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so I'm currently writing this on a folding chair

Ugh, folding chair, the breaker of backs and dreams. Can this get any worse?

with a keyboard in my lap

Apparently, it can.
What hope can a man have against such savagery?

mouse on a square of cardboard on top of a bedside table.

That sounds surprisingly okay. Is the cardboard smooth at least?

Still better than a touchscreen.

All my yes.
To be fair, our armies' march across K8P was indeed slow and steady (basically walking pace, really) - we just didn't stop or face any serious resistance at any point.
And there was resistance at a number of points, IIRC. Mors put up a decent fight for the undercitadel.
Nope. The advance through the Under-Citadel and Under-Caldera to just over the Trench were basically unopposed.
The unexpected blitz from above takes the few defenders remaining by complete surprise, and their entire line of defence collapses almost at once,
The advance on the Caldera was even more unopposed than the conquest of the Under-Citadel, as guard post after guard post dissolves away at the first sign of your vanguard to scamper back to the Trench

The actual battle over the Trench caused casualties, but the battle itself could be summarized as "K8P forces advance under fire while trading projectiles, smash the front rank of Stormvermin when they reach them, the pincer force makes itself known, and the skaven rout".

The Trench itself was also very easy after Mathilde softened it up.
By the time the Throng of Karak Azul marched down the spiralling ramp, the closest thing there was to resistance were those curled up into balls or wandering dazed through the tunnels, their minds completely addled by fear and Ulgu.

There was never any point where a front had fighting for more than two updates, and that's only if you count the chokepoint leading into the Trench and the Trench itself as the same.

It was quick in terms of sieges, yes, but as battles go it was pretty much the dwarfs moving forward at a marching pace and putting all of the enemies out of their misery.
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While I think that the posts should be left in place, I suggest that the holiday turn fragments be collated into one post for themselves or as part of a bigger post, if that isn't already the intent? Just for less threadmarks :)
Does anybody ever suggest going fast and unsteady? XD
During the early parts of the war turns? Yeah. There were a lot of people worrying that given plans weren't moving fast enough; or, conversely, that the plan that was in the lead was moving fast and unsteady. It was a source of great stress to a bunch of people.

Worked out in the end, though.
During the early parts of the war turns? Yeah. There were a lot of people worrying that given plans weren't moving fast enough; or, conversely, that the plan that was in the lead was moving fast and unsteady. It was a source of great stress to a bunch of people.

Worked out in the end, though.
I still love that we were planning on lecturing on orc magic, and had to delay it by like a day to deal with a mob of one million greenskins.
There were a lot of people worrying that given plans weren't moving fast enough; or, conversely, that the plan that was in the lead was moving fast and unsteady.
There was a lot of pushing of the "don't look, just leap" sort about that first scouting turn, as I recall.

Which lead into a pretty stupid fight over whether Mathilde should just head back with the info or risk pushing for more while she was there.

(The vote options weren't stupid; there were decent arguments both ways. There were also quite a few arguments that were anything but.)
You know technically speaking it has taken over two months to do the plan. And for most of those two months we were getting steady updates and snippets. So actualy in a meta sense the plans name was quite accurate.
We really haven't done much to fight that reputation for walking into fortresses and the fortresses just falling, have we?
We were not nearly as successful with the red fang orcs. We killed their leader and a bunch of the next few leaders, but they still were able to put up a determined fight. Orcs are still ready and willing to fight even if we kill all their leaders. They were not that organized, but orcs never are.
We were not nearly as successful with the red fang orcs. We killed their leader and a bunch of the next few leaders, but they still were able to put up a determined fight. Orcs are still ready and willing to fight even if we kill all their leaders. They were not that organized, but orcs never are.
Not never, just very rarely.

When they are, get things like Gorbad Ironclaw.
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