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@BoneyM i very vaguely remember there being something about two separate social actions with Belegar, or was that ruled as something else? Can you clarify?
Did he like the ale and spell creation lore? It might be cool to get a glimpse at how the art of creating spells has changed over the years.

That'd be a lot of world-building I'd have to do pretty much from scratch for a single social action.

@BoneyM i very vaguely remember there being something about two separate social actions with Belegar, or was that ruled as something else? Can you clarify?

If someone can find that post to jog my memory, I'll add whatever the second one was.
Any chance of an odd old Longbeard hanging around our tower, who wants to know as much about it (and our intentions towards the dwarves) as possible?
[x] King Belegar, as he scrambles to deal with having very suddenly accomplished his dream.
[x] Roswita, as she campaigns through Hunger Wood.
[x] Anton, to see how his firearm factory is going.

I actually like Roswita for some reason. Anton is almost a cinnamon roll. And belebro's mandatory IMO.
Couldn't give you a post, but I think it was split between reactions to K8P being reconquered, and joining him to go visit Thorgrim. Also, is There a reason Kragg's not an option?

Oh, right. I've been considering it and it doesn't really fit for Mathilde to be brought along on what would be such a sensitive and potentially catastrophic meeting between two kings.

Kragg's not an option because he's so often an autopick when he is available, and there haven't really been new developments with him.
[x] King Belegar, as he scrambles to deal with having very suddenly accomplished his dream.
[x] Roswita, as she campaigns through Hunger Wood.
[x] Anton, to see how his firearm factory is going.

I actually like Roswita for some reason. Anton is almost a cinnamon roll. And belebro's mandatory IMO.
Moratorium is in effect.
[ ] Max, during the few breaks in the silence as the two of you worked on Queekish in the Room of Serenity.

Considering the Max interrupt was the source for an altered result that gave Waaagh and Peace I think we should pick this one.
Oh, right. I've been considering it and it doesn't really fit for Mathilde to be brought along on what would be such a sensitive and potentially catastrophic meeting between two kings.

Kragg's not an option because he's so often an autopick when he is available, and there haven't really been new developments with him.
Well, can't argue with that, though I do hope we, the players, get to see something at least. But eh, it's your call.
In the meantime, I'm probably going to roll with Belegar, Roswita, either Anton or Heidi—is she even a choice?—and then Gretel, because I'd be interested in following up on that conversation we had after nuking the Waaagh, and if any of our ducklings would be a good fit to inherit the Liber Mortis, it would probably be her. Also, she's just my favorite duckling in general.
[X] King Belegar, as he scrambles to deal with having very suddenly accomplished his dream.
Obvious pick is obvious.

[X] Francesco Caravello, proud leader of the Undumgi and possible future Thane.
Just two Thanes hanging out. I'd love to see a discussion between Mat and Francesco. His strait man game is strong. "Oh this? This is just my dragon skill reading chair. Don't touch. It doesn't bite. Probably."

[X] Wilhelmina, to see how she's going when she's not a terrifying financial juggernaut.
Preferably, "Seriouslly, Wil, you need to solve your heir problem."

Mat still has poor how about "Running into old friends/rivals?" @BoneyM

Way back when, Mat botched her rolls for contacting people back the college, and all but rubbed in their face how she was Spymaster for an Elector Count. Now she's back, holding lectures. It'd be nice to see someone from the old life, not like a whole group, but maybe one person from the wayback machine that was in town for the Lectures and heard about it and decided to be the bigger person and forgive Mat her low Diplo/Social ineptitude. Maybe her roommate from the Apprentice/child days.

[X] Sir Ruprecht Wulfhart, leader of the frontier town of Ulrikadrin.
Principled people are so rare.
[ ] Sir Ruprecht Wulfhart, leader of the frontier town of Ulrikadrin.
we are about to go kick over an ant hill with the Ar-ulric, I wanna make sure we at least touch base with the Ulrikadrin first.
[ ] Wilhelmina, to see how she's going when she's not a terrifying financial juggernaut.
I miss her and want to get together and play pinnacle and get a mani pedi.
[ ] Barak Varr, to watch the progress of the canal.
A mani pedi we have on a gunboat while EIC Mercenaries and Dwarves reduce a Skaven encampment into very small furry pieces.
[ ] Soizic, military leader of the Undumgi.
Only other Lady Knight in k8p, we have so much fun with her apocrypha stories Id really enjoy some real screen time for her.
The Vitae is weird. It is both subject to laws of physics and laws of warp nonsense, and you can hardly tell when which will apply.

Huh. So Gretel wants to make K8P her home? That's interesting. I think we should talk to her, see if she sees it as something permanent.
I mean a hundred year lease is pretty permanent for a human.
[X] The Amber College, to see how your donation of Lustrian eggs is going.
[X] King Belegar, as he scrambles to deal with having very suddenly accomplished his dream.
[X] Roswita, as she campaigns through Hunger Wood.
No. The exact effect of their interest in aligning themselves with Dwarven interests will take place over the coming years.

Do you have a topic in mind for this conversation?
Question: would the We be a viable social option? Not really to teach, but to get to know each other better as people. See how they're doing, see if they have any kind of interests or curiosities beyond hunting, shelter, and growing, etc.

[X] The Amber College, to see how your donation of Lustrian eggs is going.
[X] King Belegar, as he scrambles to deal with having very suddenly accomplished his dream.
[X] Roswita, as she campaigns through Hunger Wood.
[X] Wilhelmina, to see how she's going when she's not a terrifying financial juggernaut.
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