea of Giant Spiders to the rest of dwarven kind. The news will get out.
It will be for the best if he can then point right at the spiders that hunt and fight and die against the same foes that beset his Kingdom. That is an argument that can not be debunked.
So @picklepikkl don't turn the We into a silk-farm gold-mill. It's patronizing to them and their survival and hunting skills, delitirious to future relations and the relations with new settlers and the rest of the dwarven and human nations (they have monsters in their home?!!! / Our monsters hunt Greenskins and Skaven!).
The We should grow. Not be confined and pidgeonholed to one role, just because it's the best role for them for the rest of this one Karak. It's not the best role for them or for the Karak in the long term.
Back of a napkin calculations tell me that's roughly equivalent to a modern day's relative value of livestock vs raw silk.Twice the weight in protein, or roughly eight times it in live animals.
That's is modern silk though. Not silk whose only currently known source is across a massive region known for killing almost everything that makes the mistake of wandering in.Back of a napkin calculations tell me that's roughly equivalent to a modern day's relative value of livestock vs raw silk.
Not only is K8P stupidly wealthy in money and resources thanks to the high king its the same for labour. In fact using the boon now for instance on the place of learning means the high king is involved in its construction giving another layer of incluence to the project.
Personally I think a vote to wait amounts to a vote to never use it.