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As for dwarfs, Asur care not because they like them (they very much don't) but because they have much to lose and very little to gain by backing Marienburg in the potential Marienburg VS Empire + Barak Varr war.
I mean, it also wouldn't be the full Empire. Luitpold couldn't even drum up the forces to send a conventional army to kill some undead, I doubt the provinces will be any more eager or less busy when the matter is about fighting Marienburg and the Elves.

And it seems unlikely to me that Barak Varr would be able to support a force traveling around the whole of Estalia, Tilea, and Bretonnia to attack Marienburg from the sea. I suppose they could send smaller ships up the Empire's rivers, but not before the canal is complete, and even then, I think Marienburg would have the advantage there from numbers.
Funny thing, actually, but I was looking back over that, and noticed this:

That was a piety roll, by Mathilde, in a desperate attempt to do something. That was OUR effort, to do something. It only failed because our faith wasn't GOOD enough. Not because Ranald failed, but because Mathilde did. And only barely, too. The way I see it, we prayed hard enough to get Ranald in the room, but when he tried to act, it just wasn't enough, so he did the only thing he could do, which was comfort us. The saddest thing about that is that Mathilde managed that much when she wasn't even a priest, but Sigmar didn't even show up when his own fully ordained agent tried calling to him.
I bet if we had succeeded that roll a Shallyan Priestess would've run into the room out of nowhere.
Would they care? No. Would they be dumb enough to save the fool who did the thing to the Dwarves? Hell no.
Yes, but that quickly escalates things from one hold vs Marienburg to all the Dwarves vs the elves dumb enough to give the dwarves an excuse to kill more elves.

Dwarves allready have a grudge against the High Elves, and a bad one at that. There is literally nothing the elves can do to worsen their diplomatic position with the dwarfs or to give the dwarfs a bigger excuse for killing them.
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I hope everyone is having a wonderful day. I've been away from this quest while Boney's been off, and thought I'd just stop in, and say hi!

That is all! ^_^
Look, me and Ranald might have some problems, but I think both of us can agree that stealing Thorgrim's beard would be a great idea.

As for why the So-called Deity of Protectors(R a n a l d) would approve (since he doesn't stand to benefit from it), let me remind you that it not only would be a hilarious theft against a lawful authority figure, Thorgrim also left a ton of civilians to die. Either reason would not be enough on its own, but together...
I mean, it also wouldn't be the full Empire. Luitpold couldn't even drum up the forces to send a conventional army to kill some undead, I doubt the provinces will be any more eager or less busy when the matter is about fighting Marienburg and the Elves.

And it seems unlikely to me that Barak Varr would be able to support a force traveling around the whole of Estalia, Tilea, and Bretonnia to attack Marienburg from the sea. I suppose they could send smaller ships up the Empire's rivers, but not before the canal is complete, and even then, I think Marienburg would have the advantage there from numbers.
Can they support one Grey Wizard taking a brief sabbatical from her duties as Loremaster? :p
I wasn't aware Barak Varr had a Grey Wizard Loremaster to allocate. :)

This complete hypothetical really isn't likely to land anywhere near the top of Mathilde's concern list. Not everything is up to her just because she's the protagonist.
No, if we're dealing with squabbling, meddling provinces thousands of miles away, we're more likely to be tied up with Middenheim vs Norland, Ulrican-Sigmarite machinations, because they've just knocked on our door and we answered.
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Dwarves allready have a grudge against the High Elves, and a bad one at that. There is literally nothing the elves can do to worsen their diplomatic position with the dwarfs or to give the dwarfs a bigger excuse for killing them.
Dwarves have a grudge against elves, yes. They don't have a Grudge anymore though (that was struck out when they took the Phoenix King's crown), which is why the War of Vengeance isn't still ongoing. No matter how much the elves would like to stick it to some dwarves, Finubar (and other elves with good sense) is very much in the "I would like exactly zero more War of the Beard scale engagements with the Karaz Ankor, please and thank you."
Dwarves have a grudge against elves, yes. They don't have a Grudge anymore though (that was struck out when they took the Phoenix King's crown), which is why the War of Vengeance isn't still ongoing. No matter how much the elves would like to stick it to some dwarves, Finubar (and other elves with good sense) is very much in the "I would like exactly zero more War of the Beard scale engagements with the Karaz Ankor, please and thank you."

Oh, I actually didn't know that distinction in lore, seeing as all I know from WHF is from this quest and some wiki articles. Fair enough then, it would be stupid for elves to intervene.
I wasn't aware Barak Varr had a Grey Wizard Loremaster to allocate. :)
Given that k8p owes a lot to Barak Varr, a prince (I'm not sure where he stands in the inheritance line) and the said loremaster happens to be the majority owner of a company heavily invested in the sucess of the channel, yes, they very likely do have one.

I mean, any major conflict of Barak Varr will see participation from a k8p expeditionary force (barring extreme circumstances preventing it), and both Gotri and Mathilde are very likely to be a part of it, as they have great strategic mobility (so 'expeditionary' part actually works) and have personal stakes in the conflict.
Seriously though, I'm rather surprised that Dieter 4 hasn't retroactively been excommunicated and declared a heretic by both Ulrikadins and Sigmarites, giving a Casus Belli for a both political and religious retaking of Marienburg.
Then again, I suppose no Emperor has had enough clout to convince the religious leaders of such since Magnus.
Seriously though, I'm rather surprised that Dieter 4 hasn't retroactively been excommunicated and declared a heretic by both Ulrikadins and Sigmarites, giving a Casus Belli for a both political and religious retaking of Marienburg.
Then again, I suppose no Emperor has had enough clout to convince the religious leaders of such since Magnus.
They likely would prefer to wait for the elves to be distracted by something. Or there is some other plan in the works. Or they are just plain too busy themselves.
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Given that k8p owes a lot to Barak Varr, a prince (I'm not sure where he stands in the inheritance line) and the said loremaster happens to be the majority owner of a company heavily invested in the sucess of the channel, yes, they very likely do have one.

I mean, any major conflict of Barak Varr will see participation from a k8p expeditionary force (barring extreme circumstances preventing it), and both Gotri and Mathilde are very likely to be a part of it, as they have great strategic mobility (so 'expeditionary' part actually works) and have personal stakes in the conflict.
also, I am going to assume that BoneyM is going to force us out of the peaks for adventures every so often. just because it will get boring to GM one, relatively peaceful, place when there are so many interesting garbage fires all around us.
I mean, it also wouldn't be the full Empire. Luitpold couldn't even drum up the forces to send a conventional army to kill some undead, I doubt the provinces will be any more eager or less busy when the matter is about fighting Marienburg and the Elves.

And it seems unlikely to me that Barak Varr would be able to support a force traveling around the whole of Estalia, Tilea, and Bretonnia to attack Marienburg from the sea. I suppose they could send smaller ships up the Empire's rivers, but not before the canal is complete, and even then, I think Marienburg would have the advantage there from numbers.

Ah, but subjugating Marienburg has an enormous and immediate economical payoff, while killing some undead beyond the conventional borders of the Empire doesn't. Hence, Elector-Counts would be far more motivated. Not to mention that dwarf "material aid" being a convincing argument by itself.

Barak Varr has sea-going ironclads, and will likely find friendly ports in Tilea and Bretonnia.
Ah, but subjugating Marienburg has an enormous and immediate economical payoff, while killing some undead beyond the conventional borders of the Empire doesn't. Hence, Elector-Counts would be far more motivated. Not to mention that dwarf "material aid" being a convincing argument by itself.
Also, our maybe-bestie is the empress, and she's already mentioned retaking Marienburg if they offer a pretense. If she goes for the same style of planning as Mathilde, and from what we've seen that's pretty plausible, then there might already be some ground work being laid. IRL the dice will probably have their say on how much of that happened, but there's a pretty good justification in-game for a strong response.

In a only somewhat related sidenote: Mathilde's style of planning rather reminds me of Vetinari. This is pleasing. Some quotes:
After all, you couldn't plan for every eventuality, because that would involve knowing what was going to happen, and if you knew what was going to happen, you could probably see to it that it didn't, or at least happened to someone else. So the Patrician never planned. Plans often got in the way. (J)
'…what the wise man cannot change he must channel.' (UA)
'We play and are played and the best we can hope for is to do it with style.' (UA)
Seriously though, Vetinari is how you expect a Grey Wizard to run a city. It's kind of amazing.
I'm aware they have ships that are perfectly sea-worthy. No-one other than the Dwarfs use steam-ships, so I'm not sure how helpful those ports can be.
If nothing else, it shortens the supply lines for food and coal.
Also, our maybe-bestie is the empress, and she's already mentioned retaking Marienburg if they offer a pretense. If she goes for the same style of planning as Mathilde, and from what we've seen that's pretty plausible, then there might already be some ground work being laid. IRL the dice will probably have their say on how much of that happened, but there's a pretty good justification in-game for a strong response.

In a only somewhat related sidenote: Mathilde's style of planning rather reminds me of Vetinari. This is pleasing. Some quotes:

Seriously though, Vetinari is how you expect a Grey Wizard to run a city. It's kind of amazing.

If nothing else, it shortens the supply lines for food and coal.
Terry Pratchett was a smart guy,

I miss the days of finding him randomly in the Pav and sitting down to have a drink with him.
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